
Am i turning crazy?

“I don’t need you or any one for that matter!” She felt anger and anxiousness flashed through her as she hurried through the crowd and reached for the latter…she was standing with some other girls. “Rose, please tell me that you can see that guy with the black jacket and blond hair over there.” She pointed him out. He was still there staring back at her-disappointed. He was there for a few more seconds and he disappeared again. Again, he did it! Now how was she going to prove Rose that she was right?

“Who?” Rose eyes widen. “Shelly are you ok?” She was sweating as hell. Rose could tell that the latter was more than disturbed and confused.

“I just met that strange guy over by the dance floor.” She was still breathing heavily. “-Said that he was my dream catcher and…”

“Wow…That’s romantic. I know I would want a dream catcher.” She stares at her with a funny gleam in her eyes. “Where’s he?” She took a quick peak around.”I want to meet him. Is he easy on the eyes?”

Damn hot. She wanted to say. “Well, you can’t because…” She closed her eyes, for one moment wondering if she should spill the beans! “…he is a ghost!”

She blinked blankly at her and nervously cleared her tone.“Are you having those illusions again?” She whispered to her.

“He is an illusion all right!” Shelly added, running her fingers over her forehead. “He can’t be true!” She casted another fretted look at the spot, where he stood.

“Here have some.” Rose tended the small bottle of chilled water. “Feeling any good?” She smiles faintly at the latter. Shelly almost chocked down, drinking the water fast. “I’ll take that as a no! Well, whenever you feel ready, just come outside.”

Shelly closed her eyes, a small vision popped into her head. “He can’t be true…” She whispered as silently as a gust of wind. She took a long breath and walked back at the party. She knew that she can’t be an escapist on this. If she wants to crack that mystery, she will have to believe. She glanced around, everyone was enjoying. The music grew louder. He was gone. She felt a clumsy pain instead of jubilation! As if she lost him already.