
Soulmate Markings

Soulmate Au, Where almost everyone is born with a soulmate and a soul-mark, at first the mark is pure white but as the relationship between the soulmates change so does the mark. Bakugou is a boy who's traumatized by the loss of his dad and the pain it left his mother, he never wants to feel like that, ever. He decides he's better off without a soulmate, until a Bi-colored beauty walked into his life. Todoroki is a boy who's also been deeply traumatized and just wants to be loved, truly loved. Todoroki wants to find his soulmate, learning his parents weren't soulmates and witnessing the terrible relationship between his mother and father he decides he won't ever get married unless it's to his soulmate . What happens when the two collide? Can Todoroki open Bakugou's heart to love or will he end up being more alone then he already is? there will be other ships but todobaku is the main one

suga_shii · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 11

-3rd person pov-

Two weeks gradually passed in a blink of an eye and the day that Todoroki was dreading was quickly approaching. He wished nothing more for this dinner to just disappear... he was scared. He was scared his father would snatch Bakugou away in a blink of an eye and that he would be left in the suffocating darkness once again and he hated every minute of it. He was currently sitting in front of his glamorous marble mirror located in his walk-in closet that was actually roughly the size of Bakugo's bedroom but neither of them knew that just yet.

Todoroki was currently fixing his tie admiring his slicked-back hair... he hoped Katsuki would like it. Todoroki was curious, to say the least, he's only ever heard stories about Bakugou's mother and they were always amusing. Mina had once told him that Bakugou and his mother were practically identical so Todoroki had no doubt that she would be absolutely stunning.

Mina had also mentioned that when the two were together it was as if constant buzzers were going off because no one could understand a thing the two were saying whilst yelling at each other. This was also something he was looking forward too. He just hoped that everything would run smoothly but he knew that wouldn't be the case because he also knew his father and his father was practically evil incarnate.

Meanwhile, at the Bakugou residence, Katsuki was sitting in his living room impatiently waiting for his mother to come down so they could have a "talk" Katsuki had his hair down instead of his usually spiked due he was also wearing a black suit with a red tie to bring out his eyes although he would never admit Katsuki was definitely fashionable and cared a lot about how clothes looked on him and who could blame him?

His mother was a fashion designer she practically taught Bakugou how to fashionably dress himself the moment he could walk and he was silently grateful she had because even when Bakugou went through his emo phase he could still dress himself without having to look like a Dracula wannabe. The clock was ticking and he desperately needed to talk to his mother because even though Shoto's dad was an asshole he was still Shoto's dad and at the very most he didn't want Shoto's dad to have an even worst impression of him than what he had already had.

"MOM HURRY THE HELL UP!" Katsuki had finally grown impatient enough to yell at her and only seconds passed before she showed herself and Katsuki couldn't help but smirk. His mother was gorgeous and he knew that in fact, his biggest flex as a child was that he could say that he had a hot mom but overtime he actually hated how that sounded when other people said it so instead he told people he had an extremely overwhelming mother who cared deeply about her son. Katsuki never told his old hag that and he for sure wouldn't do that now!

Even though Katsuki never acted like it he really did love his mother and his mother for sure knew that... the way they expressed it would be shocking to anyone else but for the two it was normal. Katsuki was happy to have such an incredibly strong mother and Mitsuki was proud to have such an explosive son who she knew was actually just a big softie.

"KATSUKI DONT YELL AT ME! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TAKES TO LOOK THIS FABULOUS?!" Mitsuki yelled at her son before he simply sighed and rubbed his temples " Mom I need to talk to you before we head over to the Todoroki household..." This caught Mitsuki's attention... If Katsuki felt it was necessary then it was definitely important. Mitsuki simply nodded before Katsuki continued

"Shoto doesn't have a great relationship with his dad.... he kind of hurt his mom and he's definitely an asshole... BUT I still want you to be on your best behavior!" It took Mitsuki a minute to process this... Shoto's dad hurt his mom did katsuki mean he used to beat her?! From what she remembered when Katsuki had talked to her a week ago he had told her that his dad was rude and a complete asshole and that Shoto wanted nothing more than to simply erase him from his life.

This struck something in Mitsuki in a way it amused her. She always loved bringing assholes down from their little pedestals and although she hoped she didn't have to do it to this Endeavor guy she really wasn't going to overlook it if he said something that irked her. Katsuki had asked her to be on her best behavior and Katsuki rarely asked for anything so of course, she would honestly try for him to not let her explosive anger get the best of her.

" oh calm down Katsuki it's just dinner with your boyfriend's family! You just better hope that he isn't an asshole to me because we all know I won't take shit from anybody." Katsuki merely groaned a response before they both made their way to his mother's car.

The drive there was chaotic, as usual, the both were yelling a conversation rather than talking but the two didn't really seem to mind. Mitsuki thought this would be a great time to talk to her son and actually have a heartfelt conversation. This wasn't new,  when the two wanted too they could talk to their heart's content.

That was what Katsuki loved about his mother one minute they were yelling at each other and the next they were having deep conversations with each other. Others might think the two were bi-polar but in reality, they just had that much of a close relationship.

"Sooooo You and Shoto? You haven't really talked about him with me yet..." Mitsuki drummed her fingers on the steering wheel while Katsuki looked out the window trying his best to hide his flushed face which Mitsuki didn't miss. "I just didn't want to bother you with my stupid teenage problems..." Mitsuki sighed. Katsuki was always doing that... never wanting to bug his mother because she was always so busy.

"Well, I wanna hear about it now!" Mitsuki said rather loudly. Katsuki turned his head to face his mother before asking " well what do you wanna know?" This made Mitsuki smile she always loved these conversations with her son. " What's he like?" She asked curiously. In all honesty, she didn't know much about Shoto other than that she was indebted to him for bringing out the warm side of Katsuki that he kept hidden after his father died.

Katsuki clicked his tongue in annoyance before flatly stating " He's annoyingly clingy and extremely cocky. He constantly has to but into my business and my life. He always does something without asking and then says it's easier to beg for forgiveness rather than ask or something like that!"

Katsuki paused for a moment and began twiddling with his thumbs before continuing " but he's kind and smart and he always finds some dumb way to make me smile. I've honestly never met somebody so dumb when it comes to day to day things but yet so academically smart. He's honest and charming and stupidly good looking like a Greek God it's honestly sometimes angering how he can look so good WITHOUT ANY FRICKING EFFORT!"

Katsuki and Mitsuki both began to laugh before Katsuki continues once more " He's honestly perfect mom. Sure he's got his issues but I've got mine... It's kinda weird because I never thought I could bond this way with somebody... OH AND DID I MENTION HIS FREAKING SOULMARK TAKES UP HALF MY FUCKING BACK LIKE WHAT THE HELL?!" This causes Mitsuki to let out another thunderous laugh and Katsuki wasn't too far behind her.

Mitsuki wipes the tears that were forming in her eyes with one of her hands before gently stating " He sounds amazing Katsuki...." Katsuki smiles before speaking once more " yeah well he's definitely crazy for liking somebody like me WAIT?! DO YOU THINK HE'S A MASOCHIST?!" Katsuki turns to his mother wide-eyed before his mother blankly stared at her son.... he was known to be very violent...so was Shoto a masochist?! 

Mitsuki just shook her head before letting out a chuckle " I don't know and I never want to know" Katsuki let out an airy laugh. After a couple of moments, it had grown quiet. It wasn't an awkward silence it was more of a comfortable silence. The only thing that could be heard was the thrashing rock music the two were jamming out too in their head. After roughly around 15 minutes they spotted the gigantic mansion they assumed was Todoroki's due to the massive golden lettering on the front gate that read "TODOROKI" The two of them looked at each other wide-eyed before Mistuki yelled and threw her hands up joyfully.

" HE'S GONNA MARRY A RICH MAN! MY SON IS GOING TO BE FILTHY RICH!" Katsuki simply sighed before slapping his forehead. He had known Todoroki was wealthy... I mean how could he not the man only carried 100 dollar bills. Moments passed and the black gate opened revealing an extremely long driveway and if Katsuki squinted his eyes hard enough he could spot a peppermint in the distance which he knew was no one other then his Shoto Todoroki. He felt his heart begin to swell and all of a sudden he was extremely nervous about this dinner and how it would play out.

Minutes passed and they had finally made it to the front of the house where he could now clearly see Shoto outside of the car window. Shoto opened the door and flashed Katsuki a warm smile instantly taking in the image displayed in front of him like a breath of fresh air

"You look .... breathtaking" Todoroki mindlessly mumbled out immediately turning a bright shade of red. Katsuki let out a small laugh before getting out of the car and plopping a light kiss on Shoto's cheek. He then turned his head to whisper in his ear " you don't look too bad yourself~" This caused Shoto to turn a new shade of red that I'm pretty sure didn't even classify as red anymore.

" You must be Shoto" Mitsuki interrupted bringing Shoto out of his daze. WOAH. Mina was right Katsuki really did look like him mom Shoto thought to himself before making his way to gently kiss Mitsuki's hand " It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Bakugou" Mistuki smiled and said " Such a gentleman! and oh please call me mom!" Todoroki smirked and Bakugou slammed his face on the car door earning a laugh from both Mitsuki and Shoto.

Somebody cleared their throat rather loudly and when the three turned around their stood Endeavor alongside Shoto's siblings Fuyumi, Dabi, and Natsuo. Mitsuki eyed Endeavor closely... oh this is gonna be fun she thought to herself. Shoto quickly introduced everyone while Mitsuki and Katsuki nodded and introduced themselves rather quickly. " Well if we're done with all these pointless introductions let's get started." Endeavor stated flatly.

Katsuki turned to look at his mother who was already clenching her fist and trying her best to form a smile but her twitching eye kinda gave it away. He gently placed his hand on her shoulder which almost instantly calmed Mitsuki down. Shoto grabbed Katsuki's hand before they all made their way to what the Todoroki's called a dining room. which in reality was an actual FUCKING RESTAURANT!

Katsuki glanced around his eyes practically bulging out of his head while Todoroki admired how cute his little kitten looked. Mitsuki on the other hand was dancing in her head admiring the giant room.

Everybody sat down at the table, Endeavor on one end and Mitsuki on the other. Beside her on the right side was Katsuki and next to him was Shoto. Fuyumi was the closest to her Father while Dabi sat on the left side of Mitsuki and Natsuo sat in between Dabi and his father.

At first, the dinner was quiet but Mitsuki quickly changed that by telling Shoto the most embarrassing stories about Katsuki. This of course made him want to strangle his mother but he simply couldn't do that due to the fact he was nearly about to pounce Endeavor due to the dirty looks he was sending Katsuki's way. Katsuki looked away reminding himself to not let Endeavor bait him and that's when he noticed the boy in front of him. He looked rather familiar Katsuki thought.

"Is there something of my face?" Dabi chuckled looking up from his meal. Normally people would look away or become flustered but no that just wasn't how Katsuki did things. He continued to glare at Dabi intensely squinting his eyes instantly gaining the attention of everyone. " Katsuki quit staring!" Mitsuki smacked her son's arm lightly but Katsuki didn't budge. They all stared at him while he stared intensely at Dabi until finally, he spoke.

" You look familiar.." Katsuki continued to glare before Todoroki interrupted by simply stating " Oh! That's because he goes to our school Kat!" Todoroki let out an awkward chuckle along with everyone else before Dabi smiled and said: " Yeah I'm a senior at your school so that's why I look familiar to you!" Everyone expected Katsuki to stop glaring but no. The glaring intensified.

" He's so dumb he can't even recognize a fellow student. Shoto you should really reconsid-" before Endeavor could finish insulting Katsuki. Katsuki quickly shushed him " SHHHH I'm thinking" Endeavor glared and angrily stated " listen here you little-" Katsuki then turned towards Endeavor and help up a finger to his mouth " I SAID SHHH" He then turned again towards dabi earning laughs from everyone around the table well that is everybody but Endeavor

One last time Katsuki glared at Dabi until he quickly sat up and pointed at him immediately taking Dabi by surprise and almost causing him to choke on his food. " I GOT IT!" Katsuki smirked before continuing " You look like me when I first tried on goth makeup!" He then folded his arms and sank back down in his seat satisfied he was able to put two and two together.

Mitsuki on the other hand let out a booming laugh. She remembered when Katsuki first tried on his goth makeup...IT WAS TERRIBLE!. Katsuki looked like a raccoon had possessed his body and rolled around in shit multiple times and now that it was brought to Mistuki's attention she couldn't help but see Emo Katsuki in Dabi. The others started laughing including Dabi who didn't know if he was just insulted or complimented but he figured maybe he just shouldn't know.

Endeavor sighed in disappointment before angrily stating " Shoto I think it's best you get somebody.... more suitable for you." Shoto twitched at his father's comment and was about to argue but it seemed somebody had beat him to the chase. OH, how Mitsuki was just begging for this to happen. God, she could barely contain herself!

" Excuse me?" Mitsuki flatly stated. Endeavor locked eyes with Mitsuki the tension immediately filling the air around them. " Truthfully I called this dinner to have a simple conversation with you. I had no plans of welcoming Shoto's distraction into my family." If it hadn't been for the fact that Mitsuki actually put on a rather fabulous dress she didn't want to waste on bringing down an overgrown gorilla she would've jumped Endeavor right there and then but, she was wearing the fabulous dress so she figured she should take it easy on Endeavor... just this once of course.

"What exactly did you have in mind?" Mitsuki said lowly. Katsuki looked wide-eyed at his mom... WHAT THE HELL WAS SHE DOING?! Katsuki innerly panicked. " I want your son to stay away from my son. I'll pay you quarterly of course. All you have to do is keep your little mutt away from shoto." Endeavor boomed. Shoto's eyes went wide he then stood up ready to yell before he was interrupted once again.

" Money you say?" Mitsuki smirked deviously. Endeavor continued to look at her before turning his eyes to eye Katsuki in disgust " Yes any sum you want." All eyes turned to face Mitsuki who never once let her eyes roam off of Endeavor. Like a predator cornering her prey. "Well in that case... 25 million" Katsuki slapped his forehead onto the table  meanwhile Shoto looked dazed his eyes had now become empty just as he feared... he was going to be left in the darkness once more.

Endeavor smirked and simply stated, " Okay done." He continued to stare at Mistuki before she spoke once more " wait. I wasn't done yet. I want you to quadruple the 25 million dollars." She smirked tauntingly. The tension had now become so stiff a knife could cut it. Endeavor simply stared at Mistuki while Mistuki drank her wine never backing down. Endeavor sighed deeply " Okay deal since you're cooperating so well." Mitsuki then clapped her hand together before happily stating " Okay now listen to what I'm going to say next it's very important!" Mitsuki smiled eerily before flatly stating " Now I want you to take that money..... and shove it up your ass."

Everyone gasped their eyes ready to pop out of their sockets including endeavor. Dabi then began laughing along with Shoto. Meanwhile, Mitsuki winked at Katsuki and smiled brightly at her son.

The laughter was quickly demolished when a loud thundering voice boomed " HOW DARE YOU!" Endeavor for up from his seat and angrily made his way towards Mitsuki. Mitsuki didn't move a muscle until Endeavor was a foot in front of her. Katsuki was about to intervene until Mitsuki simply nodded towards Katsuki signaling him to stay down.

" I INVITE YOU INTO MY HOME AND YOU DISRESPECT ME." Endeavor was now red in the face, he looked to be on the verge of exploding. Mitsuki on the other hand was a completely different story. She was checking out her nails and didn't at all looked to be frightened " Well then don't invite me into your home to disrespect you." This only seemed to anger Endeavor, even more, he hovered over Mitsuki trying his best to intimidate her which would have worked if it were anybody else, but Mitsuki wasn't just anybody else. She was a Fucking Bakugou! And she would be damned if she let this hot cheeto looking ass man insult her son.

" honey. You better get your face out of my face." Mitsuki said dangerously. Endeavor simply let out a laugh " What is a short ugly midget like you going to do?! Climb me?!" Katsuki was beginning to grow angry along with shoto who was about this close from throwing a knife at his dad. Mitsuki sighed " I guess It can't be helped..." She then kicked Endeavor where the sun doesn't shine, and sadly for endeavor she happened to be wearing her stiletto heels.

Endeavor toppled over instantly cursing at Mitsuki before Mitsuki put her finger under Endeavor's chin " God you have zero manners... Even Katsuki has better manner than you! AND THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING!" Shoto, Dabi, and Natsuo began laughing hysterically. Mitsuki was shaping out to be Shoto's and Dabi's Favorite person. " HEY!" Katsuki yelled towards his mother.

Mitsuki waved her hand freely " Oh calm down katsuki it was a compliment to you of course!" Mitsuki's bright aura quickly changed back to devious as she leaned into Endeavor's face and said " The next time I see you, you better hope I'm wearing something more fabulous then today. Otherwise, I'm taking your ass down." Endeavor simply stayed quite. Mitsuki took this as an opportunity and clapped her hands happily once again " Okay children! All those in favor of coming home with me so they don't have to stay with abusive daddy say 'aye'!" Shoto, Dabi, Fuyumi, and Natsuo all instantly said " aye"

Mitsuki smiled brightly and pulled Katsuki into a hug " YAY WE GET A SLEEPOVER KATSUKI!" Katsuki simply chuckled at his mother's actions before she once I again spoke " Come along children!" She then turned and they all looked down at their father cautiously before Endeavor spoke again " YOU CAN'T TAKE THEM! THAT'S KIDNAPPING!" Mitsuki turned slowly to face Endeavor once more before putting a finger to her cheek and winking a moment later " It's not kidnapping if they come of their own free will.... something they will have at my house by the way!"

Endeavor stared wide-eyed as his children all followed Mitsuki one by one. Quickly exciting the house leaving Endeavor furious and alone.

" OKAY CHILDREN GET IN THE CAR AND HURRY UP AND PUT ON YOUR SEATBELTS JUST IN CASE MAMA BAKUGOU HAS TO GO GRAND THEFT AUTO ON THE FREEWAY!" Mitsuki quickly jumped into the driver's seat immediately strapping on her seatbelt she waited a couple of moments for the others to get in safely.

Mitsuki practically zoomed out of the driveway and onto the freeway. It was quite until Dabi spoke up " Umm Mrs. You are my favorite human being ever!" Mitsuki smiled brightly and said " oh please! Call me mom or Mitsuki!" Dabi smiled before Fuyumi mumbles " Are you sure it's okay for us to stay with you?... we won't be a bother will we?" The four of the Todoroki sibling simply stared at Mitsuki waiting for a response " OH GOD NO! I have to put up with Katsuki which is like 8 of you combined! If anything I'm happy to have you stay with me as long as you want!"

Fuyumi feels tears threatening her eyes... it had been so long since somebody had been nice to her without being obligated too. Shoto smiled happily at Mitsuki along with Dabi and Natsuo who felt strangely relieved. The mood was calming that is until Katsuki yelled once again " OLD HAG WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM EQUIVALENT TO 8 PEOPLE?!" Mitsuki then whacks her son on the back of the head " OH HUSH KATSUKI CANT YOU SEE IM ADOPTING MORE CHILDREN?! YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO RUIN THE MOOD WITH YOUR YELLING!"

Katsuki growled and continued " YOU STARTED IT OLD HAG! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!" Mitsuki got quite before questionably asking " what was I thinking when I beat up endeavor or what was I thinking when I kidnapped his kids?" Bakugou just stared wide-eyed before yelling again " BOTH WOMAN!"

The four in the back anticipated a response... why had she done it? It was the million-dollar question that was ringing in everyone's head. Mitsuki smiled and simply said " I did it because he was being an asshole and because these children are obviously unhappy there... no woman with a motherly instinct could let children live like that!" Mitsuki eyed the back seat and smiled at the four. Everyone was shocked by Mistuki's response including Bakugou who took a moment before continuing he then turned around in his seat to look at the four of them and squinting his eyes  " I'm only going to say this once... DONT EAT THE POP TARTS IN THE PANTRY THOSE ARE MINE!"

The four stared at Katsuki before laughing abruptly, Shoto more than the others. Katsuki smiled before softly saying " Living in the Bakugou household isn't all that bad... we're just loud. sorry not sorry" Dabi and Natsuo smirked at each other before speaking " wait so you guys yell a lot" Katsuki smirks and simply says " Absolutely." Fuyumi and Shoto smack their foreheads while Dabi and Natsuo woohoo in the back seat those two were known to be rather chaotic... and now that Katsuki was involved... danger was near..

They reached the Bakugou household and all of them entered the modest home. The Bakugou household wasn't at all small in fact it was the biggest house in the neighborhood. It had three guest rooms along with Mitsuki's room and Katsuki's. Mitsuki clapped happily before showing Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Dabi to their room leaving Shoto with Katsuki.

" WAIT?! WHERE IS HE SUPPOSED TO SLEEP?!" Katsuki yelled towards his mother. Mitsuki turned around and fanned her hand in a dismissive manner " Where do you think he's going to sleep?"  Katsuki turned to look at Shoto his face now becoming a nice shade of pink while Shoto stared at Mitsuki in shock. " Yeah. He's sleeping on the couch!" Katsuki then turned away walking up to his room wanting to hide from embarrassment.

Shoto was still in shock... Him and Katsuki... IN THE SAME BED?! He was all of a sudden grateful to his impudent father for putting him in this situation. He was broken out of his thoughts when Mistuki coughed " Look I don't care if you do ..... activities but just don't do them so ... Loudly." Mitsuki turned to leave the moment she finished her sentence leaving Shoto in a state of confusion.

"Activities?" He muttered quietly. He decided it wasn't important enough to dwell on and slowly made his way in the direction he saw Katsuki leave in.  He was now in front of a room which he believed was Katsuki's. He took in a deep breath before lightly knocking on the door. The door swung open and there stood Katsuki in a black tank top and sweatpants.

Shoto couldn't help but scan over Katsuki's body, Due to the right clothing Katsuki was wearing Shoto could see Katsuki's curvy figure perfectly and it would be a lie to say he wasn't enjoying it. " you sleep on the left side.....and don't steal my blanket I get cold easily." Katsuki mumbles instantly turning away so Shoto wouldn't be able to notice his tinted cheeks.

Shoto watched Katsuki as he made his way to the bed and sat. His eyes never leaving Katsuki's small waist. He quickly broke out of his daze and entered Katsuki's room quickly closing the door behind him. Shoto looked around the room admiring it this was somehow different then from what he expected. Katsuki's room was clean and stylish. He admired Katsuki's walls which had many different types of band posters located on them.

"I left some clothes out for you... so you're comfortable..." Katsuki muttered and looked up at Shoto. Shoto simply nodded and took what looked to be a red tank and black sweats similar to what Katsuki was already wearing. Shoto smiled.... it was almost as if they were going to be wearing matching couple outfits! He quickly started to undress earning a yelp from the blonde " YOU IDIOT DONT JUST STRIP!"

Shoto turned to face Katsuki now confused " Then how am I supposed to change?" Katsuki's left eye twitched... like he said he's never meet somebody as smart and as equally stupid as Shoto Todoroki. The blonde groaned before turning over on the bed now having his back face Shoto. " Just....hurry up!" Katsuki yelled now hiding under the covers.

Shoto smiled and nodded not that it meant anything to Katsuki who couldn't see it due to the fact he was well... hiding. Shoto quickly changed into the tank and sweatpants and hesitatingly stared at the bed. He was nervous. Sure all they were doing was sleeping.... but he was still nervous. Katsuki poked his head out from under the covers only to be meet with Shoto intensely staring at the empty spot next to him.

Katsuki couldn't help but chuckle this caused Shoto to break out of his glare and look at Katsuki. Katsuki simply smiled warmly at Shoto before lifting the covers and yanking shoto down by the arm. Shoto forcefully closed his eyes and waited a moment before opening them. He was immediately meet with electrifying red orbs already staring back at him. Shoto instantly blushed before Katsuki mumbled " I know this was a shitty turn of events.... but I'm glad you're here..." Katsuki smiled gently before closing his eyes.

THAT'S IT! Shoto snapped. He instantly pulled Katsuki into an embrace earning a yelp of surprise from the blonde "w-what the hell a-are you doing?!" Katsuki hissed trying to push Shoto off of him but Shoto wouldn't budge. Shoto simply pulled back to look at Katsuki and said " I'm doing what people call cuddling." Katsuki felt the butterflies in his stomach start to churn. Shoto placed a light kiss on the blonde's forehead before mumbling " Good night kitten"

It only took moments for Shoto to fall asleep but that wasn't the case for Katsuki due to his rapid heartbeat that was threatening to give him a heart attack. He gently wiggled out of Shoto's embrace before getting up to turn off the lights and silently making his way back to his bed. Katsuki gently lifted the covers and stared at Shoto for a minute. The moonlight dripping into his room and gently bouncing off of Shoto's face.

Katsuki smiled gently before mumbling three silent words " I love you.." Katsuki then wiggled his way once more into Shoto's embrace before wrapping his arms softly around Shoto's back.

"Goodnight Sho" Was the only thing Katsuki remembered before dozing off into a peaceful slumber.