
Quit playing around!

“Well, I hope that you enjoy yourself I won’t be coming. I’m sorry.” She apologized and walked toward the shop. The aluminium door was cleaned and looked new again. The boxes in the store room were all assembled neatly. The shelves were all white and appeared glassy. The faded dirty paint were cleaned up and freshly redone. She felt a heavy burden on her mind, maybe it was because of the smell of the paint that still were strongly looming around. She sighed and walked outside the shop. Rose was gone; Vlad was standing with Aunt Martha and Anna.

“Yes, Shelly, Vlad was just telling us that he wanted to take you to a private party tomorrow.” Aunt Martha sipped from the glass of water. Her finger nails were partly broken and dirty. She was still sweating.

“Since when I’m allow to party on my own?”

“As long as Vlad, is with you, I don’t see how it should matter!”