
I broke her?

“Have you talked to her?” Rose demanded as soon as he approached her with guilty eyes. His head lowered just as his gaze.


“Should I suppose to know what you meant by that?”

“I talked to her, but she won’t listen.” Vlad threw his hands in the air desperately. “She thinks that having sex will solve everything. How stupid?”

“No, she is not!” Rose defended, angrily. “Maybe it’s your fault Vlad, if it weren’t for you; she would have never got that idea…” Rose accused. “You’ve broken her heart, where you were supposed to cure her. Should I understand that you failed?” Rose voice grew intense and heavy. “You do know what would happen of her if she succeeds in what she intended to!”

“Should I understand that I should do what’s required?” Vlad bellowed back, twitching his lips mischievously.

“Well, as long as we can handle the situation I don’t think it should matter!” She assured him. “But, if she really succeeds in doing so…that would be out of my hands!”