
Soulmate for you

A world were no one was willing to stay by my side suddenly a boy appeared in my dark life and fill it with colors. Boy:Hi! I'm Lucien Nice to meet you. You're an otaku If I'm not wrong, let's be friends. A friend which stayed by my side whenever I need him and a lover whom everyone would dream about. Can life be this beautiful? Lucien: Why are so shy it was just a kiss, I won't do anything without your permission but you can't stop me from kissing you ,Since you're my only remedy baby girl. But will my past let me stay with my love? Jack:Lias I want to apologize for the things I've done please forgive me and give me another chance. But who would have thought the past will be this disgusting that it will make you feel ashamed and make you lose your dignity. Jack: Lucien my bro! she has slept with me many times, break up with her she doesn't deserve you. What will she do ? And how many twists her life will take? Stay Tuned to learn more about the story.

Jasmin07 · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 9: Forgive me

(She run from there and went to college's roof and start crying there)

(Maria was looking for Lisa but she couldn't find her, she was worried)

Maria: Where can this girl be ?

(She sighed and searched her)

Maria: Hmm there could be only one place where she can be right now!

( As expected Maria found her on the college roof and she was crying)

Maria: Lisa! What happened girl ,why are you crying?

(She hugged her and stroke her back)

Lisa:I hurt him

(She brush into tears)

( Maria decide to ask her when she will stop crying)

(After crying for a while she told her everything)

Lisa: He is such a nice guy and I have been hurting him from the beginning.

(She paused and stare at the sky)

Lisa: I don't wanna lose him, I have made my mind I'll tell him why I was avoiding him.

(She rubbed her cheeks and look at Maria)

Maria: Finally my girl has grown up!

(She tickle her they both laugh and went to their class)

(Lisa tried to find Lucien but she found out he has already left the college)

Lisa: I have to wait till college is over.

(She thought)

Lucien: Lisa! Why are you not sharing your thoughts with me. Why don't you trust me?

(He was lying on the bed and kept staring the ceiling)

(He was losing hope so he decided to leave the house for few days)

Lucien: I'll tell her and leave tomorrow morning or else she will be worried.

(He thought and went to sleep)

Lisa: I'm home…

(Her voice was so low today as she was able to her it by herself only)

Lisa: Is he in his room?

(She put the bag on the couch and start climbing the stairs)

(This time the room was looked)

Lisa: I can do it, I have to face this.

Knock Knock

(No one replied)

Lisa: Is he sleeping?

(She went back to her room and change and went to shop)

Lisa: I better prepare myself then I'll talk to you

(She said looking at his closed door)

Lucien: I don't wanna see that look in your eyes again when I get close to you so it will be better if I avoid you.

(He was awake when she came but he didn't want her to see him in this shape)

(His eyes were red and hairs were messy)

(Today Lisa came home early and looked for him but she didn't found him around)

Lucien: Is he planning to stay in his room?

(She deceid to talk to him face to face)

Lisa: It's enough! I don't know what will you do but … we need to talk.

Knock Knock

Lisa: Lucien! Open the door.

(Bit he didn't replied nor open the door)

Lisa: I know I've hurt you but believe me I had no intention of doing that, I was just too nervous to face you.

(She start telling him everything)

Lisa: I know you can hear me, I was shy because of what you did yesterday. I never expected something this from you.

Honestly speaking I kinda like it too but can't we take it slow?

I mean you're way too fast and I can't handle it, it's too much for me.

Don't tell me you're giving up on me and trying to run away? Are you?

(He finally opened the door and left her in)

Lucien: You should have told me that, but you're always too busy in hiding your emotions.

(He taunt her and sir to the bed)

Lisa: I'll try to share my thoughts from now on. Can't you forgive me?

(She looked at him with hope)

Lucien: Why should I ?

(He start teasing her but act like he is too serious)

Lisa: What should I do to get your forgiveness?

Lucien: I can forgive you and you know what you need to do!

(He get closer to her)

(She gulped)

Lisa: Please tell me it's not what I'm thinking!

(She looked at him)

Lucien: It is exactly what you're thinking.

(She encourage herself and kissed him cheek and get up)

Lisa: That's all I can do

(He pout and look at her)

Lucien: Fine fine I will get my reward but next time don't think, I'll forgive me this easily.

(He looked at her and pull her into his lap and kissed her)

Lucien: Okay! It's good let's make some Dinner. You will be hungry.

And so do I. But I fill my stomach with food today. Someday I'll have you as a dessert..

(He blinked at her and left the room)

Lisa: How did you become this shameless I'm curious?

(She was happy he is back to normal)

Lucien: I'm not Shameless girl, it's called love, but you won't understand you anti romantic woman!

(He pout and look at her)

Lucien: Ah! I remember…

(He moved closer to her and put his hand on her heart)

(His sudden approach freak her out but he put his hand on her waist to support her cause she was she was moving she might fell down)

Lucien: Does it still hurt?

(He looked worried)

Lisa: Nah! I'm fine. Don't worry

(She shake her head)

Lisa: Although it's true it hurts

(She thought)

(He grabbed her hand and went to kitchen)

(He get some Ice cubes and told her to sit on the chair)

(He dragged one chair to her and put the bowl of Ice cubes into his lab)

Lucien: Show me! I know it hurts.

(She was bewilder at his demand)

Lisa: No no there's no need I'm fine.

(She start shaking her hands)

Lucien: Do you want me to remove it?

(He looked her seriously)

Lisa: Fine….

(She removed half of her shirt and he looked at the hickey)

(He slowly ice cubes bag on it and gently rub it)

Lisa: Ouch!

Lucien: Sorry. It all happened because of me.

(He felt guilty and look down)

Lisa: It's alright it's just a small hickey it will be gone soon.

Lucien: Nope! This mark is going to stay here for the rest of your life.

(She looked at him with surprised eyes)

Lucien: Are you this dumb! I thought you're Otaku. Don't they know everything?

(He look at her with a naughty smile)

(She blushed and look here and there)

(He applied bandage on the spot and close her buttons)

(She just get up and was going to get ingredients for dinner when he suddenly pull her and her back touched his chest)

(He put his chin on her shoulder and kiss it)

Lucien: Sorry baby girl. Next time I'll be more gentle.

(He put his hands on her inside her shirt and caresses her stomach)

Lisa: I'm…. Hungry…. Let's….makes …..dinner.

Lucien: Yeah let's do something about your hunger. Then you'll do something about mine.

(He blinked at her and went to make some dinner)

(Both of them made dinner and eat it in a beautiful environment)

(He didn't teased her again, thinking she might collapse if he didn't something more)

Lucien: Control your emotions boy or you're girl will get faint again.

(He thought as he looked at her who was enjoying her ice cream)

to be continue....

(I was tired today and fall asleep and when I get it was late so I just write it shirt, I'm sorry for writing a short chapter today. please understand.

Stay safe 🙂)