

“Oh, he said that he had some shopping to do, so he bailed.” Rose, smirked and sighed. "But he said that if we wanted to be friends with him, then we would need to figure out a way to bear each other's company, if not he will never speak with us again."

"And he got you sold out!" she nodded. "Do you really think that it's worth the try?"

Rose nodded and sighed. She stared at the latter for a few more minutes before sighing again.

“What’s with the sighing?” Shelly, frowned at her.

“I’m in love.” Rose simply said. “I’m in love with your dream catcher.” She cleared her voice and stood up. She was swinging. She was already wasted; she never drank that much in her life. “Yes, I’m in love!” She repeated loudly this time.