
Soul Land: Power of Space

From the Power of Space To the Heavens in Soul Land/Doulou Dalu Lu Yuan reincarnates in the world of Soul Land/Doulou Dalu with the Ultimate Space Element as his Martial Spirit. Join his adventure as he sets his goal to become the strongest in the world. Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Land or any other works mentioned in this Fanfic. This is a translated version of the WebNovel. You can support me on Patr3on. 15+ chapters in advance. patreon.com/Chizihn

Chizihn · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

82. Pack and Go

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The four black soul rings lit up one by one.

The powerful boosting effect merged directly with Lu Yuan's body as he calmly extended his hand and inserted it into the void.

Taking away the Ice and Fire Yin-Yang Spring was no easy task.

But three steps could accomplish it.

Of course, both steps required a significant amount of time and effort.

Firstly, Lu Yuan needed to fulfill the first condition: creating a storage space around his body capable of safely containing the entire Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye.

This was different from the storage space he had opened before. Opening a storage space was relatively simple, to put it bluntly.

It involved forcefully disrupting the spatial order, filling it with his own spatial power, and reshaping it without breaking the rules. After this process, the storage space would be deemed qualified and able to exist.

However, creating a massive storage space or even a small world required the destruction of a stronger spatial order.

In other words, it required more spatial power, like iron pincers cutting through the chains woven by the spatial order.

And currently, with his Level 50 soul power, boosted to its maximum, he had enough power to undertake this task without holding back. Not to mention, piles of supplies fell from the air and accumulated into a small mountain on the ground.

Then, the invisible storage spaces were immediately destroyed, transforming into large space element particles that disrupted the nearby space.

One, two, ten, a hundred capsules...

It was impossible to count the number of space element particles swirling around, driven by Lu Yuan, constantly disturbing the surrounding space.

Inexplicable ripples spread through the air.

Large space element particles were silently eliminated, but every time a chain of spatial order was successfully severed, more space element particles would appear out of nowhere.

It was a continuous back-and-forth process. Although Lu Yuan was considered an invader, he was not fond of prolonged battles.

Unfortunately, space didn't seem to have the ability to fight back; it was merely instinctively resisting. It was evident that both sides were attempting to find a balance.

Time seemed to stretch on indefinitely, but this endless battle finally yielded results.

The space gradually stabilized, no longer emitting strange fluctuations, and entered a phase of healing.

A massive storage space materialized behind Lu Yuan, appearing to have been labeled "qualified" in some way. Of course, it would be even more perfect if it were covered in a layer of golden light at that moment.

After all, it was the easiest way to declare oneself a victor.

Space had been compelled to negotiate, making concessions and compromises under the threat of the other party's non-practitioner status. But what if one couldn't overpower it?

From this, it was clear that not only Da Song was self-deceiving, but space itself was also capable of such unconscious behavior.

Truly surprising.

"Rules are made by people. So, I can create new rules."

Withdrawing his hand calmly, Lu Yuan sensed that about one-third of his spirit power remained, providing a reasonable explanation for his audacious and unreasonable actions.

Having completed the first step, the second condition followed. He needed to find a way to take the entire Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye without causing any damage.

"Please continue to cooperate with me, space."

With slightly drooping eyelids, Lu Yuan extended his hand in front of his chest, pinching his fingers together. The small world behind him erupted with a strong suction force, voraciously devouring the original spatial order in the vicinity.

Space was an abstract concept.

If he were to directly extract the Binghuo Liangyi Eye and place it into the small world.

Such an operation was not out of the question. But Lu Yuan had already dismissed that option.

Firstly, he didn't possess sufficient soul power or strength to move the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye.

Secondly, that method could cause substantial damage to the environment and it consumed a great deal of energy.

It was better to take control of the space and integrate it with the spatial order of the small world, allowing for the transfer of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye.

This way, there would be no concept of destruction or nonexistence.

Why not achieve harmony? Doing so might take a bit longer. Yet Lu Yuan still believed that the time spent was worthwhile.

Star Dou Great Forest.

The Three-eyed Golden Lion awakened from its unconscious state, shaking its still throbbing head, unaware of the peculiar expressions on the faces of the surrounding beasts.

Red King gazed at his other two heads with a puzzled look, clearly sharing their confusion. Indeed, the other ferocious beasts weren't faring any better, wearing expressions of suspicion.

After spitting out two mouthfuls of blood, the Three-eyed Golden Lion's cultivation had increased by 10,000 years upon awakening from its coma.

Though this seemed like a disadvantageous transaction on the surface, it would be an immense gain for the Emperor Auspicious Beast.

Losing a bit of luck was tolerable since they had survived for so many years. Without the Emperor Auspicious Beast, would they still be alive?

Yes, it was even better.

No, dying wasn't necessary.

Moreover, the Emperor Auspicious Beast's cultivation had gained an additional ten thousand years, which meant that the probability of all soul beasts in the Transcending Tribulation Period successfully breaking through had increased once again.

While the loss in luck might not be compensated by a single 100,000-year-old soul beast, if ten 100,000-year-old soul beasts managed to overcome the tribulation, the luck of the Star Dou Great Forest would undoubtedly surge.

Rubbing her still aching head, the three-eyed Golden Lion clearly saw what she saw. It was a multi-colored sword slashing toward her face.

Naturally, the Three-eyed Golden Swird knew in her heart that it wasn't aimed at her. Instead, she had borrowed the perspective of that human.

Utilizing the image of this scene, combined with her own unexplained unconsciousness, The Three-eyed Golden Lion roared in anger:

"Lu Yuan, you bastard!"

The roar was filled with boundless sorrow and indignation, mingled with a hint of grievance and sadness.

She didn't expect the other party to consider her feelings as a soul beast, but...

Couldn't he have informed her before she died? Unprovoked, defenseless, clueless—directly slashed by the sword.

The Three-eyed Golden Lion seethed with anger, wishing to grab that damn human who had a death wish and devour him on the spot. However, considering that doing so might have unforeseen consequences...

Never mind. If there's a chance, she'll capture that damn human and imprison him!

After all, their lifespan as soul beasts was long, and she could wait a hundred years. Besides, there was no way she would allow that damn human to roam free and kill again!

It was terrifying. Who knew what kind of power she had sensed emanating from that sword!

It was acceptable to share the same origin and roots, but the quality far surpassed the power of destiny she controlled by countless levels.

Not being scared to the point of peeing on the spot was already the last shred of dignity in her heart!

The other beasts exchanged puzzled glances.

Di Tian looked at the Three-eyed Golden Lion, who was muttering to herself, with question marks all over her face. He tentatively sent some of his soul power to her, concerned for her well-being.

However, the Three-eyed Golden Lion promptly cut off the connection after reacting to it.

"I'm fine!. Really, I'm fine."

Seeing Di Tian treating her as if he were coaxing a child, the Three-eyed Golden Lion displayed a helpless expression.

Not long after, it was determined that there were no hidden dangers in the Emperor Auspicious Beast's body. Di Tian breathed a sigh of relief and waved his dragon claws, prompting the many ferocious beasts to retreat.

Lightly patting the ground twice, the three-eyed Golden Lion suddenly spoke, unsure of her own thoughts:

"I want to transform. I want to catch that damn human who's fond of dying!"

Di Tian stared dumbfoundedly at the little emperor before him, who had an impulsive idea, and didn't know how to respond for a moment.

Of course, upon hearing this, Bi Ji, who hadn't left yet, and the Silver Dragon King at the bottom of the lake fell into silence.

What were these things?

A few years ago, there was talk of a 100,000-year-old Soft Bone Rabbit transforming.

A few years ago, there was news of a 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor transforming.

So, is transformation becoming popular in the Star Dou Great Forest?

Besides, the cocoon-like creature shifted slightly before continuing to lie motionless.

What the eldest lady planned to do had nothing to do with him, an Ice Silkworm, who was just biding his time until death.

The only connection between the two was...

Well, he hoped that next time, the other party would take a little less of his flesh when eating him.


If this young lady kindly suggested to the beasts to replace him with more effective healing herbs, he would be extremely grateful.

Harboring such extravagant hopes, the Tianmeng Iceworm drifted into a deep slumber.


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