
Chapter 30: Lelouch Spreads Chaos

(A/N: Having a tvtropes page is great. Now if only I could get someone to draw Soul Chess as a fancomic I'd be set *winks*. Anyway enjoy the chapter. And for those of you who were noting my Japanglish in the last chapter. That was done on purpose to increase the cheesy Sentai feel. I'm well aware that that's not the actual translation for many, if not all, of those words. Also take note that I decided to do a very risqué and sexually oriented scene that not all of you will be approving of and not because it's Lelouch and someone. I…look you'll understand when you get there and you'll see it coming. Also I apologize for the ridiculous length of this chapter, but I just did not want to cut it.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Code Geass

3rd Person pov

Lelouch set his plans with the Fantomu no Jasutisu immediately. He started by having those who could cast Bakudo 26 upon themselves. Lelouch cast it himself on those who lacked the proper skill, like Renji. Before leaving the underground base, Lelouch explained the plan of attack to his comrades. He told Kaien, Nemu and Kukaku to go about everything as if it were normal. Their job, as the 'guardians' of the phantoms, was to keep watchful eye for unexpected developments and maintain the game club as though it were a normal organization.

As a co-founder, Lelouch was not obligated to show up at every meeting. He was sort of a background figure. As president though, Kaien was obligated. It was Kukaku's house so she had to be there to be a proper host for the sake of the Shiba's honor. As for Nemu, since Lelouch would be missing a lot of meetings she would have to take up the slack. One co-founder missing a lot of meetings was not unheard of, but both at the same time consistently? Now that looked suspicious.

Lelouch decided that today would be the debut of the phantoms. Following this initial mission he would only ask for the assistance of those members he required the direct help of. However, right now he needed everyone's help.

Reiatsus cloaked and visibility concealed, the Fantamou no Jasutisu moved in on their location. "Is everyone keen on the plan?" Lelouch had installed a special radio within the helmets of each team member so that they could communicate over long distances without a problem. Everyone heard and was prepared to carry out the plan. "All right, let's do this."

Things were normally rather quiet at the Atrumier manor. Today was no different. The coy splashed in the pond, the birds bathed in their bath and petals fell from the trees in the gentle wind. In his own room, high up in the main building, Atrumier Rehten was reading the newspaper. He was looking through the list of recently promoted recruits to the Gotei, not the least of which was his own son: Atrumier Talbumosuke, 9th seat of the 5th Division. Talbumosuke was currently out in the World of the Living on an assignment from his captain, but would be returning home later today.

Lelouch, of course, knew all of this. He had been planning this attack for eight years now. Ever since that day when he learned of Atrumier Rehten's connection to Kozou Mariko, he began his plan for the assault he would make on the Atrumier manor. Getting the floor plans was easy. Since the Atrumiers were a noble house beneath the Kuchikis, it was a simple matter of visiting the manor and geassing one of the servants into getting the plans for him. Lelouch figured geass was safer since asking directly, even asking Byakuya, would leave verbal evidence. Lelouch also observed the manor a few times using Bakudo 26 and his reiatsu cloak to keep himself hidden and just crouched on a roof wall drawing sketches and observing behaviors. He was ready to invade this place.

Lelouch had considered going in guns hot on his own. Bakudo 26 and a reiatsu cloak would've sufficed efficiently to get him far in and reach Rehten, but that would only be efficient for getting in. Getting out would be another issue entirely. The place would be swamped and Lelouch was not a nimble escape artist by any means. After the vitality serum stopped working at a pretty horrible moment last time he used it Lelouch didn't want to take that kind of chance again, not to mention he didn't want to form a dependency on the thing. It would be like taking safe steroids. Something Lelouch had suspected Suzaku to be on several times.

Outside the Atrumier manor, the gate watchmen were talking to each other.

"So the young master comes home today you know." One said.

"So I've heard." The other replied. "I remember when Talbumosuke-san was barely three feet tall."

"I hear Lord and Lady Kuchiki have considered marrying off Lady Rukia to Talbumosuke-san if he can surpass her in rank."

The other man laughed. "Rehten-sama actually has the advantage now; most of the other noble houses on our level have daughters of marital age."

"Do either of them even know about the potential arranged marriage?"

"Does it matter?"

"I suppose not."

"Oh by the way—"

The guard was cut off as he and his buddy received well planted spin kicks to the back of the head, knocking them both unconscious. Yoruichi and Soifon, in their respective gold and silver outfits, appeared and Yoruichi radioed Lelouch. "Front Gate secure!"

"Understood," Zero responded, "Red! Blue! You two know what to do."

"Right Zero!" "We're on it!" Phantoms Blue and Red responded respectively.

Both rushed into the front gates as the guards began fleeing into the manor to protect the house head. Shisato and Renji leapt at the guards attempting to block entrance to the front gate. Unbeknownst to the inner front gate guards, most of the phantoms were scurrying along the high walls of the manor while Shisato and Renji took out the armed guardsmen with only their fists.

Three guards made their way at the blue costumed fist fighter only for her to sock one of them in the gut kick away the second one and then spin on her left foot and bash the other one in the face.

At the same time, Renji dodge rolled away from the first attacker and tackled the guard in front of him with his shoulder. He then turned while in a crouched position and leapt backwards to avoid being cut by the oncoming guard. Renji ran toward the poorly reflexed, well poorly reflexed when compared to a 6th seat of a squad based on fighting, and walloped the guy in the face. Renji then drove his elbow into the guard coming up behind him.

Renji and Shisato looked at the large door leading into the courtyard. "So, what do we do? I don't think Hakuda is going to be enough to bust this thing down. Was Zero thinking when he set us up for this job?" Renji asked his partner.

"Red." Shisato said, knowing that she couldn't refer to Renji by his real name while in costume.


"I want you to take about five steps back." Shisato stated. Renji did as he was instructed.

"What are you going to do?" he asked.

"Something that I want you to not mention to the rest of the squad okay?" Shisato gave Renji a thumb's up.

"Wait? Huh?" Renji scratched his head.

Shisato spread her legs apart and tensed her biceps as she gathered energy. She drew back her hands taking a stance that would make an anime nerd reminiscent of Goku about to unleash the Kamehameha. Blue, electrical energy gathered within Shisato's fists. "Hado 73: Soren Sokatsui!" With massive power Shisato brought her hands forward and unleashed the twin lotus blue flame. The blast created a gigantic hole in the door that damaged the stability of the structure causing what remained to collapse.

"Duly, noted." Renji replied. Kido was unspoken to be used by 11th Division members, but seeing as how not only Shisato was originally from division 10, but also that she and Renji weren't exactly division members at the moment it was okay. It did well to cover up her identity. Renji knew that much.

Shisato radioed for Lelouch, "Area secured."

"Excellent." A voice stated and Zero walked down through the now cleared gate area, in plain sight. "Black, Orange, are you in position?"

"Right here Zero." Keshiba replied.

"Good." Lelouch walked into the courtyard where many of the clan guards headed him off.

"Hey isn't that Zero, the wanted vigilante?" the guards broke into murmurs.

"Yes tis I, Zero! Bane of the corrupt! Seeker of the truth! I seek a meeting with your house head. If you would all kindly step aside, perhaps we can resolve this peacefully." Lelouch said, though he was hoping for confrontation.

"Don't count on it. Men, get him!" the guard captain declared.

"Then you leave me no choice." Lelouch snapped his fingers and from atop the gate's walls an orange and black costumed figure emerged. The black figure simply leaked out his spiritual power and paralyzed most of the guard. It was then a judo blow to the back of each guardsman's neck and they toppled right over. "What no blood?" Lelouch asked.

"It's Rehten you want right? No reason to create unnecessary casualties is there?" Isshin asked.

"Hmph, those who protect the corrupt deserve the same fate as their commander, such is war, but I digress. I haven't given you complete reason to trust me so I will let it slide for now, but for future missions I prefer total annihilation of the enemy." Lelouch replied.

"Gray to Zero. Come in Zero!" Isane radioed to Lelouch.

"This is Zero. What's your position Gray?" Lelouch asked.

"The back gate is secure. Yellow, Pink and Violet are heading into position." Isane replied.

"Good, don't forget the job you Viridian, Crystal and Indigo have to do." Lelouch told Isane.

"Don't worry sir, you can count on us." Isane responded.

"Right then. Green! White! Hard on my flank!" Lelouch called. Hisana and Rukia appeared at Lelouch's sides. Hisana was on his left. Rukia was on his right. "Follow me." Lelouch instructed. Both women followed him willingly to the next area. Lelouch exited the courtyard and entered the manor's front yard dojo. In front of him, Hisana and Rukia a Soul Reaper with black hair in the same style as Izuru's, only that his hair hung down over his other eye and he had brown eyes, stood in front of them.

"I am—"

Lelouch cut him off. "Guardian of the Atrumier house: Uchisaki Mallik."

"What?" Mallik couldn't believe the intruder knew his name.

"I am the all-seeing and all-knowing. Information is my most potent weapon. Unfortunately, I don't have time to spend on you. Green. White." Lelouch held his arm out. "Attack!"

While Lelouch left Hisana and Rukia to deliver a beating so sound that he didn't want to stick around to watch, he proceeded onward towards the inner courtyard. As he walked out into it all the guards were already taken out. From up high on the walls and battlements Susanna, Rangiku and Momo all gave them a signal of affirmation, indicating that they had done their job.

Lelouch proceeded inside and up the stairs where he met up with Isane and Naomi. "Rear guard disabled sir." Naomi saluted. "Indigo and Viridian are keeping watch from the other side of the manor.

"Good, let's keep moving." Lelouch walked with his two remaining phantoms at his side until he reached the top floor. "You two stay here and keep watch for more guards. Don't come inside unless you hear me ask for assistance."

"Yes sir!" Both women saluted.

Lelouch opened the door and walked right in. The room was pitch black and no light penetrated into the room. Lelouch heard the rushing of feet when he heard the swinging of a sword. He caught the blade in between his fingers. I knew putting those metal plates in my gloves was a good additive. His eyes adjusted to the darkness. Rehten had attacked Lelouch with his fit arm with a regular sword. "So, Atrumier Rehten, at least we meet."

"Zero. Never did I think the rebel vigilante would trespass on hallowed ground. You truly are a menace to the Soul Society as the Central Forty Six declared you." Rehten said. He had white hair in a ponytail that came down in front towards his eyebrows and was sporting a goatee.

"A rebel vigilante, is that what they're calling me?" Lelouch asked. Although his Hakuda skill was about average it was still more than enough to overtake a crippled old man such as Rehten. Lelouch used Shunpo to get behind the elderly retiree and threw him over his shoulder into the wall. Rehten lay on the ground too bruised to get up. "I am no criminal. Urahara Kisuke was wronged and Sayuri Hisana, now known as Kuchiki Hisana, was being preyed upon, so I stepped in. Also, who do you think was on hand when the Aisel's were exposed?"

"You…you and the Shibas…"

"You know far too much now it seems. It would be a mistake to let you live, but first you have some information. I need." Lelouch stated.

"Then kill me and be done with it." Rehten smirked with a manic grin. "Why would I tell you anything?"

The eye-slot in Lelouch's helmet retracted revealing his uncovered eye, the Geass emblem shining in it. "You don't have a choice. Atrumier Rehten, I, Zero, command you! You will tell me everything I want to know!"

"Yes…master Zero." Rehten droned.

"Good, now, let's start with the simplest question. Did you indeed kill your wife Kozou Mariko and weasel her family out of every penny they owned?" Lelouch asked.

"I did." Rehten responded.

"Your son, Talbumosuke, is not Mariko's son is he?" Lelouch asked.

"No, he is the son to my second wife, Kiscamet." Rehten replied.

"What was the name of the Soul Reaper you killed before you struck down Mariko?" Lelouch inquired.

"I…do not remember." Rehten replied.

"What was the last thing you remember before finding Mariko dead?" Lelouch furrowed his brow.

"I…I was talking with Aizen-taicho, known then as Aizen-fukutaicho. He wanted me to help him with an experiment. He said he was working on a way to develop stronger Soul Reapers. I…I remember feeling less…self-aware that day. Pieces of my memory are there…but they're fragmented. All I knew was that I was being given trial and Aizen stepped in to help me saying I had been afflicted by temporary insanity."

"What evidence did he use to support his argument?" Lelouch questioned.

"He…had some kind of vial in his hand. He said that someone spiked my sake with it. He said it was a vial of hollow's blood." Rehten answered.

Aizen must've used his Zanpakuto to pull that one off. To gather a hollow's blood is a daunting task. Not that he couldn't have gathered it himself, but he's not one to leave evidence behind. Kyoka Suigetsu would've made that quite easy. Lelouch pondered to himself. That said he definitely put Rehten under some form of influence to kill his wife and subordinate. He was already experimenting with the Hogyoku that far back. Bastard. "Tell me, Rehten, how did you feel when Mariko died?"

"Liberated. I felt as if a great weight had been taken off my shoulders. I had committed murder and Aizen got me off the hook." Rehten answered.

I am so killing this guy.

Yay. Eien Tamashi was grinning at the prospect of Lelouch committing murder.

"So you feel no regret for Mariko's pain? You feel no shame in robbing her family bankrupt. Did you do more filthy deeds at Aizen's side?" I asked.

"I did and I would do them more if I could, but my son has become quite taken with Aizen-taicho. Aizen has begun calling my son his apprentice. That man will change the world, Aizen. There is nothing you can do about it Zero!" Rehten gloated.

I did ask for information. I didn't ask him to give me just the information. Lelouch mused to himself. "Did Aizen use you, just to get to Tosen Kaname?"

"Tosen Kaname is an obstacle. As a blind man he is a threat to Aizen for he cannot be affected by Kyoka Suigetsu." Rehten replied.

"Are your men…is your house entirely loyal to Aizen?" Lelouch wanted to know.

"It is. The Atrumier family is in total support for Aizen's revolution!" Rehten blabbed.

"What revolution?" Lelouch inquired. So Aizen does have his reasons. The plot thickens.

"Aizen is looking to enter the Royal Dimension." Rehten responded.

"He that controls the throne in turn controls the realm." This was a line mentioned in a book Lelouch had found in the archives. He had to geass the secretariat since it was in a section he could not gain access to and the book was in a cryptic language, but that was no problem to decipher for Lelouch the Mastermind.

"Indeed." Rehten responded.

"So Aizen plans to replace the Soul King?" Lelouch questioned.

"That I do not know. He did not say what he planned to do once he entered the Royal Dimension." Rehten responded.

"But there is only one king's key though and its location is passed down orally from Head Captain to Head Captain, how would Aizen get his hands on it?" Lelouch interrogated.

"He plans to create a new one using one hundred thousand souls and a half a mile radius block of spirit enriched energy, but to utilize such energy he requires an object capable of such feats." Rehten answered.

The Hogyoku. Lelouch realized now why Aizen wanted it so badly.

"Okay. Listen to me carefully Lelouch." Lelouch had spoken to Urahara about the Hogyoku during an inconspicuous second visit to the World of the Living two months ago. The Head Captain wanted to see how Lelouch functioned with Gentei Kaijo now that he was a vice-captain and so he was sent on a one month trial to the World of the Living. It was during this 'trial' that Lelouch picked up the completed bands. Once he returned to the Soul Society he created his gaming club and today he had formed his team. "The Hogyoku is not just for breaking the bonds of Soul Reapers and Hollows. If mastered properly it will grant its bearers deepest desire."

"But if it's so dangerous, why not just destroy it? Why let it sit there in a hidden vault in your basement? Hidden inside a gigai?" Lelouch wanted to know.

"You don't think I've tried? It would take a force several times more than the Head Captain's Bankai to shatter the Hogyoku with brute strength and even then the individual must wish with all their heart for the Hogyoku to be destroyed. No individual is that selfless. Not even me." Urahara's words rang in Lelouch's head.

"And you think Aizen could master it?" Lelouch had asked.

"It would be dangerous to let him try. I don't know what he's up to, but it can't be anything good if he's researching hollowfication and willing to frame me to do it. Be careful around him Lelouch. He is a dangerous man and not just because he's intelligent or strong."

"Don't worry, I'm not about to let myself be cut down by him. You worry about your own problems and I'll deal with Aizen. Leave it to me."

Ending his reminiscence, Lelouch refocused back on Rehten. "Why did you ally yourself with Aizen? What did he promise you? Money? Power?"

"Protection." Rehten responded. "He said if I cooperated with him that he would not destroy the Atrumier household, but as I continued to work with him, I began to become more and more agreeing with him."

That's his charisma for you. Spend one day working with him and you can begin to number your days on your free will. It's a miracle I have Momo as much on my side as I do. I'm still worried about her allegiance. I could Geass her, but I want to try this…trust thing and see where it leads.

That's very risky. That's so unlike you.

Not being trusting was my undoing last time. I will learn from my mistakes. I'll watch over Momo, hopefully all of this, once explained will settle her conflicts. If not, I'll see what I can do. Geass for a friend is a last resort. I already regret having to resort to it with Rangiku, but it was the only way.

How interesting.

"So you are completely and openly supportive of Aizen?" Lelouch asked.

"Yes." Rehten nodded.

"Then that's all I need to know." Lelouch released his hold on Rehten. He then radioed to his men. "Do a purge of the manor. No one walks out of here alive."

"What? Zero, are you insane?" Isshin was not happy about that order.

"I have evidence that points to their being traitors of the Soul Society. Wipe the place clean." Lelouch ordered.

"Zero, you can't be serious." Yoruichi responded.

"I've never been more serious in my life, if you don't feel like killing everyone we can simply burn the manor to the ground." Lelouch stated.

"Zero!" Keshiba was appalled by this tactic.

"Leave my family out of this!" Rehten shouted.

Lelouch left the communication on, but talked to Rehten rather than his soldiers. "You're the one who just blabbed your allegiance to Aizen and you know about who we are connected to. I must make sure our secret is kept safe. No one must take vengeance on your behalf. Hado 4: Byakurai." Lelouch fired the kido square into Rehten's forehead, killing him.

"Must we really purge the place, Zero?" Momo asked.

"Zero has given us an order and by the Soul King we're carrying it out Violet." Susanna said proudly.

"Yellow that's a bit forward of you." Rangiku stated.

"I trust Zero's judgment." Susanna answered. "I'm not hesitant to kill on his orders."

"Rehten is a traitor to the Soul Society. We cannot afford to run the risk that his entire house will not act on his behalf. That is how the Soul Society would act and it is how we must act in turn." Lelouch responded.

"Zero's right, as much as I'm loath to admit it." Shuhei responded. "If this were an invasion of the Onmitsukido they'd kill everyone, including the women and children."

"If you want to leave the family alive, but eliminate all servants, servicemen and guardsmen. My orders are absolute. You all made a choice to join me. This is for justice! This is for the betterment of the Soul Society!" Lelouch declared.

"Very well…we'll purge." Shisato responded.

"Right, wipe them all out everyone!" Soifon called.

And with that the entire Atrumier house was eliminated. Many of the memories of Lelouch's brigade carried out their orders with heavy hearts and sorrowful blades, Susanna not among them. She was dedicated to Lelouch. He could do no wrong in her eyes. Also killing servants of nobles felt satisfying for the injustice she had been served for years: people calling her creepy, people neglecting her, treating her like a wild animal.

Of all those with regret in their hearts, it was Momo who was the most troubled. With Tobiume's sealed form in hand, she apologized for every soul she struck down with her blade. Must we do this? She asked herself. She looked around as Rangiku, Susanna and her other comrades put on brave faces as they carried out their orders.

Kiscamet and Rehten's two brothers and their families were left alive, but all the servicemen and guardsmen to the Atrumier household were slain. Upon leaving the household, Lelouch set the place ablaze with triggers he had set in place and left for three weeks, undetected, using Bakudo 26. Momo nearly dropped to her knees in horror. It was Izuru and Shuhei who prevented her from collapsing.

Back at base Lelouch restore his team's faith in him. He had spoken to Rehten with a simple device in his pocket: a tape recorder which had the entire conversation between him and the now dead house leader on it. Lelouch had carefully edited on the way over to cut out when he geassed Rehten to make it sound like Rehten was a blabber mouth. Once his team heard the recording they were more understanding, and much less doubtful, of Lelouch.

However, some of them still had some choice words for Lelouch.

It started with Isshin. "Lelouch, was it really necessary to burn the mansion to the ground?"

"It is a symbol, a cleansing fire of purity. We also must let the Soul Society know that we are not to be trifled with. Our actions, though in their interest, will not be peaceful." Lelouch noted.

"Setting the manor ablaze feels sort of extreme though," Shisato protested, "I don't discredit the validity of that recording of yours, but aren't we just like Aizen to use such abhorrent tactics."

"We are not like Aizen." Lelouch said with burning venom in his throat. "Aizen is willing to frame, murder, and destroy coerce people. The Atrumiers were traitors and were given a traitor's death. Burning the corpses was to give the fallen a death of honor. They were victims of a selfish man with ambitions to match, but not the power to see those ambitions bear fruit. Aizen acts in self-interest. He believes that the Soul Society must change completely for some reason, but that is not so."

"Okay this is getting confusing, why don't you just tell us what your aim is with changing the Soul Society?" Soifon inquired.

"An excellent inquiry Silver," Lelouch was still using code names, "And one with a simple answer. I have spent most of my life asking why the strong must devour the weak. Hollows devour the Rukongai. The nobles devour the citizens as well. There is a system of power and it is run by the strong. It is true that not every Rukongai civilian can be protected and that hollows will always be a blight upon this realm, but we should not be using our power merely to protect ourselves. The Seireitei has a gate for wartime, but what about those in the Rukongai? If there is rebellion are we to discredit the innocent because they are not soldiers. If anything it is the innocent who should be protected. We have our protection, we have our Zanpakuto. Today we even proved that we can become strong enough that, while they are essential to our growth as individuals and Soul Reapers, they are not essential for us to protect ourselves. We should use our power to protect ourselves and others. That is the Soul Society that I strive for. Why should it matter that a citizen from Zaraki is deemed less humane than a citizen from Junrinan? People called Zaraki Kenpachi a barbarian, but ever since he took office the 11th Division has actually looked a lot better than when Kiganjo was in charge. The lazy bastard could barely keep the squad together."

"Hey, have some respect for the dead!" Shisato got pissed.

"I give respect where respect is due, thank you." Lelouch responded.

"Say…Zero…have you always been this…dark?" Rangiku questioned. She and even several others felt now that they hardly knew Lelouch at all. They felt as if the Lelouch they knew as Vice-Captain of the 10th Division was merely a front to mask the amoral and darkly moral persona before them.

"I am as I act and I answer to no one." Lelouch responded. "My morals are my business. You all still have the option to quit if you feel you cannot trust me."

"No, we made a commitment. As it stands, we will stay with you." Keshiba said proudly. Mostly everyone seemed to be in agreement. Momo meanwhile, was having a panic attack.

I should speak with her alone. "All right, I'm going to dismiss the group for now. Your costumes can retract into your wristbands. At the next club meeting I'm going to mention that anyone with a wristband, plus Nemu, Kaien and I, who are already important to the club, are committee members and that the committee meets in secret."

"But how do we leave without being noticed?" Shisato asked.

"Gold and Silver can help you all with that. However," Lelouch looked at Momo. "Violet, you stay, we need to talk."

Momo, as she sat on her hands in needs, in trembling shock, merely nodded. Everyone retracted their costumes and Yoruichi and Soifon coordinated an unsuspicious exit route.

Before Lelouch started his chat with Momo, Isshin put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, why do we need to go through any more trouble? The Central Forty Six would be rather interested in that tape of yours."

"Surely you know that my recording is fruit from the poisonous tree." Lelouch responded. "There's no doubt that what happened at the Atrumiers will be investigated. That would've happened with or without the purge. As things stand, if I go presenting my evidence to the council they'll see me for what I am and I cannot have my back exposed to Aizen. They'll disregard my 'illegal evidence' and I'd be in hot water for sure."

Isshin was confused. "But then why go through all the trouble to get that information? For our sake?" It seemed kind of silly to the 10th Division captain.

"No," Lelouch responded, "It's true I needed it to dissuade you," He looked at Momo, "most of you from feeling as if you couldn't trust me, but while the Central Forty Six has no need for my recording there is someone else who would be very interested indeed to hear what is on this tape."

"I really don't get it," Isshin said with a serious look, "But I've known you long enough to know when to not question the methods to your madness." He turned to go. "I'll see you around. By the way if you go running off in the morning like today again, I will write you up."

"Maybe you should, it would make things more convincing." Lelouch joked. He couldn't see the smirk on Isshin's face with his back turned, but he knew it was there.

As his captain left, Lelouch knelt down next to Momo. He started by getting her out of her tight fitting costume so they could talk as individuals rather than teammates. "I…I can't…I don't…I…" Momo was trembling. Her eyes were diluted from what she had just had to go through. So many people dead and by her hand and the hands of those she knew. That wasn't me. There was no way that could've been me…Rangiku-san…Susanna-san…Lamperouge-sensei…Aizen-taicho…I…I don't understand anything anymore.

"Momo." Lelouch's calling of her name got the weary officer to turn in his direction. Lelouch could see the horror and panic reflected in her face. He sighed realizing almost all of this was his fault. The portions that weren't were due to Aizen's poisoning of Momo's mind. "I know you don't want to believe any of this. I talk from experience when I tell you that things are never the same once you realize the world you live in is full of lies, deceit, hatred and more lies, but there are a few things you can do." Lelouch narrowed his gaze and spoke seriously. "Your first option is you can put yourself in a state of utter denial. You can go about your life and pretend as if none of what's going on around you exists. Your second option is you can become broken and fall into despair. Your third option is you can harden yourself, like I did, and grow to hate the world, only joining in with those who will come to your aide, despite the fact that you seek none and expect none in return. I am lucky to have you all, but most of the time I feel unworthy."

Momo looked like she wanted to throw up, but she nodded, understanding what Lelouch was trying to say. She was desperately hoping there was a fourth, kinder option. She didn't want to change. Her illusion was shattered now there was no repairing it.

"Your last option is to share that pain with someone else, also hurt and had their naiveté shattered. I did not have this option open to me, but you do." Lelouch extended a friendly smile and hand to Momo. "Let me be your guide. If you want to release what's building up inside you," Lelouch looked serious for a moment, "and trust me I know what's going on in there," He returned to smiling, "I will be your aide Momo. If you give me your hand and your soul I will preserve as much of what makes you, you as I can."

Momo nodded and then collapsed into Lelouch's arms. She began to sob, letting out so much emotion, self-hatred, and at one point she even turned around and actually did throw up. Lelouch soothed her, comforting her. He told her things were going to be okay and that he would always be around to guide her if she felt lost. Momo eventually stopped crying and smiled, feeling content, safe and welcomed as Lelouch held her. He cared so much about her. She was so innocent and sweet, much like Nunnally had been. All it ever seemed Momo wanted to do was smile, be carefree and pet puppies and Lelouch realized what he had done to her by nearly forcing this on her. He apologized profusely for his actions having this effect on her, but eventually Momo began to tell him: "It's not your fault" "I'm okay now" and "You did what you thought was right."

After both had their little moment they got to their feet. "Are you going to be all right now?" Lelouch asked.

"I will." Momo nodded with strong eyes. "I'm on your side Lamperouge-sensei, you have my loyalty." She smiled at Lelouch with a warm happy smile. "I'm glad you asked me to join you." She went over to Lelouch stood on her tiptoes, pecked him on the cheek and ran off giggling like a little school girl. "Bye sensei!" she waved.

Lelouch stood there and held his hand to his cheek before smiling with his arms folded. Good, she's on my side. He then noticed reiatsu coming up from behind him. "And, what do you two plan to do? If the Gotei catches you here…"

"You don't need to worry about us. We'll be fine here." Yoruichi said with a hand on her hip.

"By the way, about your family, Yoruichi…" Lelouch began, but Soifon stopped him.

"That's a past chapter of Yoruichi-sama's life." Soifon declared.

"Soifon's right," Yoruichi added, "I knew what I was getting into the moment I went after Kisuke that night. Don't feel as if you're responsible."

"But Soifon what about you? If Yoruichi is a traitor why do you still follow her?" Lelouch asked.

"I never swore an oath of fealty to the Shihoin family. My loyalty is to Yoruichi-sama no matter what she may do or where she may go. I am her…her…um…"

"Soifon's my partner." Yoruichi said extremely casually. Soifon turned so red it made a tomato look pale in comparison. She was also trembling slightly. Lelouch thought the former executive commander might pass out. Yoruichi was not oblivious to this. "You know, like an equal. You're no longer under me. We work together."

Lelouch tried hard not to laugh. Yoruichi was such a tease. Soifon's blush nearly disappeared, but her cheeks were still colored. She pretended to cough and clear her throat. "Ah, y-yes…r-right…we…we work together." Even though she said that, Soifon would've been perfectly all right with Yoruichi considering her another type of partner.

"Right, well, I need to go, Isshin-taicho isn't going to wait for me to get back to work forever." Lelouch stated.

"We'll be here when you need us." Yoruichi smiled.

Lelouch nodded and then took off. Once he was gone Yoruichi stretched extensively. "So, Soifon do you want to see if the hot springs are still working?"

"Ah, sure." Soifon followed her partner to where the hot springs were. They were exactly as they left them, working properly.

"Mmm, I could go for a nice dip right about now. How about you Little Bee?" Yoruichi asked.

"I…" Soifon didn't know what to think. Was her Yoruichi-sama suggesting going bathing…naked…together? The petit Soul Reaper's heart started pounding a mile a minute. By the time she became conscious of her surroundings Yoruichi was already stripped naked and undoing the ribbon and ties in her hair. Soifon, seeing this, ran behind a rock. "Y-YORUICHI-SAMA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She craned her head from around the rock before hiding behind it again.

"How am I supposed to take a dip if I don't get undressed?" she asked.

"Y-you could've waited until I wasn't looking." Soifon tensed.

Yoruichi simply sighed. "All right, if you're going to be like that, you can wait there until I'm done." Yoruichi said and got in the water and leaned up against a rock. "Ah there's nothing like a good hot spring after some good old fashioned exercise." Yoruichi considered the march from here to the Atrumiers', kicking some guards in the head and then later eliminating a few, as per Lelouch's orders, before returning here exercise by her standards. She was still slightly regretting killing the few that she felled with her own hands. Lelouch did have valid reasoning as she figured, but she wasn't so sure that she wanted to adhere to violent bloodshed as he was orchestrating. That was certainly a defining difference between Lelouch and Kisuke, Yoruichi figured. The old shopkeeper would've been merciful, perhaps tried and persuade the Atrumiers to the other side, but Lelouch preferred elimination of the threat before it even began.

"Y-Yoruichi-sama," Yoruichi heard Soifon call from the rock she was sitting behind.

"What is it Soifon?" Yoruichi wanted to know.

"I…I just wanted to say that…um…I…I'm here because I want to be. Not because I feel obligated to follow you or anything. I…I like being with you and…and you promised me…that…we would always be together." Soifon said.

Although Yoruichi could hear Soifon perfectly fine, she decided to tease the raven haired woman. "What's that, Little Bee? I can't hear you from behind that rock and I think I have water in my ears."

Soifon froze. If she came back out from behind this rock she wouldn't be able to control herself. Yoruichi being undressed was one thing, but now she was bathing and she was undoubtedly steaming with water from the hot spring. Swallowing, Soifon got up and got out from behind the rock, eyes closed. "I…I…what I said was…

Yoruichi cut her off. "Soifon, I don't care if you look. In fact, I'd really like it if you came in with me actually."

Soifon's eyes flung open and she nearly collapsed in shock. Soak in a hot spring with Yoruichi-sama? The very prospect was something Soifon had envisioned so many times over in her head. With her eyes opened now she saw Yoruichi, in the nude, in the water and angled at a position to expose her chest in full view of the wide-eyed former Executive Militia Commander. Soifon's breathing became panicked. Her heartbeat was in her head. If one more thing happened she'd tear off her clothes and go diving at her idol. She didn't know what to do.

You know you really ought to be less indecisive. A voice in her head antagonized her.

B-b-but…but! But! But! But! Soifon sputtered in her head.

Don't make me materialize and push you into the spring myself Shaolin. Suzumebachi often called Soifon by her actual name whenever she was particularly annoyed with her.

Soifon swallowed again as if she was trying to get down a stubborn cold tablet. Her body started moving on its own as she removed her vest and her sleeveless shirt. She got to her bra, despite the fact that she almost didn't need one considering her cup size, and stopped. Yoruichi was staring right at her.

"What? Don't mind me." Yoruichi turned her head to the side.

Gah! You are so aggravating! Take it off already! This is what you want isn't it? Geez, you piss me off so much sometimes! Suzumebachi yelled at her wielder.

Without hesitation, so as to minimize the awkwardness, Soifon tore off the rest of her clothes and dove right into the water. She slunk down so that the only part of her body that wasn't submerged was everything from her nose up. This hid her blushing cheeks well. "What's the matter Little Bee, why are you being so distant?" Yoruichi pretended to be hurt. "I thought you would want to take a soak in the hot spring with me, but instead your putting up so much resistance."

Soifon poked her head up so she could speak. "I…no…th-that's because…"

"I thought you liked me Soifon," Yoruichi teased.

"I…I do like you Yoruichi-sama…I of course I…I that is…I…I mean…I…that…" Soifon's brain was about as close to cracking as a raw egg dropped out of a two-story window with a one-way destination to a concrete ground.

Yoruichi rose up out of the water exposing her entire body except for the parts of her legs beneath her kneecaps. The metaphorical egg hit the ground. Soifon lost control. As if she were a tiger pouncing on its unsuspecting lunch she dove at Yoruichi, hormones flaring and landed against her arms wrapped tightly around her, head smothered right into her idol's large bosoms and nuzzling into them.

"Why are you teasing me?" Soifon was starting to cry. "I…I'm so ashamed right now. I…I want to protect you Yoruichi-sama, but…but the one you need protecting from is me. There are so many things I want to do to you that I shouldn't and I know that, but I want to do them anyway."

Yoruichi just laughed and with a warm smile cupped the side of Soifon's face and wiped away the tears from her cheek. "Don't cry little bee. It's okay. You don't have to worry about what's right or wrong anymore. You're not an officer of the Gotei anymore. Our world is just you and me. You're old enough and mature enough to make your own decisions."

"But…such things are…"

"Do you think you're the only one?" Yoruichi asked. Soifon looked amazed.

She…she…she wants to, Soifon swallowed, do it to?

"You've grown up so much, my little bee." Yoruichi moved her thumb down the side of Soifon's face causing her mouth to open slightly. She wrapped her arm around Soifon's neck and planted her lips against hers. Soifon was overcome with emotion. Her idol was doing to her what Soifon had dreamed of for years. Soifon moved her arms up Yoruichi's back and kissed back. She was so happy. Her body tingled with ecstasy. Yoruichi looked at Soifon again and stroked her hair. "Shall we?" the ebony skinned woman asked her petit partner.

Soifon merely nodded.

The two women continued to act in a manner that a Britannian Society would begin flagging as completely inappropriate. The situation continued to escalate with the steam of the hot spring increasing in density and size, making it hard for anyone who would be trying to peep to be able to tell exactly what was going on. Squeals and moans of hormonal pleasure, as well as splashing, could be heard throughout the cavern as emotions and estrogen ran amuck in the hot springs. Yoruichi more or less dominated the much less sexually confident Soifon, but Soifon got a few chances to turn the tide. When things finally ended Soifon found herself where she began: arms wrapped around Yoruichi with her head against her breasts.

After the two women got out of the hot spring, dried off and redressed they both went out above the cavern and sat under a tree with a perfect view of the moon and stars. Soifon lay against Yoruichi with a smile on her face as the older woman used her arms to encompass Soifon's narrow, but built up frame.

"Will we always be together like this, Yoruichi-sama?" Soifon asked.

"I promised you, didn't I?" Yoruichi asked, stroking Soifon gently. "We will always be together and…if you'd like more of what happened in the hot springs can happen to?" She was laughing a little at the mention of what happened back there.

"I'd like that." Soifon said softly as she snuggled deeper into her mentor's embrace. After a few minutes she fell asleep. Yoruichi smiled down at her and then looked up at the moon.

"You're not a child anymore Bee." She said, purposely dropping the 'little' portion. She continued to stroke Soifon as if she were a domestic animal as she spoke. "You don't have to work so hard for me all the time. We'll protect each other. We'll be a dynamic duo, just the two of us." She looked up at the moon and smiled. "Lelouch, one of these days I'll have to thank you. If you hadn't told me about Kisuke or busted me out of the Central Forty Six's chambers," She looked down at Soifon, "I might've lost the valuable companionship of a very important person."

There was a mumbling noise, which Yoruichi noticed that Soifon was talking in her sleep. Yoruichi perked up her ears to see if she could pick up what Soifon was saying. "Yoruichi-sama."

How cute she's dreaming about me. Yoruichi laughed to herself.

"Ash..ru…Yor…sama." Parts of what Soifon had said were lost in her incoherent mumbling, but Yoruichi was able to fill in the blanks.

She smiled down at her loyal companion and spoke even though she knew she couldn't hear her. "Ashiteru mo, Soifon. Ashiteru mo."

The Next Day

That morning, the Seireitei Communication's office received a rather unexpected guest.

"Ah, good morning Lamperouge-fukutaicho." The Soul Reaper who answered the door bowed.

"I'm looking for Shuhei, is he here yet?" As always, Lelouch was very informal with those of his rank or lower. He reserved honorifics for those he either respected, were very unfamiliar with, or above his rank. He also only added the taicho portion to Aizen-taicho when he referred to him professionally. When alone, or with someone like Hisana or Kukaku who understood his situation, and now anyone in the Fantomu no Jasutisu, he would simply call the man by his surname.

He was also visiting the communications office rather early in the day. He knew Shuhei was a diligent worker, but he didn't know if that meant he was an early riser. Despite the fact that Soul Reapers did not require as much sleep as living beings did, Lelouch always made sure he was wide awake and alert. This meant getting to bed at a decent hour so that he could wake up early in the day so he didn't feel like an upper-middle class citizen before having their morning coffee.

"I believe the fukutaicho is here. I believe he is in the back at the copy machine." The Soul Reaper replied.

"Thank you." Lelouch strode to the back of the office and went into the small room marked 'Copier'. Shuhei was inside hunched over a copier and watching as copy after copy ejected from the machine. Lelouch knocked on the side of the open door to get Shuhei's attention.

"Oh, Lamperouge-fukutaicho, good day to you." Shuhei bowed to him. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"There is," Lelouch said, "Is your captain in his office? There's something I want to talk to him about."

"I believe so. Do you need help getting there?" Lelouch asked.

Lelouch's smile indicated that he was definitely up to something. "Well if he's busy I was hoping you could ask if I could please speak with him. I don't want to go barging in on a captain's office unannounced." Lelouch winked.

Shuhei believed he realized what was going on. "Wait so he's—" Lelouch put a finger up to his lips to signal to Shuhei not to speak. Shuhei merely closed his injured eye and held up an 'OK' signal to Lelouch.

Shuhei led Lelouch to his Captain's office and spoke with Tosen before saying that Lelouch could go see him. Lelouch walked inside and shut the door behind him. He looked around the room for any sort of tracking receiver that could allow his discussion with Tosen to get back to Aizen in any way shape or form. Unable to detect anything of the sort, he sighed and thought to himself for a moment.

I'll have to mince words until I am certain that Aizen won't hear anything. This is dangerous. I can't use Geass if I run into trouble. Tosen-taicho is a very powerful wild card. He is impervious to the most powerful trump card Aizen and I have at our disposal. I'm so glad I had Nemu alter the frequency of the tape so that it couldn't be picked up by any sort of receiver, but could still be picked up by human ears.

"I never thought you'd come to see me. I don't recall needing any paperwork from you or your division. May I ask for the nature of your visit Lamperouge Lelouch?" Tosen asked him.

"Before I answer that question is there any way shape or form that someone could be listening in on our conversation? I don't like anyone eavesdropping on matters of a rather private nature." Lelouch inquired. I'll have to rely solely on that method I read up on that explains how to tell if a person is telling the truth or not by the slight movements in their facial muscles.

"I'm insulted that you would ask such a question. A captain's quarters are a sacred chamber of which eavesdropping a conversation with the door closed is a great offense, not one punishable by law mind you, but an offense nonetheless." Tosen answered.

My visit is no doubt unexpected he wouldn't have taken any precautions on Aizen's behalf to keep his face relaxed, but there's no chance that Aizen might've taken advantage of Tosen-taicho's lack of sight.

"When was the last time you had your office inspected?" Lelouch inquired.

Tosen-taicho sighed. "Hisagi inspects my office himself. He does a check every morning. He says he looks for things that I cannot find without eyes."

Shuhei's judgment is sound and he's very thorough. That was one of the cleanest newspaper offices I've seen. Lelouch sighed. This better not come back to bite me. He approached Tosen's desk. "My reason is this." He put the tape recorder on Tosen's desk.

Tosen put a hand over it and used his sense of touch to determine what it was. "A tape recorder?"

"Yes. I want you to listen to what's recorded on the tape here. See if you recognize the voice." Lelouch had edited the tape to remove the part when Atrumier referred to him as Zero. The quality tape was still smooth and crisp. Even to a blind man it would not seem as if any editing had been done.

"I see." Tosen was not unaware of Aizen's Zanpakuto's true ability. Aizen told it to those who had sworn loyalty to him. Tosen remembered how Aizen had talked him into revenge after Mariko died. He had no idea that the man was involved in any way shape or form. He did not know that Aizen had intervened and by all the means used him as a means to further his ambitions. So it is not the fault of the Soul Society after all. I have been deceived. I have been blind to true justice. "Tell me Lelouch, how did you obtain this audio? I have men down in the Communications offices right now doing research on the fire at the Atrumier household, which was only yesterday. You are a man of justice and you waste zero time when you have a sense of urgency. You…you wiped out the Atrumiers didn't you, but you were not alone were you? Such an operation could've only been performed by a coordinated team."

"You are wise to think so, but I will not reveal my hand just yet." Lelouch put his tape recorder away. "Now that you know the truth, what are you going to do about it? Will you continue to follow the man who deceived you in order to gain your loyalty?"

"You put me in a difficult position. To walk out of that man's grip is—"

"Dangerous, I know. It's a one way allegiance. However, it can work to my advantage depending on where this discussion goes." Lelouch smirked.

"Just what are you insinuating?" Tosen questioned.

"Tosen-taicho, surely you know of Zero do you not?" Lelouch asked.

Tosen seemed to smile when he heard the mention of Zero. "Ah, Zero, now that is an individual that is a true champion of justice, though many would disagree. You…have some connection to him…don't you?"

"Just how much is that answer worth to you? And just how do I know that I can trust you? I know the risks I'm taking by talking to you and—"

"Deception is an underhanded trick. I am merely a pawn in a very large chess game, a pawn that you seem to have taken interest in." Tosen replied. "Rest assured this conversation shall not leave this room. You have exposed to me the truth, but if my word is not enough, allow my actions to speak for me. If I believe this to be going where I think it might be going, then the path of true justice lies with you Lamperouge Lelouch."

"Very well, do not make me regret my decision." Lelouch said and then left the 9th Division captain's office.

One Week Later

Sokyoku Hill


Atop the hallowed ground Lelouch stood as he looked over the Seireitei. The night air blew in his face as he played out the events that were to take place in his head one more time. He heard footsteps coming up from behind him and turned to see Isshin and Rangiku.

"So we're really doing this?" Isshin asked.

"If you want to back out now would be the time to do so. Once tonight is over you will be locked into the Fantomu no Jasutisu." Lelouch spoke.

"I wouldn't be here if I was going to back out. It's you that I'm worried about to be honest." Isshin told him.

"Your concern is touching, but otherwise misplaced." Lelouch responded.

More footsteps approached from behind and several presences made their stance on top of the high rising cliff. One by one the members of the Fantomu no Jasutisu arrived on the hill.

"So do we start now?" Shisato asked.

"Almost." Lelouch stated. He looked at his watch. "It's not yet time. And also we're missing a very special guest."

"What do you mean, aren't we all here and accounted for?" Shuhei asked.

"No, we're waiting for one last person." Lelouch responded.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Renji asked. "I mean…what if we're caught?"

"If you're that concerned about it you can bail." Lelouch said bluntly. "Do not fret though. There is no curfew in the Gotei. I myself spotted Kyoraku-taicho and Otamachi-fukutaicho skulking about the streets. There's absolutely nothing wrong with seated officers and vice-captains out for a midnight stroll."

"Indeed." A voice of which no one except Lelouch expected to hear agreed.

"Tosen-taicho." Shuhei looked out towards his captain. "Wh-what are you doing here?"

"Tosen-taicho is on our side now." Lelouch announced with a smirk. "That is why you are here is it not?"

"It is as you say." Tosen replied. "True justice lies with you and my path is clear."

"Good to hear." Lelouch said and pulled something out of his pocket. "Catch." He tossed Tosen a wristband. "You remember me telling you via Hell Butterfly how it works?"

"I do." Tosen responded.

Lelouch looked back at his watch. "It's just about time. Places everyone." Lelouch declared.

Lelouch knew what was about to happen. Within moments he could give the cue to his team to transform and then the Seireitei's gate's walls would fall. Meanwhile, Lelouch had geassed no less than 320 Soul Reapers and also the Gate Guardians. It was complete random selection with regards to division number and rank. Their instructions were all the same. They would all go out to a specific Rukongai sector at a specific location at a specific time where Lelouch had hidden an apparatus that would project his and his team's image across the entire Soul Society. Everyone in Rukongai would hear his declaration. The apparatuses would carry his voice to the four corners of the Soul Society and his image would be projected on the surface of the barrier that encompassed the Seireitei. After the events the Apparatuses would malfunction and internally combust before dissolving into bits of reishi.

Lelouch was not afraid of being found out. He had given instructions for those he geassed to forget having seen him and he geassed all witnesses. Knowing the Gotei, they would consider geass the power of Zero's Zanpakuto: the power to compel anyone to do his bidding. He geassed the Gate Guardians to ignore the sight of any Soul Reapers going in and out of the Seireitei tonight. No one would know about the execution of his plan until he was ready to unveil it.

Nemu was prepared to drop the gates at the precise time Lelouch had instructed her and Kukaku, Kaien and their little brother Ganju were each waiting a specific point in the Seireitei so that Lelouch and the others could escape into the Rukongai with the gate still up. Each member of Lelouch's team had received their instructions via Hell Butterfly only hours ago. If they were discovered or attacked atop Sokyoku Hill the group would spread out and escape into the Rukongai until everyone reported to be at a safe location to switch out of their costume. Nemu was instructed to wait on Lelouch's orders to retract the gate. Everyone was also instructed to incapacitate or kill any pursuers. Lelouch was hopeful that such tactics would not be necessary, but one could not be sure. It was always good to have an escape route just for such an occasion.

"It's just about time." Lelouch looked at his watch. "Fantomu no Jasutisu! Kesugo suru!"

Tosen had been asked to go first. Lelouch said that for the newcomers to go first was 'traditional'. "Watashi wa Tosen Kaname, Fantomu Buraun!" Tosen's outfit nearly matched the color of his skin. His blindness made it impossible for him to tell what he looked like, but he could easily tell he was wearing leather.

The rest of the team followed after Tosen one right after the other.

"Watashi wa Fon Shaolin, Fantomu Shiruba!"

"Watashi wa Shihoin Yoruichi, Fantomu Gorudo!"

"Watashi wa Kuchiki Hisana, Fantomu Gurin!"

"Watashi wa Kuchiki Rukia, Fantomu Howaito!"

"Watashi wa Libra Naomi, Fantomu Kurisutaru!"

"Watashi wa Kotetsu Isane, Fantomu Gure!"

"Watashi wa Hinamori Momo, Fantomu Baioretto!"

"Watashi wa Shapikni Susanna, Fantomu Iero!"

"Watashi wa Keshiba Ryou, Fantomu Oranju!"

"Watashi wa Hisagi Shuhei, Fantomu Birijian!"

"Watashi wa Kurosaki Isshin, Fantomu Burakku!"

"Watashi wa Matsumoto Rangiku, Fantomu Pinku!"

"Watashi wa Aloman Shisato, Fantomu Buru!"

"Watashi wa Abarai Renji, Fantomu Reddo!"

Lelouch took the finale. "Ya Watashi wa Lelouch vi Britannia, Fantomu Zero!" With the team formed together Lelouch looked at his watch. "It's time." He snapped his fingers, undoing the Bakudo 26 spells he had cast on his apparatus' all around the Soul Society. "Zero, to G-2. Drop the gate!" Lelouch radioed to Nemu.

"Hai, I understand." Nemu responded and did as she was told. Kaien, Nemu and Kukaku each had the codenames G-1, G-2, and G-3 respectively. The 'G' stood for Guardian.

The gates dropped and Lelouch turned towards Tosen. "Brown, the Tenteikura, if you would."

"Hai, Zero." Tosen acknowledged. "Bakudo 77: Tenteikura." Tosen activated the proper Bakudo so that Lelouch could begin his speech, but first Lelouch tossed out a small device into the air that captured the image of him and his team and would project their image globally to the far reaches of the Seireitei. Behind their visors the other phantoms were surprised to see their images projected along the Seireitei's glass dome. "This is a message to the entire Soul Society." Lelouch began his speech. "Gaze upon my visage and hear me well. Some of you know who I am already, but for those who don't listen up. I am Zero! Master of Miracles!"

Yamamoto, who had been in his office at this time immediately stood outside it on his balcony. Sasakibe shunpoed to his captain's location. "Sir, shall I call for forces to be deployed?"

"No, hold off." Yamamoto stated. While the soutaicho wanted nothing more than Zero's capture for his two crimes he was eager to see what Zero's intentions were. He knew that this speech would reveal what Zero was up to.

Many of the other captains, upon hearing Zero's thundering voice, exited their rooms and looked outside to see the projection of Zero's image across the Seireitei. Much like Yamamoto, each one was interested in seeing what Zero had to say.

"So you finally make your presence known to the world, hmm Zero?" Aizen smiled as he looked at Seireitei's dome to watch and hear Zero's speech.

"Many of you are probably wondering about the fire that took place a little over a week ago at the Atrumier manner. I say, with absolute pride that all of that was my doing! I invaded the Atrumiers and attacked them and I would do it again if I had the choice! They were corrupted individuals and as such I brought upon them my divine justice. My team, the Fantomu no Jasutisu, and I will not tolerate corruption in the Soul Society and especially corruption that the Soul Society cannot see. Let it be known that my followers and I seek not revolution, but alteration. The Gotei turns a blind eye to the goings on in the Rukongai and the nobility so long as it does not affect the system's function. I'm afraid I cannot allow such things to occur." Zero thrust his cape out to one side. "I will eliminate corruption from the far reaches of the Soul Society. My organization will turn it into the paradise we make it out to be for the poor, unfortunate souls that we bring here. We are protectors of the weak and the bane of the strong. However, we are not against all of those with power. Those with power that use it to benefit the weak are not our enemies. It is the strong that abuse the weak for their own selfish purposes that our targets. We will apprehend lawbreakers, criminals and above all deceivers and liars. I myself was after the recently deceased Hoshima Treva, but I watched from the shadows when two others with a burning desire for revenge unleashed their divine fury upon him. I believe that those with a want for revenge should be allowed to have it. Many of you might consider my actions terrorism and my existence frightening, but I am not any of those things. I am a friend to the poor, an enemy to the pampered. Although my word is hardly enough, I will prove it."

Watching the events unfold, Ukitake walked up alongside Shunsui. "What do you make of all this?" he asked his longtime friend.

"Well this Zero character sure sounds like he's got the bite to back up his bark, I'll say that much." Shunsui stated.

"How can you tell that just from his words?" Ukitake asked.

"When you boast or make threats you can't dish out there is always a hint of fear in your voice. You can't win with brute strength so you're trying to intimidate the opponent. However, I hear not even a hint of fear in Zero's words." Shunsui replied.

"Should we do something?" Ukitake asked.

"Only if we're asked, for now I say we watch this unfold and see where it goes." Shunsui replied. He knew that Zero's intention was to create chaos. He felt it was best to delay that bomb from detonating for as long as possible.

Lelouch continued his speech. "From the darkness we emerge and into the shadows we shall disappear. We appear only when necessary. Our existence is only slightly more than a mere illusion. We exist, but to find us would be the same as trying to capture the moon's reflection upon the water. We are like mice churning butter until it becomes cream. We will not sink and watch as innocent lives are lost to selfishness and corruption. We shall fight for the sake of those who are too weak or unwilling to fight for themselves. And we shall fight against those would take advantage of such people. We want nothing in return, no money, no material items. If you are ailing, then call upon us. We will be there to help you. For we are the Fantomu no Jasutisu!" His speech concluded Lelouch shut off his little technological device whizzing and whirring in front of him as it dissolved into bits of reishi. In the many different Rukongai sectors all of the machines were malfunctioning and dissolving.

"All clear." Lelouch radioed Nemu and she retracted the gates. "We're good." Lelouch spoke to his team. Everyone retracted their outfits back into their wristbands.

"That's it? How boring. I was hoping we'd get some crazy Soul Reapers chasing after us." Yoruichi joked.

"Don't make jokes, next thing you know that'll actually happen while we're all standing here." Hisana stated.

"We shouldn't stay here long." Lelouch ordered. "Everyone spread out and blend in with the nightly atmosphere."

"Understood." A good portion of Lelouch's teammates stated and headed off.

"Excellent job on the speech by the way." Susanna said, before she left.

Right now the only people on the hill were Lelouch, Rangiku, Isshin, Shuhei, Keshiba, Momo and Tosen. "You guys have something you want to say?" Lelouch wanted to know.

"I have a question." Tosen spoke up. "What happens now?"

"Now, we go about things as if they were normal. We will assemble again soon and we will make ourselves allies to the Rukongai civilians." Lelouch responded. "Shuhei, as long as you're here, I have an important instruction for you."

"Sure. What is it?" Shuhei wanted to know.

"I want to see articles in the paper about our organization. You're the journalist so I'll leave the details up to you, but we must be publicized." Lelouch stated.

"You got it!" Shuhei gave Lelouch a thumb's up and then left with his captain.

"So this is how it feels to stand on the tightrope between being a criminal and being a rule-driven law abider hmm?" Keshiba asked rhetorically. "It's…not such a bad feeling actually, especially since we have such a competent leader." He then left.

Isshin stretched. "I'm go head to bed. I've been wide awake for the last 52 hours. I could use some sleep."

"Have a pleasant night." Lelouch said to his captain. He then looked at Momo and Rangiku.

Rangiku spoke first. "I just want to say that if you weren't the one in charge I don't know if I'd be doing this. I…I know I shouldn't be having doubts. I made my decision…and you are my superior officer." Rangiku was the 3rd seat of her and Lelouch's division. "However, I just want you to know that I'm doing this for you and you alone. I trust you and you are my friend." She smiled. "I'm glad you have such faith in me to fight at your side like this. This isn't a secret you tell to just anyone." Rangiku winked and then headed off, leaving Momo with Lelouch.

"Are you also having doubts?" Lelouch asked.

Momo shook her head. "No." She said with strong determinate eyes. "I've made up my mind. I will fight with you sensei. I was naïve and you showed me the truth. You can count on me to be loyal to you to the very end." Lelouch was very content with the successful hardening of Momo's personality. She had overcome the truth he had presented to her and become self-sufficient and strong willed. What could've been his weakest link had turned into one of his most loyal and dedicated followers. He knew from her declaration and expression that Momo was eternally his ally.

"That's good to hear." Lelouch told her and pat her head. "You should get along back to your division. You can't have your captain worrying about you."

"What…should I do…with regards to that?" Momo asked.

"Play him." Lelouch responded. "He wants you to dance and swoon in the palm of his hand. Make him believe that you are, be convincing. Do not fight the river, paddle along with it, but keep your boat along the proper shoreline."

"I understand." Momo stated. She smiled and headed off. "I'll see you later sensei."

Lelouch turned around and looked out over the nightly view of the Seireitei. I wasn't interrupted and that can only mean that the Head Captain was interested to hear what I had to say if he didn't make any motion to stop me. I wonder how we will be received. I expected to be attacked once I declared my involvement in taking down the Atrumiers.

So what will the great Zero do now? Eien Tamashi wanted to know.

For now he's going to stay out of sight until I can get a good feel on our reception. After that, I'll move accordingly. Lelouch responded.

Things are certainly looking up for you aren't they? Eien Tamashi asked.

Lelouch smiled realizing how things were starting to go his way for the longest time lately. Yes, yes they are indeed. Lelouch said. He then leapt off Sokyoku hill and Shunpoed through the night air back to his Division.

End of Chapter 30

(A/N: And thus the fates of Lelouch and his followers are set in stone. They have set something in motion now that they cannot stop. There is no turning back. What of Tosen though? Can he truly be trusted? And what of Momo? Now that she has turned her sights towards the young looking Soul Reaper and he has started to rub off on her, what will it do for the events yet to come? Also, I'd like feedback on the little YoruSoi scene. The gears are turning, the hands have been played and the game enters its lightning round. Till next time folks).