
Soul land : Rise of Family

After graduating from university, Yuan Changqing was severely beaten by the society, but had no choice but to return to his hometown, and regained the Fengshui Chinese medicine that he had learned from his grandfather since he was a child. An accident, he traveled to the Douluo Continent and started a new life. there is good clan building here.... To motivate me to continue writing please donate some power stone.... i request you all to add this to your library as i will be posting on daily basis

Death_Knot · Anime & Comics
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Awakening Martial Soul

As everyone entered the Wuhun Hall, Grandpa Yuan Tao began to invite everyone to line up. Quite a few people are awakening in Wuhun this year, and everyone lined up in two rows.

Grandpa said: "Line up, line up in two rows, and wait for the awakening of the Wuhun."

After waiting in line, Grandpa Yuan Tao turned to Ma Long who was at the head and said, "Master Ma Long, you can awaken the martial spirit for everyone, and I will trouble you today."

"it is good."

When Grandpa Yuan Tao came out of Wuhun Hall, Ma Long said to everyone.

"My name is Ma Long, a level 28 soul master. I am your guide. Now I will awaken your martial soul."

Ma Long took out six awakening stones and arranged the awakening formation. Yuan Changqing was the first to awaken because he was at the front.

Ma Long said: "Kids, you stand first and enter."

"Yes." Yuan Changqing replied.

"Martial soul possessed."

I saw Ma Long's martial soul appearing, it was a horse with flames burning on its four hooves, and two soul rings appeared, one white and one yellow, and some children were frightened.

Ma Long quickly said: "Everyone, don't be afraid, this is my martial soul, and you will have your own martial soul after awakening slowly."

He said to Yuan Changqing again: "Little friend, I will awaken the martial soul for you now, feel it with your heart, and then just stretch out your right hand."

With the input of Ma Long's soul power, Yuan Changqing closed his eyes, felt his own martial soul, and slowly felt something broke out of his body, so he stretched out his right hand, and saw a blue grass-like thing appearing , it is the blue silver grass, the family's martial spirit, standing on my right hand heart.

Seeing Yuan Changqing's martial soul awakening, Ma Long took out a crystal ball to test his soul power, and said, "Your martial soul is blue silver grass, now put your hand on it to see if you have soul power."

Yuan Changqing put his hand on the crystal ball, and felt the soul power pouring into the crystal ball. Slowly, the crystal ball lit up. After a while, the crystal ball stopped changing, and Ma Long said.

"Little friend, what's your name? Your innate soul power is level 3, and you can cultivate to become a soul master. Unfortunately, this blue silver grass is a useless martial soul."

"Master Soul Master, my name is Yuan Changqing."

"Okay, you stand aside first, and after the awakening is complete, I will sign the Martial Soul Awakening Certificate for you."


Following the awakening of Yuan Changqing's martial soul, more than 20 children started to awaken their martial soul one after another. It's a pity that everyone is a commoner, unlike those soul master families who can basically awaken their innate soul power.

After the awakening of the last child's spirit was completed, everyone left the spirit hall one after another, and Grandpa Yuan Tao hurried forward.

"Master Ma Long, has anyone awakened their innate soul power this year?"

Ma Long said: "Village chief, this year there are two children in your village who have innate soul power. The one named Yuan Changqing has level 3 soul power, Wuhun Blue Silver Grass, and a girl named Wang Yuyan, Wuhun Changling, who has 4 Super soul power, unfortunately, the martial soul is not very good, this is the proof of their martial soul awakening."

"Thank you, Master Ma Long. Now it's time for lunch. Master, let's go after eating."

Ma Long was not polite either, so he went to eat at home with his grandfather Yuan Tao.Yuan Changqing also walked behind with his parents who came to see his awakening of his martial soul, and walked towards the house.


Douluo Continent, Clear Sky School.

Today is the annual Martial Soul Awakening Day of the Clear Sky School, and the youngest titled Douluo in the Future Douluo Continent is also among these awakened children, he is Tang Hao.

And Tang Hao, the lucky son of Douluo Dalu, will inherit his grandfather's title in the future: Haotian.

"Brother, what do you think will happen to my awakened martial soul talent today?" Tang Hao asked the people around him with a worried look on his face.

"Brother Hao, don't worry, our Clear Sky School's martial soul, the Clear Sky Hammer, is the best martial soul in the world, how could it be so bad, don't worry!" Tang Xiao comforted his younger brother Tang Hao.

Tang Xiao had already awakened his martial soul, with an innate soul power of level 9. Today he came to watch Tang Hao awaken his martial soul, and now he is close to the soul king.


A person wearing an elder's costume said that today he is presiding over the awakening ceremony of the martial souls of the disciples of the Haotian School and the affiliated sects of the Haotian School, and he is also the second elder of the Haotian School.

The Haotian School has four affiliated sects, namely the Li clan with the powerful gorilla martial soul, the Po clan with the soul-breaking spear martial soul, the Min clan with the sharp-tailed swift martial soul, and the plate-armored giant rhino martial soul. The royal family.

"Line up, start awakening the martial spirit now." The second elder said.

"The first one, Tang Xue, Wuhun Haotian Hammer, innate spirit power level 6."

"Tang Hao, the Wuhun Haotian Hammer, full of innate soul power." The soul master who helped Tang Hao awaken his martial spirit shouted out excitedly when he saw that it was innately full of soul power.

"Yeah." Tang Hao also jumped up happily after knowing that he was born full of soul power.

"Wow." The people below Haotianzong also exclaimed.

"Okay, okay, there is a successor to the Haotian School." The elder who presided over the awakening of the Wuhun of the Haotian School knew that Tang Hao was innately full of soul power, and he was so happy that he didn't know why.

At this time, there was a lot of discussion among the people below. I didn't expect Tang Hao's innate soul power to be so good!

Afterwards, the elder asked others to continue to host the Wuhun awakening, and took Tang Hao to find the suzerain.

"Tang Kai Level 4..."

"Tang Bao, Wuhun Haotian Hammer, innate spirit power level 6."


With the end of the martial soul awakening ceremony of the children of Haotianzong and affiliated sects, the awakening ceremony of Haotianzong this year has been completed, and there has also appeared a disciple with innate full soul power, who can be regarded as a successor and has the qualifications to be titled .


Blue Silver Village.

At this time, Yuan Changqing was sitting cross-legged in his room, practicing the "Changchun Jue" hard, hoping to add a soul ring to himself as soon as possible.

The "Changchun Jue" has a total of 12 layers, and the layers are progressive. Because Yuan Changqing has practice experience in the past few years, there is no difficulty.

Although Yuan Changqing could not store soul power in his body before, he had opened up many meridians. Now he only needs to fill the meridians with soul power, and continue to open up the first layer of meridians to meet the conditions for adding a soul ring.


Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and it was time for Yuan Changqing to go to school.