

"You have that, 'what are you doing here' kind of look on your face." She smirked. She walked through the field of blades where the teen was training. "You see time's running out and I've decided that I'm not going to wait around for something to happen." Hisana stared at Ichigo with vigor in her eyes. "I'm going to protect Rukia. The law will not bind me like it has Byakuya-sama." She declared. Hisana held out her sword and it transformed into its whip state. Kaze no Irokoe then appeared next to her.

She called her Zanpakuto out without saying its name. Ichigo took notice.

"I'm close to finishing my training with my Bankai. I ran into Renji on the way here. He seemed to have the same idea. He's almost obtained Bankai, but this hideout isn't large enough for more than two people to train like this. Thankfully the Shibas have their own private training ground he can use for the time being if he really needs it." Hisana stated.

"Who's this Renji guy?" Ichigo asked, scratching his head.

"He's my fourth seat." Hisana said. "He's a close friend of Rukia's. He was there when we all assembled. He had red hair shaped like a pineapple and lots of tattoos."

The image came to Ichigo's mind and he put the name to the face. "Oh yeah, him."

"Hisana, what did you mean by 'time's running out'?" Yoruichi asked.

"The execution time has been changed to tomorrow at noon." Hisana stated.

"What? But…" Yoruichi didn't believe Ichigo had enough time left.

"Ichigo, I'm going to need all the help I can get, especially if I don't make it to the Sokyoku before things start." Hisana stated.

"Hisana he won't make it!" Yoruichi declared there's simply not enough time.

"That's defeatist's talk!" Hisana responded.

"Yoruichi-san, it doesn't matter if the odds are stacked against us." Ichigo said. "Failure is no longer an option. I'm not going to try and master Bankai. I will master and obtain Bankai."

"Good to hear." Hisana said and then turned her back. "Come on Kaze no Irokoe." She waved to the winged humanoid.

Back at the first division, Byakuya was walking around. He hadn't seen Hisana since last night, he was starting to become worried.

"Hey, Kuchiki!" Kaien ran up to Byakuya.

"Hmm, Shiba Kaien. I thought you were supposed to be incarcerated for conspiracy to free a prisoner and overthrow the Seireitei." The noble captain looked at him.

"Uh let's just say my captain intends to punish me himself." Kaien said. He became serious again. "Th-that's not important right now. My captain wants to know what you intend to do about Rukia's execution."

"Why should I do anything?" Byakuya asked.

"Lawful to a fault and stubborn as hell, I told him you'd be like this. Why did I get stuck playing messenger boy?" Kaien rubbed his head.

"Perhaps because your captain's condition tends to get the better of him when under stress," Byakuya said, attempting humor.

"Hey, hold on now. Kuchiki Byakuya, do you really plan to stand by and watch Rukia die?" Kaien asked.

"The law has been set. I will heed it." Byakuya turned away from Kaien.

"I wonder what Hisana would think if she heard that." Kaien said.

"Hisana knows better than to mix personal and private matters." Byakuya said.

"Are you sure about that?" Kaien asked with a grin.

"Shiba Kaien, I do so hope you are not implying that Hisana will do something rash." Byakuya glared. "If you intend to slander my family I hope you are prepared to face the consequences."

"You wanna tussle?" Kaien said with a confident grin taking a weaponless stance.

"You fought the Ryoka Substitute Soul Reaper and you were injured by Lusca Stefan. I didn't know you enjoyed bathing in your own blood so much." Byakuya said and raised his reiatsu.

Kaien backed off immediately by taking a huge leap back.

"That's what I thought." Byakuya told him. "Tell your captain not to come to me again about the execution. I am not interested in discussing the matter."

Kaien sighed. Kuchiki, one of these days you're going to have to learn not to be so thick headed.

The Next Day

06:59:40, Toshiro Hitsugaya and Rangiku Matsumoto head for the Central Forty Six. They have been instructed with one objective: Meet with the mastermind behind the events of the last few days

07:11:24, Momo encounters Ichimaru Gin, who goads her into following him to the Central Forty Six saying that there's someone there who wishes to see her. Trusting in her instructions provided to her by her sensei, she follows the crafty captain to the heart of the matter, no pun intended.

07:30:23, approximately five hours before the execution. Dawn crept upon the Seireitei. In mere hours Rukia would meet the fiery wrath of the Sokyoku. She was released from her prison and escorted down the bridge towards Sokyoku Hill.

07:35:47, with Naomi, Tatsuki, Ikkaku and Yumichika following him, and with Orihime and Yachiru riding on his back, Zaraki was charging down the streets on his way to bail Isane, Chad, Uryu and Soifon out of prison.

08:30:15, Kenpachi breaks aforementioned individuals out of prison. Their objective: stop Rukia's execution no matter what the cost.

8:32:10, Byakuya leaves for Sokyoku Hill. His mind still wonders where Hisana may have gone, but he feels he will discipline her later for not following rules and regulations. He exits from the manor and heads for the Gotei grounds.

8:37:29, Captain and Vice-Captain pairs from squads 2, 7 and 9 head for the execution site. Captain Tosen has been tasked with following Aizen's orders unless they conflict with Lelouch's. So far he knows of nothing of the sort to happen for another five hours or so. Shuhei, oblivious to his captain's double agent role, is tasked with being a proper vice-captain, despite the fact that he'd rather be working alongside his friends, but according to Lelouch that is not the role he wants Shuhei to play. As a courtesy to the only other man besides Muguruma Kensei to save his life, Shuhei obliges.

8:44:20, Kyoraku Shunsui makes his decision to finally head out for Sokyoku Hill. He is hoping Ukitake, Kaien and Kukaku have readily prepared their plan to stop the execution. He knows Yamamoto will be livid, but it's too late to turn back from the path he's chosen. Nanao, his vice-captain, has no desire to get in on his antics. She intends to turn a blind eye to everything her captain does.

9:01:25, Zaraki Kenpachi and company reach another dead end. However, it's quite roomy, the perfect place for a battlefield and fate was more than willing to supply the fighters. With Kenpachi wanting to face Squad Captains 7 and 9 and their vice-captains on his own, the remainder of the group heads off.

"We're gonna go now." Yachiru says as Kenpachi makes this declaration. "We're gonna go find Ichi and you can catch up later okay Kenny?"

"I'll be right there." Kenpachi states.

"Muscles, Jiggles, Isa-Isa, Soy sauce, Tachi, Pencil, let's get going." Yachiru says to the group.

Huh? Did I just get nicknamed pencil? Uryu found his nickname confusing.

9:03:27, Ikkaku and Yumichika retreat back to help their captain, cutting the number of their captain's fighters in half.

9:18:55, Hisana leaves the hideout her Bankai training complete. She passes Yoruichi as she leaves.

"We don't have a lot of time left." She says. "By my count, I'd wager not even two hours if he wants to make it to the execution site in time."

Ichigo did have a more than two hours before the execution actually began, but getting Bankai at the time of the execution wouldn't help him if he couldn't get there in time to stop it.

"Yes, I believe you're right about that." Yoruichi responded.

"He'll do it though." Hisana said. "Lelouch wouldn't have set this up if he didn't believe it were possible…no…no I think Ichigo is our only chance. Somehow I get the feeling that even though I'm leaving now that I just won't make it in time to save my sister."

"Doubting your abilities?" Yoruichi asked, glancing at the violet-eyed woman.

"No, but I get the feeling that there's something out there waiting to stop me. It's as if there is something I must do before I can go to Rukia." Hisana stated.

"I see." Yoruichi said. "Then things really are riding on Ichigo."

Hisana nodded. "Don't forget that you'll need to take action at some point too."

"Yes, I'm well aware." Yoruichi said.

"Good." Hisana took off.

9:20:34, Renji, Bankai obtained, goes running through the Seireitei to go to the Sokyoku to protect his best friend. His path becomes blocked by a man with black hair and red eyes.

"Hey, aren't you Atrumier Talbumosuke, the surviving member of the Atrumier house?" Renji asks.

"I am and I see you've acquired a great deal of power, Abarai Renji. Do you plan to save Rukia with it?" Talbumosuke asks.

"Of course I do, how can you ask that?" Renji responds. "If you're going to get in my way, I'll cut you down myself."

"Don't be foolish, you can't hope to beat me any more than the former Executive Militia Commander could." Talbumosuke says with a grin. He calls out his Shikai without calling its name once again. The same red light appears and in less than five seconds Renji falls.

I didn't even see him coming…impossible. The fourth seat collapses upon the ground.

Talbumosuke seals his sword and looks about the area. The fourth division will come and find him soon enough. He thinks. He checks for anyone who might pose a threat to his master that isn't Kurosaki Ichigo or Lamperouge Lelouch. He senses one.

Kuchiki Hisana…yes I see…she's become quite the problem as my master believed she would. His senses pick up another individual, but I need not dirty my own hands in this matter. I should head where I am needed. He vanishes from the scene

9:24:08, Hisana started charging through the Seireitei. Imouto…I will save you. As she passed underneath a gate that would take her to a long pathway that was just a wide open path to the Sokyoku hill, she sensed immense reiatsu. She recognized it immediately. This reiatsu. She looked up to see her husband. "Byakuya-sama."

"Where are you going Hisana?" Byakuya asked her.

Hisana grit her teeth and scowled at her husband with a scowl she never sent his way since they were kids. "I'm going…to save Rukia."

"No." Byakuya told her.

"I must!" Hisana shouted. "Rukia is my sister and I love her. I won't stand by and watch her die."

Byakuya vanishes and appears at Hisana's ground level. He looked at his wife with sympathetic eyes. "Hisana, I love you more than life itself, which is why I am asking you to stand aside. I don't want to hurt you." He told her.

"I can't. Rukia is my sister. You don't understand what being an older sibling is like do you? I nearly lost Rukia once, I'm not going to allow her to die. I'd rather defect and betray the Soul Society!" Hisana shouted.

"Hisana be reasonable." It pained Byakuya to think that he might have to actually cross blades with his wife.

"No, Byakuya-sama, you need to open your eyes. What's more important to you: me or upholding the law?" Hisana's eyes began to water. "If you won't allow me to save Rukia, my dearest sister who means the world to me," Hisana drew out her sword and held it with a shaken resolve, tearful that she was pointing it at the man she loved, "Then I won't hesitate to turn my blade on you."

Byakuya sighed. He knew he had to prevent Hisana from inflicting harm upon not only him, but others as well. "Then you leave me no choice. My duties come first. If you are resolved to your decision then show me your resolve. Defeat me in combat." The noble captain drew out his sword.

Hisana looked saddened. "I'm sorry it's come to this, Byakuya-sama, but I can't stand idle and watch Rukia die." She began to shake, tears rolling down her face. "The last thing Rukia said to me before this whole mess began was that I always take your side on things. She was right. I always take your side. I never once, not in these last fifty years did I ever take her side when the two of you had a dispute. In the end I always went back to you, I always tried to control her and now, because of that, I just might lose her. I abandoned Rukia once before." Hisana sniffed in. "I won't do it again." She looked at Byakuya with strong eyes and so…that's why I've decided that this time I will stand by my little sister. I will protect her!" Hisana charged at her husband with her blade. Byakuya attempted to deflect her strike, but Hisana's swing was strong enough to keep him from flinging her off. "I'm much stronger than the last time you ever saw me raise my sword to anyone. I'm just sorry that I have to raise my sword to you."

Byakuya drew away from Hisana. "I understand. I'm sorry it has come to this, but as a captain of the Gotei, even if it means turning my blade upon you I cannot break the law. I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me."

"So long as you can forgive me, I believe I will eventually be able to forgive you." Hisana told her husband.

"Before we begin though, allow me to say that I don't see what you hope to gain from rebelling Hisana. It's true, you are a very skilled Soul Reaper, but I have been your superior for well over forty years. Allow me to show you the difference in our power and why I wish for you to cease this foolish action." Byakuya prepared to release his sword. "Scatter, Senbon—"


Byakuya was surprised when Hisana slapped his blade and canceled his release. She drew back her whip. "You called your sword out without releasing its name. Your skill with Bankai certainly has come a long way. I suppose then that there's no reason I should not do the same. Show me the strength of your determination Hisana." Byakuya released Senbonzakura without calling it out. "Once again, I am truly sorry that I must use this kind of force to get my point across." He attacked Hisana.

Hisana whirled her whip high above her head. "Tsugi no Uta: Aka Min'yo!" (Second Song: Red Ballad) As Byakuya's blades neared Hisana a twister of fire erupted around her, deflecting Senbonzakura's blades. HIsana changed her stance by twirling her whip at her side. "Sa no Uta: Ao Zenkyoku." (Third Song: Blue Serenade) Hisana lashed her whip so that it went across her body as a wave of water went sailing towards Byakuya. He guarded himself with Senbonzakura's petals. He then sent them back to attack Hisana. She dodged with Shunpo.

"Hado 33: Sokatsui!" Byakuya fired the Kido where Hisana reemerged.

"Bakudo 39: Okasen!" Hisana blocked Byakuya's attack with her shield. Byakuya made to attack Hisana from behind with a swift chop to the back of the neck, but he missed. Hisana was now on the ground. She gripped her whip tightly to her body, wrapping it around her back. Orange energy began to form around her. "Yottsu no Uta: Daidai Indo!" (Fourth Song: Orange Requiem) Hisana pivoted on her foot and let her whip fly out, creating a sandstorm. Byakuya's vision had been cut and he couldn't properly aim Senbonzakura. However, he still heard Hisana's whip go sailing through the air and he properly guarded with the blades of his Zanpakuto. Used to her own technique though, Hisana did not have that kind of problem. She attempted to disorient Byakuya with a few more strikes before attempting to make a run for it. She remembered her objective. She could delay her husband with the sandstorm, but rescuing Rukia was her goal.

However, Byakuya was far too clever to fall for a ruse like that. "Hado 54: Haien!" The bursting flare came right towards Hisana and she leapt out of the way only for Byakuya to come at her with a sealed sword. Hisana let her whip fly out. She whapped Byakuya right in the left shoulder and he grazed her in the same spot with his blade. The two circled around each other. "Hisana I think I'm smarter than to fall for such an obvious tactic. We both know each other's moves. It would be pointless for you to think I don't know how to counter them."

"Not all of them. Don't be so quick to think I'm out of tricks just yet." Hisana grinned. She coiled her whip in her hand and gathered energy. She whipped the ground forward with a wrist snap and then back with a wrist snap. "Saigo no Uta," Hisana swung her whip above her head twice, "Kokyo no Kage!" (Final Song: Symphony of Shadows) Hisana lashed her whip along the ground the whip reached its full length. Spheres of darkness began to rise out of the ground. They began to number in the dozens very quickly. Hisana picked up her whip and retracted it to its minimum length she began conducting the spheres like they were the players of an orchestra and she was the maestro. The spheres began slamming into Byakuya. The simple thousand blades of Senbonzakura were not nearly enough to stop the spheres of darkness. "You can never hope to stop the power of the darkness, Byakuya-sama. It is power overwhelming and power beyond containing." One of the spheres hit into Byakuya's back. "I will save Rukia, even if I must become a criminal in your eyes."

"Is that so?" Byakuya asked. He let his reiatsu leak out freely, jarring Hisana's spheres, but not Hisana herself. "Then it appears Shikai will not be enough. Once again I am truly sorry it has come to this, but you leave me no other choice." Byakuya dropped his sword and it sank into the ground. "Bankai. Senbonzakura Kageyoshi." He looked at Hisana with a sympathetic gaze. "Please forgive me, Hisana." His first order of business was to destroy all of Hisana's spheres and then the rest of the blades were used on Hisana herself. Hisana received multiple wounds from many different angles. The wounds were shallow, Byakuya really didn't want to hurt her, but he figured she'd give up with enough pain.

Hisana breathed deep and panted as she spoke. "You know, Byakuya-sama, these last five decades with you have been like a dream, but…all dreams must become nightmares or have their impurities. As you noticed I can call on Kaze no Irokoe without calling her out. However, I do not think you realize how far my progression with Bankai has come. You see, Byakuya-sama, when I headed out this morning and when I left the other day I did so because I wanted to protect Rukia. Never did I think that I'd be protecting her from you." She smiled a jagged smile. "And never did I think that my first time using this power would be against the man I loved."

Byakuya felt surprise. If he took Hisana's words at face value then it meant that subduing her was about to become five to ten times more difficult than he originally believed.

Hisana whipped the air once in each direction and then pulled the leather taut as she held the whip over her head. "Bankai." Wind surged around Hisana much like the fiery twister that accompanied her second song. The sensation was like watching her first two songs combine. When the wind died down Hisana had completely transformed. Two large, brown, bird like wings extended from Hisana's back. Her Hakama extended down to cover her feet and her Shihakusho was now forest green. Hisana was now hovering a decimeter above the ground. A thick light pink armored gauntlet coated Hisana's right arm up to her elbow. Tribal markings appear on Hisana's cheeks: three red horizontal stripes on each cheek. A horned owl's head formed itself like a Halloween mask around Hisana's cranium. Rather than a whip, Hisana was holding a stiletto sized, white rapier. "Saigo no Chu no Kaze no Irokoe." (Final Note of the Colored Voice of the Wind)

To be continued…

(A/N: Hisana's Bankai revealed at last. You can turn on the television and watch couples fight over relatives and how to deal with them, but never like this. Just what can this strange looking Bankai of Hisana's do? Will it be enough to defeat Byakuya and make him see reason? Or will she be defeated by the magnificent power of her husband's Zanpakuto. And what about Momo? Now that she has regained her resolve how will she react to seeing Aizen alive again? And where has Lelouch suddenly disappeared to? Answers to these questions and more next time on Soul Chess).