
Handsome Ghost!

She opened her eyes bigger; she was almost naked against him. It was the first time that someone…a boy was in her room. And he was so handsome and damn tempting. She could now have a better view of him; the small beauty mole he had on his lower lips were the cherry on the cake, she could sense it. A small flash back, popped into her mind, the way he brushed his lips against hers, and left that kiss on her lower lips. She wondered how she would feel if she did grab him and deepened the kiss. How his lips would have tasted like?

A few moments they stayed like that, glancing at each other. Both confounded and tempted. “I don’t mind holding you like that forever!” A gleam of naughtiness, passed in his tone.

Then do it…! Another small voice from inside of her protested. She nervously cleared her voice and move as he let her go. She threw her feet out of bed, holding the drapes carefully around her. “What time is it?” She gasped pointing the bright sun and bluish sky outside. She was late She had to go at the shop. And she has to cook breakfast… “I wonder why Aunt Martha and Anna, isn’t here yet.” Normally, they would just knock at her door and yell loud so she would be wide awake.

“They went out.” He was still on the bed. “They had some business to take care of.” He sounded proud and amused. Shelly could tell it because he was hiding a smile. “You can relax.” He assured her.

“Really, where did they go?” Shelly frowned confounded.

“My guess, they realized that they were rusty and decided to do something about it, before it is too late!” He winked at her.

Shelly stood frozen staring at him. Why she was having a feeling that he did something? “What did you do?” She asked blankly.

“I just gave them a boost!” He simply added. He paced across the room and moved toward her, as if something about her was pulling him. Every step he took reflected something. But she couldn’t put a finger on it. He walked closer, allowing her to step back, until she stood against her wardrobe. He lean closer, his breath felt warm against her face. “So I guess now you would believe that there is something as a little bit of this and that! Told you, your life is about to change. Do you believe me now?”