
Stop assuming!

“What?” Although she was expecting that Rose would be doubtful about her and Vlad but this time, Shelly had to admit that she, was caught off guard.“No…he is just…” She halted, hoping to have the perfect answer to satisfy her friend. “…he is just a friend.” She smiled faintly at her.

“Great then you won’t mind if I borrow him!” She dared.

“I’m guessing no…” Her voice scattered into nervousness and jealousy. Of course, I will mind! He is here, just for me. Not you! “Hang on, what about that guy…Josh? I thought you said that he was the one!” Rose, was madly in love with that Pizza delivery boy. So in love, that whenever she wanted to see him, she would just called at the restaurant and order pizza. And the funny point in all these, she don’t even like Pizza. She always, thought that eating pizza was the closest way to nurse pimple and weight.