
Too bad, you dont want him!


“Well, you said that he was a ghost, so I won’t be able to see him…”

Shelly remembered now. “That was…”

“A prank?”

“Yes…sort of.” She halted. “Anyway, he said that he won’t leave that easily so…I guess I’ll be stuck with him for a while.” She thought the Rose would be annoyed and jealous…but she was feeling all excited and eager.

“Hola…!” He said the moment he shook hand with Rose. “I’m Vlad. Surely, Shelly told you about me.” He smiles at her while he moves closer to her.

“What make you say that?”

“Well, for one, a sexy hulk like me can’t go around without a girl stalking back at me that would be too disappointing. And second… I know you brag a little about me! After all not everyone has that beautiful opportunity…you know to hang out with me!” He seemed proud and minded. He held two bouquets in his hand. He offered Shelly the bouquet of yellow and crimson flowers. And the white and pink lilies to Rose. “Actually, I was meant to buy only one bouquet, but considering the present circumstances, I had to reconsider my consideration.” He was also stared at the latter. “Like I said not everyone has that chance to hang out with me!” He winked.

“I would like to have a chance like that…!” Rose added. She was still staring at the latter with a whetted appetite!

“Rose, don’t encourage him…” She added, with an enough about this voice. “He is already a pain in the ass, as it is.” She casted an exhausted looks. But he was still snickering at her. She settled back on the chair, glancing sadly at her cousin sister. Anna was brushing the dotted floor. She was tired and prying. Her small black hair was looking bulky and dirty. Her face was darker and sweaty. She sat desperately on the floor, breathing heavily. “I think that’s enough.” Shelly said. “Vlad…Vlad!” She frowned.

“What?” He protested. “Fine…” He walked toward them.

“He is yummy.” Rose remarked. “Too bad, you don’t like him.” She taunted.

Only a fool would not like him…! She nodded and sighed. “Too bad he is not good enough!” She simply added.

Rose chuckled foolishly as if Shelly just screwed the pooch! “No account for taste, really!” She added. “What do you think he is telling them?” Rose pointing, he was conversing with them. And both of them looked confused and hypnotize. She wondered if Rose remarked it too.

“Well, he can be quite convincing when he wants…” Shelly added coldly. “He said that he wants to give me, everything I want. And that he is ready to do whatever is required.” She meant what she said, because he already proved it once. She sat staring at him, he was talking to them. Was he hypnotizing them again? Should she go over and see what he done? Something stopped her. As if, she should trust him and everything he was doing was right as rain.

“So I noticed!” Rose taunted. “He has that look!” She halted, awaiting her green signal, but instead Shelly just stands still. Rose wondered if she was just pretending. Of course Shelly must have noticed it too! “You know, that look when you give someone special and that you would do…”

“Stop it, please!” Shelly interrupted. One thing she was sure about, that she was not at all ready to converse with her heart.

Rose, watched patiently as the latter stared at him. She could say that she was feeling something for him, but she was not ready to listen to her heart. She wondered if she could help her friend deciding what she wanted. “Tell me, did you have sex?”