
Soulmate for you

A world were no one was willing to stay by my side suddenly a boy appeared in my dark life and fill it with colors. Boy:Hi! I'm Lucien Nice to meet you. You're an otaku If I'm not wrong, let's be friends. A friend which stayed by my side whenever I need him and a lover whom everyone would dream about. Can life be this beautiful? Lucien: Why are so shy it was just a kiss, I won't do anything without your permission but you can't stop me from kissing you ,Since you're my only remedy baby girl. But will my past let me stay with my love? Jack:Lias I want to apologize for the things I've done please forgive me and give me another chance. But who would have thought the past will be this disgusting that it will make you feel ashamed and make you lose your dignity. Jack: Lucien my bro! she has slept with me many times, break up with her she doesn't deserve you. What will she do ? And how many twists her life will take? Stay Tuned to learn more about the story.

Jasmin07 · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 4: A Sudden Kiss

Lisa; I'm home

(She said that was the a big smile)

Lisa Father: Welcome back my baby girl

Hurry up and eat your meals before they get cold.

Lisa: Okay father just give me 2 minutes I'll be back.

(After changing she came back and start eating but she also heard some voices upstairs)

Lisa: what's going on up there?

Lisa Father: Well a new tenant just came today, he seems new in this city and he's our relative's boy so … he will be staying here from now on.

Lisa: Oh I see. Do I know him?

(He looked puzzled for a while but then smile)

Lisa Father: I don't think so you remember him. Okay hurry up and finish this and get some rest.

Look at you, my poor baby girl has become so thin and skinny. Take care of yourself as well.

Lisa; Okay father I'm going back to my room.

(She hugged him and after cleaning her dishes she went to her room. She was also curious about this new tenant, who's actually her relative but she doesn't remember much from her past)

(Due to the accident that happened 5 years ago she doesn't rember much about her past and in that accident she also lost her mother)

Lisa: Geez! (Yawn) it's so boring here, let's go outside for some fresh air or let's see this new relative's of mine.

( She quietly left the room and went upstairs, she slightly pushed the door and went in. To her surprised the room was organized she was examining the room when suddenly a person appear in a bath towle while rubbing his hairs with hair towel)

Lisa: Ahhhh

Person: What the….

(He throw the towel on bed and put his hand on her mouth while pushing her to the corner until her back touched the wall)

Lucien: Ahem! I didn't know Miss Lisa likes me so much and also going to a boy's room at this time of night, miss Lisa is quite Bold.

(When Lisa looked at his bare chest she got shy and start looking here and there)

Lucien: I'm going to remove my hand, don't shout okay!

(She nodded).

Lucien:Now explain what are you doing here?

Lisa: silent

Lucien: Wait let me put some clothes first

(He took the clothes from his closet and left)

(Her heart was racing very fast and her cheeks were burning)

Lisa: Calm down my stupid heart.

Now what excuse should I make?

(She nervously bites her lips)

Lucien: Stop doing that and explain yourself Miss Lisa.

(He can't tell her the way she is biting her lips it's killing him and he wants to do that, that's why he kept a distance and avoid looking at her)

Lisa: I came here to say hi to our new tanent and father told me you're my cousin as well so … yeah that's why I came I thought it's rude to not greet someone who's living in your house.

Lucien: okay you said Hi now leave

And next time when you visit someone's room don't wear those short pajamas.

(He pushed her out and close the door)

Lucien:This girl is really testing my patience. Clam down and relax.

(He tried to sleep but couldn't, after struggling for a while finally he was able to sleep)

Lisa: Geez! What's with him he seems weird and what's with that" Don't wear those wear short pajamas" I mean it's my house I can wear anything right! But no matter what you say his body is just WOW!

Wait! Am I falling for him! No way dude ,no way, Lisa we have seen many handsome guys he is nothing compared to them

(Yeah those"Handsome Guys" are from 2D world)

Let's sleep(yawn)

(Alarm Ringing)

Lisa: no no no not again


(She just someone get ready and left the house)

Lucien: Lisa!!!

(She turned around and look at him)

You're going to get late again, come I'll drop you today.

Lisa: No Sir! I can manage you can go ahead.

Lucien: I'm helping you so that I don't need to repeat the question for you girl, now get in I don't want any arguments.

(She pout and get in the car)

Lucien: Fasten your seatbelt.

(Lisa was pulling it but it wasn't coming out so he reach out and fasten her seatbelt, during this he kissed her but pretend as if nothing happened)

Lisa: What the …

(She looked at his face,which was normal, so she just thought it might happened accidentally)

(The journey takes usually 20 minutes but this time it felt like it was taking like forever)

Lucien: Did you had your breakfast?

Lisa: No Sir.

Lucien: Is skipping breakfast your favourite hobby?

Lisa: no Sir! But I've brought lunch box with me this time

Lucien: That's my girl

(He just whispered)

Lisa: Sir did you said something?

Lucien: Oh-uh no nothing and stop calling me Sir. We're relatives I'm your cousin girl.

Lisa: But you were harsh with me last night.

Lucien: Yeah! Sorry for that, Wanna eat Ice cream? I want to apologise so….

(He looked at her)

Lisa: Okay but this time you have to eat as well

Lucien: But I don't..

Lisa: No buts Mr you have to or else I won't forgive you.

Lucien: but I'll only take one bite

Lisa: okay fine. At least you're eating that matters the most.

(He stopped the car at the Ice cream and grab chocolate Ice cream and hand her over and start driving again)

Lisa: And yours?

(She was searching for another Ice cream but the words he said next shocked her)

Lucien: I'll eat you.

(She looked at him)

Lucien: Your Ice Cream dumb girl.

Lisa: why mine? I hate sharing.

Lucien: Fine then I won't eat yours

(He seemed upset)

Lisa: Fine Fine. Only this time but next time don't do that.

Here !

(She offered him one bite)

Lucien:Girl I'm driving how am I suppose to eat this thing. Wait

(He stopped the car at the side and then hold her hand, pushed the Ice cream towards her mouth)

Lucien: hurry up we are getting late

(She took the bite and then he took the bite and gently left her hand and start driving again)

(Her heart start beating loudly, it was an indirect kiss)

Lisa: Are you …

Lucien: We have arrived, Finish this and head to your class Go Go Go.

Take care.

( He smiled and left )

Lisa: He is teasing me can't believe him.

Lucien: Okay guys class over if anyone had anything that they don't understand they can stay after school for extra classes. Goodbye.

Lisa: Finally the most boring class is over. Now I can eat my lunch box. Only a stupid will take extra classes.

Maria: I'm going to take extra math classes and you're also joining me Miss

(Before Lisa start her drama Maria interrupt her and force her to take extra classes and Lisa kept whinnying whole day)

The school was over but only few students came to take class.

(Maria,Lisa ,Sara ,Adam and his friend Ben.

Since Adam and Ben were not so good in math so they didn't want to waste such golden opportunity and Sara she just came to see Lucien.)

Lucien: oh you guys need extra classes, I'm happy to see you all.

(He looked at Lisa)

(He first solve some problems for them)

Lucien: okay I'm going to give some problems the one who solve them can leave first.

(Adam and Ben solved it and left, While Sara was intentionally doing it wrong)

Lucien: Nice move

(He was watching her all the time he was very suspicious when he saw her in the class)

Lucien: how can this be possible she has very good grades why does she want to take extra classes,

(He asked this question to himself and now he knows the answer pretty well)

Sara: Sir, Can you help me I can't understand this problem.

(He decided to help her this time and just ignored what she was upto. This girl was literally trying her best to grab his attention. Even Maria and Lisa noticed that)

Lucien: Okay do this like this and you'll get the value of X.

Sara: okay Sir!

Lucien: Lisa and Maria you too show me your answers

(Maria first went and she was allowed to leave but when it was Lisa's turn ,Lucien frowned)

Lucien:Stand outside and think how you made this mistake

Lisa: huh

(She was shocked and went outside of the class)

Lucien:Sara show your answer.

(She hand him the notebook)

Hmm okay leave. You can go home.

Sara: But Sir….

Lucien: I'm the teacher not you so leave.

(He looked at her with serious eyes and she got petrified and left immediately)

Sara: it's all because of her, He was in such a good mood but that dumb Lisa ruined everything

(She pick her belongings and left)

(When he noticed Sara left he went to Lisa)

Lucien: Lisa come in and sit right next to me and give me your noteboy as well.

(Her heart skipped beats sitting this close to him)

(He solved the problem in the most easiest way so she can understand easily and it really helped Lisa. The way he was teaching her she really started to understand the problems and even did some on her own. She was surprised how easy it was.)

Lucien: Okay little princess can I ask you something?

Lisa; Sure go ahead.

Lucien: Can you show me around I don't know much about this campus and I'm afraid I will lose my way.

Lisa: Sure let's go right now.

( She smiled and pack her bag and put it on her seat and both of them left)

Lisa: okay so here's the chemistry and physics lab. Here's the psychology lab

Their is a computer lab and library too but it's upstairs let's go there.

(Lisa was rushing on the stairs when she tried to take the corner but her foot slip and she fell on the top of him and she just kissed him. Both of them were shocked but when she tried to pull her lips apart from his ,he hold the back of her head kissed her back)

to be continue....

(Thank you for your support lovely readers,please keep showing your love to this novel. Also don't forget to take care of yourself and Stay Happy and Keep Smiling)