
Soulmate for you

A world were no one was willing to stay by my side suddenly a boy appeared in my dark life and fill it with colors. Boy:Hi! I'm Lucien Nice to meet you. You're an otaku If I'm not wrong, let's be friends. A friend which stayed by my side whenever I need him and a lover whom everyone would dream about. Can life be this beautiful? Lucien: Why are so shy it was just a kiss, I won't do anything without your permission but you can't stop me from kissing you ,Since you're my only remedy baby girl. But will my past let me stay with my love? Jack:Lias I want to apologize for the things I've done please forgive me and give me another chance. But who would have thought the past will be this disgusting that it will make you feel ashamed and make you lose your dignity. Jack: Lucien my bro! she has slept with me many times, break up with her she doesn't deserve you. What will she do ? And how many twists her life will take? Stay Tuned to learn more about the story.

Jasmin07 · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 10: Love and That Person

(Next day both of them went to college together)

Lisa: Okay I'll be leaving take care.

(She said him before coming out of car)

Lucien: Take care. See you, my love.

(He gave her a flying kiss)

(Sara saw Lisa coming out of Lucien car and she was moving towards their side when suddenly her friend came and took her away with her)

Sara: Something is wrong here.

(She was puzzled and her mind was giving her signals that something fishy going on between these two)

Maria: Ahan! Someone is looking very happy today. Did something happened last night between you two?

(She start teasing her and Lisa was blushing, then Lucien came to the class)

Lucien: Okay guys please head back to your seats, class is going to start soon.

(He looked at Lisa with a sweet smile)

Sara: What's that? Don't tell me he likes her?

(She thought as she frowned and decided to keep an eye on Lisa)

(Soon class was over and everyone went out to do their desire works)

(Sara was stalking Lisa)

(Lisa was walking when she felt like someone is behind her but when she turn around she found no one she shrugged her shoulders and move, when suddenly Lucien pull her arm from his office and when she entered he closed the door)

Lucien: I missed you,

(He hugged her as he said that and kissed her neck)

Lisa: We… are … in… college.

(She was nervous and it was getting hard for her to speak)

Lucien: You're afraid! When I'm here?

(He raised his left eyebrow and looked at her)

(Lisa noticed his facial expressions it was a sign that he was getting upset)

Lisa: No.. it's not like that. I can explain.

(She said and look at him and gulped)

Lucien: Okay explain I'm listening.

(He started to get closer to her and put his hands on her waist and draw her so close that they can feel each other's breathing)

Lisa: You're a teacher….

(It was really getting hard for that poor girl to finish her words she wanted to say "" Can you please stay a little further until I speak)

(And looked at his eyes)

Lisa: So if rumors went out about you and me, your reputation will be ruined and I…

(Before she could complete her sentence he kissed her)

(She was shocked and her eyes were wide open)

Lucien: Geez! Girl you're very Shameless,you should close your eyes when someone kiss you okay!

(He smiled at her and went back to his seat)

Lucien: Come here I have already order the things, they will be here soon let's have lunch together.

Lisa: But ….

(She was going to say something but he already stopped her with his hand)

Lucien: No buts! If you're not going to have lunch with someone else I'm also not eating anything.

Lisa: Fine. I gave up now.

Lisa: This man never listen to me humph!

(She could only think but can't say out loud)

(They enjoyed their lunch and Lisa went back to class)

(When classes were over they went back home together)

Lucien: Lisa wait! I'm also coming to the shop today. Just wait for 2 minutes I'll be back okay.

(He wear hoodi with matching pants and sneaker and he really looked like a High School student)

(Lisa kept staring at him, until she finds his lips on her cheeks)

Lucien: Am I that handsome!

(He looked into her eyes and smiled)

Lisa: Let's go we are getting late already.

(She hold him from the arm and start walking)

Lucien: But you didn't….

(He was saying something when Lisa suddenly inturrpt him)

Lisa: Yeah yeah let's get going first then we'll talk.

(They opened the shop and greet their customers)

(Lucien was handling the customers pretty easily and today the shop was really busy)

(At the time they were done it was getting dark)

Lucien: Wanna come with me to a place?

(He looked at her and asked for her permission)

Lisa: Where?

(She seems excited)

Lucien: It's a secret.

(He put finger on his lips and wink)

Lucien: Okay let's go. Shall we?

(He stretched out his hand towards her which she held tightly and went with him)

(They both came to the Ocean side)

(The sun was setting but if you watch it standing at the shore it will look like sun is getting eaten by ocean)

Lisa: WOW! Ocean!

(She screamed and hugged Lucien)

Lucien: Yup!

(He held her tightly and kissed her forehead)

Lucien: I wanted to come here with you from a long time but I didn't had time so today finally I had some time and …. Here we are. Do you like it?

(He looked at her)

Lisa: Yup I really love the Ocean.

(She took his hand and draged her to play with waves)

(But he shaked his and told her to enjoy)

(She removed her shoes and play with waves)

Lucien: Be careful.

(He was looking at her passionately and took some pictures of her)

Lisa: Lucien hey come join me.

(He shake his head but she dragged him and they both throw water on each other)

(It was a wonderful day for both of them,cause they were happy with each other)

(They enjoyed their evening like kids and Lisa was totally wet and was laughing)

Boy: oh my God! Lisa is that you?

(A boy suddenly called Lisa and grabbed her from shoulder)

Lisa: This voice….

(She turned out and was shocked to see this person in the frobt of him)

(How can she forget this person)

Lisa: Why is he here? What does he want from me now?

(She wanted to run away and wanted to hide behind Lucien but her legs were getting numb)

(2 minutes before Lucien scold Lisa and went to take a towel from the car for her)

(Lucien was heading back when he suddenly saw a boy coming out of nowhere and he was heading straight to Lisa's direction)

(Then he noticed Lisa seemed pretty afraid of him so he immediately run in her direction)

(Before that boy could hug her Lucien came and grab him from the back and push him back and stand in the front of Lisa so that the boy won't be able to see her)

Lucien: Who are you?

(He was getting angry at him but control himself)

(Lisa grabbed his hoodie from behind and lean into him he can tell, her body was shaking)

Boy: Me? Do you really wanna know who am I?

(He looked straight into his eyes and smirk)

Boy: Lisa My love should I tell him about us?

(He called out her name and tried to see her but Lucien blocked his veiw)

to be continue....

(Thank you for those who are reading my novel I'm very grateful to you guys but also you should share your thoughts with me as well, you guys never reply it makes your writer sad. Please don't get sick and take good care of yourself. Have a nice day)