
Soul land : Rise of Family

After graduating from university, Yuan Changqing was severely beaten by the society, but had no choice but to return to his hometown, and regained the Fengshui Chinese medicine that he had learned from his grandfather since he was a child. An accident, he traveled to the Douluo Continent and started a new life. there is good clan building here.... To motivate me to continue writing please donate some power stone.... i request you all to add this to your library as i will be posting on daily basis

Death_Knot · Anime & Comics
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Unexpected Discovery

Ever since the World Bead regained a little bit of power, Yuan Changqing immediately began to experiment with the power brought to him by this innate spirit treasure.

Now that the world bead has only recovered a little bit of power, it can plant medicinal materials in the world bead, which can speed up the growth of the medicinal materials without affecting the medicinal properties.

Therefore, after Yuan Changqing's martial soul awakened, he found some common medicinal materials in the back mountain of Lanyin Village and transplanted them into the world beads, and also transplanted some plants, such as blue silver grass, sword bamboo, peach trees, etc., but they were all ten. The annual plant is a soul beast.

However, it died immediately after getting some soul beasts in, so he guessed that the World Orbs might not be enough for beast souls to survive.

After a year of observation, the plant-type soul beasts transplanted in at the beginning all grew faster than those on the Douluo Continent, especially the blue silver grass, which has now become a century-old level, and the others have also accelerated, but there is no blue silver grass. The silver grass is obvious.

I don't know if it's because the Blue Silver Grass is his Wuhun or the Blue Silver Grass, or it's because of the bloodline level of these plant-type soul beasts.

Yuan Changqing guessed that it might be because of the bloodline level in all likelihood, because the Blue Silver Grass Douluo Continent is everywhere and can survive in any environment.


After a year of study, after the school holiday, Yuan Changqing returned to Lanyin Village to know the good news that his sister-in-law Yuan Linglong broke through the twentieth level, and was waiting to get the soul ring.

Ever since he knew that the Wuhun would be the Blue Silver Grass, Yuan Changqing designed several Wuhun evolution routes for himself based on the many Douluo Continent fan novels he had read in his previous life, but he didn't know if it would work.

That night, after dinner, Yuan Changqing called his family to stop, and was going to ask them about the addition of their spirit rings.

Yuan Changqing hadn't asked in detail before, and it was inconvenient to ask. The main reason was that he was afraid of exposing himself. After all, he didn't have the knowledge in this area, and they wouldn't believe it. Now it's different.

"Changqing, why did you stop us?" Grandpa Yuan Tao asked everyone's question.

Seeing everyone's concerned and puzzled faces, I knew that everyone had misunderstood themselves and thought they were in some trouble.

"Grandpa, grandma, mom and dad, and sister-in-law, I have something to ask you, but what I want to ask may not be what you think."

The aunt smiled and said, "How do you know what we think?"

"Sister-in-law, if you are still like that, you know how to bully me."

"What's wrong with me just bullying you! Don't you want to? Hmm!"

This voice made Yuan Changqing's scalp tingle, thinking of the scene where his sister-in-law teased him before, his mood suddenly became ugly.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing apologized and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, how could it be, you are my most respected and beloved person."

Seeing this, grandma quickly scolded her sister-in-law, "Linglong, how old are you, and you're already bullying your nephew."

"Hmph!" The little girl looked dissatisfied.

Mother Lan Ling stopped grandma in time, lest grandma continue to scold my sister-in-law and turn her head to me.

"Changqing, what's the matter with you, tell me quickly."

Yuan Changqing was also sensible, seeing his grandma scolding his sister-in-law, he quickly talked about his own business, so as not to hurt Chi Yu.

"Grandpa, isn't this sister-in-law planning to add a second spirit ring? I have some ideas, so I want to ask about your addition of spirit rings."

Everyone was a little surprised to see Yuan Changqing returning like this.

"Oh! Then you can ask." Grandpa said.

"It's what kind of soul beast you use to attach the soul ring. Maybe you don't know. In addition to attending classes this year, I also read a lot of books about soul beasts and martial souls in the library. Our family's Blue Silver Grass soul ring has many ideas."

Hearing what Yuan Changqing said, everyone was still a little bit shocked, so grandpa spoke on behalf of everyone.

"Our family's Blue Silver Grass Wuhun doesn't have any offensive power, it only has stronger vitality and is not good at fighting. Therefore, our ancestors told us to go home after finishing the Junior Soul Master Academy, and don't think about going out to fight, or we will die I don't even know when to throw it away."

"The other thing is that our blue silver grass martial soul has low innate soul power, no matter how much we practice it, we can't get anywhere. Therefore, when our family encounters any suitable plant-type martial soul, we will add some plant-type souls to it. The soul ring of a beast."

Grandpa continued: "Of course, this is what my grandparents used to do. As for me, when I was studying in school, because there was no Hunting Soul Forest in Suotuo City, I could only go to Star Dou Forest."

"So, I went to the Star Dou Great Forest with the teachers of the academy to hunt for the soul rings of the soul beasts. I just randomly hunted the first soul ring outside the forest. At that time, the soul ring of the blue silver grass soul beast was attached, and the soul skills produced were one of the soul powers. Light, it can help teammates replenish 20% of their soul power, and reduce it by half."

Yuan Changqing asked again: "Grandpa, are you an auxiliary soul master now?"

"Yes, and no, I'll talk about that later. My second soul ring is still the blue silver grass martial soul soul ring. The soul skill is the light of life. It can help teammates reduce damage by 20%, and reduce it by half."

"The third soul ring I added is the century-old iron sword bamboo soul beast soul ring, and the soul skill is the blue silver sword, which can increase my attack power by 20%, and this has become an attack-type soul master."

"So, I am both an auxiliary-type soul master and an assault-type soul master. How about it, Changqing, do you find it incredible?"

Yuan Changqing also found it inconceivable. Hearing his grandfather's question, he replied: "It's really unbelievable. Generally, a soul master can't change his orientation after choosing a soul master. I didn't expect that grandpa can change from an auxiliary system to an attack system soul master."

"I think at this time, because the blue silver grass soul ring is attached to the blue silver grass soul beast, the auxiliary soul skills are produced. In fact, at this time, our martial soul has not been given the direction. I don't know if it is right. Ah, grandpa?"


Grandpa laughed loudly, and said: "That's right, although our martial spirit is blue silver grass, and our innate spirit power is low, but our ancestors have always had spirit power, coupled with ancestral training, so we can generally cultivate to level 20 or above. At level 30, I have figured out these rules."