
Soulmate for you

A world were no one was willing to stay by my side suddenly a boy appeared in my dark life and fill it with colors. Boy:Hi! I'm Lucien Nice to meet you. You're an otaku If I'm not wrong, let's be friends. A friend which stayed by my side whenever I need him and a lover whom everyone would dream about. Can life be this beautiful? Lucien: Why are so shy it was just a kiss, I won't do anything without your permission but you can't stop me from kissing you ,Since you're my only remedy baby girl. But will my past let me stay with my love? Jack:Lias I want to apologize for the things I've done please forgive me and give me another chance. But who would have thought the past will be this disgusting that it will make you feel ashamed and make you lose your dignity. Jack: Lucien my bro! she has slept with me many times, break up with her she doesn't deserve you. What will she do ? And how many twists her life will take? Stay Tuned to learn more about the story.

Jasmin07 · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 14: Final Words

Second last Chapter

(In the morning,when she woke up she heared some familiar voices, she get up and went outside)

Lisa Father: Oh my baby Girl!

(He hugged her)

Lisa Father: Hurry up and do breakfast or else you'll get late for collage.

Lisa: But when did you come back ?

(She was surprised to see him and was very happy since she is seeing him after so many days)

Lisa Father: Hmm… let's talk when you're back from college okay!

(He looked at her)

Lisa: I'm not going today, let's spend some time together!

(She get up with excitement)

Lucien: Yeah! You're doing so well in tests that you should take a break right!

(He stared at her)

(She scratch the back of her ear and went to her room and get ready for college)

Lisa: I will remember this and I'll take my revenge, you heartless man.

(When she came out both of them did breakfast and left)

Lucien: I guess someone is pissed.

(She turned her face and start looking outside)

Lucien: Pass the exams and I'll do whatever you say for one day, okay!

(He looked at her and she nodded)

Lisa: Hehe! It's a promise right?

(Shel smiled at looked at him)

Lucien: Why do I feel like you're upto something?

Lisa: You just think too much. Okay I'm going to my class take care.

(She waved at him and left)

Lucien: Maria came to my office and bring those assignments as well.

(Maria collect the assignments from all students and went to his cabin)

Knock Knock

Lucien: Yes,come in.

Maria: Sir, here's the assignments.

(She was going to left but then he called her name)

Lucien: Maria… please sit down I need to ask you something.

(She looked puzzled and sit down on the chair)

Lucien: Look! I know this is not the right place for this type of conversation but I need to know about the past of Lisa.

(He put this hands on the table and lean in)

Maria: But Sir I think it would be better if you ask her directly.

Lucien: I know but… you noticed how she reacts, when that boy is near her don't you…

Maria:he is right, she is acting weird the moment he came.

(She thought and looked at him and decided to tell him)

Maria: Sir it's been 2 years and I guess Lisa is still traped in her past.

(She paused and then continue)

Maria: She wasn't like this, I remember on her 3rd day a boy asked her out but she rejected him and when he try to persuade her she was pissed and started to beat him.

Lucien: Wait! She can do that.

(He looked shocked and looked at her)

(Maria giggle and looked at him)

Maria; Yeah she can. On Valentine's day a boy gave her a rose and he already had a girlfriend but he wanted to be friends with Lisa, Lisa just got so pissed she broke the hand of that boy. She hate Playboys the most and Jack was the biggest in the campus.

And that boy was Jack's friend and when Jack saw Lisa for the first time he wanted to have her at all cost.

No boy was allowed to talk with Lisa. One day a boy from our class was chatting with Lisa and Jack saw it after that , Jack beat that boy after college and everyone was afraid of him even more.

But on day suddenly Jack announced Lisa as his Girlfriend it was quite shocking for me. Lisa hated him the most and how come they are lovers now.

She never told me the reason behind this. Only she knows what happened on that day. But after that, she become someone else. She wasn't the Lisa I know.

(Maria's voice was cracking and she brust into tears)

Maria: Sir he must have done something. Lisa didn't like him at all and suddenly he is back and … he is not a good person.

(He gave her some water and clam her down)

Lucien: Don't worry, Lisa is my responsibility now and I won't let anything happen to her and you'll see your old friend back.

(He smiled at her)

Lucien: Actually I wanna see that side of her. I never knew she can be a bad girl too.

(He pat her head and told her to remain silent for the time being and take care of Lisa and left)

Lucien: Miss Lisa can you came to my office!

(He stared at her and went back)

Classmate: I think there's a problem at her assignment.

Classmate 2: I think so and seems like she is going to get a lecture from teacher.

(Both students were gossiping and she left)

(She was on her way when she saw Jack coming towards her)

Jack: oh! little wonder woman is going somewhere!

(This time she wasn't sacred but wanted to punch him on his face)

Lisa: Don't Tell me Jack you can't even see properly. Want me to give you the address of an eye specialist?

(She smirked and try to leave)

(He grabbed her hand and stopped her)

Jack: Don't act smart… you know I can ruin you and I know that teacher is your boyfriend.

Lisa: And don't you know I can break hands pretty easily.

(Saying that she gave a light shrug to his hand and twisted his finger and soon he started to scream)

(Lucien was in his cabin waiting for her but suddenly he heard someone screaming so he rushed out and what he saw shocked him)

Lucien: Lisa what are you doing. leave him right now.

(He hold her and tried to loose the grip on his hand)

Lisa: Why would I do that? He was threatening me.

Lucien: Lisa I said stop it right now. You'll break his fingers in this rate.

Jack: Lisa if you don't want your past to come out leave my finger or else…

(After hearing those words she left his hand and went)

Lucien: Oh God! This girl let me take you to the nurses room.

(They both went to get first aid)

Lucien: I'm sorry on her behave she is a bit spoiled by me.

(He was so pissed and wanted to break his jaw but he had to act like he is on his side)

Jack: oh it's okay. You're her new boyfriend right!

(He asked and looked at him)

Lucien: New? What does that mean?

Jack: I'm her Ex. I guess she hasn't told you but she stills love me and wants to come back but when I refused she did this…

Lucien: No!... she isn't like this.

(He looked surprised and then sad)

(He start his acting and pretend he doesn't know anything)

Jack:oh! Meet me after college in the Bio lab, I'll tell you everything!

(He agreed and left the nurse room)

Lucien: Now it will be more fun.

Jack: I've warned you Lisa… don't blame me after this…

(He then texted Sara)

Jack: The plan is reaching to it's final stage.

(He then texted Lisa)

Jack: Lisa came to Bio lab after college and if you don't show up believe me your friend will be in a big trouble.

(He put the phone in his pocket)

Jack: Show is gonna start soon.

(He had a evil smile on his face)

(Jack called Lisa earlier so he can make Lucien believe what he said)

(After college Lisa reached Lab and he was already Waiting there)

Lisa: What do you want from me? Leave me alone.

(She said that with a pain )

Jack: Look Lisa you know I want to have you at all cost so why not drop that act of yours and come to me?

Lisa: Yeah like helll I don't know you, right! Aren't you the one who killed Rina back then?

(Lucien was there and hearing every single thing)

(He had already installed the camera in the lab and Called Kim to take care of Maria as well)

Lucien: So that's why Lisa became his girlfriend back then

(He thought he was angry but held his emotions)

(He wanted Lisa to be herself again so he can't act rationaly at this time)

Jack: So what! She had the video of me raping a girl. I had no choice at that time.

Jack: And back then if I hadn't threatened you, you would have leaked the information too.

Lisa: heh! And you call yourself innocent. That's why you made your girlfriend. So can you can have me.

Jack: Can't I!

(He started to move towards her)

Jack: I've been with you for whole year but you never let me touch you or her near you but the moment he came you whole heartly gave yourself to him.

(He was jealous the way Lisa looked at him)

Jack: I know both of you live together.

(He was going to grab her hand but Lucien showed up)

Lucien: Lisa what are you doing here?

(He start his acting)

Lisa: I …

Jack: Don't hesitate darling.

(He make it look like Lisa is after him)

Jack: She wants to be with me again and she doesn't know how to tell you all this. Right Lisa?

(He warned her to stay quiet)

Lisa: No I don't wanna be your girlfriend and stop acting. Lucien he…

Lucien: then why are you here?

Jack: Let me tell you she isn't an innocent type at all. She has been taking advantage of your innocence.

Lisa: What the hell are you saying!

(She was getting pissed the way Lucien was silent and the way Jack was uttering nonsense)

Jack: Lucien my bro! She has slept with me many times, break up with her. You don't deserve her.

(Lucien was shocked and looked at her)

(He was going to say something else but she slapped him)

Lisa: That's enough!

Lucien: Lisa… you… I can't believe this.

(Saying that he left and she was stunned)

to be continue....

(it's my birthday as well so I'm planning to complete this novel tomorrow. Hope everyone have a greater Day/night. Thank you for loving and supporting my Novel)