
Soulmate for you

A world were no one was willing to stay by my side suddenly a boy appeared in my dark life and fill it with colors. Boy:Hi! I'm Lucien Nice to meet you. You're an otaku If I'm not wrong, let's be friends. A friend which stayed by my side whenever I need him and a lover whom everyone would dream about. Can life be this beautiful? Lucien: Why are so shy it was just a kiss, I won't do anything without your permission but you can't stop me from kissing you ,Since you're my only remedy baby girl. But will my past let me stay with my love? Jack:Lias I want to apologize for the things I've done please forgive me and give me another chance. But who would have thought the past will be this disgusting that it will make you feel ashamed and make you lose your dignity. Jack: Lucien my bro! she has slept with me many times, break up with her she doesn't deserve you. What will she do ? And how many twists her life will take? Stay Tuned to learn more about the story.

Jasmin07 · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter Five: Shyness and his struggle

Lisa: Mhmm!

(He came to his senses and released her lips and help her get up)

Lucien: It's awkward, how should I react now.

(He thought and start looking here and there, but Lisa just fainted but before she could fall down and hit her head he grabbed her)

Lucien: Lisa!!!

(He called her many times and rub her hands but no use)

Lucien: You're so fragile girl what will you do in future.

(He smiled and hold her in his arms and went to class and grab her bag and then went to parking areas. He was going home)

Lucien: Hello Uncle!

(He greet Lisa's father)

Lisa Father: What happened? Why is she unconscious?

(He was worried and was going to call doctor)

Lucien: Oh this! It's nothing she didn't had her breakfast and even skipped lunch and when I was taking the class she suddenly faint so I just carried her home.

Don't worry Uncle she is fine

(He said and asked about her room, after reaching there he slightly put her to the bed and removed her shoes and socks and put blanket on her)

Lucien: My baby girl you're way to soft what should I do with you? , I'll make you get used to it,so that you faint like this.

(He kissed her forehead and left)

Lucien: okay Uncle let her do some rest and are you free right now? I've something important to discuss with you.

(Her father seemed worried but after hearing Lucien words he calm down and thanked him for helping)

Lucien: Uncle I Like Lisa, I want to take care of her for the rest of my life. You know that from childhood I have loved her and you know very well I can't live without her.

(He uttered those words and look at his face as if he was saying " Please Uncle give me you daughter, she is my life")

Lisa Father: But you also know what Happened back then. You're family will separate you again and Lisa was chasing after you when she was going to get hit by a truck but her mother just sacrificed herself.

Lucien: That's why I left my parents. I have no link with them and I'm living my own life and I'm happy without them, if it weren't for their selfish reason aunt would have been Alive. I won't forget that day this easily.

(He said that with a very painful voice as if he was holding Back his tears but some tears fell down from his cheek which he removed angerly)

Lucien: Trust me Uncle I won't hurt her. You can ask me anything I'll do anything to win your trust.

(Lisa Father looked at him and then sigh! As If he was saying "Fine I give up ")

Lisa Father: I have one condition which you need to fulfill right now.

Lucien: Anything Uncle if it's for Lisa I'll do anything.

Lisa Father: Transfer half of your property at her name then you'll win my trust and I'll consider you good for my daughter.

(He paused for a moment then continue)

Look Lucien believe me I'm seriously not interested in your property or anything, I'm not greedy but you have to see why I'm doing this for.

If something bad happened to me in future where will my daughter go? Who will take care of her in future.

Non of my relatives care about what we are going through, everyone left us when we needed then the most that's why I left my hometown and started my business here.

(He looked at him)

Lucien: Fine for me I really don't care about money I'm going to transfer 60% of shares and property to Lisa. I get your point and believe me you're right here. The world is really mean and Lisa is very innocent. I'll prepare documents right away and give them to you.

(Lucien called his secretary and within the hour the procedure was done)

Lucien: Thank you Uncle for trusting me I promise I won't betray you. Okay Uncle I'll be leaving for some days. Some tasks are on the pending list so I've to do them I'll be back after completing my work.

Lisa Father: Okay young man take care of yourself and don't worry I'll handle Lisa.

(He smiled at him and hugged him)

Lucien: Okay Uncle I'll be taking my leave. Take care.

(He didn't went to see her cause he knew he would do something bad again)

(That girl is very precious to him since they were young. He remembered very clearly whoever hurts her he will beat that person to death. Both of them went to same school when they were young and he would stay with her in the class and wouldn't care what others will think. But then his parents decided to shift America.

On that day he cried a lot but no one listened or cared , it all happened because his mother can't bear it whenever he played with Lisa ,she even sometimes hit Lisa.

Then he decided to get powerful so no one can ever hurt her again.

Later on his parents get separate and he was sent to a hostel.

He started his own business and start expanding it into different countries. And then he decided to visit London.

And went to his town and asked about Lisa and his family and he came to know that, Lisa get into a accident and lost her memories and her father left the hometown.

After searching for months finally he was able to locate her and went to her college, where he met her first time but he was able to recognize her. His little princess was grown up into a girl. He was mesmerized and didn't notice until she bumped into him.

("Always clumsy" he thought)

There he convinced the principal and of course why would the principal would deny the request of the famous CEO and also found the same house to stay so he can take better care of her.)

(He was sitting in his car wearing business dress code and his face was stiff, if Lisa saw him like this she might not believe in her eyes and mistook him for someone else. He would rarely appear on screen mostly his secretary take cares of all the matter and he just guide him but this time other business party is very hard and someone also leaked the information of the project to the opposite party so he was going himself.

He was very annoyed, finally he was going to tell Lisa about his feelings but these people…)

Secretary Kim: Oh God! I've never seen him this angery before.

(He thought as he wiped his forehead. He is also close and only friend of him)

Secretary Kim: Lucien so what happened there why you suddenly asked for property papers.

(He had the idea what might have happened but he still wants to divert his attention)

Lucien: Nothing much. Uncle trust me now.

Secretary Kim: And did you confessed and proposed her?

(He looked excited but that's when Lucien turned around and gave him dead stare)

Lucien: Yeah I would have if those dumb employees would have done their jobs. I need to fix this problem ASAP, cause if I stayed without her I dunno what troubles will I create so call the mangers and do whatever you can and fix this problem.

Tell the workers no one can leave until this project is not over. I don't care, wrap this project quickly.

(His bossy mood was on and when that happens even Kim was helpless)

Lisa: Yawn, How did I get here I was in the college and …

(As she remembered everything she start blushing and in few seconds she was as red as a tomato)

Lisa: He likes me.

(She asked herself but what happened in her past stopped her. Mind was against this and heart was saying" Trust him he will not hurt you like that jerk did"

Mind: But I can't bare another rejection, I'll die.

Heart was silent.)

Lisa: It can be an accident as well right.

(But she was sad when she said those words)

Lisa: I wish Lucien you're not faking anything but I don't want to get hurt this time so I won't accept your proposal no matter what…

(She cried silently)

Once you get betrayed by someone, it becomes hard for other to gain your trust specially when it comes to love.

Lisa was slowly falling in love with Lucine but she didn't want to admit her own feelings. Her heart was praying secretly:

"Please make me fall in love with you, please make me believe in you,I need you the …. Most"

(When she was going to get up she found a note at her desk.


Lucien: I'll be back my little princess don't you dare think it was a accident or something like that I'll share my feelings when I'll get back and prepare yourself next time when I'll kiss you, please don't faint like this it makes me do some naughty things with you. Take care I'll be back in few days okay!

(She hid the note. She can hear her heartbeat which was beating very loudly and cheeks were burning)

Lisa: Argh! Lucien!!!

I need to take a shower, Don't think about it too much girl

(She slaped her cheeks and went to take a shower)

Lisa: This man is a big pervert I need to maintain a distance with him in future.

(But the kiss and that letter didn't annoy her. Normally when a boy try to propose her she would remove her shoes and throw at that person or else beat that boy but this time she was just happy)

to be continue....

(Thank You for your support and your love and I hope everyone is doing fine . see ya tomorrow)