
Back to reality!

He was here the whole day?” Shelly asked. She nervously swallowed the bitter taste in her mouth. So, that would explain the whole situation. It was not an illusion. She felt more confused, who was this boy?

“The whole day. He even cleaned the shop.” The old lady still smirking at the latter. “Anyway, I wish you lot of happiness in your life.” She turned and made her way outside, but before she stopped and stare back at her. “Yes, I almost forgot. He told me to let you know, that as from today, your life is going to change, that he will always be there for you, even if the shadows stop him. Isn’t that romantic? And that when he comes in front of you accept him, don’t deny him.” She paced outside limping slowly.

The darkness made the house appear smaller. The dark purple color of the walls was camouflaged. Only the small white valance handing on the porch was visible. No single lights were lighted. Shelly, wondered if they were still awaken or already drunk and asleep?

She spent enough time with them to know them like the tips of her fingers. They couldn’t be asleep yet, not until they gave her enough reason to wake up the whole night. Maybe today, she might have cherished having some alone time if she hadn’t promised to sneak to the party with Rose. The neatly cut grass was still freshly watered.

Shelly walked inside the house, holding the red rose in her hand as silent was the dead night. The smell of beer mixed with brandy, penetrated the air. She immediately realized that her Aunt and Anna were already wasted. She would hear them talking loudly from the living room. She quickly ran upstairs, before they saw that rose and the plastic bag and snatched it form her even before she discovers what it pertained. She threw herself lazily on the bed. She stares wordless, at the rose. She wondered what that old lady meant by that? And who was that boy? She closed her eyes and remembered the last words of that old lady; when he comes in front of her, she should accept him…!

Her rooms seemed needed a good clean up, her bed was still undone. And her ceiling smelled like fungus and humidity. Maybe it was because of the rain two days ago. The window pans were almost rusty and hanging loose, just waiting for the right time to break. The bed made a squeaking noise as she moved. At least it was teak. Otherwise it would have been broken a long time ago.

“Shelly….” A rude awakening shook her. A manly voice filled with hate and anguish. And maybe a little bit of wasted sense! She ran downstairs. Aunt Martha was standing at the bottom of the wooden staircase. Her round face appeared plump and red. Her nose still reddish with anger and her thick small curly hair, messy and probably smelly- Shelly presumed. “The keys?” She demanded.

Shelly walked closer and handed her the three keys. Aunt Martha, stepped back, and walked toward the kitchen, gesturing her fingers to Shelly, telling her to follow her. “That’s my cue!” Shelly whispered.

“Anna, is sleeping in the living room, I don’t want her to be disturbed.” She strictly, ordered. “And put these, rollers in my hair.” She settled down on the chair. Shelly, nervously starts placing the hair culler in her hairs. She resisted, thinking about something else, before her head start spinning with that urge to vomit. Her hairs smelled like fungus and egg! That was her shampoo, for certain.

“And cleaned that mess, I wouldn’t want to spoil my morning with rotten smell of pizza!” She disgustedly added. She stood and made her way upstairs to her room.

She sat on the bed and opened the gift Rose gave her. It was wrapped in a golden box. She almost felt a smile on her lips, the moment she opened it. A red woolen backless dress, with a deep cut on the front. And a pair of black shoe. There was a small note inside. “I thought that it might go with the necklace I gave you, and it will ornament your eyes and hair…wears it tonight.” She shrugged. She knew that Rose would do anything to get her back on track. And that she could blindly trust her on anything, but she can’t tell her about M.Feline. This time she will have to deal with that alone. She knew that her friend would not understand. She will have to crack that mystery.

She stood in front of the mirror, admiring herself. She was not satisfied yet. She doesn’t even remember the last time she wore a new and beautiful dress like that. She let her hair falls like shinny silk, she wore a light red lipstick, black kohl and black eyeliner and as well the beautiful red pended, Rose gave her. She look at the time, it was already seven thirty. She

wondered if her aunt already were asleep. She walked to the window, Rose was already here. She was standing and waving at her. Shelly walked slowly down the stair.

The TV was still on; an erotic movie was playing loud. Anna was still snoring on the couch. She slowly sneaked through the kitchen door. “Hi.” She greeted as she climb into the black BMW car. “Thank god, they are already asleep.” She sighed. She gently placed her hand over belly.

“What’s your deal?” Rose asked, applying her crimson lipstick. The black dress she wore was making her looked thinner and taller. She had the perfect skin, that didn’t required deep makeup. She was perfect the way she was. She always was. Although she was two years older than the latter, but Rose always looked younger than Shelly. Her shoulder length red hair pushed and puffed lightly over her forehead. She was killing it! Shelly thought.