
Soulmate for you

A world were no one was willing to stay by my side suddenly a boy appeared in my dark life and fill it with colors. Boy:Hi! I'm Lucien Nice to meet you. You're an otaku If I'm not wrong, let's be friends. A friend which stayed by my side whenever I need him and a lover whom everyone would dream about. Can life be this beautiful? Lucien: Why are so shy it was just a kiss, I won't do anything without your permission but you can't stop me from kissing you ,Since you're my only remedy baby girl. But will my past let me stay with my love? Jack:Lias I want to apologize for the things I've done please forgive me and give me another chance. But who would have thought the past will be this disgusting that it will make you feel ashamed and make you lose your dignity. Jack: Lucien my bro! she has slept with me many times, break up with her she doesn't deserve you. What will she do ? And how many twists her life will take? Stay Tuned to learn more about the story.

Jasmin07 · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 13: Fear

(After reaching home she didn't even let him go back to college)

Lucien: Okay Lisa! Tell me what happened why are you this scared?

(He asked her)

(She didn't replied)

Lucien:Sigh! Lisa

(He lift her face with his hands and looked into her eyes)

(The moment their eyes met she brust into tears)

Lucien: Lisa,Please Don't cry like that. Look at me. If you don't tell me how am I going to know what is bothering you?

(He stoke her back and hugged her tightly)

Lisa: Don't go, Don't leave me or he'll kill you as well.

(She kept crying in his arms and fell asleep)

Lucien: What the heck is going on? What happened in the college. I need to know and why did she said he'll kill you as well?

(He thought and called Maria)

Lucien: Maria it's Lucien. Can you tell me what happened today and why was Lisa feeling unwell in the class?

Maria: Umm… Teacher…

(She doesn't know whether she should tell him or not)

Lucien: Maria I think I have asked you something.

(This time he asked her with a bit of angry tone)

Maria: She was feeling well in the morning but after your class Principal Sir came with a new boy, name Jack and after that she starting to shiver and then head out from class. Is she alright?

(Maria was worried cause after that she heard Lisa isn't feeling well and went home)

Maria: I'll come to see her after college.

Lucien: Yeah, thank you, she will feel better if you came here.

(After greetings he hang up the call)

(Then he called Secretary Kim)

Lucien: Did you find anything?

Secretary Kim: Yes I have found something and I need some proves for that as well. Let's meet and discuss this matter.

Lucien: Okay at 5 pm in the coffee shop, wait for me I'll be there.

(He put his phone down and looked at her)

Lucien: Who ever this person is, he will pay!

(He gently Stoke her hair and kissed her forehead)

Lucien: I'm sorry I wasn't able to take care of you well. I'll eliminate that cause, from which you're suffering this much.

(In the evening Maria came to the house and went to Lisa room and met with her, Lisa was also awake)

Lucien: Lisa I'll be back soon and Maria please take care of her until then.

Lisa: But where are you going?

(After hearing that she get upset and looked at him)

Lucien: I need to deal with something and I'll cook your favourite meals okay ! so behave and take care of yourself.

(He smiled at her and stroke her hair and left)

Maria: Oh! You guys are acting like a married couple.

(She teased her and start laughing)

Maria: So Lisa when are you going me a good news?

(Lisa was surprised and looked at her)

Lisa: What news?

Maria; Like when I'm gonna become an aunt?

(She wink at her and looked at her with excitement)

Lisa: What the … dude your mind is so dirty!

(She grabbed the pillow from behind and throw at her, but Maria run away and Lisa run after her)

(Both of them were laughing and Maria was able to distract her)

Secretary Kim: Check these papers.

(He gave him some papers in which bio-data of that boy was written)


Name: Jack Anderson

Father name: Anderson Connor

(He think for a while and speak)

Lucien: Jack, that's the name Maria said. So he's the new student.

Secretary Kim: And one thing more, you remember the date stealing thing right? It was Anderson who did it. He put the blame on his worker and acted like he doesn't know anything about it.

Lucien: Pathetic! About the boy do you know anything else?

Secretary Kim: Yeah, two years before, he was studying in the same school you're in. And at that time his father send him abroad due to some incident.

(He paused and look for a specific file and give it to Lucien)

Secretary Kim: It was assumed that a female student died back then and he was the suspected, but later on the police found out it wasn't murder but a suicide.

Lucien: Why did they suspect Jack at that time?

Secretary Kim: Cause he was her boyfriend at that time and some students said ,last time ,both of the them were together.

Lucien: Why do I feel like the case isn't that simple as it seems.

Secretary Kim: Hmm… you're right. I'll think I need to dig more deeply now. And…

(He paused for a moment and looked at him)

Secretary Kim: Look Lucien, I'm afraid Lisa knows something about this. The way she reacts when she sees Jack. Please talk to her … I'll take my leave.

Lucien: I need to talk to Maria tomorrow. She knows what's the reason behind Lisa's fear!

(Around 8 pm he was home and Maria was going to leave cause her brother came to pick her)

Lucien: I'm home.

(He shout and look here and there)

Lucien: Where's my baby girl?

(He put the grocery on the table and looked for Lisa)

Lisa; I'm here and why did you came Late?

(She told her arms and looked at him)

Lucien: Oh! Someone is upset. Hmm what should I do?

(He get close to her and start tickling her)

Lisa: No… please stop this…

(She was getting red while laughing)

Lucien: Come help me and let's make Dinner.

(He went to kitchen and then and looked at Lisa)

Lucien: I'm quite surprised and shocked and my heart is beating very loudly.

Lisa: Why are you flirting in the middle of cooking?

(She looked at him suspiciously)

Lucien: Look down.

(She looked down and there was a cockroach)

Lisa: oh this, I'm not afraid of it.

(Saying this, she killed it and looked at him)

Lisa: Anything else!

Lucien: Nope!

(He was shocked and just did his work)

Lucien: I thought she will scream and get sacred but …

(He thought)

Lucien: Aren't you scared of these things?

(While cooking he asked her)

Lisa: Nah! I'm not, I can killed them pretty easily.

Lucien: Then why are you afraid of that boy?

(He looked at her seriously and continue)

Lucien: He is even worse than this.

(He pointed at the cockroach)

Lucien: Look Lisa! You don't have to be so afraid of him I'm here with you and trust me he can't hurt you. Okay! If you think he can hurt me then you're pretty innocent I must say. Of course no one can lay a finger on famous tycoon of this country.

(He looked at her and smile)

Lisa: Wait, What did you say? Heh, tycoon…and you ! yeah yeah, like I will believe at everything what you say.

(He pout)

Lucien: But I'm your future husband you have to admit that.

(He leaned and kissed her)

Lisa: What husband, I've not confess.

(She stick out his tongue)

(He looked at her and roll fingers in his hair and smile while biting his lip)

Lucien: Why are you like this Lisa?

(She opened her mouth to say something but he just kissed her and put the hand on the back of her head)

(The kiss was getting intense and Lisa was getting out of breath)

(When he realized, he step back and looked at her who was breathing heavily)

Lucien: Is this a place for romance? Look what you're doing your wasting time hurry up and make dinner or else you'll stay hungry.

to be continue.....

(if you want I can give me an extra chapter tomorrow..let me know okay?)