
Soul Mancer: Rebirth Of The God Of Souls!

A Mighty, Ancient God, The God of Souls, Deus Anima! was ambushed by Zeus the Heavenly Emperor, who seeks to kill and destroy every being who he deemed to be his rival. Left with no option and means to reincarnate, he suddenly remembered a world he save from destruction 83 years ago! Going to the world, which he placed in a special plane, in his dimension. he found out that the species of soul which he holds so dearly were on the brink of extinction. Luckily for him, those two souls meet his criteria. Now! he must begin his road to power! ... eeh! he is already powerful. Now! he must travel through planes and dimensions, hunting and killing gods while growing even more powerful. ***** Excerpt: "In Every Soul, there is a Universe!, in that universe, you are the king! and when you're a king you give your law, every being must abide by it!" "Zeus! You made a mistake by going against me, don't you know that I am the unspoken ruler of thy empire, the heavenly plane!...You need not to worry, cause I will be back, this time I will take your head, while at the same time killing all the hypocritic gods and angels" "I am the only law and king of Rebirth and Reincarnation! Do you think that I will die easily!?" A voice resounded and echoed in a dark place, the voice sounded, ethereal, divine and Mystical. But little did he know that things were not always as it seems. Follow, the Soul Mancer, God of Soul, on his lifelong mission, Slaying gods and angels on his road to power? This book is for both #haremhaters #haremlovers. It's a No harem book as this God is not a harem king that always chases after anything with skirt. Apart from MC everyone in the world has a System. #Domineering ✓Check #Overpowered ✓Check #Dark ✓Check #Characterdevelopment √Check #OP MC ✓Check #R18 ✓Check #Magic ✓Check #Reincarnation ✓✓ Double Check R18: Doesnt means sex, but if you want the sex scene, you gonna wait... Sex scenes starts 100chaps +....still NO HAREM!!! But it worth the wait. Genre: Half #Fantasy half #Magicrealism **** Alternative Name; #Rebirth of the God of Souls. #Rise of the Ancient God of Souls. #Rise of the Soul Sovereign. #Deus Anima! *** This book is entered in WSA So please do make sure to Read, Vote, Review, Recommend to a friend,

Justin_Gabventure · Fantasy
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26 Chs

God Of Souls Ruins!

That voice scared him like hell, hearing the voice he subconsciously turned to look at the baby boy beside him, listening attentively to what the boy was saying.

"You know It's not good for you to depend on me to kill them right?" Deus said in his usual cold voice.

He let his word sink in before adding. "who do you think I am, some kind of hero!?"

Lancelot heard his word and was shocked, from dues' words, it was obvious that Deus knew about the Bounty hunters.

"H-H... ow?"

Now he did not feel like sleeping anymore, all the sleepiness disappeared without a trace.

He was silent, he did not know what to give as an answer.

Seeing him fall silent, Deus sighed.

He decided to give him some very important advice and teach him a little bit of a lesson.

He focused his intent on him again, this time it was even greater than before.

Lancelot immediately knelt as Deus intentionally acted as gravity upon him. He felt like the weight of an entire mountain was acting upon his body.

The fear returned, this time, his heart felt like bursting, a mental pain also assaulted him as he felt as if his soul was going to be torn to shreds any moment from now.

He tried to plead, but he couldn't, even blinking was hard, and the gravity was just too much.

'At this rate am going to die at his hands what should I do'

"Lightning cheetah Phantom Manifest! '

'Phantom Combine!'

'Void Chatering dragon Phantom Manifest!'

'Phantom Combine! '

'Tyrant Bull! Phantom Manifest' . . .

Deus smiled, seeing Lancelot manifest and combine with all of him beast soul phantom so that he would strengthen himself.

he could easily cancel out those manifestations, or if he wants he can destroy them.

He did not feel angry, instead, he felt proud. All these abilities were gifted by him to these natives of Earth approximately eighty-three years ago.

Without his help, humanity would have not been able to survive the first wave of the apocalypse.

When the apocalypse started they were both confused and scared.

The system they were gifted in the apocalypse was of no use apart from buying and selling Beast cores and showing their status.

But then, he decided to change everything, of course, like most other gods he didn't do it out of goodwill, he wanted something in return.

So he boosted their world, enhanced their system, and blessed them alongside all the creatures in the world.

So they stopped using mana and started using soul energy, his own energy.

The energy is gotten when a beast or monster is killed and can be absorbed by anyone who is close just like the EXP one gets after killing the beast. This energy is approximately thirty percent of the total energy in the killed beast.

Some beasts have soul cores, which contain more than Seventy percent of the energy in the beast, the energy in it can be absorbed by a human and swallowed by a beast in order to gain additional soul energy.

But if the beast doesn't have a soul core the soul energy one gets from the air could increase to ninety percent of the total energy in the beast.

The ability to store Seventy percent of a beast's total energy is not what makes soul cores special, it's the bloodline of the beast that is stored in it after the beast's death is what makes it special.

Not all beasts have bloodlines, and not all beasts are capable of forming soul cores. If Soul Cores are rare, then bloodlines are even rarer.

So after absorbing the soul energy in a core, the core is crushed with hands to get the bloodline stored in it.

To check if a soul core has a bloodline, one has to look at it closely, cores with bloodlines have veins on them, and the color of the veins should be the same as the manifestation of the bloodline which is called phantom.

So a soul core or soul crystal with red veins on it would have a phantom with a red glow.

And combining with those phantoms would enhance one's strength by a great margin, giving them the ability and affinity of their phantom, like a person with the Fire dragon beast soul phantom, would be able to manipulate fire.

Even without combining with their owner, phantoms can fight. Just that their owner can't be boosted in his or her stats unless they combine with their phantom.

Some phantoms can also be manifested into physical weapons.

These types of phantoms are the rarest of all, only a handful of people are lucky enough to have this kind of phantom.

And those who have it get a very high boost than normal in their power.

Although these things are part of the thing that made him smile, it's not the main thing.

What made him smile was the fact that Lancelot haves the phantom of a divine beast in his possession, the Void Shattering dragon.

He knew that beast soul, because it was one of the Twelve eggs which he had placed his (God Ruins) as a reward for clearing a certain level of his ruins.

It was done sometime after he had blessed earth.

'I Wonder if there is anyone that has reached the God dungeon level yet'

The entrance to the God of Souls Dungeon/Ruins are scattered randomly and evenly over in earth.

Earth has a total of one thousand ruins entrance.

But once a person passes through the entrance, they would all be teleported to the same place.

If a person enters an entrance in North America and another person enters an entrance in Europe they would all be teleported to the same place.

Inside the Dungeon, one would have to kill beast, after which they would earn dungeon points that they could use to buy treasures and artifacts that could be useful to them in the apocalypse.

The Void Shattering dragon beast Soul is gotten from an egg which he places as the top reward for clearing the Mortal level of the dungeon and it looks like Lancelot was able to get it.

His dungeon is divided into Six Levels, representing six trials, in which one have to kill beasts in it, the higher the level, the stronger beast one would face.

The levels are Mortal Level, Souler Level, Angel level, Immortal level, Demi-God level, and finally the God Level.

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