
Buy his way in?

A warm scent of well cooked pizza crust was spreading in the air, as she walked inside the kitchen. He stood near the table, a bottle of red wine placed on the middle and a white pizza box next to it. There was a one can of coca cola as well. A bowl with water and scented floating candles, were placed on the table. She stood watching, while he turns off the lights.

He took her hands and guided her to the table. He served her a piece of pizza; it was a margarita pizza with pineapple bits. And he poured some wine into the cup glass. And he sat in front of her. She wanted to yell at him. Tell him why he done that. But all of a sudden all her anger faded as he stare at her. “Eat…I know that you haven’t had dinner yet. It’s your favorite right?”

“Where have you been?” Her voice sounded, shattered and broken. “I’ve been waiting for you, since hours. Did you know how I felt? Did you even….” She was unable to proceed.

“I had some business.” He answered.

“That’s all?”