
Crazy woman!

Vlad glanced around, “I thought you said she was with your dad.” Mr. Jacques was having a virgin martini near the bar. He looked more than chubby, maybe a little too happy- Vlad remarked. “Well, your dad’s there, and she is not with him! And Phil not here as well….what do you make of that?”

Rose was still stalking around. She was worried as well. Shelly was nowhere to see. “Ok let’s see, Shelly is rather upset right now. And she is really thorn, what’s her best option? You dare to claim that you know her, like the tips of your fingers…so tell me Vlad, what are the odds?”

“What a beautiful girl like you, doing alone here?” Phil was standing leaning on the filao tree. His face looked amused and yet somehow drenched in lust. “You should be the center of attraction to this party.”

“Maybe I’m not that perfect after all.” She chuckled, still feeling the wind gusting on her bare shoulder and humid face. Now she could feel the warm