
Soulmate for you

A world were no one was willing to stay by my side suddenly a boy appeared in my dark life and fill it with colors. Boy:Hi! I'm Lucien Nice to meet you. You're an otaku If I'm not wrong, let's be friends. A friend which stayed by my side whenever I need him and a lover whom everyone would dream about. Can life be this beautiful? Lucien: Why are so shy it was just a kiss, I won't do anything without your permission but you can't stop me from kissing you ,Since you're my only remedy baby girl. But will my past let me stay with my love? Jack:Lias I want to apologize for the things I've done please forgive me and give me another chance. But who would have thought the past will be this disgusting that it will make you feel ashamed and make you lose your dignity. Jack: Lucien my bro! she has slept with me many times, break up with her she doesn't deserve you. What will she do ? And how many twists her life will take? Stay Tuned to learn more about the story.

Jasmin07 · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 8: Hickey

(She went to shop and take care of the customers, but today it took her some time and by the time she reached home it was already10 pm)

Lisa: I'm home

(She said and wen to kitchen, He was already there and was setting table)

Lucien: Welcome back!

(He smiled at her)

Lucien: Here, I've made the dinner. Hope you like it.

Lisa: Hmmm! Let's see how's your cooking skills are.

(She took one bite and was fascinated how rich the taste was ,she look at him with surprised eyes)

Lucien: What! How is it?

Lisa: it's fascinating, you're a great chef. Please make more dishes for me in future.

(She said and start eating)

(Both of them did their dinner while chatting with each other)

(And both washed dishes too, while throwing water on each other)

Lucien: Okay now sit here, I'm gonna make some coffee would you like to have some?

(He asked her)

Lisa: Nah! I'll pass I don't like coffee it's bitter. But I like….

Lucien: Ice Cream

(He completed her sentence and both smiled , he went to fridge and take out chocolate Ice cream and gave it to her)

(She start eating it while looking at his back)

Lisa: Even his back looks beautiful.

(She admire him)

(He came back with a cup in his hand and sit in the front of her)

Lucien: Lisa are you a kid?

Lisa: Huh!

(She looked puzzled)

(He then get up from his chair and went to her side, and kissed her cheek and the corner of her lips)

Lucien: See, there's was some Ice cream on your face. Wasting food is bad manners

(He said as he look at her with a naughty smile)

Lisa: Pervert!

(He was shocked to hear this type of name for his handsome personality)

Lucien: I didn't do anything to deserve this name. How can you blame me.

Since you have already called me a pervert, let me do something which is worth of it.

(Before he can hold her, she run away and stick her tongue out like a kid)

Lisa: Catch me if you can.

(She giggled and was going to run away from the kitchen but he grab her wrist)

Lucien: Where are running my little princess?

(He put the hand on her waist and draw her closer to himself, then grab her from thighs and put her on the kitchen counter)

Lisa: What…. are you doing?

(She was freaking out at his boldness)

Lucien: Nothing just don't something pervy.

(He stand in the middle of her legs and whispered into her ears)

(She gulped and looked at him)

Lisa: You always tease me in a bad way so that's why I called you pervert.

(She made a innocent face, hoping he would let her go)

Lucien: Hmmm okay

(He start kissing her neck and start going down)

(She can't even speak a word and start shivering)

(He then put finger on her chin and left her face and looked at her lips and kissed her)

(The kiss was so intense she start burning up)

(He then carry her and went to her room)

Lisa: What are you upto why did you bring me here?

(Something was wrong with him today he is upto something her six sense alert her)

(He then went to her washroom and turn on the shower and put her down, both of them were getting wet)

Lucien: Relax! I won't do anything, just stay here for a while.

I'm helping you taking a shower. Let me remove your clothes.

(As he grabbed her andt was going to unbutton her she just hit him on his head)

Lisa: I can't believe you're such a pervert, Get out you Pervert!

(She chased him out and slam the door at him)

Lucien: Lisa I was just helping you girl I had no bad intention believe me.

(He said while biting his Lower lip)

Lisa: I don't need your help, leave my room or I'll just break your dirty head tonight.

Lucien: Haha okay okay I'm leaving, you're such a cruel girl. But I need a favour.

Lisa: What?

Lucien: I need to take a shower as well, help me and let me in.

(Her jaw dropped as she hear his shameless request)

Lisa:Lucien! you Pervert, I'm going to cry if you didn't go out.

Lucien: Fine! Fine! I'm leaving.

(She heard his footsteps going out and then relaxed)

Lisa: What was that? This man is really bold.

(Thinking about that time her cheeks start burning, she took a cold shower since it was the only way)

(After half hour later she came out in a bath towel but he was lying down on her bed)

Lisa: Ahhhh! What the hell what are you doing in my bed?

(She screamed and was pissed cause he was hugging her favourite pillow)

Lucien: Nothing just came here to sleep with you! I feel lonely and sacred in my room so I came here.

(He said that and start examining her)

(She was getting confused the way he was looking at her)

(Then she realized she is in the bath towel.)

(He get up and get close to her and lean in and whispered)

Lucien: You look sexy but I prefer no clothes! Should I remove this?

(He had a teasy look in his eyes)

Lisa: You can be this shameless I would never have imagined.

(She kicked him out from her room)

Lisa: Don't you dare come near me ever again you Pervert.

(Her face was like a red tomato)

Lucien: Good Night little princess.

(He smiled and went to his room)

Lucien: It's fun teasing her. She's so cute.

(He took a shower and went to his bed, he didn't know when he fall asleep cause this whole time he kept thinking about her)

Lisa: Geez! How I'm going to face him now? Why is he so shameless. Humph!

(She pout and hugged the pillow he was holding)

(She can still feel his sent on the bed)

Lisa: Geez! This person is way too dangerous I have to keep my distance.

(She nodded and went to sleep)

(Next morning Lisa left early cause according to her that pervert won't miss a single chance to flirt with her)

Lucien: Lisa where are you? Hurry up or you're going to get late.

(He went to kitchen but found a note telling him she has already left the house)

Lucien: So you're going to ignore me little kitten.

(He smiled and did breakfast and left)

(When he entered the class, students were happy to see him and welcomed him but Lisa was trying to hide from him)

(A sweet smiled appeared at his face which he hide, very professionly)

Lucien: Miss Lisa please bring these files to my cabin.

(She start cursing him)

(But instead of her she send Sara into his cabin and he was pissed to see her)

Sara: Welcome back sir how are you feeling now?

(She just get close to him)

Lucien: I'm fine and maintain a proper distance with me.

(He went backward so that she won't get close to him)

Sara: Sir I like you and I'm crazyly in love with you.

(She approached him and try to kiss him)

(But he just pushed her away)

Lucien: Are you mad or have you lost your mind? Look you're just a kid so stop this nonsense of concentrate on your studies. You're a girl and your reputation will be reuined if rumors went out, got that ?

now get the hell out of here right now.

(He insulted her and throw her out)

(And tried to relax)

Sara: You will pay for this Mr Lucien.

I'll make sure your reputation will be ruined how can you reject me like this.

(This hurt her ego and she decided to take revenge from him)

Maria: Lisa why did you send Sara to Teacher's cabin he asked you to do the task?

(Lisa looked here and there,she can't tell her that he will do something if she went to the cabin alone so she lied)

Lisa: I wasn't feeling well so I thought Sara should go since she is out class president and she seemed happy when I asked her to deliver the flies.

(But when Sara entered the room she insulted a girl whom she bumped and it created a scene)

Lisa: What's with her ?

(She looked at Maria and she shrugged her shoulders)

(Later Lisa was going to the library when someone grabbed her hand and pull her towards him and put his hand on her lips)

Lucien: It's me. Come to my cabin or else I'll kiss you in the front of whole class tomorrow..

(He looked at her with serious eyes and Left)

Lisa: I think I have pissed him.

(After few minutes she went to his cabin and closed the door)

Lucien: Why are you ignoring me?

(He started to get closer to her and Lisa was going backward and at one point her back hit the wall telling her that's the stop now she can't move from here)

Lucien: and most importantly why did you send Sara in my cabin? Don't you know I don't like her.

(He stared into her eyes)

(She couldn't tell him she was too shy to face him,)

(She tried to move away but he put hands around her and closed the path)

Lisa: Someone will come .

(She was getting nervous the way he was behaving in the board daylight)

Lucien: I'm not sacred. Just answer my question and I'll let you go. Simple

(He kept waiting for her answer but she remain silent)

Lucien: Lisa I'm warning you one last time or else I'll behave very badly with you.

(But she remain silent and kept her head down)

Lucien: Fine!

(He removed her shirt half and put a hickey on her heart, she tried to resist but he hold both of hands up and didn't let her move)

Lucien: It hurt more than this when you ignore me just like day.

Don't do that it kills me deep down.

He rest her head of her shoulder and it was getting wet.

Lisa: Is he crying?

(He thought and put hands around his face and lift it)

(There were tears in his eyed, seeing this her heart start to suffocate and she run away)

to be continue.....

(Thank you lovely readers for reading my novel. if you like it please leave you comment)