
Maybe because i love you....!

He held her by her arms, and half dragged her behind the thick red curtains, placed to separate the hotel from the private party “What the hell were you thinking? What were you doing with that freak?”

“What’s your deal?” She bellowed back angrier. “I thought we were going to meet Mr. Jacques. Where is he, by the way?”

“Don’t try to act smart with me young lady…” He sounded funny somehow- she thought. As if he was really angry but was unable to flash everything on her. “You do know what I mean.”

It took her another few minutes before she realized what happened. “It was necessary…”

“Necessary?” His voice was louder now and he was moving ahead, without realizing that she was backing off, slowly as well. “You feel that ruining your life is necessary? Why do you have to be so stupid?”