
Soulmate for you

A world were no one was willing to stay by my side suddenly a boy appeared in my dark life and fill it with colors. Boy:Hi! I'm Lucien Nice to meet you. You're an otaku If I'm not wrong, let's be friends. A friend which stayed by my side whenever I need him and a lover whom everyone would dream about. Can life be this beautiful? Lucien: Why are so shy it was just a kiss, I won't do anything without your permission but you can't stop me from kissing you ,Since you're my only remedy baby girl. But will my past let me stay with my love? Jack:Lias I want to apologize for the things I've done please forgive me and give me another chance. But who would have thought the past will be this disgusting that it will make you feel ashamed and make you lose your dignity. Jack: Lucien my bro! she has slept with me many times, break up with her she doesn't deserve you. What will she do ? And how many twists her life will take? Stay Tuned to learn more about the story.

Jasmin07 · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: A New Teacher

(He waved his hand and left in a rush )

Maria: I think he likes you Lisa.

Lisa: you also like me as well so what!

And how can someone like you,when they just met twice huh?

(She raised her eyebrows and asked)

Maria: You're hopeless babe , finish this and let's head back to our class

Lisa: okay

(The moment they enter the class they heard some gossip)

Classmate 1: Did you heard a very handsome teacher has joined our school?

He looks like a prince and has a very sweet voice.

(She looked like a fan)

(And then teacher came)

Teacher: okay students go back to your seats I have something important to discuss.Okay Mr Lucien you can come in now

Guys your old teacher Mr Lee will not be able to take your maths classes, so from now one this new teacher will take your class. Behave well and don't create any type of trouble for him. Okay I'm leaving for my class.

(Lisa and Maria were shocked and Lucien has a smile on his face)

Lisa: dude he! How can he be a teacher!! I mean look at him he looks young, a Teacher, seriously!! I think something is wrong.

(Maria was still shocked and was looking at Lisa and then Mr Lucien)

Lisa: Girl snap out of it

(She pinched her)

Maria: Ouch! Girl you are getting pretty voilent these days. Now it makes perfect sense. Remember when we met him he wasn't wearing uniform he was wearing a formal dress so he is a teacher.

(Lucien was really enjoying the reactions of both of them)

Lucien: Ahem! Okay Students I'm your new Mr Lucien Lee. As you can see Mr Lee just shift to another city for some personal reasons so I'll take your class and let me tell you I'll punish those who won't behave well,skip classes and get bad scores. I'll let you know about punishment in future.

So let's start the first day with introduction. Let's start from front and one by one tell me your names. Shall we ?

(Whole time Lisa kept her head down if she commit some kind of big crime but for someone it was quite amusing)

Lucien: Miss at the corner I think it's your turn to give your introduction.

(He asked Lisa with a smile)

Lisa: Hello I'm Lisa Darin and I hate math

Lucien:Heh! Okay I'll make sure you love it when I'm around.

(Whole class looked at him)

Lucien: What it is class? I'm talking about the subject what are your minds thinking

(He said with a serious face)

Okay Miss Lisa sit down and next student please!

Maria: I'm Maria Luther. Nice to meet you teacher.

Lucien: Okay that's all for today. Let's start the study from tomorrow onwards and be serious about my subject cause I don't want students who are lazy during my class.

( He told them with a stuned face)

Maria: Dude he looks like a strict teacher and you're doomed girl, you always had bad grades when it comes to maths.

Lisa: those are not bad grades, watch what are you saying, it's maths fault if he can't find his X not mine.

(She said that while blinking at Maria)

Maria: Don't get in the trouble this time and be serious about study.

Lisa: Yes Sir I get it ,besides I have you so yeah chill girl.

Maria: By the way,the room at the roof,is it still empty?

Lisa: Yeah! But my father is looking for a tanent,I hope we can get one.

Okay let's head home, I'm tired, lot's of things happened today.

Lisa: Father I'm home!

Lisa Father: How was your day my baby girl? Did you had fun.

Lisa: it was as usual but today, a new math teacher came. Hope so I won't get any punishment, he seems strict.

Okay father I'll washed up and will eat then.

(Lisa hugged her father and left)

(She lay down on her bed and think about today)

Lisa: Ahhhhh! I guess I really need to study math. Let's just take a bath for now and relax then I'll study.

Lisa Father: Get up Lisa or else you're going to be late for your classes. Hurry up girl!

Lisa: oh shoot! today the first class is math. I'm dead.

(She start whinnying, grab her uniform ,took a shower ,wear it and tie her long hairs in a high pony ,grab the bag and left the house)

Lisa Father: Girl! eat something first

(He shout)

(But she was already out of the house)

Lisa;Let me make it this time.

(Luck was not on her side this time she was late and Lucine was already in the class)

Lucien: oh Good Morning Miss you're late on the first day of my class.

Lisa: Sorry Sir! I won't happen again.

Lucien:I'll forgive you this time but next … I won't. Hurry up and go back to your seat,test is about to start.

Lisa: thank you Sir.

(She sit next to Maria)

Lisa: What's going on here ,Test! but I didn't prepare anything like that I'm doomed now,What should I do?

Maria:You fall asleep after eating?

Lisa: Yeah!

(She makes a puppy face)

Lucien: Be quite! Here's the papers and you have 30 minutes to complete this test.

I want to know how much efforts I need to put on each student.

Best of luck!

(The test begin and as expected Lisa had no idea so she just right few questions)

Lucien: Okay times up, give me your test so I can check them and announce the results.

(He checked the test and Lisa was nervous)

Lucien: Okay all the students are good but needs to put some efforts and they will be fine but … Miss Lisa meet me at my office after class, I think we need to talk about you.

Lucien:Sarah,here give these tests to all the students and Miss Lisa come with me.

Maria: If you survived today let's talk! Now go,Hurry up

(She went to Lucien office and gulped)


Lucien:Come in Miss.

(He point at the chair and she sat on it and he gave her the test)

Lucien: What's this little princess,why are you this bad at math!

(He waited for her reply but she was silent)

Lucien: I need answer.

Okay last warning if this happened again, don't blame me but if you think you still can't understand I'll provide you extra classes cause I don't want a stupid kid in my class understood? Now leave.

(She get up and was about to leave when her feet stuck in rag and she lost balance,she was going to fall down but …)

Lisa: wait it didn't hurt when I fall down strange!

(She think and opened her eyes but Lucien was holding her and her hand was on his heart)

Lisa:Again! His heart is beating very fast

(Lucien was holding her from her waist)

Lucine:Be Careful.


(The sound came from her stomach)

Lisa: Stomach not here! It's embarrassing.

Lucien: I think Little Princess is hungry, stay here, I'll order some breakfast for you.

Lisa: Sir I'm okay, and can you please let go of me now?

Lucien: Sit here that's my order

(After 10 minutes breakfast came which were sandwich)

Lucien: Eat this and you can leave or else you can stay here with me, Choice is yours

(She pout and eat sandwich)

Lisa: Thank you Sir I'm leaving now!

Lucien: Wait girl, There's something on your face

(He gently cleaned his cheek)

(Lisa left and he sit on his chair and put hand on his heart)

Lucien:Again; What are you Lisa!

Little Princess you're so fragile, you won't be able to handle the passion of my love,I'm afraid my love will hurt you , you're so soft I'm afraid I'll break you if I hold you tight.

to be continue

(I hope my cute readers are enjoying my novel , Be Safe and Keep smiling everyone)