
Soul Land: Power of Space

From the Power of Space To the Heavens in Soul Land/Doulou Dalu Lu Yuan reincarnates in the world of Soul Land/Doulou Dalu with the Ultimate Space Element as his Martial Spirit. Join his adventure as he sets his goal to become the strongest in the world. Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Land or any other works mentioned in this Fanfic. This is a translated version of the WebNovel. You can support me on Patr3on. 15+ chapters in advance. patreon.com/Chizihn

Chizihn · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

80. Double Arm Spirit Bones, Level 50

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The impact was like dropping a bomb into the water.

A massive wave, over 20 meters high, surged up like a blue curtain and crashed down with overwhelming force.


Startled, Wade hurriedly retreated to the shoulder bag and nervously pulled the zipper from the inside. Despite being in the water, his small body was not capable of resisting such powerful waves.

After all, the water waves contained not only water elements but also the immense force of falling from a great height.

However, at that moment, an extremely cold air suddenly emerged from the bottom of the water wave, instantly freezing the over ten-meter-high wave into a thick ice wall!

Lu Yuan's black hair fluttered slightly in the wind as he gently pressed his ice-blue gauntlet with a strong metallic texture against the ice wall. It was clear that the cold air he had emitted froze the water curtain forcefully.

Following the glove upwards, a mighty and domineering ice-blue dragon head appeared, serving as armor for the arm and shoulder. Together with the gauntlet, it covered Lu Yuan's left arm and hand completely, leaving no gaps. The joints were made of arc-shaped scales, ensuring that accidental self-injury was not a concern.

The ice-blue, arc-shaped dragon scales not only bestowed a beautiful appearance upon the entire arm but also provided perfect defense. Of course, the drawback was that it made inflicting heavy damage through joint strikes like elbow strikes impossible.

In contrast, Lu Yuan gently waved his right arm. A blazing flame appeared, slowly burning the thick ice wall in front of him. The right hand had a faint flame burning on it, and the gauntlet, also flame red, seemed to have an illusory quality within the flame, as if it didn't truly exist.

However, upon closer inspection, the gauntlet revealed a remarkably fierce appearance. Each joint had a sharp nail, and the wrist was adorned with a layer of faint barbs. Looking up, a ferocious and powerful fiery red dragon head appeared on the shoulder armor.

The arm armor consisted of upside-down flame red scales, densely covering the arm and making it impossible to count them. The flickering cold light on each dragon scale indicated their sharpness. These scales extended from the upper arm to the forearm, giving Lu Yuan's right arm a somewhat bloated appearance.

Strangely enough, Lu Yuan's entire right arm seemed like a conscious living body. The dragon scales trembled slightly with his breathing, occasionally releasing bursts of white mist that effortlessly corroded the ice wall in front of him, leaving pitted marks.

This was undoubtedly an arm with formidable attacking power, and there was no doubt that these scales would stick to his body when used.

Gift of the Ice Dragon King—a left arm bone with a hundred thousand years of history.

Gift of the Fire Dragon King—a right arm bone with a hundred thousand years of history.

Lu Yuan knew that the "hundred thousand years" was merely a minimum estimate. For dragons who could follow the Dragon God, a hundred thousand years was already the bare minimum.

Two hundred thousand or three hundred thousand years were very possible. After all, the Earth Shaker in the Star Dou Great Forest had over eight hundred thousand years of cultivation. If one calculated, even considering some years lost due to the Dragon King's death, it was estimated that the spirit bones could guarantee four or five million years. Unfortunately, Lu Yuan didn't know how to determine the age of the spirit bone, so everything was just speculation.

Of course, in this world, most spirit masters probably couldn't identify these two arm bones. Thousand-year spirit bones were rare, and hundred-thousand-year spirit bones were even rarer. Identifying a hundred-thousand-year spirit bone was still a long way off.

It was too precious, and there was the fear of drawing attention from Titled Douluo who didn't possess a single spirit bone. After all, as long as he kept his face covered and wore black robes, who would dare to accuse him? He could simply charge them with framing a Titled Douluo.

Raising his arms, Lu Yuan carefully examined them for a moment, then sighed softly, "No wonder they say it's a satisfying little gift."

The Ice Dragon King and Fire Dragon King were too modest. If two powerful hundred-thousand-year spirit bones couldn't satisfy him, there were likely very few things in this world that could excite him.

If we were to compare this world to a game, he had now obtained two top-level pieces of equipment. Combined with the exceptional talent he extracted at the beginning of the game—space—and the recent job change to the Three-Eyed Golden Liom, he had acquired a limited job.

It was no exaggeration to say that as long as he leveled up, no one in the district would be his opponent. Well, no, it wasn't just this district. As if waiting for the violent impact, Wade unzipped the bag from the inside with suspicion and poked his head out to watch.


His small eyes widened in disbelief as he gazed at the slowly melting ice wall. Then, he quickly noticed his master, waved his small paws twice, jumped out of the backpack, landed on the ground, and scampered straight towards Lu Yuan. Only the seven cubs in the shoulder bag and another large yellow-skinned squirrel remained, casting resentful glances at their departing companion.

Lu Yuan slightly rotated his hands, and the arm armors vanished, revealing unscarred arms underneath—fair yet resilient. The skin seemed to be covered with a layer of cuticle, which felt soft and somewhat elastic when pinched, but the epidermis beneath was untouchable.

The spirit seal on the back of his hand had ceased rotating and emitted a silver light. However, the straight line in the middle was adorned with a layer of dazzling gold, adding an elusive sense of space. It wasn't obvious, but one could perceive it with patience.

But it didn't seem to be functioning. Lu Yuan knew that there was a high probability his martial spirit was undergoing transformation. He felt the same way when he first awakened his martial spirit. It was only after exploring and practicing further that he had considered himself to have mastered his martial spirit.

Now it seemed that he would likely have to go through that process again. However, he was well aware that this time the process would be much more difficult than before. Nevertheless, he had to endure it.

Raising his hand, he tore off the tattered clothes on his body, threw the rags into the storage space, and changed into a new set of clothes. Protecting the environment was everyone's responsibility.

He silently praised himself, then reached out and caught Wade, who was flying towards him, stroking him a few times to comfort him before placing him on his shoulder. Lu Yuan then retrieved a rope from the storage space, and in threes and fives, he tied his long black hair.

He didn't know any advanced techniques, so he settled for the simplest ponytail. Although calling it a ponytail would be an exaggeration—it was just tying his drooping black hair. Despite his gratitude for the Ice and Fire Dragon King's selfless gift, Lu Yuan couldn't help but suggest that they not make his hair so long next time. After all, accelerating its growth would be the same in any other place.

His line of sight shifted slightly downward before rising rapidly. Well, it seemed unnecessary.


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