
Am i in love with a ghost?

“What, no one having sex!” Shelly felt heat on her cheeks. She knew she was blushing. “What makes you think that I would have sex with him?” Although she knew that she would like it!

“My dear…a hot guy…a beautiful girl…a lonely house….Hint of a bosom?” She really made her point clear. Shelly thought.

“Ok…maybe less talking….and more sleeping.”

“Fine…..deny it if you want…but deep inside you…You do know that this is how you feels.” Rose walked outside, leaving her once more into a deep painful reflection. Was it what she really wanted? She wanted him?

The night already came. Yet the atmosphere seemed still hot and stuffy. She was sitting on the coach outside in the lawn. The sky seemed cleared and no wind was howling. A clumsy silence was looming. And all these were supposed to be calming and peaceful, but what she felt right now was just screamed and cries so loud that the whole world would hear her.