
Soulmate for you

A world were no one was willing to stay by my side suddenly a boy appeared in my dark life and fill it with colors. Boy:Hi! I'm Lucien Nice to meet you. You're an otaku If I'm not wrong, let's be friends. A friend which stayed by my side whenever I need him and a lover whom everyone would dream about. Can life be this beautiful? Lucien: Why are so shy it was just a kiss, I won't do anything without your permission but you can't stop me from kissing you ,Since you're my only remedy baby girl. But will my past let me stay with my love? Jack:Lias I want to apologize for the things I've done please forgive me and give me another chance. But who would have thought the past will be this disgusting that it will make you feel ashamed and make you lose your dignity. Jack: Lucien my bro! she has slept with me many times, break up with her she doesn't deserve you. What will she do ? And how many twists her life will take? Stay Tuned to learn more about the story.

Jasmin07 · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 7: Rain and Him

(After those words he went to his room, he only had one month to win her heart,and he know it's not gonna be this easy)

Lisa: What was that? What if I fall in love with him during this time?

(She asked her own self but didn't find any answer)

Lisa:I don't wanna be abandon, get hurt again. Why did you came into my life.

(She start crying and fall asleep)

(Next morning she get up wear her uniform and was about to leave when his father stopped her and Lucien was also coming downstairs)

Lisa Father: So you came back? How are you and why do I feel like you didn't sleep well.

(He start getting worried for him cause his eyes were red which was prove that he didn't get enough sleep and just hurried back)

Lucien: It's nothing uncle don't worry, I just wanted to finish my work early so…

(He said that while massaging his eyes)

Lisa Father: And now where are you going?

(Lucien was ready to leave the house, he was going to college to drop her)

Lucien: I'm going to college I have been absent for a while so it's better to go back and do my work. Since I'm a teacher those student's future depends on me I can't be absent for that long.

Lisa Father: Are you sure? I think it's better for you to rest for whole day and of course if your body is not well how are you going to teach your students? Go upstairs I'm not letting you go out today. Go and get some rest. I'll make you soup.

(This time he didn't said anything and went upstairs but he was worried about Lisa so he looked at her but she ignored him)

Lucien: WOW I'll talk to you later you heartless girl!

(He thought)

Lisa Father: Lisa I won't be home for few days. Something urgent came up and I need to visit my hometown, your Grandma isn't feeling well too and I might stay there for few days.

Lisa: Is it that serious? Can I go with you as well?

(She was worried for her grandma although after coming here they didn't contacted them but still she's her grandma there's a bond which she can't deny)

Lisa Father: No you can't, you have to take care of this house and shop. Don't worry Lucien is a very nice guy he will take care of you very well so I'm rest assured by your side I know my daughter can handle anything. I'll try my best to come back as soon as possible.

(He hugged her and stroke her hairs and gave her the keys of house and shop and give her some instructions, then Lisa left for college)

(Principal arranged the substitute teacher for the time being but Lisa was having troubles in math again of course no one can make her understand math except one person)

Maria: What happened why are you sad?

(Maria noticed she has been upset from the morning, now she can't helped but ask her directly)

Lisa: Father is going to meet grandma because she is ill so I'll be alone at home.

Maria: You can come and stay with me or I can stay at your place if you like.

Lisa: No you can't.

(She got nervous and shout)

Maria: What are you hiding from me Lisa?

(Lisa was tired of keeping things to herself so she told everything to her best friend, as Maria Listened she was shocked but then a smile appear at her face)

Maria: You trust me right?

Lisa: Dude seriously! How can you even ask me that question?

(She slaped her shoulder and get angry)

Maria: My bad my queen but seriously … let's be serious. From what you have told me I can only get to one conclusion…

(She paused and look at Lisa)

Lisa: what ?

Maria: He truly loves you girl. If you get cheated once that doesn't mean same thing will happen again. Not all men are same, give him a chance and besides it's only for one month. Can't you forget your past and start your life in a new way. Besides you were the one who accepted his challenge now if you don't play it fair and square it will be cheating.

Think about it.

(She said and went to class. And Lisa was sitting on the table and was focusing on what Maria said)

Lisa: Maria is right I should give him one chance, I don't have the right to judge anyone. Let's see if he has the ability to win my heart or not.

(Lisa went home early cause she has to take care of shop as well, she got free around 8 pm)

Lisa: Hmm the weather is not good today I think heavy storm is coming this way, I should hurry back home.

(She had just crossed the half path when rain started to pour)

Lisa: I'm home!

(But no one replied, she was soaked and her clothes were also wet, she changed)

Lisa: What is he doing?

(She went upstairs, she slightly pushed the door and it was open she steped in and he was lying on his bed and the soup was on the table)

Lisa: He didn't even drink the soup.

(She get close to him and place her hand on his forehead, he was burning like a pot)

Lisa: Oh my God! You have a fever.

(She immediately went down and grab first aid kid and get fever pills and came back to his room with water bottle)

Lisa: Lucien Get up and take this medicine you'll feel better.

(He didn't move cause he was in deep sleep)

Lisa: What should I do? There's only one way.

(She took the medicine and give him through mouth to mouth)

Lisa: Sorry but that was the only I had .

(She hold his hand and it was cold, she was nervous that's her first time treating a sick person so she pushed him a little bit and sleep right next to him and hugged him)

(After few minutes he opened his eyes and saw her besides him he thought it's just a dream and grabbed her from the waist and put his head on her shoulder and hold her tightly in his arms and fall asleep again)

Lisa: you should be glad you're sick, or else….

(Her heart start racing)

(In the morning Lisa woke up first and checked his fever which was down and rain was also stopped, she tried to get up but vain cause he was holding her like a pillow)

Lisa:What should I do with this guy, if you weren't ill I would have pushed you down from this bed.

(She pout)

(She realized she never saw him this closely he really is handsome, plump lips, beautiful eyes, soft and sqeezy cheeks ,long neck but when she looked at his Adam's apple she lean and kissed it)

Lisa: Thank God he is sleeping. Whew!

(She start caressing his lips)

Lisa: Don't think dirty. This man is driving me crazy.

(She was going to get up but suddenly he grabbed her hand and pull her back she instantly fell into his lap)

Lucien; How can you take advantage of a patient?

(He was teasing her)

Lisa: I wasn't.. it was just …

(She had nothing to say ,she just wanted to run away as fast as she can)

(He put his hands on her waist and pull her more closer to him)

Lucien: I'm disappointed at you, I thought you were going to do something else. Go on I'm being nice,take advantage of me as much you like. Go ahead.

(He was looking at her eyes but there was something in his eyes which made her divert her gaze)

Lucien: Kiss me

(Lisa looked at him with shocked, she thought she might have misheard)

Lisa: Huh? What did you said?

Lucien: Kiss me it hurts, my body hurts , and my head is spinning and my stomach isn't feeling well and my every body part hurts. Kiss me after that I will feel better

( She looked at him with a look "" seriously , can a kiss can heal you?"" )

Lucien: If you don't kiss me I won't let you get up.

(She just realized she was sitting on his lap this whole time, she turned red and looked away)

Lucien: It's just a kiss why are so shy?

(He was having fun teasing her)

Lisa: Fine I'll, but first let me get up.

(He nodded and let her go)

Lisa: Sorry I'm anti romantic and Runaway.

(And she was laughing so hard)

Lucien:Lisa! you cheat come back here.

(He knew what she was planning to do but he get want he wanted the most)

(She didn't went to college and stayed at home and make chicken soup for him and went to his room)

Lucien: I won't eat anything , you're a cheater.

(He pout and turned his face)

Lisa: So cute.

Lucien: Don't change the topic. Eat this it's very yummy and good for you. Here!

(she hand him the bowl)

(He first looked at the bowl and then at her)

Lucien: I can't eat this! you feed me

(He made a very innocent face and give her the bowl)

Lisa: Are you a baby or something!

(She raised her eyebrows)

Lucien: Seriously baby girl, I have no energy in my body I feel weak can't you do such a simple task for you cousin , plus I'm living in your house taking care of me is your responsibility.

(He emotionally blackmaied her)

Lisa: Sigh! I lost… here

(She moved the spoon towards his mouth)

Lucien: Blow it what if hurts my tongue then what will you do?

(He made puppy face)

Lisa: Fine! Fine!

(She blow the soup and feed him)

(After finishing the food she put the bowl on the side table and check his fever)

Lisa: Hmm good you'll be fine till evening.

(She was going to get up when he suddenly put his head on her lap)

Lucien:Let me stay like this for few minutes.

(Her heart skipped beats, she looked here and there)

(He was looking at her face,she was nervously biting her lips, he reached out his hand and stopped her)

Lucien: Don't do that, it's my job, only I can do that.

I have been in love with you since you were little, when you were a kid you would only play with me and when some other kids try to play with you, you will cry and hug me. Back then you were so cute and innocent, but now you're very beautiful and….

(He became silent)

Lisa: And?

(She was also curious what he was going to say next)

Lucien: I'll tell you in the evening.

Where's my medicine? Go and do some work you lazy cat. Kids these days are so lazy.

(He start teasing her and act like a old man)

Lisa: Yeah Yeah Grandpa, here's you medicine and Here's water. Take care.

(She came downstairs and went to shop, she was surprised to know that he loved him from childhood a smile appeared at her face and she blushed)

Lisa: How can a person love someone for that long?

(She thought but he can)

to be continue.....

(Thank you those are supporting my novel and guys please leave your comments as well, let me know which part you like the most. Honestly speaking writing a romantic novel is hard seriously it is.. I spend time thinking what should I write and then make draft of it and sometimes when I have to write some romantic scenes my sense just got jam there. Truly respect those who write bold romantic novels.

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