
Time to let go!

“I haven’t eaten anything. I’m famished.” She added.

“No worries…” She answered. “Hand me my rucksack will you.” She took a Kit Kat Chocolate and handed it to the latter. “This might, help until we reach the party.” A moment passed through. “Huh…How are you now?” She cleared her voice nervously.

Shelly smiled at her. “I’m good. Better.” She added. She felt a pinch of guilt invade her. She knows that she can’t let her know the truth. She needs to know who is behind all these…and that boy! She looks away, through the window, the weather was colder, and she could feel it. She wondered if really her life was going to change, or she just going to wake tomorrow and continue her usual routine over again?

Rose frowned at her. She was sure that Shelly was hiding something from her. “Are you sure?”

“Of course…” Shelly lied. “I mean, I reconsider about what you said. Maybe, you were right about, taking a small break and enjoy for a few moments. Maybe I needed a big distraction after all.”

“If it’s true, then why are you dubious?” She remarked.

“I’m not.” She answered. “I’m just a little nervous about this party. I don’t know any one there? How am I gonna…” She halted and sighed.

“What are you worrying about?” She frowned, her eyes still firmly on the road. “That only you don’t know any one there…or because it’s your first party?”

“Well, that…and that!” She broke into a silent smile. “I just hope I don’t make a fool of myself.” She added sheepishly.

“You will be ok.” She assured her. “Just go with the flow!” She gave her a larger smile.

“Yuck…” Shelly added, disgusted.

“What is it? I bought it today!”

“No…Aunt Martha scent…” Shelly explained. “I had to put hairs cullers for her.”

“What, she still use hair cullers?” Rose appeared more shocked than surprised.

“Yes….I mean, I don’t even see why she uses it, her hairs are already curly…”

“Or maybe she just likes to make you work!” Rose pointed.

“Right on!”

The sandy path was enlightened with candles and lanterns. Lights were wrapped around the filaos trees. The board had been craved with a wooden writing, reading; Trou Aux Biche Public beach… College students, mostly, some came with their dates –she presumed. Teenagers having no concept about real life behind that fake camouflage that deprived them from the real meaning of life. They were dressed with casual light clothes, and some were even wearing swim suits and shorts. Loud speakers were

placed in the middle of the beach, in circles. Disco lights, flashing different green and pinkish lights against the starry sky giving it a fantasy look. Two tents were placed on the right side. “Welcome to my paradise!” Rose proudly claimed. “Come.” Shelly followed her to the first tent. It had three wooden tables with white cloth…one pertained an open buffet style food display the second one had all the deserts and the third one had drinks; alcoholic, juices and water. Shelly wonder what the second tent pertained!

“I told you I had it all covered.” Rose was still snickering at the latter. “The other tent is the DJ room. We kept all the electronic accessories inside.” “Yuck…seafood.” She pointed out before she walked outside the tent.

Shelly remembered how unusual and protective Rose was about her diet. For one reason she said that only vegan food was the best option to enjoy a great health. She only lived on salads and soups most of the time. But the other odds are that she liked chocolate desert a lot. Especially ice creams. And chocolate mousse.

“Feel free to eat whatever you like, and join me back in the next tent.” She added, heading out.

Shelly doesn’t remember the last time she saw so much food at once. Her stomach made a funny growl. She was really hungry. The maniacs’ cries faded as the music grew louder. The night was going to be long- she felt.

She ate the last bite of her smoked marlin Panini and walked outside. The atmosphere was getting hotter by the minutes. Rose was in the Dj’s Tent, talking with the short breaded guy, with the black jacket and shorts. Before she could walk closer, the lights that surrounded the tent and the beach were cut down. Shelly stood still, all the joyful cries halted. All she would hear was the waves clashing and the leaves moving.

The next moment, every one started singing the happy birthday song. Rose paced slowly toward her; she held a small chocolate cake. Shelly felt goose bumps on her skin, she was nervous. Everyone was there watching her as she blew out the candles. And felt a smile on her lips. Every one was still clapping, except one. He was a boy, standing in the dark. He wore a hooded cap, a black jacket. His face was shadowed and camouflaged with his cape. He stood just like that shadow she saw earlier…For a few moments he was there, before he vanquished again!