
A ghost from the past!

“A ghost from the past.” He simply replied. His voice was hard and intense. He stood for another few minutes. “…your dream catcher.” He added after a few moments.

“Are you drunk?” She taunted. “Let go of me.” She protested, trying to wriggle his arms and free her hand, but in vain he was too strong for her.

“Are you sure that this is what you want?” He walked closer to her as he speaks. A clumsy sensation of happiness invades her. A curiosity rose in her eyes. She felt excitement run through her veins. “I will be here, no matter what…even if the shadows stop me…” His voice reflected sincerity.

For one moment, she ought to trust him. A clumsy, feeling it was. A stranger, he might be but he seemed really close to her. But she knew that she couldn’t fall to that. Because he can’t be true!

Shelly, still remember how Aunt Martha and Anna, always interfere in her love life, whenever when a guy was interested in her, they would always ruined everything.

“Seriously, tell me. Who are you?” Shelly persisted, having the vanilla liquor, heavy on her mind that was also giving her courage and gut. Although, she never stood that close of a guy before, and yet she was thorn between assurance and nervousness. She was still breathing heavily.

“You don’t believe me?” His voice sounded gentler now.

“I don’t believe in ghost and fairytale anymore…” She simply answered. Having some kind of strange satisfaction taunting back every thing he was claiming. “If you want to try in your way with me, I suggest you look for another excuse!”

She expected another ruse, but he just stood there and chuckled. He stared at her for another few moments. It was certainly cleared that he enjoyed looking at her. A shimmer was reflecting in his eyes! He ran his fingers from her neck to her heart, before….

A yellow light reflected from his palm. And a few more moments, his hand passed through her breast. She felt a heat, on her freezing skin. As if she was standing in the middle of fire circle. She could clumsily feel his hand, nearly touching her heart! She could say it, because somehow, she felt as if her heart beat slowed down.

“Your heart is suffering,” He pretended. “You need someone to cure it, before it is too late!”

She stood wordless, and stunned. Afraid or surprised- she wasn’t sure. How was that possible? Shelly slapped his hands away. She was still breathing heavily. She glanced around, looking for Rose. “No one will see

me…except you. Because, I’m here only for you…” He dragged her closer, his arms wrapped around her waist. “And I will stay, as long as you need me…” He bends down and leaves a kiss on her lower lips. It was quick and warm one. Shelly could hear her heart pounding. She felt the need to take him into her embrace and never let him go. But, she will have to resist! She desperately reminded herself. He can’t be true! “Happy birthday, Mi Amor!