
Chapter 45: The Countdown Begins: Save Rukia Kuchiki 1/2

(A/N: Man I have so much work to do and all I need is a single uninterrupted evening to get a chapter done. How nice. I don't know if I'll be able to keep at this speed, but we'll see.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Code Geass

3rd Person pov

As Ichigo began his Bankai training, Lelouch began to leave.

"And where are you going?" Yoruichi asked. "I thought you were taking yourself off the grid."

"Not completely, there are things I need to take care of." Lelouch told her.

"I see, so I'm the drill instructor am I?" Yoruichi asked.

"No, that privilege belongs to Ichigo's own Zanpakuto." Lelouch answered. Yoruichi just smirked as Lelouch walked away.

2 hours later

Tatsuki, Orihime and Naomi sat in a group together, lying in wait for something to happen or for Soifon to come back with Rukia, but so far no luck.

"Sensei will come back. She has to come back." Tatsuki said to herself.

"Of course she will," Naomi said, "Soifon's amazing, she wouldn't lose."

"She's not coming back." A voice called out. Shisato stepped down the alleyway where Orihime, Tatsuki and Naomi were waiting.

"Shisato." Naomi recognized her.

"Ah, you were with that Lelouch guy too." Tatsuki remembered.

"Wait, what do you mean sensei isn't coming back?" Orihime asked.

"She got beat down by a captain class 3rd seat. With the fatigue she had built up she never saw it coming. Wouldn't have helped her though, even I didn't. Whatever her assailant did he moved to fast for anyone to see. The last thing I remember was a red light and when I saw him again he had his blade in your sensei's gut." Shisato stated.

Tatsuki grew apprehensive. Orihime clasped her hands over her mouth. "Oh no." she said.

"Is sensei…" Tatsuki didn't want to think that Soifon had been killed.

"She's been taken to the fourth division for interrogation and rejuvenation. One of the captains of the Gotei was killed and they think your group is responsible. Lelouch seems to know up from down, but he won't share his thoughts." Shisato stated. "However, I was sent to come and pick you guys up. Plans have changed."

"To what?" Tatsuki asked.

"You and your friend are the only two Ryoka that have not been captured besides Ichigo who is currently undergoing special training with Yoruichi." Shisato told them. "As a result, Lelouch did everything he could to work up a temporary safe haven for you guys."

"Safe haven?" Tatsuki asked.

Shisato nodded. "My captain was defeated by Ichigo. Lelouch was able to coerce him into taking you guys in. As a result he makes my captain believe he'll run into Ichigo again if that happens so to make sure of that my captain won't harm you or turn you in. In fact if you ask him nicely he'll probably break your friends out of prison."

"Shisato are you sure about this?" Naomi asked her.

"Why what's wrong Naomi-san?" Orihime asked.

"Shisato's captain is the barbarian demon captain Zaraki Kenpachi." Naomi stated.

"What does it matter how he acts as long as he's not going to turn that monstrous strength on us?" Tatsuki rubbed the back of her neck. "Besides if Ichigo beat him how tough could he really be?"

"It was a fluke." Shisato said. "Ichigo tapped into powers far beyond that of a normal Shikai. He borrowed all of the energy of his Zanpakuto and put it into one strike, not to mention my captain had taken several slashes and gashes already before that point and up to that point Ichigo had been on the receiving end of a beat down. On top of which, my captain finds his Zanpakuto to be merely a tool, if Ichigo has opened his eyes by beating him by trusting his Zanpakuto you can guarantee my captain will only get stronger. Trust me when I say that it's bad to underestimate him." Her eyebrows converged. "Very bad."

"Well," Tatsuki started stretching her legs. "Lead the way then."

"Of course, follow me." Shisato said. The quartet headed off into the daylight.

Meanwhile Lelouch was paying a visit to the Head Captain's office. A friendly request to Sasakibe granted him access; he didn't even need to bother with geass.

"Lamperouge Lelouch," the head captain said, looking at the teen captain, "I thought you were taking yourself off the radar."

"My plans change adaptively according to the situation." Lelouch said. "I've heard that the Ryoka have been captured."

"All, but three," Yamamoto stated, "including the Substitute Soul Reaper that Kuchiki Rukia transferred her powers to."

"I see." Lelouch confirmed what he believed to be the case. "Tell me something Head Captain, what would you do if you found out that your greatest threat was lurking just under the hairs of your fine beard and that your greatest savior you falsely believed to be your greatest enemy?"

"Just what are you insinuating?" Yamamoto asked.

"I'm not insinuating anything, I'm just talking hypotheticals." Lelouch responded.

Yamamoto grunted. "I think I know you well enough by now that most of your comments wind up pertaining to some grand master scheme you have going. I would like to know what it is you are planning this time."

"Unfortunately for my plan to succeed I cannot tell it to you. I understand I am the most inexperienced captain, but I know that you have always trusted that intellect and judgment. If I've ever asked for you trust more than any other time it would be now sir." Lelouch stated.

"I understand." Yamamoto said. "Am I to play a direct part in your master plan?"

"You will, but not the way you think. I only ask that you ignore my actions until I make my move. The Black King will go into battle. However, for once he must end the war rather than start it." Lelouch stated. Lelouch began to walk away, but as he got to the door he glanced at the Head Captain. "Before I go, have you any interesting information to share with me that I should be aware of?"

"Actually I do. According to Unohana-taicho, Zero has reappeared and appears to be on our side with regards to Aizen-taicho's murder." Yamamoto stated.

"I see, thank you." Lelouch said and began to leave.

3 hours later, 4th Division incarceration unit

Soifon, Kukaku, Chad, Uryu, Kaien and Isane all sat together in jail. Kukaku was currently playing on a harmonica.

"Uh…where did you get that?" Kaien asked his sister.

Kukaku stopped playing. "I took it from one of the division members when he wasn't looking." Kukaku said and continued to play.

"Your sister scares me." Uryu told Kaien.

"Tell me about it." Kaien scratched his head thinking of all the times his sister had turned into a frightening beast that intimidated even him. There was nothing worse for Kaien than dealing with his sister when she was on the warpath. She'd normally blow up everything around her if her anger wasn't appeased. And to make things worse she sometimes managed to blackmail him into doing stuff he normally wouldn't do. Thankfully Kaien usually got the evidence back after one or two coercions. Thankfully if Kaien absolutely had to he could stand up to his sister. Most of the time though, it was best not to add fuel to the growing fire. As the group sat around, footsteps began walking down the hall and Lelouch emerged in front of the gate.

"Yo, bout time you should up Lelouch." Kukaku beamed. She knew Lelouch wouldn't let any of them down.

"Lamperouge-taicho, what are you doing here?" Isane asked.

Lelouch held up the key to the cell door and began to unlock it. "I'm under authorization to release 8th seat Shiba Kukaku and Vice-captain Shiba Kaien from their prison cells." He said and opened the door. "Kukaku you're being released into my custody. I spoke with Unohana and told her I would personally deal with your actions rather than letting you sit here. And Kaien, your captain wants you in his office immediately."

"What about?" Kaien asked.

"Well, he told me to tell Unohana that he as well planned to personally punish you, but he told me to tell you that he wants to work out a 'strategy meeting'. And for that, Kukaku, you need to go home and get the Nulblazer X Two Thirteen and bring it to Ukitake-taicho." Lelouch responded.

A bigger grin was never seen on Kukaku's face. "So that's what it's come to has it. If Ichigo fails you gotta have a proper plan B eh?" She got up and waltzed towards the door. "No problem."

"And, what about the rest of us?" Soifon asked.

"You know as well as I do that I can't release Ryoka into my custody. Don't worry though," Lelouch said as he shut the door once Kaien and Kukaku had exited the prison cell with him, "Your bail will come soon enough."

Kuchiki Manor


Hisana sat in her room going through her scrapbook. She looked at all the fond memories of her and her sister. So many happy times, there were even shots where she and Byakuya were actually getting along. It brought a tear to Hisana's eye to see this. Rukia. She closed the book. She began to exit the manor.

"Where are you going?" Byakuya called out to Hisana.

Hisana stood still. "There is somewhere I need to be." She said.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Byakuya asked her.

"I'm sorry, Byakuya-sama…but I cannot have you accompany me." Hisana told him.

"I see. This is about Rukia, isn't it?" Byakuya asked. Hisana didn't answer and just left with a flash step. Byakuya didn't pursue. How is it that you've become so distant these last few months Hisana? What can I do so that I can see that pure smile on your face again?

As Ichigo trained, Hisana made her way to the hideout. Night had fallen before she had even gotten halfway there. And, shortly after that point, she ran across Lelouch. The two passed by each other and stood facing in opposite directions, but standing so that their shoulders were in line with the other person.

"So this is what you've chosen to do?" Lelouch asked Hisana, figuring what she was up to.

"It is." She said.

"I'm glad. This, in my opinion, is the right decision for someone in your position." Lelouch told her.

"What do you mean?" Hisana asked him.

"You're not the only person who has desired to fight the law to protect their younger sister." Lelouch stated.

"You mean you…" Hisana looked at Lelouch curiously.

"You should talk to Ichigo if you have the opportunity. He's an older sibling too you know and after all, you both are after the same thing and your opponent is the same. Feel free to talk about his family if you wish, just not his extended family. I didn't tell him about his connection to the Shibas, but Stefan made a comment about Isshin-taicho so Ichigo found out that much." Lelouch told her.

"And, what are you doing out here this late?" Hisana asked.

"I have a dance with destiny." Lelouch told her. "The second act in our little show is beginning to creep towards its climax. Tomorrow, when the sun is at its highest peak, chaos, like nothing the Gotei has ever seen before, will ensue. It will be a raging storm and Ichigo, Rukia, Aizen and I are the focal point."

"Aizen?" Hisana was curious.

"Even dead men can be important chess pieces, especially dead men that aren't really dead." Lelouch said.

"Huh?" Hisana was about to ask Lelouch what he meant by that, but he vanished from sight. She could give chase, but she did not have the time. She had less than eight hours to complete what she had been working towards for many years now. She didn't have time to spare. Hisana looked front with her eyes forward and headed off into the night.

While the most powerful woman of the Kuchiki family headed for the hideout, Lelouch made his way to an open space in his division's own territory. As if on cue, Momo, Rangiku and Hitsugaya swarmed him and their expressions did not bode ones of loyalty and friendship.

Momo had dried tears in her eyes and was troubled. Rangiku and Hitsugaya were rather hostile. The latter already had his hand on the handle of his blade.

"So you told them." Lelouch said.

Momo spoke, voice quivering. "Why sensei…I thought we agreed that we would expose Aizen-taicho first…why did you do it? Why were you so ruthless? Why?" Momo screamed out in frustration. "Answer me!"

"Of course Aizen-taicho's murder isn't why Rangiku and I are here. Momo showed us that letter. It seems you deceived us all right from the start, didn't you Lamperouge-taicho?" Hitsugaya asked.

Oh this sounds interesting. Just what sort of move did you make Aizen? "Well since you seem to have all the answers, go ahead and tell me just what you've found."

"Gladly." Rangiku said. "You, Lamperouge Lelouch planned to use Kuchiki Rukia's execution as a means to get your hands on untold power, power that only the Sokyoku can provide."

Momo continued, lips trembling where Rangiku left off. "The Sokyoku has the power of one million Zanpakuto. It possesses the defensive ability to block Zanpakuto of equal power."

Hitsugaya picked up on the explanation. "Moreover when a Soul Reaper is crucified and then stabbed with the Sokyoku, the Sokyoku's power grows dozens of times over. With this sort of power you could have the power to ultimately wipe out all the denizens of the Seireitei and the Soul Society, rather an extreme way of making it peaceful Lelouch." Hitsugaya said dropping honorifics all together."

"Just what do you have to say for yourself?" Rangiku glared.

Oh Aizen, Aizen, Aizen. Lelouch said mentally shaking his head. Of all the ways you could've crafted this, this is by far the worst one you could've crafted. "What should I say for myself? You seem to have all the answers at your fingertips, but let me ask you, do you intend to cut me down?" Lelouch asked.

"Of course we do." Hitsugaya stated.

"Well then," Lelouch went for his sword. "Here I am." Lelouch went and released his Zanpakuto without calling it out. Now that he was a captain, Eien Tamashi replaced his haori with his cape whenever he used his Shikai power.

Hitsugaya attacked first. Lelouch sidestepped his attack with ease. "Hado 1: Sho." He sent Hitsugaya tumbling along the ground. "Bakudo number 30: Shitotsu Sansen!" Lelouch left Hitsugaya pinned to the ground.

Momo and Rangiku attacked Lelouch. He dodged using his cape's ability. "Bakudo number 61: Rikujokoro." He got Rangiku right in the midsection. "I am a master of Kido, it will be impossible to escape." Lelouch told his vice-captain and 3rd seat.

Momo came at his with battle mad fury. She struck at Lelouch again and again with her sword. Lelouch simply used his force shields to fend her off until he felt her strikes decreasing in strength. He then used Shunpo to get behind her. "Bakudo 63: Sajo Sabaku." Momo became tied up. Lelouch went up to her and grabbed her by the back of her collar and picked her up before placing her by Rangiku and Hitsugaya. With the trio rounded up and bound, Lelouch sealed his Zanpakuto.

"You won't get away with this." Rangiku told him.

"Get away with what? Rangiku do you honestly think I'm the type of man to want to demolish all of the Soul Society?" Lelouch asked her.


"Toshiro, if I wanted the Sokyoku at all I would've devised an execution a long time ago that didn't involve sacrificing such a controversial individual. I would've taken it as Zero as well."

"I…" He's certainly right about that.

"And Momo, I still wish Aizen was exposed that is a truth I will never shy away from. You have all been misled of that I can assure you." Lelouch told them.

"Misled?" Momo asked. "But…but if you didn't kill Aizen-taicho does that mean Ichimaru-taicho…"

"Let's leave the topic of who did it aside for now shall we?" Lelouch asked and held his hand up by his chin, palm facing towards the ground. "Let's focus a little on details. Momo, who did Aizen assert to be the culprit in his letter? Zero or me?"

"Wait, but you are Zero." Rangiku stated.

"True, but unless Aizen knows my secret and knows that Momo knows this is an important distinction. Momo who did Aizen designate: Zero or me?" Lelouch asked again.

"I…he said Lamperouge Lelouch in the letter." Momo said.

Toshiro was now picking up on things. "Wait, but why would Aizen label you? What have you yourself done to him?"

"That's my point. This was a ruse, a way to spread chaos amongst the Gotei. There are only two logical conclusions we can draw from this. One, either Aizen has a sick sense of humor even in death, or someone wanted to point to me as a villain." Lelouch said.

"You don't think Gin did this do you?" Rangiku asked.

"It doesn't matter who it was, what matters is that this was all just a ruse. Someone is enjoying being a crafty little bastard with the chaos already sweeping through the Seireitei." Lelouch stated.

"So then what do we do?" Momo asked. "Release us and we'll help."

Lelouch did so and the three Soul Reapers got to their feet. He saw that the sun was starting to come up. "Rangiku, Toshiro, tomorrow morning, you two will go to the Central Forty Six. Go at a steady, but quickened pace. If you are denied entry, break in if you have to. I will accept responsibility." Lelouch told them.

"And what about me sensei?" Momo asked.

"You are coming back with me to my office. There are things we need to talk about." Lelouch said to her.

"And just what do you yourself plan to do?" Hitsugaya asked.

"I have some matters that require my attention. Put me out of your mind and just do as you are told all right? Can you take that as an order from your captain?" Lelouch asked.

Hitsugaya took a deep breath. "I can…I'm sorry…for doubting you." Hitsugaya apologized.

"Me too sir," Rangiku got down on one knee, "You may select the proper punishment for me when all of this blows over."

Something tells me there are no restrictions in that statement. Lelouch said.

Would you stop thinking with your second brain? Eien Tamashi chastised.

"What should we do for now?" Hitsugaya asked Lelouch.

"Get a good night's rest, do some paperwork, get a proper meal and also, if something happens tomorrow and I'm not there to stop it…this is my apology in advance." Lelouch told them.

"Sir, whatever's going to happen tomorrow, you can count on me." Hitsugaya told his captain.

"Me too." Rangiku got to her feet. "I won't let you down Lelouch."

"Good, you two are dismissed." Lelouch told his senior officers. They dispersed.

Lelouch then took Momo with him back to his office. He shut the door behind him. There was a note on his desk when he arrived.

"Let's see, what's this?" He read the letter over.

"What is it sensei?" Momo asked him.

Lelouch slammed the letter down on the desk. "The execution time has been changed again to twenty nine hours from now."

"What?" Momo was shocked. "Sensei, what do we do?"

"Don't worry, I anticipated this. That's why I sent Rangiku and Toshiro out tomorrow morning. If all goes according to plan the execution will be stopped and over by the time they reach the Central Forty Six. And that is where the true culprit shall show up."

"What should I—"

"Your job is simple, you're going to leave about a half an hour before they do, but you're going to go after Ichimaru, believing that he is still the enemy. Do your best to act." Lelouch told her. "You do remember how to do that right?" Lelouch glanced at the vice-captain.

"Of course I do. You taught me so much sensei I…I…" Momo realized how she had regressed so much recently. Ever since the phantoms disbanded she had become complacent and the mask she wore had once again become the face she wore all the time.

"Did the proper lines become too blurry to see?" Lelouch asked.

"Sensei." Momo's eyes filled with tears. She ran towards him and embraced him, crying into his chest. "Gomenasai…gomenasai." Lelouch put an arm around her and rubbed her shoulder.

"Easy Momo, it's okay. Just relax. Everything's going to be okay." Lelouch told her.

When Momo finished crying Lelouch explained the rest of her role to her. She was to go after Gin, who would lead her to the Central Forty Six where upon she would come face to face with the true culprit.

"But if Ichimaru-taicho is not the enemy who is?" Momo asked Lelouch.

"You will understand when you arrive. The true culprit is someone who should not exist, but does anyway." Lelouch said cryptically.

"Huh?" Momo was confused.

"You'll understand when the time comes. Now then, head back to your division and get some rest. You deserve some after what you've been through." Lelouch told her.

"Hai." Momo left.

Lelouch sat down at his desk and pressed his fingers to his forehead. He dropped his hand down after a few seconds and looked out the window as the sun began to creep up over the horizon. Tomorrow at noon hmm? Aizen, I must say for all the games I've played this is by far the most interesting. Now then, Lelouch opened a drawer and took out the flying device. It's about time I begin learning how to work with this thing effortlessly.

While Lelouch went about his business, Hisana had arrived on site where Ichigo was training for Bankai. Ichigo thought she was Rukia at first, but her height gave her away on the spot. "Hisana-san."