
Soulmate for you

A world were no one was willing to stay by my side suddenly a boy appeared in my dark life and fill it with colors. Boy:Hi! I'm Lucien Nice to meet you. You're an otaku If I'm not wrong, let's be friends. A friend which stayed by my side whenever I need him and a lover whom everyone would dream about. Can life be this beautiful? Lucien: Why are so shy it was just a kiss, I won't do anything without your permission but you can't stop me from kissing you ,Since you're my only remedy baby girl. But will my past let me stay with my love? Jack:Lias I want to apologize for the things I've done please forgive me and give me another chance. But who would have thought the past will be this disgusting that it will make you feel ashamed and make you lose your dignity. Jack: Lucien my bro! she has slept with me many times, break up with her she doesn't deserve you. What will she do ? And how many twists her life will take? Stay Tuned to learn more about the story.

Jasmin07 · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 12: Teasing and A New Classmate

(Around 6 am he wake up and when he tried to get up someone was holding his collars)

(He smiled and looked at her)

(Last night both of them were talking, when he suddenly felt something heavy on his shoulder and Lisa was sleeping peacefully, he gently put blanket on her and he was getting up, when out of blue Lisa kissed him)

Lisa: Don't… Go.

(She whispered,rest her head on his chest and fall asleep)

(He was surprised on this sudden attack but then hugged her and tried to sleep)


Lucien: I'll be back soon. okay.

(He kissed her forehead)

(But before he could get up from the bed his brain gave him a very "Sweet" idea and immediately act upon it)

(Around 6:30 am Lisa started to wake up and when she look at the right side Lucien was sleeping, she smiled softly. But the moment her eyes went down from his face she screamed)

Lucien: What happened?

(He rubbed his eyes and acted like he just woke up)

Lisa: Where's your shirt and why there are some scratches, hickey marks on your body?

(Here comes our innocent actor)

Lucien: Girl, you did it why are you over-reacting?

(He raised his eyebrows)

Lucien: Don't you dare tell me you don't remember anything what you did last night?

(He was shocked and looked at her)

Lisa: I don't remember anything.

(She was puzzled and stared at his chest and neck)

Lucien: Let me tell you what you did.

(He looked at her suspiciously)

Lucien: Last Night I was going to my room when suddenly you grabbed me and started to strip me.

(He stopped and looked at her face)

(Her jaw dropped as she listened)

(He reached out his hand and closed her mouth)

Lucien: There's more baby girl!

Then you just removed all of your clothes too and …. I can't say more

(He sighed and turn around)

(He put hand on his face and tried to stop himself from laughing)

Lisa: What the hell was I thinking last night!

(Lisa, the poor girl has no idea she is getting pranked)

Lisa: Then what happened next, please tell me.

(She put hand on his shoulder and turn him around)

(He again made a pitiful face and looked at her)

Lucien: You raped me!

(He put his head down)

Lisa: WHAT!

(She screamed)

Lucien: Yeah baby girl! Just look at my body.

Lisa: But I don't remember anything.

(She looked at him while defending herself)

Lucien: You were pretty wild last night,I never have seen you like that. I thought you're quite shy type, but seems like I was wrong.

(He made pitiful expressions)

(She took off her shirt and looked at her Body)

Lisa: But there are no marks on my body. How can that be?

(She looked at him and asked him)

Lucien: I dunno, I was surprised so I …

Lisa: No way boy! If I have throw myself into your arms there's no way you wouldn't do anything to me.

Lucien: Don't Tell me she knows ,I'm lying

(He just gulped and looked at her)

Lisa: And how come this hickey is coming out from the body.

(She was pissed, she almost had a mini heart attack and that boy was just enjoying everything)

Lisa: What the hell, how can you lie to me dude.

(She throw her pillows on his face)

Lisa: Leave my room before I'll kick you out.

(She just hold the broom in her hands and was going to his best him but he run away)

Lucien: Lisa my Baby girl, put this thing down, it hurts.

(He whin)

Lisa: Oh okay okay!

(She put the broom down and then throw the flower pot at him)

Lucien: Lisa…

(He was shocked to see that side of her)

Lucien: Why are you getting violent. Voilence is bad you know. Let me tell you if its keep going on like this then don't blame me next time if I lay my hands on you.

(He tried to calm her down but she smiled)

Lisa: But I was wild last night! Wasn't I ?

(She looked at him with a innocent face)

Lucien: I was lying, I wanted to tease you that's it. I'm sorry , put that pot down dude or you'll kill your future husband like this.

I'm going to tell Uncle.

(Instead of putting it down she hit it on the wall)

Lisa: I'll forgive you this time. Next time if you teased me like this I'll seriously hit you with something.

(He moved in her direction and hold her from the waist)

Lucien: Hit me with your love.

(Saying that he kissed her but instantly moved back cause Lisa pite his lower lip)

Lucien: I kinda like it. You're like a wild kitten now.

(She seems anry and looked away)

Lucien: Okay I'm sorry let's go in a amusement park in evening okay.

(He hold her from behind and kissed her cheeks)

Lisa: Okay. Don't you dare think I'm an easy prey whom you can tease anytime.

Lucien: Is that so, let me see how brave you are.

(Saying that he moved her hair from the back and kissed her collarbone and then shoulder)

Lisa: What … are… you… doing…

(Her voice was cracking)

Lucien: Nothing, just checking how brave you are.

(Saying that he started to move downward and started to play with the straps of her bra)

Lucien: Should I remove this and do something with you?

(He whispered into her ear and bite her earlobe)

(She shakes her head,the moment his hands started to move down, her body got numb and she start shaking)

Lucien: When will you tell me about your feelings? The moment you'll confess I won't hold back and will remove all the barriers between you and me.

(He was whispering into her ears and her ears were getting red, the body was getting heat up, and her heart was racing loudly)

Lucien: On that day I won't ask for your permission I'll make you mine, your every breath will be mine so prepare yourself baby girl.

(He just release her and went to her wardrobe and get her uniform)

Lucien: Here! Hurry up we are getting late. We'll do breakfast on our way.

(After giving her uniform he left her room and decided to get ready)

Lisa: He is holding himself back for me?

(She was totally moved by that, she knows very well how boys these days are, they won't hold their emotions even girls are not ready for things like these they will just make them do but he was respecting her decision, she was deeply touched and was falling for him hard)

(She was in love the moment he protect her and became her shield, living under the same roof, If he wanted to do anything with her, he can, and no one would know, but he was giving her time so she can confess and come to him with her own Will)

Lisa: I love you, I truly do.

(She blushed and ran to took a shower)

Maria: Lisa what happened, your face is red

(She looked at her and teased her, Sara who was going outside,heared the words and stopped and evesdrop)

Lisa: I Love him.

Maria: What!

(She screamed with excitement and joy)

Maria: Oh. My. GOD. Dude I'm so happy for you.

(With hearing those words Sara called someone)

Sara: Hello. Yeah it's me, we need to take action now. We don't have enough time. Just come to the college.

(She hanged the call and looked at Lisa with murderous eyes)

Sara: I'll ruin that pretty smiles of yours just wait, you little bi***h!

(She walk away)

Maria; Did you tell him?

Lisa: No. I don't have that much of a courage.

(Suddenly Principal came to the class)

Principal: Class I've a special announcement to make. A new classmate is gonna join you from today onwards so please welcome him.

Please come and introduce yourself.

(Lisa was in shocked and started to shiver and Maria hold her hands)

Jack: Hello everyone my name is Jack. Pleasure to meet you I hope we can get along well in future.

(He looked at Lisa and smirked)

Lisa: Principal Sir! I'm not feeling well may I go outside? I feel like throwing up!

Principal: Yes, please go out and take care of yourself.

(She went outside and her legs were getting numb when she was going downstairs her body stopped moving and she was going to fell down but Lucien rushed and grab her)


(She immediately recognize this scent)

Lucien: Are you okay?

(Thank God, I came on time if I would be late even for one second … )

(His heart sinked and shake his head)

Lisa:I don't wanna stay here please take me home. Please!

(She was shivering and hugged him tightly)

Lucien: Okay! Let me take you to nurse office and then I'll take you home.

Lisa: No, Don't go , Stay with me.

(She wasn't letting him go, so he directly called Principal and asked for leave)

Lucien: What is going on with her I need to figure out soon. Things are getting out of control.

(He thought and carry her in his arms and went to parking area and left for home)

to be continue...

(Thanks for supporting my novel, and thank you for overlooking my some of mistakes in novel. I'm grateful to you guys who read my novel. I hope I'm future I can know what was your favorite part in my novel. I'll wait for that time.

keep Smiling and Keep Loving Yourself)