
Should i let go?

“I told you, I will do whatever it takes, I will give you what you need.” His voice sounded more intense. He placed his hands on both sides, giving her no chance to escape. He bends down, closer to her, brushing his lips on her lower lips. “You like it or not…I will do whatever it takes.” He repeated, roguishly. He wondered if he should…no that would be too wrong! Shelly wondered if he enjoyed pushing her against something and just kept brushing his lips against her face! Or was it that he wanted to kiss her but something keeps interrupting him?

She wondered the story behind why Vlad was so determined to help her? And out of billions of people who needed help, why he would choose her

only. So, to her it was no surprise that there are more behind the curtains than Vlad wants to show. Maybe if she played along, she may discover the actual reason.