
Soul Mancer: Rebirth Of The God Of Souls!

A Mighty, Ancient God, The God of Souls, Deus Anima! was ambushed by Zeus the Heavenly Emperor, who seeks to kill and destroy every being who he deemed to be his rival. Left with no option and means to reincarnate, he suddenly remembered a world he save from destruction 83 years ago! Going to the world, which he placed in a special plane, in his dimension. he found out that the species of soul which he holds so dearly were on the brink of extinction. Luckily for him, those two souls meet his criteria. Now! he must begin his road to power! ... eeh! he is already powerful. Now! he must travel through planes and dimensions, hunting and killing gods while growing even more powerful. ***** Excerpt: "In Every Soul, there is a Universe!, in that universe, you are the king! and when you're a king you give your law, every being must abide by it!" "Zeus! You made a mistake by going against me, don't you know that I am the unspoken ruler of thy empire, the heavenly plane!...You need not to worry, cause I will be back, this time I will take your head, while at the same time killing all the hypocritic gods and angels" "I am the only law and king of Rebirth and Reincarnation! Do you think that I will die easily!?" A voice resounded and echoed in a dark place, the voice sounded, ethereal, divine and Mystical. But little did he know that things were not always as it seems. Follow, the Soul Mancer, God of Soul, on his lifelong mission, Slaying gods and angels on his road to power? This book is for both #haremhaters #haremlovers. It's a No harem book as this God is not a harem king that always chases after anything with skirt. Apart from MC everyone in the world has a System. #Domineering ✓Check #Overpowered ✓Check #Dark ✓Check #Characterdevelopment √Check #OP MC ✓Check #R18 ✓Check #Magic ✓Check #Reincarnation ✓✓ Double Check R18: Doesnt means sex, but if you want the sex scene, you gonna wait... Sex scenes starts 100chaps +....still NO HAREM!!! But it worth the wait. Genre: Half #Fantasy half #Magicrealism **** Alternative Name; #Rebirth of the God of Souls. #Rise of the Ancient God of Souls. #Rise of the Soul Sovereign. #Deus Anima! *** This book is entered in WSA So please do make sure to Read, Vote, Review, Recommend to a friend,

Justin_Gabventure · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Hunting The hunters! (1)

The only disadvantage of raiding his dungeon is that...

Firstly, if you are not strong enough you would be killed by the beasts in the dungeon during the trial.

Secondly, is that one can't gain soul energy from killing the beast in the dungeon.

But putting everything into consideration, including the rewards, one would find out that everything is worth it.

And also, even if you go grow stronger by killing the beast outside before coming to clear the dungeon, the beast would be arranged to still be stronger than you, so the fight between a person and the dungeon beasts is a pure test of skill and talent, strength has nothing to do with it.

Meanwhile, Deus, the child, lying in the bed smiled as he saw Lancelot combine with those beast souls.

He let him combine but increased the pressure even more.

No matter how Lancelot tried to increase his strength to withstand the gravity, the gravity ends up to be increasing continually.

At some point, he couldn't handle it any longer blood started flowing out of his nose and ears.

He felt that he is going to burst out open anytime from now.

Deus did this to make sure that Lancelot would not dare use him as a servant by luring his enemies towards him so that Deus himself would kill them for him.

'If Lancelot was weak then I would have considered helping him, but he could face those people and defeat them, they are all peak two-star Soulers with only the one with a scar being a middle-stage three-star Souler, but Lancelot himself is a Peak Four star Souler!, his cowardly behavior annoys me!'

'People like him die easily, how he was able to survive this long in the apocalypse is surprising, just because he is low on soul essence he thinks they would be able to defeat him'

'The next time he tries this action again would be the end of his life, I have no use for Cowards like him!'

After some while, Deus Speaked. "Who do you think I am, a hero, your servant!? You dare lure your enemies to me for me to kill them for you... If you think that you're useful to me, then you're wrong! What I need is your wife, I will not hesitate to eliminate you if you prove to be a nuisance!"

Lancelot gulped, the taste of blood on his lips was not something he liked, he was drenched in sweat.

All he wanted right now was for this torture to end 'What the hell have I gotten myself into, this God, or whoever he is, is so Strict and Mean!'

Deus's lips trembled as he heard Lancelot's thoughts.

Sighing, he decided to let him go on this one.

He stopped the torture.

Seeing that the killing intent was no longer acting on him, Lancelot gulped a mouth full of air, breathing a sigh of relief before collapsing to the ground.

He is very tired right now, all he wanted now is to have a long rest.

He was so tired that he did not care about where he slept anymore, sleeping next to Deus made him shiver.

So he decides to sleep on the bare, sandy, and dusty ground.

He had used up all his remaining essence when he called out all his beast souls. Some wanted to rest and recover it.

But just as he was about to sleep, he felt something... refreshing.

A large amount of soul essence was sent by deus to his body, he felt refreshed, and alive.

All his previous tiredness was gone.

Although a person transferring soul energy to another person is unheard of, Lancelot was not surprised, what does he expect from a God if not something unbelievable?

He clenched his fist, feeling the surge of power rising in his body, and he smiled 'I wonder why he is doing this'

"Make Sure To kill them all before the sun rises! If you can do that, you would get a chance to receive my second blessing"

His face dropped, But the promise of a reward made him curious.

'At least now I stand a chance, he did say second blessing...what does that means'

With torrents of thought raging through his mind, he slowly walked out of the room.


Walking out of the room he smiled, he wasn't confident about facing them before because his soul energy reserve is low, but now it was full, and he knew it won't be that hard to kill them.

Why he decided to lure them to Deus was that, even if he managed to defeat them, he would be tired and defenseless and would not be able to face any hidden danger that might take advantage of his defenseless self.

He clenched his fist, feeling a little bit excited 'Today, I will show you guys why I am called the Emperor Of Draecia Dome!'

After walking for a while, he saw something, seeing the familiar silhouette, he smiled broadly.

He knew the exact person that has that shape.

Walking quietly to the person, he quietly manifested his Tyrant bull phantom and combined with it.

He immediately became coated with a brown glow.

The said person who had not yet noticed him frowned at the sudden increase in light.

Then he swiftly turned to the direction the light was coming from. Seeing Lancelot, the person's face paled visibly.

Lancelot grinned wider upon seeing the shocked expression on the person's face. "Well, Well, well, what do we have here? We meet again, Void!"

Void was quick to compose himself, luckily for him, his soul energy had recovered a little bit.

So he called out all of his beast souls, manifesting them before quickly combining with them.

But he knew he wouldn't last long against a Four Star Souler like Lancelot.

Lancelot smiled again at Void's futile effort, with a smile, he chanted. "Void Shattering dragon, Physical Manifestation, Sword type!"

Void face paled even more upon hearing Lancelot Chant, 'No way His Beast Soul is one of Those rare Physical Manifestations!'

He was shocked to the marrow. if Lancelot is not playing with him, and his void Shattering dragon can really manifest as a sword then Void knew one thing... He and his little Bounty Hunter group are done for!

Lancelot would brutally massacre them! Weak and strong alike!


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