
Soul Land: Power of Space

From the Power of Space To the Heavens in Soul Land/Doulou Dalu Lu Yuan reincarnates in the world of Soul Land/Doulou Dalu with the Ultimate Space Element as his Martial Spirit. Join his adventure as he sets his goal to become the strongest in the world. Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Land or any other works mentioned in this Fanfic. This is a translated version of the WebNovel. You can support me on Patr3on. 15+ chapters in advance. patreon.com/Chizihn

Chizihn · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

81. The First 100,000 Years Spirit Ring

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Gently stretching his body, a strong sense of comfort enveloped him. Of course, a long-forgotten feeling of relaxation also accompanied it. No more pain in his body. How long had it been since he last felt this way?

"I'm afraid it's been four or five years," he sighed softly.

Lu Yuan clenched his fists slowly and tightly, feeling the pale white airflow being captured between his fingers before escaping through the gaps. His body had been strengthened to its current limit.

Although the trade-off was less precise control over his power, considering the initial state of his damaged body and the subsequent repairs that had elevated it to its current level, it was already quite remarkable!

One could say he was truly deserving of being the Dragon King. His narrowed eyes flickered with an unprecedented clarity.

Recalling the original beauty, Reflecting on the twisted path he had taken, Dispelling the haze that clouded his future.

"I was wrong," he muttered softly, slowly releasing his tightly clenched fist. Lu Yuan raised his head and gazed ahead, stating his words lightly.

It seemed like an apology and a statement of fact at the same time. Unfortunately, there was no audience present to listen and respond at this moment.

However, the term audience was a human construct with added connotations, it didn't mean it could only be applied to humans.

A breeze swept across the ground, causing countless immortal herbs and poisonous weeds to rustle, as if responding to the young man standing by the lake.

As if sensing his slightly despondent mood, Wade took the initiative to approach him, rubbing against his face. Then, out of nowhere, Wade produced a chestnut and reluctantly placed it in front of Lu Yuan.

"What do you think? Do you still want this chestnut?"

Lu Yuan found himself dumbfounded, unsure whether to laugh or cry, as he pushed the chestnut back. He lightly bumped Wade's head with his finger, then stepped forward, reached for his shoulder bag, and took Wade off his shoulder.

Reaching into the storage space, he retrieved a bag of packaged chestnuts. Tearing it open, Lu Yuan tossed the bag of chestnuts into his shoulder bag.

To be honest, Lu Yuan felt a tinge of sadness for his shoulder bag. Shoulder bags from other people's homes were usually used for books or other items.

His, on the other hand, was custom-made for carrying Pikachu. And now, he was even raising a whole litter of Pikachus. Was it turning into a portable pet base?

Although he had some complaints, there were still many things that required his attention. One of the simpler tasks was deciding what to do with the eight short silver spears.

Taking a step forward, Lu Yuan arrived at the spot where he had been sitting before.

He couldn't determine the exact duration. However, judging by the dried red and black bloodstains on the ground, it had likely been a day or two.

Flakes of skin, withered pieces of flesh, and sticky pools of red and black blood made the place disgustingly repulsive.

Nobody liked a dirty place. However, the definition of clean varied from person to person.

Lu Yuan quickly averted his gaze from the ground and focused on the eight short silver spears that remained untainted despite emerging from such filth.

These eight simple and elegant silver spears showed no trace of the red and black bloodstains. It was as if they hadn't grown within flesh, but in the void itself!

As if receiving a clear signal, the eight short silver spears shot into the air, briefly changing shape and transforming into a silver long spear that flew into Lu Yuan's palm.

The spear was eight feet long. A rough estimate put it at over 2.6 meters.

The joints on the shaft were distinct but tightly fused, giving the impression of being a single piece.

There was a transparent white mark on the side of the barrel, somewhat hollow but prominent. It wasn't deep, yet it caught one's attention at a glance.

Gripping the barrel, he twisted it around, then forcefully flicked his wrist upward. Relying on his excellent reflexes, Lu Yuan flung the spear toward the lake beside him.

Initially, the barrel bent, leaving a rounded white mark in the air. Then, the sudden and powerful reaction force twisted the barrel at an incredible angle, resembling a long silver whip with white airwaves rippling across the lake.

A faint curtain of water was stirred up, proving that these airwaves were no mere illusion.

"Great spear! Let's call it the Great Void Bone Gun!"

Excitement flashed in Lu Yuan's eyes as he softly exclaimed. In that attack just now, he hadn't infused any trace of spirit power into the spear. If he were to infuse spirit power into it...

Observing the lake's surface gradually returning to calm, Lu Yuan decided it would be best not to experiment further in this location.

His impulsive act of disturbing the peace of the Ice Fire Dragon King was highly impolite. Especially considering they had just gifted him two pieces of equipment. However...

He couldn't bear the thought of the Ice and Fire Yin-Yang well being ruined by Dugu Bo or potentially becoming a means of assistance for Tang San.

"Apologies, two Dragon Kings, I'm sorry."

Although he estimated that the Ice Dragon King and Fire Dragon King wouldn't mind, Lu Yuan felt it necessary to show them the utmost respect.

Previously, in the spirit space, he had only made a verbal promise. How he acted upon it depended entirely on his own conscience. Upon awakening, he had not left his body in his spatial awareness.

For this kindness, he deserved to show respect.

Powerful meridians surged with turbulent spirit power, yet they no longer burdened his reorganized tendons.

Black! Black! Black! Black! Red!

Five spirit rings suddenly burst forth, their bright red color catching Lu Yuan's immediate attention. He pursed his lips, choosing not to say a word.

Suddenly, eight small holes appeared on his back, and silver spirit power surged out from them, propelling Lu Yuan into the air with great force.

Seemingly sensing a shared power from a common source, the Great Void Bone Spear in his hand automatically disassembled into eight segments, aligning smoothly with the eight small holes on his back.

The consumption of spirit power immediately decreased by 65%.

The rounded spearhead emitted a burst of blue flames, taking over the role of the original eight small holes.

Slightly surprised, Lu Yuan turned his head and glanced at the eight Taixu short spears. Then, a faint smile formed at the corners of his mouth as he muttered to himself:

"Very good. Let's call it the Great Void Iori!"

As the one assigning names, Lu Yuan believed he could use a name indefinitely.

Great Void Bone Spear, Great Void Short Spear. Wow, they all sound like they belong to the Great Void series.

The corners of his mouth curved slightly, amused by this sudden idea. However, he quickly regained control over his expression and returned to his usual impassive demeanor.

Standing high above the sky, looking down at the Ice and Fire Liangyiyan beneath him, an ambitious idea began to form in Lu Yuan's mind.

He vividly recalled that year.

"How many steps does it take to put an elephant in the refrigerator?"

"Three steps!"

"Step one, open the refrigerator door!"

"Step two, stuff the elephant in!"

"Step three, close the refrigerator door!"

Lu Yuan chuckled involuntarily, raising his hand as he stood in the sky and spoke slowly:

"Allow me to repeat those three steps!"


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