
Soulmate for you

A world were no one was willing to stay by my side suddenly a boy appeared in my dark life and fill it with colors. Boy:Hi! I'm Lucien Nice to meet you. You're an otaku If I'm not wrong, let's be friends. A friend which stayed by my side whenever I need him and a lover whom everyone would dream about. Can life be this beautiful? Lucien: Why are so shy it was just a kiss, I won't do anything without your permission but you can't stop me from kissing you ,Since you're my only remedy baby girl. But will my past let me stay with my love? Jack:Lias I want to apologize for the things I've done please forgive me and give me another chance. But who would have thought the past will be this disgusting that it will make you feel ashamed and make you lose your dignity. Jack: Lucien my bro! she has slept with me many times, break up with her she doesn't deserve you. What will she do ? And how many twists her life will take? Stay Tuned to learn more about the story.

Jasmin07 · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 6: Confession

(When he reached at his company everyone was already busy doing their jobs cause they know very well how cruel their boss is,the moment he entered they all stood up obediently)

Lucien: So who leaked our information?

(He asked but no one replied)

(He slammed the desk with his fist and run fingers through his hairs, as if he wanted to Clam down too)

Lucien: No one will leave until this matter is solved.

(He went to his office)

Lucien: I want to stay alone for some time Kim,make sure no one enter my cabin.

(Secretary Kim nodded and left the room)

Lucien: Hey it's me, I need your help right now.

(He called the hacker, whom he met during a party but he didn't know the person was a hacker but when some gangster were looking for THAT hacker he saved him and that's how they know each other. Lucien didn't let those gangster know THAT person's real ID and removed all the traces of him using connection)

Mike: Hey buddy, finally you realize you can't live without me so you want to come back and stay with me.

(He teased him as usual)

Lucien: Sigh! As usual this person never take things seriously

( He thought)

Lucien: Be serious! I need your help there's a problem someone seal the project data of my company and that project is very important to me but Kim isn't able to locate the person , I need your help.

Do something.

Mike: Someone is really daring and I guess that person has some connections too. Fine I'll help you but you need to come visit me during the month and give me a party as well after getting the project. Done?

Lucien: Fine by me.

Mike: You have the USB I gave you right?

Lucien: Why are you asking me that? You want me to put that USB on our main computer system so you can get connected?

Mike: Smart boy. Hurry up and do it and also do as I say

(After getting the information and the way Mike guide him, in few seconds Mike hacked the whole computer system)

Mike: okay give me some time I need to check this throughly, if I find something I'll call you.

(In the evening around 7 pm Mike called him)

Mike: I found it who stole the data, it's a woman, I have send you the videos and her pics so checked them out and Saturday night is mine you're booked, see ya.

Lucien: She is very old employee of our why would she do that?

(He was confused)

Lucien: or did someone made her do all these things?

(He called Kim and told him everything and instruct him to do some investigation and also try to Talk with that woman secretly)

Lisa: He seriously is gone.

(For some reasons she was sad and was missing him. It's not like they both spend lot of time with each other but still in her heart there was a corner who was logging for him)

Lisa: Nooo way Lisa what the hell are you thinking don't you know he is a pervert. Read that letter again so you can know that what type of person is he.

Ring Ring

(Her phone was ringing)

Lisa: who could this be at this late night.

(She grab the phone from the side table,)

Lisa: An Unknown number, who could this be ?

Lisa: Hello Who's this?

Lucien: Little Princess

(Her heart skipped the best)

Lucien:I miss you, I want to hold you right now, I want to feel your scent, I want to hear your heartbeat, When will I see you?

(He was really sad she can tell that just by hearing his voice but she had nothing to say)

Lucien: Lisa! My Heartbeat,

Lisa: I have to sleep, or else I will be late for my class. .

Lucien: So classes are more important than me, I'll punish you once I get back. WOW! You're so mean you're rejecting such a handsome guy. World is so cruel.

(He start whinnying and it made her laugh)

Lucien: Good Night Baby girl

Lisa: Lucien!

Take care of yourself and don't forget to eat your meals. Good Night

(She hang up the call)

Lucien: When will you share your feelings with me baby girl, I can tell what's in your heart ,why are hesitating but believe me I'll make you fall in love with me. You won't be able to breath without me I'll make you mine….. only mine.

(He smiled looking at her photo which he took when she was sleeping)

(Next Morning Kim was able to locate the woman and but he need someone who can create an opportunity to meet her, for this he hired a girl through which he get in touch with that lady)

Kim: Why did you sell our data to our opponents? Tell me

(She just stayed silent but when Kim put some pressure on her she told him everything they kidnapped his son, and this was tje only way she can get his son back)

(Kim told everything to Lucien and they came up with a solution, they decided to shift the lady and his family to another city and make it look like she was found guilty and was kick out of the company)

(Next few days they build the new project and also win the bidding)

(Now all was left to give treats to Mike)

(He declared holiday and give party to his employees on Friday)

Lucien:Mike open the door.

(He arrived at Friday night, as promised he gave him a huge party)

Lisa: it's gonna be a one week and that flirt hasn't come back,


(She copied him)

(And went to sleep).

(For Lisa these few days were boring she didn't feel like doing anything, Maria tried to cheer her in which she succeed too, but couldn't find the reason why she was sad but she just thought maybe the reason is Lucien)

(Around 3 am in the morning Lisa felt like she can't breath and when she opened her eyes , Lucien was on the top of her and was kissing her. She put her hands on his chest and tried to push him that's when he opened his eyes and slightly release her lips)

Lucien: Sorry, I just came back home and wanted to see you very badly and I just directly came to your room , you were sleeping and I wanted to feel you, that it's reality and I'm finally back.

Lisa: Leave!

Lucien: Wait listen to me first.

(He was going to say something ,when Lisa interrupt him)

Lisa: I said leave or do you want me to call Dad. Why are you like this? Why do you act like a pervert all the time, what relationship do you have with me. I don't wanna see your face again leave.

(She was sacred of his passion and love which was increasing day by day and when the past came to her mind she lost control and for the first time she start shouting at someone)

Lucien: I won't leave

(He grabbed her hands and pushed her on bed. He was on the top of her and was looking straight into her eyes.)

Lucien: I love you. I really do. I never flirt with you, believe me! whenever I see you my mind just go crazy I want be hold you so bad but I always control my emotions towards you I know you're sacred of me right now.

(She was shocked how did this person understand her so well)

(He looked at her eyes and smiled)

Lucien: I can read your mind baby girl

(He lean closer to her and whispered into her ears)

Lucien: I wanna make you mine, I want to touch your soul and feel every bit of you. But I won't do anything without your permission.

(He sit back and look at her)

Lucien: Can you give me a month so I can make you fall in love with me? Please. If after a month you still didn't confess I'll leave and will never come back.

(He looked at her with hopefully,His eyes met her gaze and he started to lean in again, but when he suddenly notice fear in her eyes and got back and apologize again)

Lucien: Sorry I lost control again. Aren't you an Otaku let's be friends.

I won't do anything without your promise but you can't stop me from kissing you cause you're my only remedy.

(He said that and bite the eartips of her)

Lisa: only one month right? I'll give you one month but if you failed you have to leave.

Lucien: One month is enough for me baby girl. From now on you're mine.

(No one knows what this challenge will do and how it will change their lives and what memories from past will indulge with present).

(Will Lisa really forget his past and start a new life or will Lucien will ended up leaving Lisa like her Ex?)

to be continue...

(Thank you so much for giving some much love to my Novel... I'll woke hard )