
What the hell happened?

The air grew cooler; as the sun’s setting down and a golden and crimson color invaded the sky. The shop looked more cleaned up and tidy. As if she spent all her time cleaning and yet not remembering a thing! She was a big fan of magical fiction and unexpected surprises and yet she never anticipated that someday her life would itself turn into a whole paranormality!

Shelly was still arranging some of the products on the shelf, when someone starts knocking at the door. “Sorry, we are close.” She bellowed back. But the knocking didn’t stop. She opened the door, an old lady, was standing. She held a red rose and was smiling gently at her. Her hair was tightly tied into a ponytail and her wrinkled face looked happy. She wore a light mascara and shinny eye shadows. “Hello, child.” She said, walking closer to the latter. She held her walking stick in another. The flowery dress she wore seemed light and cotton made. It must really have been hot today! Shelly felt more confounded.

“Hello Madam Feline!” She greeted, offering her the wooden chair. “Nice Rose!” She remarked.

“Oh, this is for you!” She handed it gently to the latter, with a larger smile on her lips. “Happy birthday.”

“Thanks. But, how do you know?” She asked politely.

“Ah, your friend told me.” She explained. Shelly smiled at her. But why Rose would do something like that? Maybe she just wanted to make her

feel better, after everything that happened to her today. Shelly had to admit though that all these years she knew her, yet she never saw M. Feline, in such a joyful mood.

“That’s thoughtful!”

“Not everyday a girl turns twenty three, now is it?” She sat on the chair still looking weak. She took a long breath and sighed. “Ah, what a day! What a day! Quite a gentleman…he was!” She added. “Very poetic, if I might add. His words send me into a frenzy to live up my life again!” She gestured with her hands.

“Looks like you got yourself an admirer.” Shelly felt a sincere smile touched her lips. Although she wasn’t sure about whom M. Feline was referring to, but she prayed that, whoever he is that someone should always be with her and turn all her despair into real happiness.

“You must be really happy to have him in your life.” She added.

“Excuse me?” Another twinge of pain rose inside her. “But, may I know about whom are you talking?” She felt her curiosity rise again.

“Why, about that boy of course, the one who stayed in the shop the whole day.” She answered. “He said that he was a good friend and that since it was your birthday he wanted to give you a day off. He been in the shop the whole day, and he kept writing verses for you.” Shelly felt a deep pain in her heart. “Ah young love! It’s clear to me that he loves you a lot.” She smiled at her.