
Like the tip of my fingers!

The first time I saw you, I already believe in you! These words died on her lips, as she nodded in silence. “I need to get ready!” She said instead.

“Sure no problem. Go ahead, I don’t mind waiting.” He threw himself lazily on the bed again.

“Huh…I…GET OUT.” She finally said. She waited but he didn’t move. “I won’t change with you watching.” She was bashful, and it was not because she never changed in front of a boy before…it was rather because there was something about him that made her nervous to death.

He sat, putting his hand behind his head and leaning over. “Oh please, do you really think that all these time you were alone whenever you changed or whenever you stood minutes staring at the mirror, trying to figure yourself out…naked?”

Shelly mouth was wide opened. She felt her cheeks and ears hot. She wondered if he could see it too. “You…saw everything?” Me naked? “All of it?”

“Every single part of your body. So now, I guess you trust me, when I tell you that I know you like the tip of my fingers.” He smiled.

“How dare you?” She felt goose bumps all over her now.

“Well, what do you expect; it’s not my fault that you like to roam in your room naked.” He justified innocently. “If you want I can tell you how tempting you are when you are naked!”

“Don’t you think I know it already?” She was ready to say whatever she can just to stop that conversation.

“Yes…but I think if someone else gives his opinion it might be better.” He halted. She was shy and angry…and he was enjoying it. “No…??? or here’s another thought: maybe I can tell how you are when you moan while you pleasure yourself…” He never got to finish his sentence. She threw another pillow hard on his face.

“GET OUT…NOW!” Her voice was stern and clear. She swallowed and sighed heavily, as he moved away.

“I will wait for you downstairs.” He closes the door behind him.

Vlad, threw himself lazily on the dry grass. Watching the blazing sun. Reminded him the last time he enjoyed such a peaceful heat! Something about her, made him confounded. They said that she will have to believe, but only as a stranger. He closed his eyes, a vivid memory flashed; the last time he saw her, she was drenched in water. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. She felt forlorn. She suffered and stops believing…because of him. All the pain he inflicted…and he was damned for it. Will he ever succeed in his repent? He asked himself, every time he would think of her? Would he ever find her again? He pondered. “Why is it that girls always, take time to shower?” He cast a funny look at the latter.

Shelly wore a jean and a cotton navy blue shirt. Her hairs black with a hint of navy blue reflection, tied up as a pony tail, allowing him to have a better view of her small round face. “Because, we are better than boys!” She teased. “And we are, much more hygiene conscious.” She added promptly.

“Same old excuse!” He got up and put his hands in his pockets. He had a unique style on his own. “Women are so reckless and sensible.” He accused naughtily.

“How can you say like that?” She gasps and stares straight into his eyes.

“Is it not true?” He was staring back at her. His hands still inside his pocket. He was smiling. He looked so…perfect!

“No…” She bellowed back. “We are strong enough. We have better point of view and…” She bit her lips.

“Are you strong, Shelly?” His face was stern now. He seemed so serious at the moment that Shelly could see his cheekbones clearly.