
Chapter 31: Aizen's Trap, Lelouch's Resolve

(A/N: I'm going to tell you all now, before I forget. Starting this Sunday, for an entire week, I will be on vacation in Bermuda. So if you're wondering why I'm not responding to personal messages and the like, well there's your answer.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Code Geass

3rd Person pov

It had been five years since Lelouch, as Zero, made his declaration to the entirety of the Soul Society. In those five years, Lelouch and the rest of the phantoms spent their days staying true to their word. Several street gangs in the lower Rukongai were laid to rest and repercussions that emerged due to those actions were dealt with as well. Zero became a household name. And with Shuhei leading the press, he was always in the news. The Central Forty Six even commemorated Shuhei on his journalism skills. They gave him a golden trophy in the shape of a pencil. Lelouch commented how Shuhei had earned himself an expensive paperweight.

Zero's actions were the talk of many captain's meetings. As Zero had stated he and his troupe only appeared when needed and were never traceable at any other time. Because both Tosen and Isshin attended the captain's meetings, and because Lelouch and the other involved Lieutenants were in on the joint meetings, the Phantoms were always one step ahead of the Gotei.

They had nearly been caught once. Yamamoto had deployed Stefan and Kendra of Squad 2 to deal with the situation. It was true that the team knew they would be encountering them, but the incredulous speed of both was not to be underestimated, Lelouch learned. That day had nearly cost them Fantomu Buru. She was nearly captured by the captain and lieutenant pair. If it wasn't for a coincidental hollow attack their cover would've been blown.

Lelouch's actions, as Zero, resulted in several unexpected effects on the Gotei itself. Every year new Soul Reapers would join in hopes of either being recruited by the Fantomu no Jasutisu or to act against them and aide the Gotei. Lelouch was rather pleased with both reasons. More ready recruits meant more Soul Reapers and more Soul Reapers meant more worldwide protection. Construction for new dorms would not be an issue. They'd just build up instead of out.

Another interesting thing going on was something Lelouch had counted on: the spread of chaos. Many Soul Reapers openly agreed to Zero's actions, while others silently rooted. Others were directly opposed and these oppositions caused brawling in the streets.

Each captain's opinions had been taken down by the Seireitei Communication and published in an article.

"While their intentions are noble, their methods are to be questioned. They are bringing justice into their own hands and eliminating threats we cannot see, but at the same time their actions are causing unnecessary chaos. I'd sooner have them all turned to ash or brought in for negotiations." Yamamoto had said. Lelouch was not willing to negotiate though. Negotiations meant that their movement would be restricted.

Lelouch, alone, as Zero, gave another speech at a remote location where his popularity was extremely high. He dictated that he would not negotiate and that he would continue to act so long as he was needed. The Head Captain could not stop him and neither would the Central Forty Six.

"I don't condone Zero's actions. He's too impulsive." Stefan had said. Lelouch snickered at the man's ignorance. "How many men have been slaughtered whose corruption was falsely tagged? We will never know. Zero kills all enemies and leaves no witnesses. The only thing he is is a murderer."

"I'm actually rather fond of dat Zero guy. He's plenty crafty. Reminds me of myself." Gin had been reported to have said.

"I'm more concerned with Zero's identity rather than his actions. Despite what he may say there are several things he has said and done that leave hints as to who he is. Zero has used technology and seems to know his way around the Soul Society and the Seireitei very well. However, he is largely concerned for the Soul Society. There are only so many Soul Reapers I can think of that have such strong beliefs that they would resort to the actions Zero is taking." Unohana of course did not mention any Soul Reapers by name so as not to get anyone in trouble. She was unwilling to falsely accuse anyone on the off chance she was wrong.

"Zero is a criminal. You can dress up in fancy clothes, make pretty speeches and make friends with the Rukongai, but it doesn't change what you are." Aizen's words were very short and simple and to the point. However, his statements made it easy for Lelouch to know that Zero pissed Aizen off. Lelouch had never called Aizen out by name when he was Zero. Aizen would die with Lelouch's hands around his neck…or something similar. Lelouch had played with the idea of turning Aizen into a hollow and having him killed by a Quincy. Of course this was much easier said than done.

"Zero and his followers are breakers of the Gotei law, one of the most sacred things in the Soul Society. I will not permit such actions whilst I am captain. Zero will be caught. No man, or phantom, is above the law." Lelouch had to simply smirk at Byakuya being his typical self.

"It's a perplexing thing," Sajin had said to the reporters, "Zero has done great things for the Soul Society and even cleaned up after himself on many more occasions than many others in his position would care to. They have a goal set in mind and I respect that goal. I would be more than honored to face Zero in combat and bear witness to what kind of warrior he is." The masked captain was very supportive of Zero. According to Tosen, when he had spoken with Lelouch, it could be possible to persuade Sajin to join their cause if Lelouch could best him in combat. Lelouch of course knew such a feat was blatantly impossible. He'd have to take on a captain using a sealed Zanpakuto. Lelouch responded that he'd sooner choose to invoke the wrath of Captain Unohana.

"Zero is doing what many Soul Reapers would like to do, but just don't have the guts. If I met the guy I'd buy him a drink. So long as I don't catch him in the act, what's wrong with being civil?" Shunsui was also very supportive of Zero in that he believed that Zero was indeed doing a very noble thing. "If only Zero didn't have to skip rope with the line that divides order and chaos he'd be much better viewed by the Soul Society."

"Zero is a physical manifestation of Justice. I respect and revere him." Tosen had stated. Such open admiration nearly had Tosen thrown in the Maggot's Nest, but Aizen intervened. He'd never lose a valuable pawn he still believed he had. Lelouch was still uncertain as to whether or not Aizen was suspicious of him or if Tosen had reported to Aizen about anything. Lelouch hadn't been able to get anything out of Tosen about Aizen, not that he was openly trying. He was uncertain to where Tosen's true loyalties lay. He could just as soon be playing Lelouch the fool, a very stupid decision by Lelouch's standards, but Lelouch couldn't mistake that possibility that Tosen might think that Lelouch was manipulating him. The man had been with Aizen for longer than Lelouch had been around. He was uncertain that a mere tape recording could change the man's allegiance on a dime.

"Zero has a good head on his shoulders. He knows how the world works and he knows how to get inside those workings and manipulate them. The only way the Gotei is ever gonna catch that guy is if they take themselves down with him." Isshin had joked.

"Peh, what do I care about some hero or whatever the hell that guy is? I only care if he's at fighting. If he is then I want a crack at him." Kenpachi had told the press.

That's one challenge I refuse to accept. Lelouch thought when he read that.

"The only thing a person like Zero is good for is being made into a useful research subject. I'm also well aware that my tech is somehow being used for his means. How he's getting his hands on it, I wish I knew." Mayuri was reasonably upset with Zero's actions. Many machines simply kept 'disappearing' and the captain would throw a fit. Unbeknownst to him, Nemu was smuggling most of it in hyperspace capsules that she kept inside her cleavage.

"I do believe Zero is trying to show us that the Soul Society is not a perfect place. He is creating a challenge that he wants us to answer. He's also doing a lot of work we would like to do, but can't. Sure some of his methods are a bit extreme and unorthodox in some cases, but no one is perfect. Personally I'd like to pick his brain and find out what made him out to be like this. Some form of traumatic experience would've made an excellent catalyst. Of course that's supposing he's not just some phantom that is an ethereal manifestation of justice and vengeance." Ukitake had said during his interview.

Lelouch was rather pleased with the effect his actions were having on the Gotei. He had the verbal support of no less than five captains, two of which were in his army to begin with. Lelouch was orchestrating little miniscule jobs while planning something big. He was prepared to step into the shadows for a long duration and purposely take himself off the radar. He would make the Gotei question whether he had vanished or not and then he would strike when they least expected it.

The goal of his ultimate move was to reveal the truth about Urahara Kisuke. He wasn't sure if he could expose Aizen, but he was going to make the Central Forty Six look quite the fool. Knowing Aizen, Lelouch knew the man would be able to talk his way out of punishment. Lelouch knew that the only way Aizen would expose himself would be if the circumstances were advantageous to him. Lelouch also knew that the only way he could forcefully expose Aizen would be to find irrefutable proof of Aizen's misdeeds. So far all he had was circumstantial evidence and evidence he had obtained as Zero that would be considered Fruit from the Poisonous Tree. Lelouch needed something concrete that he obtained as himself that he could use to expose Aizen.

Lelouch spent some time over the last five years thinking up of different ways that Aizen would find favorable circumstances. First, the threat of Zero would have to be not hanging over the man's head, or Aizen would have to believe that Zero was insignificant compared to his own skills. Second, the Seireitei would have to be in chaos. Third, he'd have to have some way of operating from the shadows to prepare his exposure just as Lelouch had carefully planned his debut as Zero. With Kyoka Suigetsu the third circumstance would be very easily done for Aizen. Lastly, Aizen would have to have somewhere to go, an escape route. Lelouch suspected Hueco Mundo and forging an alliance with the hollows, but he kept researching.

Of course, Zero wasn't the only thing to have occurred over the last five years. Momo and Izuru had both increased in rank yet again. Both had made it to 5th seat and were determined to become Vice-Captain. Izuru's current Vice-captain was ailing from a flu bug he had caught on a mission to the world of the living. Unohana said that there was a very small chance that, with his age, that he would recover. She kept him under quarantine and Gin had spent the last sixth months searching for a candidate for Vice-Captaincy.

Lelouch encouraged both Izuru and Momo to take the Vice-Captaincy positions in their current squads. He told Momo it would make Aizen believe his manipulation of her was working. Lelouch said he'd be around if Momo felt she was too close and needed help. He was more worried about her than he was Izuru. Izuru wasn't as internally frail. True, Momo had toughened up from being at Lelouch's side the last five years, but her resolve was sometimes very easily shaken. She needed morale support 24/7.

Another interesting thing that happened was that the son of Atrumier Rehten, Atrumier Talbumosuke, had completely vanished. Aizen had to be covering for him, and Lelouch knew it, but he wasn't worried. Talbumosuke was a 9th seat and Lelouch was close to achieving captain class status. Even if Talbumosuke became vengeful it would only result in the Soul Reaper's self-destruction, Lelouch figured.

Aizen however knew differently. He knew that Talbumosuke had locked himself away to grow stronger. He remembered how angry and grief stricken the young man had been upon finding out his family had been slaughtered.

5 years ago

When Talbumosuke did not report back to him after going home to check on his family, Aizen went to check on the black haired Soul Reaper. He found the young noble grieving over the loss of his home and everything in it. "Are you going to simply give into despair?" Aizen asked his 9th seat.

"Captain…Aizen." Talbumosuke turned his head to see his captain, the man who he and his entire family had sworn allegiance to.

"Your family was destroyed by the vigilante Zero." Aizen knew the truth before anyone else did. He knew Zero was out to mess with him. He had taken Hisana out of his grasp and he had protected Urahara Kisuke. Minor setbacks in the man's plans to be sure, but setbacks he could've done without.

Talbumosuke rose to his feet. "Zero…did all of this?" Anger built up inside the young looking Soul Reaper.

Aizen put a hand on Talbumosuke's shoulder. "He seeks the destruction of everything I have set into motion. He is my enemy as is Lamperouge Lelouch, who inadvertently seems to get in my way. Talbumosuke, you and your father have supported my ambitions for a very long time. Will you continue to do so?" Aizen asked the young man.

"I will taicho. Zero will not get away with this."

Present Day

Aizen knew where Talbumosuke was. He was in an underground basement that the Atrumiers used in emergencies to train himself to become stronger. He would be very instrumental in his plan. The boy had ambition, skill and loyalty, three things Aizen required out of anyone who would follow his true intentions. He was unsure if Zero would get to Tosen and persuade him to join the other side. Aizen was unsure how to test loyalty. Zero might even have Tosen prepared to stick close to him. Nevertheless, it didn't matter to Aizen. He trusted no one. Not Gin, not Tosen, not even Talbumosuke.

Aizen had instructed the young noble and been his tutor. He had been friends with his father long before the boy was born. He was a mentor to the black haired youth. In fact, Talbumosuke wore his hair in the exact same way Aizen did, as an appreciation to his mentor. Aizen felt like calling Talbumosuke his apprentice. He was certain that, given enough time, that Talbumosuke could achieve and master Bankai.

At the same time, Aizen wondered he could do with Momo. He was her idol, but Lelouch, his rival, was her friend and beloved sensei. Unlike with Hisana, Aizen was not met with resistance when it came to Momo. He was thankful for this, but wondered if perhaps, like Zero, Lelouch was out to get him.

Or perhaps they are one in the same Aizen, Kyoka Suigetsu suggested.

The thought has indeed crossed my mind. Aizen thought to himself. I suppose it would not be difficult to try and see if such a presumption is true or false. Aizen drew out his Zanpakuto and activated it. With the whole Soul Society under his spell he safely went out into the Rukongai, undetected, and slipped into Hueco Mundo.

Three days later

Things were less than pleasant that day in the Kuchiki Manor. As had happened before, Rukia was once again at odds with her sister and brother-in-law.

"All right, I'm sorry!" Rukia apologized. "There! Are you happy?" Hisana had bought Rukia a pet rabbit for her birthday last January, which Rukia named Cotton, and Rukia had left the cage unlocked last night after she was finished playing with it and the fuzzy creature had gotten into Byakuya's favorite garden and eaten most of the petunias, tulips, and daisies. Byakuya was rather displeased with such a find that morning when he went to go check on the plants. Rukia had managed to get her pet back in the cage, but now she was having a fight with her sister, again.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to now am I?" Hisana folded her arms. "Byakuya-sama is very hurt and upset."

"They're just plants. I'll buy more, we have enough money." Rukia responded.

"That's not the point Rukia. Byakuya-sama may not show it, but there are things he cares about in this world other than just his job and me. Apologize to him." Hisana demanded.

"I'm not doing squat." Rukia shouted and ran out the door. Hisana growled at her sister's immaturity.

"Don't blame me when Cotton becomes tonight's meal then!" Hisana jeered. She massaged her temples. I swear there are days I wonder if it was a good thing that I found her.

Shiba Manor

Lelouch was in meeting with Kukaku, Kaien and Nemu in Kukaku's sound proof room. After five years, while he was lucky nothing had happened up until now, he realized that his luck could run out on something at any moment: If for any reason at all Lelouch was sent to the world of the living, someone needed to masquerade as Zero in his absence. He couldn't ask any of the actual phantoms to take his place. A missing member would look too suspicious. He figured it would be best to have either Nemu, Kaien, or Kukaku, his team's guardians, take the mantle of Zero while he was gone.

"Lelouch, you are crazier than Kisuke if you think I can pretend to be you." Kukaku said lighting her pipe. She had upgraded from cigarettes starting three years ago.

"I wouldn't go that far," Kaien said scratching his head, "but Kukaku has a point. There's no way we could be as over the top as you with your speeches and your mannerisms."

Lelouch sighed. "Well then Nemu, I guess we default to you. Could you act as Zero in my hypothetical absence?"

"I will try." Nemu got to her feet and gave herself some room. She cleared her throat and did an exceptional imitation of Lelouch. It wasn't spot on and things would be less obvious with the voice-changer in the Zero helmet, but it was enough for what needed to be done. Nemu thrust her arm out in front of her as she had witnessed Lelouch doing. "I am Black Void. I am the Mind of Steel. I am the Just Phantom. With my own two hands I shall purge the corruption of this world with the light of redemption and divinity." Nemu thrust her arm down at her side and brought her fist up by her chest. "I am Zero!"

Lelouch was rather impressed. Nemu would make a very convincing substitute. "I think that'll cover it. In a conflict though, always think to yourself, what I would do."

"I will be sure to make you proud of me Lelouch-sama." Nemu bowed.

"Is it just me or does your relationship seem a little bit more than just co-workers?" Kukaku asked.

Nemu turned towards Kukaku and bowed slightly. "Lelouch-sama is like an older brother to me. He taught me how to live when I was created. We are very close." Nemu would've wanted to say more than that, but she and Lelocuh hadn't done much of anything except that one kiss. Of course there were times Nemu found herself wanting more of those moments. One time she even pleased herself while looking at a photo of Lelouch using the side of a table.

Lelouch nodded. "Anyway, I think that about covers it." Lelouch said.

"Great, cause I have to get to Rukia. Ukitake-taicho has her on enrollment duty at the Shino Academy for students who want to become Soul Reapers. Rukia said she wants someone watching over her to make sure she's doing everything properly. Ukitake-taicho is even thinking about making her a 2nd year Kido and academic teacher."

"Well, I'm sure she'll do fine," Lelouch smiled and tugged on his vest, "especially with Kido."

Kukaku laughed to herself. "You really do take pride in that vest of yours, don't you?" Kukaku asked.

"I'm entitled, especially now since I'm a vice-captain with captain class Kido abilities." Lelouch boasted. He got his feet. "At any rate though, I have paperwork with my name on it back at my division. I'll see you later."

"It was nice seeing you Kukaku-sama." Nemu bowed to Kukaku as she, Lelouch, and Kaien left.

Shino Academy

Rukia, Momo and a few other officers had been assigned enrollment duty for the day. Enrollment for the Shino academy involved individuals coming up to the front desk, signing their name and then they were given a uniform and their Zanpakuto was ripped out from within them. Rukia and Momo had the less stressful jobs: taking names and handing out uniforms.

Rukia sat at her desk, doodling. No one had come by to her station ever since she had taken shift. She saw the list of names written down so she knew that some had arrived to enter the academy.

"Bored?" Momo asked her friend.

"Yeeup." Rukia responded, continuing to draw.

"What are you drawing?" Momo asked, looking at Rukia's sketchpad. Rukia had drawn two identical Soul Reapers, in her usual childish style of drawing, zapping a third one.

"My sister and I attacking my brother-in-law." Rukia mused to herself. Momo took a half a step back. She knew who Rukia's sister was and who said sister was married to. Momo was not about to comment on the obvious frustration Rukia had with the 6th Division captain. Instead, she stood where she was whistling.

"That's a lovely sound." A familiar voice called out. "For a second I thought that was you Rukia." Kaien came from around the corner.

"Ah, Kaien-dono, you came!" Rukia lit up.

"Hey, what are friends for?" he asked.

"It's nice to see you Shiba-fukutaicho." Momo bowed to the noble vice-captain.

"Nice to see you too, Hinamori-san." He said to her. He then added. "Shouldn't you be at your station? A soul could come walking down here any moment to apply to become a Soul Reaper."

"Ah, you're right." Momo slammed her fist into her palm and went back to the uniform rack.

Kaien took one look at Rukia's drawing and said, "Still having trouble at home I take it?"

"Nee-san's angry at me because Cotton ate Nii-sama's flowers." Although Rukia butt heads with Byakuya rather often, she still referred to him with the proper respectful title. There were times when the two got along, of which Hisana would sometimes remind Rukia of when the two were at odds.

"So you're drawing the two of you beating him up?" Kaien asked. "Rukia, revenge is best served cold." He sat down next to her.

"Sensei doesn't seem to think so." Rukia said drawing a chappy of Lelouch.

"Lelouch has a few screws wound a little too tightly. I don't even begin to pretend to understand what goes through that guy's mind." Kaien rubbed his head.

Rukia was about to respond, but a young boy approached the front desk with Rangiku standing next to him. The boy had white hair and blue-green eyes. He was about as tall as Yachiru, perhaps a little taller. "Matsumoto-san, konichiwa." Rukia greeted.

"Oh, hi Rukia I didn't know you had enrollment duty today. And I see Kaien-kun is helping his little apprentice-chan no?" Rangiku chuckled.

"Haha, very funny Rangiku." Kaien laughed off. "So who's the kid?"

Rangiku nudged the small boy forward. "Go on, introduce yourself."

The boy cleared his throat. "K-Konichiwa. Is this the place where people sign up to become Soul Reapers?"

"Yes," Rukia nodded with a smile, "What's your name?"

"Hitsugaya Toshiro." The boy answered.

Momo came bolting over from the uniform rack. "Shiro-chan!" She grabbed hold of Hitsugaya, lifted him off his feet and spun him around. "Oh, it's so good to see you!"

"Oh, Hinamori-kun you know him?" Rangiku asked her.

"Uh huh." Momo nodded with a jubilant smile holding Hitsugaya like one would hold a domesticated cat. Hitsugaya's displeased expression matched one said hypothetical cat would have "Shiro-chan and I grew up together in Junrinan."

"Oh, how nice." Rangiku clapped her hands.

Calm yourself Toshiro. Hitsugaya said to himself. Count to ten.

Rukia cleared her throat. "U-um, Hitsugaya Toshiro-san, could you please sign your name here." Rukia gave Hitsugaya the signup sheet. Hitsugaya signed his name and Rukia thanked him. "Good, I hope you'll do your best to become an instrumental member of the Gotei 13."

"Right then, let's get you fitted for your uniform okay Shiro-chan?" Momo led her friend by the hand.

"But they're all one size and adjust to the wearer." Rangiku commented. "The Department of Research and Development made that little change decades ago."

"Ah, let them catch up." Kaien waved his hand nonchalantly. "This is the slowest signup shift I've seen in all my years."

Around the side of the enrollment station, Momo and Hitsugaya played catch up. The last time Momo had gone to see Hitsugaya was five years ago, approximately three weeks after she became a Phantom of Justice.

"It's good to see you Shiro-chan." Momo smiled at her short companion. "Why did you come here? I thought you didn't want to be a Soul Reaper?"

"Oba-chan was getting overwhelmed by my spiritual pressure. Your friend, Matsumoto, found me and brought me here. We've been walking here since early this morning, before the sun came up." Hitsugaya told Momo.

"Rangiku-san must've made lots of stops, Junrinan isn't far from here." Momo said rolling her eyes up to the side and putting her finger on her chin. Hitsugaya sighed remembering how Rangiku had to stop at every store that they passed by on the way here.

Of course Rangiku wasn't his only reason for being here. "Hinamori," he spoke to his companion. "What do you know about the organization the Fantomu no Jasutisu?"

The Momo of five years ago would've freaked out saying something akin to: "I-I know nothing. I-I'm not like a part of them or anything!" However, Momo had learned to keep cool under pressure via Lelouch's guidance. So instead, she simply said, with a smile: "What everyone else knows really. They're a covert organization that dedicates itself to protecting those too weak to protect themselves. I think they're doing a very noble thing."

"I agree." Hitsugaya responded. "I saw them operating once. They flushed out a hollow attack before the Soul Reapers could even make it on scene."

"You sound quite fond of them Shiro-chan." Momo giggled.

Hitsugaya tried to hide his underlying fanboyism. "They're doing what the Soul Society should be doing all on its own, but lays down so many rules that only those within the borders of the Seireitei benefit." He paused and then said. "I want to help them when I get stronger."

Momo laughed. "You sound like a little kid wanting to grow up to be a superhero."

Hitsugaya growled. "I am not." He would deny any acting like or actions relating to childishness. After a pause he asked, "Are you fond of them too?"

"Of course I'm fond of them." Momo smiled. "They're doing great things for the less fortunate. They're a charity to the Soul Society…sure they have some harsh methods, but it's all for the benefit of all."

Hitsugaya was bewildered. This was certainly not the same Momo he had met with five years ago. She had changed. He couldn't quite decide if this change was good or bad though. "So, which one is your favorite?"

"Pardon?" Momo asked.

"I…you know…you favorite phantom." Hitsugaya responded.

Momo laughed. Hitsugaya really was just like a little kid. "I like Zero really, the leader. He's really cool."

"Personally I find Zero to be all talk." Hitsugaya responded. "All I've seen him doing is shouting out orders. Does he even know how to fight?"

Momo wanted to retaliate with a smart comment, but she had been taught better than that. Instead she shot back with. "So which one is your favorite?"

"Baioretto." Hitsugaya stated. Momo nearly had a heart attack at the calm, serine smile on Hitsugaya's face. The kind of smile one gets when the vending machine pops out an extra candy bar. She was Fantomu Baioretto. Hitsugaya explained his reasoning. "She's the most moral one out of them all and she's the kindest and gentlest one out of them all."

"I…that's good." Momo responded. I'm his idol? I need to talk to Lelouch about this. This is serious. It was true that Momo had a sort of schoolgirl crush on Lelouch, but it was just infatuation and admiration. It could become more, but Lelouch seemed oblivious to her fondness of him. It didn't bother her, but she wished he understood. However, she also shared a bond with her longtime friend, Hitsugaya, which was special in its own way. He liked her alter ego. How the hell was she supposed to deal with that?

"Anyway, can I get my uniform so I can take a look around the place? I'd like to know my way around the place before it gets dark." Hitsugaya commented.

"Ah, right." Momo handed him his uniform. "Good luck, Shiro-chan!" she waved to him as he ran off. "I'll be rooting for you!"

Two Days Later

1st Division Territory

Captain's Meeting Room

"This regularly scheduled captain's meeting now comes to order." Yamamoto declared. Yamamoto looked around the room at the other twelve captains in the meeting hall. "Let us begin with a matter we have discussed many times over. Does anyone have any idea how we can deal with Zero?" No one said a word. After several minutes of silence Yamamoto sighed. "Very well, you all may bring forth your own divisionary matters to the floor."

Aizen wasted no time in stepping forward. "Sir, if I may, yesterday one of my squad's patrolmen in the world of the living was wiped out by an unknown assailant. This was a seated officer, ranked 7th in my division. I would like for this 'mystery hollow' to be dealt with."

"I can send my 5th seat. She's very well versed on Lamperouge-fukutaicho's sorting algorithm." Stefan replied.

"Unfortunately I don't think simply knowing the algorithm is going to cut it."Aizen replied. "If this were an 'A', 'AA' or 'S' ranked hollow I'd be content, but I'm almost certain we might be dealing with a menos grande loose in the world of the living."

"Ah, now that you mention it, I did pick up some strong spiritual pressure readings the other day. What Aizen Sosuke says might have some merit to it." Mayuri replied.

"Do you not think that that was important information?" Yamamoto thundered. "A menos loose in the world of the living is a serious matter indeed."

"And that's why I believe that sending Lamperouge-fukutaicho himself would be the best course of action." Aizen stated. Both Isshin and Tosen were alerted to this.

"That's a mighty brazen request Aizen." Isshin was always rather informal with certain captains.

"If the hollow is truly a menos, a hollow expert would be the best one to identify and potentially neutralize the threat." Aizen replied. If Lamperouge Lelouch truly is Zero, then if he does not survive this mission Zero will be gone forever. Also, assuming he is in fact Zero, his team will be lost without him. He is a shepard that leads the flock. Even if he were to create a dummy in his place, there is no individual with as much tactical ingenuity as Lamperouge Lelouch. Kuchiki Byakuya comes close, but I am far better than he. And even so, Kuchiki Byakuya is very disapproving of Zero's antics. He would never side with him. Even if Lamperouge Lelouch isn't Zero, my ultimate rival should be able to handle the power of an Adjuchas with only one fifth of his strength. This is my test for you Lamperouge Lelouch, can you pass it?

"Head Captain, Lelouch is by no means a front line fighter to be able to deal with an adjuchas all on his own at one-fifth of his power. He'd never be able to last long enough for Gentei Kaijo if he got in a real jam. Lelouch is strong, but he's like a cannon made of glass. A few well-placed lacerations and he'd be on the ground." Isshin spoke up. "As his captain, it's only fair that I go."

"Psh, why waste the effort? Just send me." Kenpachi spoke up. "I'll take care of this thing in seconds."

"As good as that sounds, the last time I sent you to the world of the living to take care of something Captain Zaraki you wiped out the entire city. The Empire of Britannia is still rebuilding Franklin City on their mainland." The Head Captain chastised. "I would prefer to keep damage minimal. However, Kurosaki-taicho, I simply cannot have you and your vice-captain go out on the same mission of this caliber. Your division has lost enough captains over the course of history. I'd hate to see a repeat of Akari Mari."

Isshin sighed, seeing the Head Captain's point. What happened to Mari was awful. Everyone that could still remembered it. Gin held back the urge to laugh at the sorry state he pictured Lelouch in if Isshin went dying on him. Lelouch had born witness to the deaths of 10th Division's last two captains. Gin almost snickered at the dark humor of the poor guy losing a third.

"If such things are going to be debated upon I shall go." Tosen volunteered. "That would not be problem, I believe." Tosen's statement was to everyone, but mostly to Aizen.

Aizen had no idea Tosen had defected to Lelouch/Zero. Lelouch wanted Tosen to play double agent. True, Lelouch hadn't obtained any very valuable information yet, but the idea of being able to know any time Aizen was picking his nose was a comedic thought that sometimes ran through his mind.

This is just the opening I need. If Lelouch becomes far too wounded in battle I could have Kaname finish the job. I believe opportunity has just come knocking. Aizen mused to himself.

There was a very amusing set of statements said about missions to the World of the Living: "What happens in the World of the Living stays in the World of the Living. Don't let it come back here there are enough problems. If it does come back here you're going back to deal with it. If you can't…we have to kill you."

The kill portion wasn't always literal, but the academy students made up these little quips all on their own. Although this one was partially helped into creation by Hisana of all people; this was before she was a Kuchiki.

"Shall I assist Lamperouge Lelouch on his mission soutaicho?" Tosen asked the old Soul Reaper.

"Very well." Yamamoto thundered. "Kurosaki-taicho, see to it that your vice-captain is informed about all of this."

"Yes sir." Isshin saluted. He knew Tosen could be counted on. The man had spent five years along with the phantoms. Isshin believed that he could be trusted to watch after Lelouch.

"Now then, let us move on to other matters." Yamamoto thundered.

The meeting continued for another hour, but it seemed like more. Unohana brought up budgeting issues with clubs and division necessities. Stefan brought some reports told to him by the STRU to the table. And Isshin brought mention of some things that he believed Zero was trying to teach the Gotei. Of course that was about as progressive as a member of the Britannian council actually having a dissenting opinion with the exception that Isshin wasn't gunned down in the middle of the meeting.

After bringing the mission to Lelouch's attention, Lelouch called for an emergency meeting of the Fantomu no Jasutisu. He explained the situation.

"Wait, so how long is this mission of yours going to take?" Rangiku asked.

"That, I'm uncertain of. However, I have a system in place for this sort of occasion. Nemu will be acting as my substitute. However, her tactical abilities are far inferior to some of the others present here. Therefore, I'm leaving the responsibilities of handling all tactics and movements until my return with Phantoms Green and Black. Neither of you do anything rash or foolish. Whatever mess you make I'll clean it up, but make sure it's something that I have the ability to clean up."

"Understood Zero!" Isshin and Hisana said at the same time.

"Right then, if you'll excuse me Brown and I need to head for the World of the Living."

Varcina, Transmir City, Lake Region number 6

Varcina was a peculiar world. It was a world where technology and nature lived in harmony. Swamps, forests, mountains, lakes and rivers, and grasslands, grew around the buildings and industrial factories. The place was so advanced in technology it would make the Knightmares of Britannia look like a children's action figure. They had hover cars and transporters and the like, but the world was also filled with strange and mysterious creatures like ten foot tall millipedes and actual stare-will-turn-you-to-stone gorgons. The world was rarely in any danger, many regions had spiritually aware individuals to combat hollows all on their own. Of course they did not have a true understanding of what the creatures were and the Soul Society preferred to keep it that way. It was less work for them and they didn't want to cause a worldly and afterlife imbalance.

Lelouch and Tosen were sent to the Lake Region of Transmir City, which was home to one of the ten famous guilds that ran the planet as a fair government of checks and balances. The guilds were: Transmir the guild of fog and mist, Igazet the guild of fire and ice, Empyr the guild of nature and healing, Gillisear the guild of water and growth, Twir the guild of shadow and light, Borgal the chaos and unity, Grakick the guild life and death, Irmerst the guild of blood and decay, Brikesomine the guild of creation and destruction and finally Eligare the guild of knowledge and sanctity.

The Lake Region that Tosen and Lelouch were sent to would be considered very suburban by Earth's standards. Although the area was governed by the Transmir guild, as it was in the guild's main city, it was one of the cleaner and less tainted environments.

"So, where do you think we should start looking?" Lelouch asked.

"You're the hollow expert, you tell me." Tosen responded.

Lelouch merely turned his head the other way. "This mission will prove whether or not I can truly trust you. My life is in your hands depending on how this goes."

"I am aware of that." Tosen responded. Aizen had asked him to kill Lelouch should the opportunity present itself. Lelouch had asked Tosen to make Aizen believe that he was still loyal to him. However, Tosen believed the line had to be drawn somewhere. The problem was that defying Aizen could turn Tosen into Shinso's next sharpening stone. Tosen however believed that he was prepared to take that risk. If he should die at Aizen's hand he would've died under the banner of absolute justice.

"So…" Lelouch looked around and then suddenly capped his reiatsu for five seconds.

"That's a dangerous tactic Lelouch." Tosen commented.

"But a necessary one. I don't know the temporal variance between this world and the Soul Society. For all we know one second could be equivalent to one year in the Soul Society." Lelouch commented.

"You forget, the temporal variance can be brought to one-to-one by way of the Department of Research and Development. Kurotsuchi-fukutaicho, knowing her, would most likely bring said ratio to that rate." Tosen declared.

Lelouch could only agree. "Still, the fastest way to kill your prey is to lure it out of hiding. Let's see what we're dealing with here." He flared his reiatsu again. From along his right flank he felt an attack speeding towards him. He used Shunpo to dodge. Lelouch turned to look at his attacker…attackers. "Two hollows?" Lelouch questioned.

There were indeed two enemies. One of them was twice the size of Kenpachi Zaraki with a boar like face and more muscles than a professional wrestler on steroids. It had hooves like a Minotaur. The hybrid creature had a yellowish mane flowing down behind it.

The other hollow, which Lelouch could feel was the stronger of the two by a very large margin, had a mask with only one eye hole that was just a little slit. It had black hair cascading down around the mask. It's head was very small in comparison to the rest of its body, which was about half the size of the mammalian looking bestial hollow with it and resembled a purplish praying mantis, but with four arms and six legs. On the hollow's mask was a mouth with a smile carved into it that would frighten small children. The mantis-like creature's pincers looked incredibly sharp and the creature had spikes all over its body.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here. More prey." The mantis creature cackled.

"Not today." Lelouch stated and pointed at the mantis creature. "The Soul Reaper you devoured yesterday was your last meal!" Lelouch thrust his arm out at his side.

"Lelouch." Tosen spoke to him.

"Yeah, I know. The mantis-looking one is an Adjuchas. And that's what makes what I have to ask you all the more difficult for you. Let me fight that one." Lelouch said.

"Are you ordering me as a vice-captain or as Zero? Either way I cannot abide by that order." Tosen stated.

Lelouch looked menacingly in his direction and drew out his Zanpakuto. "I must be the one to kill it. I'm not stupid, Aizen planned this. He believes you are on his side. However, if you are truly on my side, you will trust me to take this risk and fight the weaker hollow. Aizen may not have made the connection between Zero and me yet, but he obviously considers me a threat that must be eliminated. He probably wants you to finish the job if the hollows cannot. I will prove that I am not easily defeated."

Tosen looked curiously in Lelouch's direction. I can hear it in his voice and feel it in his soul. This hollow symbolizes the strength he must surpass to feel as if he is a match for Aizen-taicho. Tosen's worry turned to content. "Very well, I hope you know what you're doing." He told Lelouch.

"Are you done? My hunger grows." The mantis-like hollow stated.

"You could've attacked at any time." Lelouch rebuked.

"I like it when my prey fights back. I'm not exactly interested in prey that gives up." The hollow said his single yellow eye becoming more of a slit than an actual eye.

"Well that's your business then." Lelouch slung his Zanpakuto over his shoulder. "Rally and Motivate, Eien Tamashi!" He then disappeared and reappeared at a nearby location, goading the hollow into following him. Tosen engaged the other, larger hollow in battle.

The hollow followed Lelouch out to a bridge that was shut down for reconstruction, but where the workers were nowhere to be seen. Lelouch was standing on construction pole with the hollow wandering the bridge, looking up at him.

"Not even a weapon on you, eh? You really think you can take me out with just a cape?" the hollow asked.

"You talk too much." Lelouch responded. "And besides, my cape is not a weapon. It's an accessory for my power. Nevertheless, what is your name, Adjuchas?"

"What does my name matter to you, Soul Reaper?" the hollow asked.

"We don't see Adjuchas very often. I have to know what to call you when I write my report of your extermination." Lelouch smirked.

"Fine, I shall tell you my name, wretched Soul Reaper. I am known as Nnoitora Jiruga. I am the strongest adjuchas in Hueco Mundo." The hollow declared.

"Is that a self-proclaimed title?" Lelouch scoffed.

"Shut up and fight me Soul Reaper!" Nnoitra shouted. "But first, what's your name?"

"And why should a monster care about the names of its victims?" Lelouch asked.

"I don't get out very often so I always like to savor my non-hollow meals when I can." Nnoitora grinned.

"Then hear my name, and don't forget it even after you die!" Lelouch declared. I can use my true name. I don't plan to let this thing leave here alive. Not to mention this isn't Earth. "I am Lelouch vi Britannia, Vice-Captain of Division 10." Lelouch leapt off his perch and began by pulling his hand and turning his body as he glided through the air. "Hado 65: Aoi Kaminari no Wareme!" (Blue Lightning Fissure) A giant blast of sky blue energy, visibly larger than Raikoho went shooting off from Lelouch's palm and seared one of Nnoitora's arms right off before coursing lightning through his entire body. While he was stunned, Lelouch opened fire with his Zanpakuto's ability, using the knockback to widen the distance.

Once off the bridge he did an air bounce and got on top of the suspension wire, waiting for the hollow to make its move. Nnoitora regrew his lost limb and then lashed out at Lelouch with one of his pincers as it extended outward from his body. Lelouch teleported away from the attack and reappeared behind Nnoitora. "Uirisu Bakudan!" He fired off the oddly colored energy and landed it right into the Adjuchas' abdomen. Nnoitora turned to attack Lelouch, but his cape quickly got him outside the danger zone of the strike. What was I worried about, this is easy. Lelouch said as he landed, only to notice a glowing light nearby. A cero. A goldenish cero fired off at Lelouch's direction. He leapt to avoid the attack. "Hado 33: Sokatsui!" He blasted the attack at Nnoitora's mask, but it didn't do much more than make the mantis-like creature cough for a few seconds. Just a little more. Lelouch mentally counted backwards in his head to when his delayed detonation would go off. Nnoitora charged Lelouch, using his wings to increase his speed. Lelouch dodged and swerved, using Shunpo to keep himself out of harm's way. I can't keep this up for much more. I'm expelling too much spirit energy far too quickly. One-fifth my strength sucks.

Lelouch leapt behind a pile of long pipes, which Nnoitora promptly destroyed with his pincers. He then tried to attack Lelouch by coming at him from both sides, but as he did his butt began to twitch. "What?" His abdomen burst like grape pressed into a kitchen table by a spatula. Lelouch took this opportunity to get in the air and make a perfect alignment with himself and Nnoitora's mask.

I have you now. "Hado 88: Hiryugekizoku Shintenraiho!" The gargantuous blast of energy went blasting towards Nnoitora and nearly destroyed the portion of the bridge in the process. Nnoitora sank into the water. Lelouch calmly landed on the bridge pathway, panting. Damn, you would think after ninety-six years that I wouldn't have such low quality stamina by now. Gentei Kaijo is necessary, but twenty percent is a real pain. Lelouch walked over to the portion of the bridge that had collapsed. Well, at least that seemed to have done it.

Unfortunately for Lelouch, reality was about to pull the one of the biggest anime clichés in the world on him. Much to his frustration, Nnoitora shot out of the water, wings flapping and buzzing. All his damage was repaired, he was soaking from head to toe and he was pissed at Lelouch.

No! Hado 88 should've cracked through his mask completely. Wait…crap! He must've fired a cero reflexively to reduce the damage. Dammit! I'm screwed! Lelouch cursed.

"What's the matter Soul Reaper? Have you lost your will to fight because I'm still here?" Nnoitora pounced on Lelouch's location. Lelouch escaped with his cape. Nnoitora attacked Lelouch with one of his pincers. Lelouch barely avoided his cape being shredded to pieces.

Dammit! I've only got one move left and this has got to work. Lelouch dodged another one of Nnoitora's swings and then shouted. "Bakudo 75: Gochutekkan!" The iron pillars slammed down on Nnoitora, pinning him to the ground. Nnoitora immediately began fighting back. This needs to buy me enough time. I wish I could do this properly without the incantation, but I'm not that skilled just yet. Lelouch landed on air and began chanting as a scotch pink ball of energy began to form in his hand. "Limit of the thousand hands, respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness."

"Do you think this is enough to hold me down, Soul Reaper?" Nnoitora shouted.

Lelouch ignored Nnoitora and continued. "Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky. The road that basks in the light, the wind that ignited the embers, time that gathers when bother are together, there is no need to be hesitant, obey my orders." The Gochutekkan began to crack. "Light bullets, eight bodies, nine items, book of heaven, diseased treasure, great wheel, grey fortress tower." The cracks became larger and neared shattering point. "Aim far away, scatter brightly and cleanly when fired!" Nnoitora burst free from Lelouch's Bakudo. "Hado 91: Senju Koten Taiho!" The bright blasts of light were fired from around Lelouch and he used every ounce of his strength that he could to ensure that this would be the end. The attacks converged around Nnoitora and the resulting explosion flung Lelouch back several dozen meters. He got up and looked on waiting for something to happen. He was exhausted now, barely able to remain standing. Dammit, frontline fighting is not my forte. I hate this! He shouted at himself.

The next thing he knew however a pincer lashed towards him and clamped around him. Lelouch was gouged through in several locations on his body. Nnoitora was still alive, but he had taken a rather devastating beating. Of course, it healed because of his high speed regeneration. "You are a persistent little bastard aren't you, but I finally got you. I wasn't lying when I said I was the strongest Adjuchas in all of Hueco Mundo. He increased his grip causing Lelouch to scream out in pain. "You will die and you'll make a nice tasty snack for me." Lelouch then got to see how abnormally large of a tongue Nnoitora had.

Dammit! I'm too exhausted to fight. I'm bleeding profusely. I hardly even have the strength to lift my arms or remain conscious. Dammit! Was that vision of mine wrong? No! It can't be! This can't be the end! My friends are counting on me. Zero can't die! I can't die! I have to fight! No, I have to crush this hollow under my heel. I need…to…win. Lelouch's consciousness started to fade out, but before he became lunch a blade sliced right through Nnoitora's arm. However, the assailant did not stick around, he only placed Lelouch down at set him free.

"Dammit, Tosen! Why can't I kill the little bastard?" Nnoitora shouted at him. He was on Aizen's orders to kill Lelouch or if the fight proved too difficult, Tosen would finish the job.

Lelouch was barely conscious, but Tosen stomped on his abdomen to snap him awake. His blade was drawn. Lelouch was too out of it to hear anything. He saw Tosen speak to him, but didn't hear a word he said. So that's how it is then? You were never on my side after all. Lelouch said, but as he rolled his head to the side he saw Nnoitora's missing arm and saw Tosen about face to turn against Nnoitora. What…you…are…on my side?

It seems you are more compelling than you believed. Eien Tamashi stated.

Eien Tamashi. I want to get back up and fight. I'm not going to let Tosen finish my battle for me. If I can't defeat this Adjuchas then how can I ever hope to defeat Aizen?

Are you that determined to become strong? Eien Tamashi asked.

Haven't I been training with you so that I can? Lelouch asked. He felt a presence lift from him and Eien Tamashi appeared before him. She extended her arm down to the fallen vice-captain.

"Take my hand. We will finish this together."

Lelouch nodded and reached up to grab Eien Tamashi's hand. He got to his feet, blood splurted from his wounds, but he didn't care. He was going to finish this. "Tosen!" He shouted.

The dark-skinned captain heard Lelouch's call and felt the spiritual energy radiating from him. He got out of the way on the dot.

"Oh? What's this? Do you still have some fight left in you yet, eh Soul Reaper?" Nnoitora asked.

Lelouch just laughed. It was his evil dark laugh that he often exuded when he took the pleasure at the misfortune of his enemies. He then ceased his laughter and held his ground so that he was standing up straight. He then brought his feet together and crossed his arms over in an X-formation. "Nnoitora. Witness the power of your destruction." Energy continued to gather around Lelouch.

This energy…this sensation…Tosen took noticed. Can it be?

Lelouch finished gathering energy and thrust his hands out in front of him so that his cape flapped in the breeze as the energy expanded outward. "BANKAI!" More powerful energy exuded out from Lelouch as dark light emanated from him. When it cleared Lelouch was in more than just his Zero cape. He had a suit, gloves and boots to match his cape. The Zero helmet however, was not the traditional helmet. Instead of completely covering his face, Lelouch's helmet had a cut out in the shape of the Geass around the eye area. The geass emblem also glowed on the inside sides of the boots and the backs of his gloves. It also was very noticeable on the back of his cape. "Zero no Seishin no Eien Tamashi" (Undying Soul of the Spirit of Zero)

To be continued…

(A/N: It's finally happened folks. Lelouch has learned Bankai. He's about to bring a whole new meaning of the word pain into Nnoitora's vocabulary. What can his Bankai do? Well, you'll just have to wait and see. Please note I am not cutting the chapter here because I don't have abilities planned for Lelouch's Bankai, but so that the chapter doesn't get ridiculously long. But anyway, marvel at the power of Lelouch and his Bankai. Many people suspected that his Bankai would be his full Zero outfit, well they were 99% accurate lol. Anyway, I've gotta go now, but I'll see you adoring fans later)