

The woman held her back and pried. The white apron she wore was camouflaged with dust she cleaned. Her feet were soiled and dirty. Her skin seemed sticky with sweat. Her hair was messy…Aunt Martha really bit more than she could chew today! - Shelly thought. She felt a sense of pity in her heart. “Was that really necessary?”She asked. “What have you done to them?” She sighed frustratingly and cast an annoyed look at him.

“What? Told you that they were rusty!” He nodded, amused. “Someone must show them how it feels when they do the same with other people…” He made his point.

“Yes, well that’s not a reason to be such a pain!”

“Maybe, I like to be a pain in the ass after all!” He confessed still snickering at her.

“Why I’m even putting up with you?” She swallowed hard and inhaled.“Where’s Anna?” She looked around. She was nowhere to be seen. Before she moved any closer to the shop, Shelly spotted someone, waving excitedly at her, way on the right side. She wore a white shirt and dark red skirt. Her red fire-like wavy hair tied up reflected as the sun lights clashing against it, she was seated on the chair next to the beautiful flowers, M.Feline, arranged outside her shop. Her legs crossed and a chocolate Magnum Ice cream, in her hand. Rose, looked impressed and happy!

“So, I woke up this morning and I thought that maybe you were punished or something… I came to the shop.” She explained taking her a few distances from the latter. “…And what do I see? Aunt Martha and Anna, cleaning the whole building…while my best friend hanging out with a sex symbol!” Shelly opened her eyes widely. How come Rose could see Vlad? “Seriously, did you blow any magic candles or something? Because this is no less than magic!”

“Huh…you tell me!” She said calmly. “Can you see him?”

“Who? The sexy blond who is stalking at the roses?” She added. “Where did you ever meet him? He is hot!” She exclaimed. “I wonder if he is the cause, that Aunt Martha and Anna , changed.” She spoke with such dedication that Shelly wondered if Rose ever met him before!

“Well you could say that.” Shelly inhaled another stuffy air. The street was busy with vehicles. And motorcycles, mainly. The sky was still bluish and hot. “Have you got water? Where’s madam Feline?” She asked, sipping the Crystal mineral water.

“She went at the supermarket.” Rose nervously plays with her hair. “There’s this New Greek salad, she discovers and now she wanted to try it out. Say, is he going to be around a lot?” It took her at minutes to realize what Rose meant.

“Maybe, but why are you interested?” She frowns innocently at the latter. Rose has always been tons of surprise. She always, had the good senses, when it comes to clothes, and boys. “Don’t tell me you already having dips?”

“Am I drooling?” She asked.

“What? Come on, he is not that hot.” She lied. Who am I kidding? He is hot. She desperately thought. “Rose?” She was still looking at Vlad, with an uncontrollable attitude. “Rose, stop.” She felt a pinch of jealousy.

“Fine, he is yours…keep him!” She turned to face her.

“What I don’t want to…. keep him!” She protested, hoping that she was not blushing.

“Yah, right I could be a tanned Angelina Jolie!"

“So, would you tell me?” She placed her left hand over her waist. “And don’t even say that you just bump into him!” She warned.

“Isn’t it that obvious?”

“That would depend.” She smiled wickedly, hoping for some excited news.

“ Well, I hate to burst your bubble i met him at the party yesterday, and now he won’t leave.”

“Your dream catcher?” She taunted. “He doesn’t look like a ghost!”