
Soulmate Markings

Soulmate Au, Where almost everyone is born with a soulmate and a soul-mark, at first the mark is pure white but as the relationship between the soulmates change so does the mark. Bakugou is a boy who's traumatized by the loss of his dad and the pain it left his mother, he never wants to feel like that, ever. He decides he's better off without a soulmate, until a Bi-colored beauty walked into his life. Todoroki is a boy who's also been deeply traumatized and just wants to be loved, truly loved. Todoroki wants to find his soulmate, learning his parents weren't soulmates and witnessing the terrible relationship between his mother and father he decides he won't ever get married unless it's to his soulmate . What happens when the two collide? Can Todoroki open Bakugou's heart to love or will he end up being more alone then he already is? there will be other ships but todobaku is the main one

suga_shii · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 13

-3rd person pov-

Morning came and the day thus started. Today was the day for the long-awaited trip and boy was everyone ready!

"STOP EATING MY MOTHER FUCKING POPTARTS YOU STUPID LOOKING RACOON!" Bakugou screeches at Dabi, Dabi who now looks like a deer caught in headlights simply smiles before slightly waving and running away with a poptart hanging out of his mouth.

Bakugou continues to glare in the direction Dabi took off before sighing and making his way to the pantry. Today he was going to be stuck in a 6-hour long car ride with 3 idiots and now he had to mentally prepare himself so he wouldn't murder anybody on the way there.

He could hear the sound of suitcases being hauled down the stairs and make out small conversations that were happening. Like for instance Dabi and Natsuo were yelling about whether or not the first song they should play is " make a man out of you" from Mulan or " WAP" by Cardi B, Bakugou looked over at the clock which read 7:27 he then sighed to himself... it was still too early to kill anyone just yet...

He could also hear the light conversation Fuyumi was making whilst talking to herself " Should I bring my books or not?!" He heard her groan before sighing and shutting the pantry.  He was now in a bad mood... why you ask? Dabi had finished his poptarts. His strawberry mother fucking, poptarts.

He continued to walk until he heard voices that belonged to none other than his dear mother and... Todoroki? (yeah I'm just gonna call them by last name now it's just easier for me hehe<3)

He heard them both whispering but he couldn't make out the conversation on what it was about, he decided he should just walk in and catch them in whatever they were talking about and so he did. Bakugou entered the living room to see Todoroki hauling his suitcase down the stairs along with his,  his mother handing him a keycard?

" Oi," Bakugou said now walking over to Todoroki " I can carry my own luggage icyhot" Bakugou then goes to pick up his luggage before placing it down next to him. Todoroki simply smiles at him and says " Yeah but we were leaving soon and I noticed that Dabi ate your last poptart so I figured I should help you out." Bakugou clenched his fist  DAMN THAT STUPID RACOON FOR EATING HIS LAST POPTART!

Bakugou grumbles before Todoroki reaches into his pocket and pulls out something before handing it to Bakugou " I figured he would do something like that so I made sure to take one last night just in case." Bakugou looked down at his hands which were now holding non-other than his delicious strawberry poptart. He looked up and looked at Todoroki who was now for some reason sparkling, Bakugou quickly opened the poptart before taking a huge bite and letting out a hum of satisfaction.

He continues to look at Todoroki who had an amusing smirk on his face Bakugou then takes another bite of the heavenly strawberry goodness before saying " I could kiss you right now icyhot"  Todoroki then looks down at Bakugou's mouth which now had little crumbs dusted over it, before bringing his thumb up to brush against Bakugou's lips.

Bakugou instinctively stops chewing and looks up at Todoroki who is now looking down at him he hears a siren go off in his head and his eyes go wide before he yells " DONT GET ANY IDEAS BASTARD THAT'S JUST A SAYING PEOPLE SA-" Before he's even able to finish Todoroki leans down and places his mouth on his. Todoroki instantly inserts his tongue into Bakugou's mouth now being able to taste the lingering strawberry flavor that coated it. He pulls away a second later before licking the crumbs off of Bakugou's lips.

Bakugou stands there in a daze before a loud cough interrupts them, He then turns to face his mother... WAIT WHAT?! His eyes go wide he had completely forgotten his mother was in the room with them and apparently he wasn't the only one. Todoroki now stared at Mitsuki in pure and utter horror. Mitsuki looks at them both before laughing " Katsuki I knew you were a bottom but I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE THIS MUCH OF A BOTTOM!" She then doubles over laughing like a mad man.

Bottom? Bakugou thought to himself what the hell did she mean by bottom? Bakugou instantly becomes flustered because even though he had no idea what his crazy old hag was talking about,  it probably didn't mean anything good if she was using it to tease him.

Todoroki instantly goes red because he knew what Bakugou's mother was referring too and the fact that Bakugou's own mom said that about him left him astounded. " LISTEN OLD HAG I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT BUT IM NOT A BOTTOM!" Katsuki yells now facing his mother. Mitsuki simply looks at her soon before looking over at a blushing Todoroki.

She simply raises her eyebrow and laughs

" Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see won't we Katsuki?" She shoves a small black card into Bakugou's hand before smirking and walking away, leaving Bakugou annoyed and Todoroki a flustered mess.

Bakugou turns to face Todoroki and is instantly shocked by the new shade of red that's made its way onto the bi-colored hair's face. " Oi... what the fuck are you blushing at?" Bakugou questions now squinting his eyes at Todoroki. Todoroki simply looks up and tries his best to make a stoic face before mumbling " Absolutely nothing" Todoroki then proceeds to grab his luggage and make his way to the van parked out front.

Bakugou trails Todoroki as he exits the house before munching on his poptart once again, completely at peace. Around 30 minutes pass and the house has now become a chaotic mess. Natsuo is holding onto the ground dramatically weeping and yelling " IM TOO YOUNG TO DIE... STUPID DABI AND HIS DRIVING AND WHAT'S WORSE I NOW HAVE TO DIE WITH WAP PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND!"

Dabi is now looking at his brother pitifully and raises a hand before sassily saying "MY DRIVING ISNT EVEN THAT BAD AND BTW HAVING WAP PLAY AS YOU DIE SHOULD FEEL LIKE A HONOR!" Todoroki is looking at the both of them with disgust before closing his eyes and making a praying motion with his hands " If I die.... please make sure my dad gets kicked in the face" Bakugou looks at the havoc going on in front of him before Fuyumi calls out to him.

"I'm sorry about them Kat they're just excited! Although... I do hope you have earbuds..." Bakugou simply nods before yanking out his wired earbuds from his pocket and showing them off to Fuyumi. Fuyumi simply giggles before walking off towards Dabi and Natsuo.

"Okay, guys! It's time for you to leave!" Mitsuki yells now catching everyone's attention. She then pauses and looks at everyone before continuing " Don't do drugs, Don't go skinny dipping and whatever you do DONT GET STDS KIDS! oh... AND MAKE SURE YOU STEAL ALL THE LITTLE TINY SOAPS THAT THE HOTEL GIVES YOU!" She then glares at all of them and smiles " and most importantly... HAVE FUN!"

Everyone starts laughing and flashes Mitsuki a bright smile before they all make their way to give her a group hug. Bakugou not being able to move due to being squashed by Dabi on one side and Todoroki on the other simply sighs before deciding to just give in to the stupid group hug. After a couple of minutes, everyone pulls away and starts making their way to the van all except Todoroki who is now having a conversation with Mitsuki. Bakugou decides it's nothing important and makes his way to the van.

(That's a little sus but okay 😑)

The minute Bakugou steps a foot outside his house he can already hear Dabi and Natsuo yelling once again Bakugou decides to pay no mind to it since they're probably fighting over something stupid anyways. He makes his way over to the van his luggage in his left hand, he gently lifts his luggage and places it in the trunk of the van before entering it.

He sees that Fuyumi has claimed the middle row of the van, so he decides it'll just be better if he claims the last row, he scoots past the 2nd row and plops himself on the seat closest to the left.

(I know that sounds confusing xD so lemme explain a little they're like traveling in a van that has 3 rows. It includes the driver seat and passenger that's the first. then the row behind it which usually has two seats is the second and finally the third row behind that which has three seats xD 😌)

Bakugou then proceeds to pull out his earbuds because he'll be damned if he has to listen to WAP on full blast. Bakugou now drowned in his music is oblivious to the dual haired beauty that has now shifted to his side. Todoroki looks over at Bakugou who has yet to even notice his presence he feels rather annoyed by this so what does he do? He simply kissed him.

"HOLY SHIT ICYHOT WHEN TF DID YOU GET HERE?!" Bakugou yells his heart practically jumping out of his chest,  this caused Todoroki to let out a light laugh before answering " I've been sitting here for 5 minutes now kitten" Bakugou squints his eyes suspiciously at him and says " You're lying... if you were sitting next to me I would've noticed!" Todoroki simply shakes his head " I've been sitting here but you didn't even acknowledge my existence.... you wound me kitten"

Bakugou turns red from embarrassment and lets a growl " Oh shut it, bastard... now you're just being a baby!" Todoroki looks at Bakugou for a couple of seconds before deciding to lay his head on his lap this of course didn't go well with Bakugou but that's to be expected isn't it?

"WTF ARE YOU DOING?!" Bakugou screeches at Todoroki who is now laying happily in his lap. " You have eyes, don't you? What does it look like I'm doing?" Todoroki closes his eyes so he won't have to see the imaginary fumes that are probably coming out of Bakugou's ears right about now.

"GET OFF OF ME!" Bakugou tries his best to shove Todoroki off of him but he just won't budge. Dabi then yells from the driver seat " WILL YOU LOVE BIRDS SHUT THE FUCK UP! IM ABOUT TO START DRIVING AND I NEED FULL CONCENTRATION SO I DONT RUN THIS CAR INTO SOMEBODY'S HOUSE!"

Bakugou was about to respond but Todoroki cut him to the chase " Yes kitten shut up and let me sleep." Todoroki says in the most monotone voice known to mankind. Bakugou simply clicks his tongue in annoyance before putting his earbuds in his once again.

Dabi and Natsuo turn around to face Fuyumi, Bakugou, and Todoroki before Dabi then proceeds to speak " Make sure all you fuckers are buckled and don't get up while I'm driving it's distracting" Natsuo then turns to look at Dabi with a 'Bruh' face before speaking " Dabi... THEY CANT GET UP THIS IS A FLIPPING VAN!" Dabi looks at Natsuo and says two words " Fuck you." Before turning around and starting the car now beginning their long-awaited journey!

- hour one -

It's been an hour since they left the house and Bakugou had seen his life flash before his eyes around 3 times now. The first time was when Dabi didn't see the stop sign which resulted in almost dying by collision.

The second time was when Dabi saw that the light was yellow and instead of slowing down and waiting for the next light he sped up resulting in the police coming after them but luckily.....Dabi lost them around 30 minutes back.

Now the Third time was the most traumatic for all. The third time Bakugou had seen his life flash before his eyes was when Dabi started singing "Barbie girl" at the top of his lungs and if it wasn't for Todoroki sleeping peacefully in Bakugou's lap he might've just jumped out the window.

- hour two -

Much too Bakugou's displeasure Todoroki was still sleeping. It's not that he didn't want the bicolored hair beauty to sleep in his lap anymore it's just that... Bakugou was bored... and who better to annoy then his sleeping boyfriend right? Wrong.

It all started with Bakugou poking the inside of Todoroki's ear at first he found it amusing how Todoroki would groan and swat his hand to his ear as if to kill whatever was messing with him but Bakugou quickly grew tired of it so what did he do? He yelled at the top of this lungs in his adorable sleeping boyfriend's ear..... yeah it didn't end well.

Todoroki jumped up due to the heart attack Bakugou had given him, Bakugou instantly started laughing like a mad man, and not only was Todoroki angry, he was pissed. Todoroki rose himself off of Bakugou's lap making the laughing noises coming from the blonde come to a stop as he now stared at Todoroki curiously.

Todoroki simply sent a glare at the blonde before leaning back down in his own seat and turning his head so he was now facing the window, completely ignoring Bakugou. Bakugou's eyes widen... is he mad at me?! He thought to himself as he continued to stare at Todoroki who didn't even glance at him.

- hour three and four -

" CAUSE YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE IVE BEEN LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEEEEEEEENN FOR TOO LoNG oH Ooooh" Natsuo simply looks over at Dabi and smacks his arm " DAMNNNN MAN GET THOSE VOCALS!" Dabi simply smirks and does a bowing motion. Bakugou who had just witnessed the whole thing almost threw up on the spot.

Bakugou turns in his seat to stare at none other then Todoroki who was still giving him the silent treatment... no surprise there.

"How long are you going to ignore me?" Bakugou asks now raising his eyebrows curiously at Todoroki. Todoroki turns his head and glares at Bakugou before letting out a grunt and turning his head once more.

FINE BE LIKE THAT BETCH! I DONT CARE! Bakugou thought to himself as he turned his head in a different direction now doing everything in his power to show Todoroki that he did not care in the slightest...

( we all know you care bby it's okay 👀💕)

"OH LOOK DABI! A GAS STATION! PULLOVER, PULLLL OVERRRRR" Dabi makes a tight turn earning screeching from the wheels as he pulls into the parking lot of the gas station. Natsuo instantly yanks the door open and yells before running off " I GOTTSSSS TO PEEEEEEE" Dabi simply rubs his temples as he sees his brother run off in the distance " God my brother is in idiot" Bakugou overhears this and mumbles under his breath " don't act like you're any better than him"

Dabi clears his throat and then turns around to face everyone " We might as well get some snacks and take bathroom breaks, we probably won't be stopping for a while" Bakugou looks over at Todoroki and ask " Are you going to get off icyhot?" Todoroki simply looks at Bakugou and grunts.

Truth be told he wasn't even angry in fact he was just being petty at this point. He saw that Bakugou was obviously upset and wanted to talk with him but he also noticed that Bakugou wouldn't admit that to himself, and all he wanted to do was to get Bakugou to admit that he actually cared because never once had he heard Bakugou say he loved him back and that was now becoming painfully obvious.

Todoroki quickly exited the van and made his way to the gas station not even taking a moment to look back. Bakugou stared at Todoroki completely dumbstruck, Is he really that mad at me?! Bakugou thought to himself. Before Bakugou could chase after him he heard Dabi say something in a sing-song voice " ooO hE's MaD aT yOu~" Bakugou the turns his head and glares at Dabi " shut up bacon bits!" Fuyumi then interrupts " Dabi you better stop teasing Kat about Shoto, you know Kat is sensitive."

Bakugou's eyes go wide " I AM NOT SENSITIVE" Dabi then lets out a booming laughing before turning off the van and saying " my bad I forgot you were sEnSiTiVe" He then proceeds to walk away leaving Fuyumi and a fuming Bakugou alone in the van.

" Are you not going to get off?" Fuyumi asks now turning around in her seat to face Bakugou. Bakugou simply looks away and says " Tch if I go in there icyhot will probably just do everything in his power to avoid me." Fuyumi simply tilts her head and asks " Why is Sho mad at you?" Bakugou simply clicks his tongue in annoyance and says " Because I woke him up by screaming in his ear awhile back"

Fuyumi simply covers her mouth and giggles " I'm sure there's something more than that, after all, that's how Dabi and Natsuo used to wake him up.... why don't you go ask him what's really bothering him?" Bakugou tilts his head in confusion " You think somethings bothering him?" Fuyumi simply offers Bakugou a small smile and says " I know my baby brother pretty well Kat and let's just say that while we were shopping together he told me something was bothering him"

Bakugou looks at fuyumi with curiosity and continues " well what's bothering him, I'm not a mind reader dumbass!" Fuyumi giggles and brings her finger to her lips in a shushing motion before winking " it's a secret silly! why don't you go ask him yourself?" Bakugou simply sighs and slaps his forehead " GOD YOU GUYS ARE ALL SO ANNNOYINGGGG!" He then aggressively opens the van door and stomps his way to the entrance of the gas station, leaving Fuyumi a giggling mess.

Bakugou quickly reaches the entrance and stomps his way inside the gas station immediately scanning the area for his candy cane-like boyfriend. He spots him in the back between some isles talking to a girl? Bakugou discreetly makes his way to his boyfriend, trying his best to not be seen. Why you may ask? Simply because Todoroki was smiling at this unknown girl and that just rubbed him the wrong way.

Bakugou was now hiding behind the candy isle now spying on them, to say it was hard to hear was an understatement but if he got any closer he would be seen so he settled for just being able to watch. He felt his heart drop when the unknown girl would casually brush against Todoroki's arm but that's not what bothered him it was the fact he didn't seem to pull away, in fact, he was smiling.

The girl had a light blush painted on her face and was now pulling out her phone, Bakugou witnessed as Todoroki simply gestured something and the girl quickly brought out a piece of paper and doodled down something and Bakugou clearly had an idea of what it was, It was probably her number. Bakugou was now watching anxiously as Todoroki accepted it with a smile on his face and continued to hold a conversation with the girl. He turned around wanting nothing more than to just walk away from this situation.

Was he just not enough? Why did Todoroki accept her number? It's not like the girl was trying to hide the fact that she was obviously interested in him... so why would he? These thoughts were quickly filling his head and his stomach was beginning to churn leaving him nauseous. He spotted the bathroom out of the corner of his eye and quickly ran there trying his best to surpress the vomit coming up his throat. He could fill the sting of his soul-mark located on his back. It hadn't been stinging as of lately... did something change in their relationship? Is that why it randomly started stinging?

Bakugou pushed the thoughts out of his head as he ran into a stall and lowered his head to vomit into a seat. He knew this would happen. He would be left alone like his mother was... why did he do it? Why did he get into a relationship when he told himself it was just going to end with him hurt. He knew he wasn't lovable... He was loud and rude... Nobody would actually willingly date him, So why did he think Todoroki would be different? Because he was his soulmate?

He felt stupid. He gave into the stupid idea of him being happy with his soulmate when it's just a stupid lie. Why did he do it?! .....He knew why. He just couldn't bring himself to say it out loud. He was tired of being lonely, tired of being angry but most of all he just wanted somebody to love him. He was tired of thinking he couldn't be loved because he was just too much to handle and when Todoroki, the first person to show interest in him popped up and ended up being his soulmate he couldn't push him away, he simply didn't want too.

The tears had now begun flowing down his cheek, his eyes stinging and his nose slowly becoming runny. He couldn't be mad at Todoroki, he couldn't blame him for excepting that girls number because when all said and done Todoroki had gotten stuck with an asshole for a soulmate. It was his fault.

It was always his fault.

He couldn't even fucking say that he loved him back no matter how much Bakugou tried. He was just too scared . Minutes passed and once the nauseous feeling in his stomach went awayand his eyes had stopped crying he got up and ran his finger through his hair. " I guess I didn't need to worry about giving him those bracelets after all..." Bakugou simply let out a sad smile before opening the stall door and making his way back to the van. Where he would have to sit next to the boy he knew he was never going to be enough for.

As Bakugou was seconds away from the exit he spotted the girl Todoroki was talking too. Up close Bakugou could see the appeal, She was breathtaking. She had black wavy hair that reached to her mid-waist, and green emerald eyes that seemed to sparkle in the sunlight. Just how was he supposed to compete with that? He was plain, boring, and ugly. The girl looked up and seemed to catch Bakugou staring, She smiled and waved at him before turning around to walk away. Bakugou simply smiled and continued to make his way to the van. Why did he have to get off? He would be fine with being Todoroki's second choice if he didn't know about it... but now he knew.

Bakugou was now in front of the van and everyone seems to be looking at him, including Todoroki. He couldn't face him, not yet. " We've been waiting for you KitKat wtf were you doing?! WERE YOU TAKING A SHIT?!" Dabi yells now pointing at him. Bakugou not in the mood to bicker or even respond simply nodded and made his way to the back. Bakugou made the mistake of making eye contact with Todoroki as he walked past him. He quickly looked away and decided to sit on the seat to the left, leaving an empty seat in between them.

Todoroki eyed Bakugou suspiciously, why did he sit all the way over there? Todoroki thought to himself. He continued to eye Bakugou practically begging him to look up from the ground but he never did. Something was wrong and he had a bad feeling about it.

The van began moving once again, Todoroki never letting his eyes drift away from Bakugou and Bakugou never letting his eyes leave the ground.

- hour five -

The drive had been more silent then it was before. Dabi wasn't yelling as much, Natsuo wasn't being as much of a dumbass, and Fuyumi was always quiet. The three were too busy catching Todoroki and Bakugou in the corner of their eye. They could sense that something wasn't right. 

Todoroki was beginning to grow anxious, Bakugou hadn't once looked up from the ground since they left the gas station and it was worrying him greatly. He decided he would make his move and talk to him. He reached his hand out to touch him and said   " Hey Bakugou are you-" the hand that had been reaching out to him had been slapped away and Bakugou was now frantically looking up at him " DONT TOUCH ME"

Dabi, Natsuo, and Fuyumi all turned to face the couple in the back. Todoroki wide-eyed looked down at his now stinging hand. Bakugou goes eyes widen and he instantly looks back down to the ground " sorry.... you just caught me off guard..." Todoroki looks up and sees a painful expression written all over Bakugou's face. Dabi and Natsuo look at each other with concern in both their eyes.

It had gone painfully quiet ever since Bakugou's sudden outburst. Nobody was yelling or talking and the only thing that could be heard was the radio silently playing in the background. Bakugou pulled out his earbuds and placed them in his ears before closing his eyes. He hoped that this was just a nightmare, that he would wake up and they would all be home.

Bakugou drifted off into a slumber, his hair shining in the sun, he looked at peace. Todoroki looked over at Bakugou and then at his hand. What happened? He thought to himself as he stared at Bakugou's sleeping figure.

- hour six/ arrival -

Nobody has talked, it was so quiet that you could hear each breath that was taken. The hotel was 15 minutes away and yet Todoroki felt anxious. Bakugou had woken up around 20 minutes back but still made no effort to talk to him or to anyone. Todoroki had never seen him like this, was this his fault? Todoroki stared at his hand once again.... just why did he slap my hand away?

Todoroki stared out the window and tried to remember if he did anything that could've upset Bakugou but he couldn't find anything. He retraced his steps... just when did he start acting weird? The gas station.... but Todoroki didn't even see Bakugou in fact he was too occupied by this stranger who was flirting with him.

Todoroki thought back to what happened it all started when he had gotten off the van without talking to Bakugou he was extremely deep in thought because he was wondering if Bakugou would ever say that he loved him that he didn't even notice that he was blocking the drink section.

The girl was really flustered and Todoroki could already tell where the conversation was heading. " I'm sorry to bug you but.... you're really handsome can I please get your number!" The girl was closing her eyes tightly and was nearly shaking in her boots.

Todoroki smiled the girl was indeed attractive but nobody could compare even close to his Katsuki. He didn't want to hurt the girls feelings so he simply replied with " I'm sorry I didn't bring my cell phone" even though it was actually in his pocket. The girl was shocked at first but she quickly recovered and said " Oh! I'll just right mine down!" The girl quickly brought out a piece of paper and handed it to him.

Todoroki accepted the paper and stared at it before smiling and saying " I actually have a boyfriend and I love him very much. It's just that.... he hasn't exactly told me how he feels and it's making anxious..." Todoroki continues to stare at the piece of paper in his hand until he hears the girl clear her throat.

" Well, you should ask him silly! Tell him how you feel he won't know if you don't tell him!" Todoroki looks up at the smiling girl and shakes his head " I feel if I told him that he would freak out and feel obligated to say it back.... I just want to know if the man I love, loves me back just as much" The girl simply shakes her head and touches his arm " I'm sure for you to talk about him like this must mean that he's deeply important to you! Do whatever you can to get your point across alright!"

Todoroki flashes a bright smile at the girl and says " Thank you" The girl simply blushes and says" when it's all said and done if you guys don't work out you have my number alright!" She then walks away her hair bouncing with every step she takes.

Todoroki stares at the paper before walking over to the trash can and throwing it away.... even if it didn't work out with Katsuki and Katsuki ended up not loving him back and was just dating him for fun he wouldn't mind. He was just grateful to be near him.  That's would be enough.

Todoroki breaks out of his thoughts and stares at Bakugou once again.... I wonder what I did to make him angry with me... he says under his breath.

The van comes to a complete halt and Dabi turns around and smiles " We're here!" Dabi opens the door and pops the trunk so everyone can get their luggage. Slowly but surely everyone gets off the van and waits patiently as Dabi and Todoroki hand everyone their luggage.

Bakugou unable to look Todoroki in the eye simply mumbles " thank you" when Todoroki hands him his luggage. Todoroki stares at him for a moment longer before continuing to help everyone unload.  Dabi runs inside and they all patiently wait for him to return with the keycards. Todoroki makes sure to stand next to Bakugou, He sees Bakugou shift in his spot obviously uncomfortable. 

Dabi returns and hands everyone a keycard " Listen up peeps! Natsuo and me are going to be rooming together, Then Sho and Kat, and finally Fuyumi gets a room all to herself since she's the only girl" Fuyumi smiles and nods. Todoroki hears Bakugou inhale a shaky breath and sees him tense at the mention of them rooming together.... just what happened?

Since it was already dark outside everyone had just decided that they should eat the sandwiches Mitsuki packed and hit the hay which everyone ended up doing well all except Todoroki and Bakugou who were still both wide awake.

Bakugou was now in his room and he was currently unpacking the necessities from his bag. He was taking out the outfit he had for tomorrow that is until he feelt a dominating presence behind him.

He turns around slowly and sees that Todoroki had completely blocked him and was now cornering him onto the bed. " Todoroki.... you're in my way," Bakugou says trying his best to not let his voice crack. Todoroki simply stares at him and sighs " What's wrong?" Bakugou's eyes widen and he shakes his head quickly " Nothings wrong you're just in my way"

Todoroki looks down at Bakugou before reaching out to place his hand against bakugou's cheek, Bakugou once again slaps his hand away. Todoroki begins to grow annoyed " Why are you slapping my hand away!" Bakugou quietly mutters " No reason I just don't want to be touched right now" Todoroki begins taking steps closer and closer leaving no room in between them.

"Why are you acting like this" Todoroki asks his voice beginning to grow cold. Bakugou's eyes widen and finally, he looks up at Todoroki. He sees the cold stoic look on his face and he begins to feel his eyes water. Did Todoroki hate him now? Is that why he was looking at him like that?!

Before he even realizes the tears are already streaming down his face. Todoroki's eyes widen at the sight before him.... Bakugou's crying!? He quickly grows worried and frantically asks " What's wrong?! are you okay?! why are you crying katsuki!" Bakugou proceeds to cry, even more, the hot tears beginning to blur his vision.

" It's not fair... if you act like that I'll actually think you care about me" Bakugou mumbles as he begins to wipe his eyes in an attempt to stop crying. Todoroki stares at him confused " What do you mean kitten... Of course, I care about you!" Bakugou then starts shaking his head violently " I KNOW YOU ACCEPTED THAT GIRLS NUMBER QUIT LYING TO ME! ..... please just stop lying to me..." Bakugou unable to face Todoroki anymore closes his eyes and tries his best to ignore the stinging sensation on his back.

Todoroki looks down at Bakugou and softly smiles, it was coming back to him now. Bakugou was hurt because he thought that he accepted that girls number... Todoroki gently brushed away Bakugou's tears with his thumb and softly says " Katsuki, I threw that away after I told her I had a boyfriend silly" Bakugou opens his eyes instantly and pulls back " You're lying!" he yells trying his best to break out of Todoroki's grasp.

Todoroki wouldn't give up without a fight though. He tightly hugs Bakugou and continues " Katsuki I love you. A random girl at a gas station wouldn't change that... Nobody would change that. So please... believe me." Bakugou stops struggling and becomes still.

"I'll kill you if you're lying icyhot...." Todoroki smiles and pulls away now looking at Bakugou's flushed face and puffy eyes, Bakugou looks down and quietly says " Please don't leave me alone.... like my dad did..." Todoroki's eyes go wide he then placed a light kiss on both Bakugou's eyelids " I couldn't leave you even if I wanted too but Katsuki be honest.... do you love me?"

Bakugou kicks Todoroki's shin and then yells " YOU DUMBASSS! I WOULDNT BE CRYING LIKE A BABY IF I DIDNT LOVE YOU!" Bakugou then looks away turning even redder than before. Todoroki stares up at Bakugou and smiles " I'm so glad" He then gets up and embraces Bakugou in a tight hug while Bakugou quietly cries.

"There there," Todoroki says in a soothing tone, Bakugou then hiccups and says " you stupid stupid BAKA!" Todoroki chuckles and says "Yes I know I'm a stupid Baka" Bakugou continues to shake and says " I hate you icyhot...."  Todoroki smiles and places a light kiss on Bakugou's forehead before placing them together. " Yes yes I know" He then stares into Bakugou's swollen eyes and smiles " I love you Katsuki." Bakugou stares into Todoroki's eyes and lets out a small smile

" I love you too."