
Soul land : Rise of Family

After graduating from university, Yuan Changqing was severely beaten by the society, but had no choice but to return to his hometown, and regained the Fengshui Chinese medicine that he had learned from his grandfather since he was a child. An accident, he traveled to the Douluo Continent and started a new life. there is good clan building here.... To motivate me to continue writing please donate some power stone.... i request you all to add this to your library as i will be posting on daily basis

Death_Knot · Anime & Comics
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Going to School

Blue Silver Village, the village entrance.

There are five members of Yuan Changqing's family, including Wang Yuyan and her parents. Today is the day they come to send Yuan Changqing and Wang Yuyan to school.

"Okay, don't worry everyone. The village is not far from Suotuo City. You have plenty of time to see the children. It's getting late now, so let's go first." Grandpa said to everyone.

"Changqing, you have to be good at school and don't cause trouble, you know?" Lan Ling told Yuan Changqing.

"Got it, Mom, I'll be back when I'm on vacation."

Wang Yuyan's parents also said something to her, probably to make Wang Yuyan feel at ease in school, and then went to Yuan Changqing and the others.

"Changqing, if you have something to do at school, you and Yuyan should help each other. You are a boy, so take care of Yuyan for us, okay?" Wang Yuyan's mother said.

"Aunt Lan, no problem, I will take good care of sister Yuyan."

"Thank you then."

Lanyin Village basically has the surnames of Yuan and Lan. It is said that because the ancestors here used to be a couple and their clansmen, it gradually developed into what it is now. Of course, there are also some other surnames that gradually joined Lan Silver Village, so the martial souls in the village are basically Blue Silver Grass.


Yuan Changqing and Wang Yuyan followed their grandfather Yuan Tao to the Junior Soul Master Academy in Suotuo City, and they entered the school smoothly without any bloody guards blocking them.

"Grandpa will send you here. You can sign up with your Martial Soul Awakening Certificate and work-study student certificate. Grandpa will pick you up during the holidays." Grandpa Yuan Tao looked concerned.

"Okay, grandpa."

"Okay, Grandpa Yuan."

The two responded at the same time, and then entered the college with their luggage. After asking passers-by, they came to the registration office to register.

Although Yuan Changqing's family is now all soul masters, and they are subsidized by the Wuhun Temple every month, the family is still richer than ordinary people.

But Lanyin Village is much bigger than ordinary villages, and there are two places for work-study students every year. In order not to waste it, both of them are work-study students.

After the teacher's guidance, the two came to the work-study student dormitory. At this time, many people had already arrived.

Yuan Changqing guessed that these were senior students, but he didn't know if there were any other work-study students this year besides the two of them.

"Hi everyone, my name is Yuan Changqing, and she is Wang Yuyan. We are from the same village and are work-study students this year."

"Hi everyone, I'm Wang Yuyan."

Yuan Changqing introduced himself to other people in the dormitory, and Wang Yuyan followed suit.

"Hi Yuan Changqing, hello Wang Yuyan, my name is Tie Hammer, and I am the head of this dormitory."

Following the introduction of Hammer, other people in the dormitory also began to say hello to the two.

"Hello, Mr. Shi."

"Hello, Mr. Shi."

After Yuan Changqing and the two responded, Iron Hammer also began to introduce some information to the two of them.

"My name is Iron Hammer, Wuhun Black Iron Hammer. I'm a fifth grader now. My soul power is level 9. How about you?"

"My name is Yuan Changqing, my spirit is Blue Silver Grass, and my spirit power is level 3."

"My name is Wang Yuyan, I am a long-spirited martial soul, and my soul power is level 4."

After some traditional exchanges, Yuan Changqing didn't want to show any publicity, and in the end, Tie Hammer served as the head of the dormitory.

Since Yuan Changqing practiced "Five Animals", it is easy to deal with these roommates who do not have soul rings, but it is not necessary now.

I came here to study, and only through systematic study can I understand Wuhun well, which is very important for Yuan Changqing's follow-up plan.

At this time, a teacher walked in from the door and asked the dormitory.

"Who are Yuan Changqing and Wang Yuyan?"

"I'm Yuan Changqing."

"I'm Wang Yuyan."

The teacher looked at the two of them and said, "You are this year's work-study students, and the school library will be cleaned by the two of you every day. For details, you can ask the administrator over there when you go to the library."

"Okay, teacher, thank you teacher!"


"Yuyan, let's use the two beds next to each other. Let's make the beds first, and then go buy some toiletries." Yuan Changqing said to Wang Yuyan.

"Okay, brother Changqing."

After some busy work, the two made their respective beds, and asked their roommates where to buy toiletries, and the two rushed to buy these things back.

Tomorrow is the opening ceremony of the school, and Yuan Changqing has also started his college career.


Yuan Changqing, who came to the school, was very busy every day, classrooms, canteens, libraries, dormitories, and her little tail Wang Yuyan.

Wang Yuyan may have a personality problem, she is a bit introverted, and she is also very cute and beautiful. She studies and cultivates with herself every day.

Because it is a junior soul master academy, the school teachers give everyone the basics of martial arts. If you want to learn other knowledge, you can only study by yourself. For these, you need to go to the library to read, so Yuan Changqing often goes to the library to read. Wang Yuyan also silently accompanied him.

Yuan Changqing estimates that it will take about two years to get books in the library after reading. After all, studying requires a combination of work and rest. You can't go every day, or you may go crazy.

In addition to learning the things of this world, Yuan Changqing should also study hard from his previous life, especially "Changchun Jue", "Five Animals" and Fengshui.

"Changchun Jue" is mainly about cultivating soul power and spiritual power, which are very important and will be very useful for Yuan Changqing in the future.

The things in Fengshui are more amazing. These are the precious treasures left to Yuan Changqing by his grandfather in the previous life. Those Fengshui books not only contain information about Fengshui, but also Fengshui formations and the refining of Fengshui magic tools. The law, as well as the drawing of talismans, are all related to Feng Shui.

After all, feng shui has the function of gathering qi to enjoy blessings and improving one's luck.

In addition to physical exercise, there are several prescriptions in "Five Animals", which can improve physical fitness, enhance physical fitness, and repair physical fitness. question.

These all require strong soul power and spiritual power, so Yuan Changqing's confidence in cultivation is still the foundation brought by his previous life.