
A nice dream!

The night had been long. The chirping of the birds and the waves were marking the new dawn. Even thought her eyes were still closed, she could tell that this new day promised lots of things. Maybe it was because finally after days, she had spent one night sleeping peacefully with no nightmarish dreams. Fresh breeze blowing from the sea entered through her open window. A salted scent and mineral air was looming around. She lazily turned on her back and stretched her legs and hands; she heard a funny noise as her bones cracked. She smiles weirdly, thinking about him…

Vlad. She knows that once she opens her eyes, she would realize that it was nothing but a bad yet wonderful dream! “Rise and shine…sleeping beauty!” A soft voice interrupted her.

She opened her eyes. He was seated next to her. And he was staring at her. His eyes normal dark green this time and not like yesterday-emerald green. He was smiling at her. He looked so fresh and angel like. He was so damn handsome. Why he had to be a ghost? Shelly felt disappointment in her nerves. It took her another few minutes…before she realized that she wore only one thin dress, and wasn’t wearing any bra…and a guy was in her room. She jerks away quickly as sooner and drew the thin drapes up till her showing breast. “You can’t just barge in my room like that.” She protested. “A girl needs her privacy, for god sake!”

“Well, you would find that it was self defeating!” He sounded calm and amused. “If you were not so cute while sleeping, I would have never sat next to you and watch you.” He stares at her with the same intense look. Shelly, opened her mouth to argue, but nothing came out. It was not only because she had a guy in her room for the first time, but also because no one ever made her feel that special before. M.Feline was right he did have a poetic style. She thought.

“Hang on, that didn’t come out right?” She paused. “What the hell are you doing here?” She said holding the blanket firmly over her.

“I’m a ghost...I do whatever I want, I go wherever I want. No one can stop me. Not even you.” He proudly added. “By the way did you know you drool when you sleep? Almost caught a cold with all these, on my shirt.”

“Really? I mean technically you are dead-so you can’t get sick. Is it possible?” The way he looked away trying to hide a smile, answered her question. She grabs the pillow next to her and threw it at him. “Just get out, from my bedroom. Now!” She was still frustratingly hitting him with the white pillow, the next moment, he grab her and threw her on the bed. He was on top of her, pressing his body against her. One hand carefully placed on his waist, while the other holding her hands firmly together. He could

feel her small heart beating. She was so warm and almost small against him-he thought. Maybe if he bends down a little bit, he might…!