
Soul land: Epic of Heroes

cover obviously not mine so that probably won't happen but the author of it contact me to get it removed. the system tag is there but its really not major its only a small boon --synopsis-- A guy dies and reincarnates in soul land huo yuhao era that's pretty much it, you don't need to know more.

Bookworm_Douluo · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Another Fight, Another Soul Ring

We all were looking around quite anxiously to find the spirit beast, I heard water move on my right and saw a body part covered in scales, they weren't like fish scales nor like dragon scales, kind of like a mix in between.

Cai:"I saw something moving on the left, it was covered in scales."

Weles:"Scales? Some kind of fish maybe."

Yi Hen:"Doubt it, I saw a glimpse of it too, they definitely weren't fish scales"

Weles:"That seems to be quite troublesome then"

It already took us as a target so we won't have to wait long for it to attack. Sure enough from the sea water shoot out at us at high pressure, I and Weles were both able to dodge it but the one coming at Yi Hen had to be blocked by Weles with his martial soul.

The beast didn't seem to think this would take us out as on our left a tail started to rise up from the water, it was quite fat and long. Big enough to make a wave as it got up from the water, it reached up to a hundred meters behind us.

The rest started to show itself afterwards, parts of its body were showing itself from under the water one by one, stretching up to another hundred meters in front of us, it then started turning back into our direction rising its head above us, another 100 meters.

The water was being calmed down by Weles to avoid making the ship turn, thankfully it worked. I look up at the massive soul beast which attacked us, it kind of looked like a sea dragon but not really. It was a long serpentine creature 300 meters long. On its sides closer to the head were two fins.

It's head looked like a mix between a snake and a typical western dragon, it's scales were deep blue, while its belly was a lot lighter it was still blue. I also managed to notice it had some type of crystal or ore on its head, it was coloured exactly like his scales so it was hard to notice, but it was definitely much smoother and larger than its scales.

Cai:"What's this spirit beast?"

Weles:"A very dangerous one, this one is about 30k to bellow 40k years old. This soul beasts grows 100 meters every 10k years, once it reaches 100k years it grows 1km per 100k years. The same applies to its previous cultivation ranks"

Weles:"Its attributes are strength, defence and water. Though that strength and defence comes only from its huge body, it's strength cannot rise at all until he reaches the next cultivation rank so their strength and defence are well how you would imagine them to be for a such huge body."

Weles:"It also has an ability to turn water in its scope of control corrosive, though it can only use bodies of water that already exist and not generate them from its soul power."

Cai:"Shouldn't we run then?"

Weles:"That's impossible it already has its eyes on us, besides if you manage to make it your soul ring not only will your strength rise by a lot, we will also get its corpse. It's pretty valuable"

Cai:"I guess you are right about this one"

Surprisingly this giant snake wasn't in a rush to attack us, but it's definitely hostile. It must be underestimating us.

Weles:"Don't worry too much, this beast really doesn't specialize in anything so its control over water should be inferior to me, as long as we focus on finishing it off we should be able to kill it. Well enough of this, Yi hen."

Yi Hen quickly activated his 3 soul rings in succession before using his 4th one. This new soul skill of his mostly focuses on luck, it takes from the enemy and gives to us. Not only we get enhanced luck from my bloodline, Yi Hen steals it from our enemy too, things are already in our favour.

Weles:"Things may be in our favour but it's still going to be a hard fight watch out."

This giant snake also wasn't willing to keep being passive, he immediately got angry after Yi Hen debuffed him. It opened up its mouth before diving with its head straight at us. We of course weren't going to have it at all, Weles being at the front of the boat used his martial soul to send high pressure beams of water at its head and in the mouth, it quickly retreated back a bit.

It got even angrier than before, water around it started to change colours into a more purple one. It started to circle around him creating a small vortex, he then proceeded to expand his territory and creating attacks with waves.

Weles:"That's bad, I will hold him down, we can't let his water touch our boat or we will be finished, both of you attack it.

Weles seized control of the water behind us and started to push back the snakes corrosive even reducing his territory a bit, he clearly was superior to the snake but he couldn't seize all of the control from the it, so he could still attack us. Now we have to make a move on him, Weles is holding him out and diverting his attention at the same time.

My first soul ring lit up, ice particles of ice element started to seep out from my brush, and slowly a mist of ice was created. It couldn't be too big as all of it is under my control and is limited by my spiritual power. It's something similar to a domain but not entirely.

I can't really on Yi Hen much here, at most he will provide me back up by shooting from his soul guide. Well it's okay his enhancements are enough from him. I created around 12 slim ice spikes in the air from the mist, refined by my sword intent they are pretty sharp, and shoot them out in the directions of the snake.

It made a small screech but nothing too much beyond that, it's good enough result that I was able to barely pierce into him with them. It's getting harder to balance on the boat as the water battle between Weles and the snake gets fiercer by the minute. It even started to flail around his head like a mace, thankfully Weles is able to keep it at bay by shooting huge blasts of water at its head.

It started to gather all of my Ice element mist in one place, soon enough it gathered in one place. I made it spin faster and faster before sending it out towards the snakes head, when I enveloped it my second soul ring lit up, every single particle of ice element from the mist started to explode with unimaginable coldness(well it is imaginable just take it as a figure of speech).

Well "explode" isn't exactly a right word for it more like expand? No that's a wrong statement, if had to explain how my second soul skill works I would compare it more to mitosis than anything else, except instead of doubling the cell which in our case is the ice element.

It makes 3 ice elements from the original one the same size as the original and shoots them out, the explosion effect is mostly because I didn't have any time to compress them, plus I momentarily lost control of them so they expanded. Even the ice spikes I made before expanded, well they couldn't get in deeper so it only made the injury a tad bit wider plus it fell off as well.

I didn't have much of a chance to use this two soul skills so they are a bit underdeveloped, they will have a much better effect once I get a better idea about them. Well enough of this I managed to blind the beast it's time for my move, my soul power got drained a lot from this last soul skill but I have to continue on, can't become a god if I die her after all!

I seize back the control of the ice mist and jump on the beasts huge body, I had to go on the part closest to his head for this to work thankfully he had some residue water on his body so I froze it and grabbed onto it. Right now I'm floating in the air but I cannot stop.

The snakes senses are confused after my attack so it's my chance right now, I move the mist higher into the air behind the beasts head and start shaping it into cones of ice, except they are quite mixed. I made a lot of them blunt and only a few sharp, but they are as sharp as I could make them be with my current abilities.

I sent the torrent of attacks onto the beasts body first went in the sharp ones, I made them go into one point to make as much of a crack as possible, they quickly crashed into his head making countless small holes and even cracks on his scales. What fell of I recycled to save soul power from creating more.

I then sent all of the blunt ones to make the cracks bigger and bigger and I only sent blunt ones, what was left of them I recycled to create as much as possible. The beast was clearly in pain as it tried to shake me off, keeping hold of ice was pretty much impossible and I would die if I fell down into the water.

So I resorted to the only thing I could think off, I diverted my attention slowing down the torrent of attacks, and started strengthening the little platform I made for my hands even freezing my hands to keep them attached to it.

We struggled like this for about two minutes and my attacks, the snakes flailing finally stopped, I was already out of breath and gasping for air, the soul beast was still fighting Weles so it ignored me in the end probably thinking I'm out of fuel already.

I look up at its head, the scales there are full of cracks I can see its meat and even part of its skull, I unfreeze my hands, they are all red and burn, my control of the elements and Ice phoenix bloodline thankfully prevented anything other than that from happening to them.

There it is my last stage of the plan, my gamble was risky but it paid of truly the power of luck is a great thing. My soul power is on its last reserve but I saved just enough to be able to do that, thankfully its only one more attack.

I use all of the strength I have left in my hands and propel myself upwards I was at the snakes side the whole time, it's about time to move right behind the damage I done. I found myself in the air. With quick thinking I didn't lose any time and made another platform and grabbed it, great now I'm right behind the wounds I made.

The snake seemed to realize at this point what is happening but it's too late nothing can save you now. I switched to my water pen and right after my soul ring lit up adding the rupture effect to my attacks.

I generated something similar to a drill from the water elements around the water pen, and stabbed the snake in its head right were the skull is visible. I started to drill into its skull the snake was screeching and screaming as loud as it could, but the rupture effect did its job and I soon enough pierced it's skull injecting the whole water elements that made up this drill right into its brain. With the rupture effect still in place the brain quickly turned into tatters.

As the soul beast died all of the corrosive water from before started to turn back into its normal form, the snakes body fell into the water creating a small wave, I fell into it right after that. Weles was also quite out of breath after this so it seems Yi Hen was the one who took me out of the water.

Cai:"*Cough**Cough* We finally did it, let's just get this over with quickly I want to get the soul ring and head back now"

Weles:"Indeed, I think we all do"

I stepped onto the snakes head in the water and sat right on top of it, since the soul ring seems to came out here and started to absorb it into my body.


Well finally this piece is over, well while I think this soul beast was pretty unoriginal I did get it when I asked for help of coming up with one so I just decided to make it more original with what you see here, honestly if I used that suggestions it would be just a sea dragon. Well whatever it's quite late as pretty much always so I will just update it and go to sleep. Pretty confident no chapter tomorrow there are some things I have to get done for the day after, I will try to make it though, but not confident it will work out. Well that's all from me bye now.

time to head to bed now :)

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