
Soul Mancer: Rebirth Of The God Of Souls!

A Mighty, Ancient God, The God of Souls, Deus Anima! was ambushed by Zeus the Heavenly Emperor, who seeks to kill and destroy every being who he deemed to be his rival. Left with no option and means to reincarnate, he suddenly remembered a world he save from destruction 83 years ago! Going to the world, which he placed in a special plane, in his dimension. he found out that the species of soul which he holds so dearly were on the brink of extinction. Luckily for him, those two souls meet his criteria. Now! he must begin his road to power! ... eeh! he is already powerful. Now! he must travel through planes and dimensions, hunting and killing gods while growing even more powerful. ***** Excerpt: "In Every Soul, there is a Universe!, in that universe, you are the king! and when you're a king you give your law, every being must abide by it!" "Zeus! You made a mistake by going against me, don't you know that I am the unspoken ruler of thy empire, the heavenly plane!...You need not to worry, cause I will be back, this time I will take your head, while at the same time killing all the hypocritic gods and angels" "I am the only law and king of Rebirth and Reincarnation! Do you think that I will die easily!?" A voice resounded and echoed in a dark place, the voice sounded, ethereal, divine and Mystical. But little did he know that things were not always as it seems. Follow, the Soul Mancer, God of Soul, on his lifelong mission, Slaying gods and angels on his road to power? This book is for both #haremhaters #haremlovers. It's a No harem book as this God is not a harem king that always chases after anything with skirt. Apart from MC everyone in the world has a System. #Domineering ✓Check #Overpowered ✓Check #Dark ✓Check #Characterdevelopment √Check #OP MC ✓Check #R18 ✓Check #Magic ✓Check #Reincarnation ✓✓ Double Check R18: Doesnt means sex, but if you want the sex scene, you gonna wait... Sex scenes starts 100chaps +....still NO HAREM!!! But it worth the wait. Genre: Half #Fantasy half #Magicrealism **** Alternative Name; #Rebirth of the God of Souls. #Rise of the Ancient God of Souls. #Rise of the Soul Sovereign. #Deus Anima! *** This book is entered in WSA So please do make sure to Read, Vote, Review, Recommend to a friend,

Justin_Gabventure · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Top Seven Bounty Hunters! (3)

Scarlett Fox was the first to catch up to him.

She was coated with a red glow. Though she was fast, she was not half as fast as Lancelot.

She breathed heavily for a while looking around and searching for Lancelot.

"Let me guess, he escaped right!" She said, with a smug plastered nicely on her face. It was obvious that she was mocking Void.

"How did you expect me to stall him for five minutes... He is a FOUR-STAR! Souler! For goodness sake... I was able to stall him for three minutes, but you guys are slower than a tortoise" Void was quick to retort back.

His reputation is on the line here, this is the first time someone has been able to escape his dimension.

"Seems like you have grown lazy all these years" Scarlett fox still did not quit teasing him.

Void scratched the back of his head, with a mixed feeling of anger and embarrassment.

He wanted to tease her back, but he knew that Scarlett Fox is the Queen when it comes to playing word games, so he shut up and took the blame.

Seeing him submit, she grinned even wider. "Why didn't you just teleport to him right now, is my boy's soul energy finished?"

"You're right, he destroyed my spatial dimension and my beast soul consumed my energy and essence to repair it... Now, will you let me be! , it's not like you can stall him for a single minute. . . Uuugh!" He groaned in frustration.

"As expected of a Four-Star shoulder, I wonder how much soul energy crystal he consumed to reach that stage. As for how long I can stall him... He-he, there is no way he can resist this" She caressed her big, perky breast in a sexy and affectionate manner.

Looking at the rare sight, Void gulped. He could feel something growing big and poking hard on his pant.

He is turned on...

But unlike many inexperienced men, he didn't look away.

Such a sight was, a behold to the eyes!

He should enjoy it while it last.

Looking at his Trouser, Scarlett Fox smiled mischievously before giving up on her thoughts... Whatever it is.

She then stopped her silent torture.

It was at this time that the other bounty hunters reached them.

Scar was the first to reach, then Drake alongside lone wolf and tigress reached together, Bald eagle, the last to reach. He was following up closely with the following drake, lone wolf and tigress at their back.

With a Cold Voice Scar asked, "He escaped?"

"Yes he did, my essence drained so I could not chase after him" Void Answered, his shoulders Slumped down in a defeated manner.

"How could you let him es..." Drake said, with a frustrated voice. His fist was clenched tightly.

He wanted to teach Void a lesson he would never forget... But Scar interrupted him to stop chaos from ensuing. "Let him be, besides we wouldn't have known the Lord Lancelot was spying on us if not for Void, so instead of blaming void, blame yourself for not being fast enough!"

Drake was famous for being short-tempered, and scar knew that. Drake always blames those around him if anything goes wrong, he never agrees that something is his fault.

Drake didn't give up "I see, then why didn't he teleport to him... Huh!?"

"My Soul energy is depleted. Lancelot destroyed my spatial dimension and my beast soul used my remaining energy to repair it, I will need to wait an hour to be able to teleport again" Void answered drake's question, he did not like trouble.

The bounty hunters gasped, this is the first time Void's Spatial dimension had been destroyed, and that's one of the things that makes him a formidable opponent.

"hmmph! Unless that! " Drake snorted, though he was acting arrogantly and nonchalantly outside, he was shocked deep inside him.

'Is this how powerful a Four-Star Souler is!?, of course! What was I expecting, a weak person cannot be an Emperor! '

"So what do we do, should we head back and rest or should we search and chase after him?" this time it was lone wolf that spoke.

After his words, they raised their brows because lone wolf rarely speaks, but they did not think much about it but fell into deep thought.

"I say we chase after him, our rest can wait... Besides tonight is our only chance because if we are not able to capture him and his wife tonight, then tomorrow they will enter The Great Lumen Empire and that would make it hard for us to capture him" Scar said thoughtfully, breaking the deafening silence.

They all agreed on his word and started searching for Lancelot.

They knew the direction he went, so they are not going to stop searching until they capture him.


Meanwhile, Lancelot could be seen running and jumping over walls and ruins of what was once a city.

He was coated by the blue glow of his phantom.

After some time, he stopped at the familiar house in which Deus and Lancelot's wife was resting.

"Phew! Lightning Cheetah! You saved me big time! I don't know what I would do without you" He whispered in exhaustion.

'Am Sure that those Greedy bastards are searching for me by now. you guys should wait... Once I overthrow and kill my brother, I will pay you back in your own coin, I will make sure all of you pay... Even if it's the last thing I do' He clenched his fist tightly.

Those bounty hunters used to work for him, but now he lost his power and authority as an Emperor they did not even spare him a glance.

Controlling his anger, he sighed before tiredly walking into the house.

Running all the way from that place to this place drained him of all his remaining essence, he was tired and needed to rest.

'I hope those bastards don't find me and my wife, and if they do I hope that unknown God would kill them, if he gives me a chance to torture them, I would be very grateful'

He reached the bed, breathed heavily, and slumped into it tiredly just as he was about to sleep when he heard the voice he dreaded so much, that voice alone was enough to jolt him awake!


Power stone for extra chapters.


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