
No more pretending!

“How the hell did you find me?” Shelly said instead. She walked closer, staring sharply into his emerald eyes.

“I know you like the tip of my fingers…remember?” This time he didn’t smile, like the way he did the last time he said that. “Shelly, did it not occur to you that he might have done something? He is not the guy for you!”

“It didn’t feel like that. At least he was much more of a gentleman, trying to change my mind- make me smile!” She threw her hands in the air and walk passed him.

He held out his hand, and caught her arms, dragged her back and closer to him. “That’s not the point! You should have been more careful! Wandering around like that…is not the best option.”

“That’s rich,” She bellowed back, loosing her self control now. “Coming from the one, because of whom I went wandering in the first place.” She was still breathing heavily.

“Shelly….” His voice sounded like a whispered.