
Chapter 22: Lelouch's Big Break

(A/N: I have nothing to say)

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Code Geass

Lelouch's pov

It's been a little over a year since I got Hisana a transferal into the 6th Division. I've also had some time to do some thinking. To further my own goals I had Kisra kill himself. I thought about other means and methods before resorting to that, such as getting him a transferal, but to do so requires incentive from higher up: Captain and Vice-Captain level only.

I need to save my Geass for Kuchiki-taicho in case Byakuya-fukutaicho fails to persuade him on his own to allow Hisana to marry Byakuya-fukutaicho. Taking a mistress is a much easier alternative, but I always imagine a cat fight breaking out between Byakuya-fukutaicho's future wife and Hisana and Hisana being the one thrown to the wayside. I'd never let that happen to a pupil of mine.

I thought about Geassing Byakuya-fukutaicho to get the transferal, but I'm not too keen on Geassing the future head of the Kuchiki house over something this minor. If my investigation into the Aisel's winds up turning up some shady business, but Byakuya-fukutaicho brushes it off, I might have to persuade him. He'd thank me for it later.

I thought about the potential of making Kisra insane or having him go and make a scene, dragging himself into the center of the Seireitei and causing mass hysteria before being dragged away to the Maggot's nest, but that's a fate worse than death. The people in there sit in that cage rotting until they wither. There's nothing I can do about that and quite frankly I don't think many of those cases were investigated as well as they should've been, not since Urahara-san lost the position anyhow. Urahara-san was a man of proper caliber for that job and his friendship with Yoruichi made sure that there wasn't any lack of thought put into his lockups.

However, we, as a whole in the Soul Society, are afterlife spirits. Kisra was a loner, no past to speak of, no friends in Rukongai and no lost loves or anything of the sort. If anything I granted him another chance at life. Part of me regrets not allowing him to see the future I would usher into the Soul Society, but part of me believes I've done a good thing. Kisra said he always wanted to be an innkeeper, but his parents insisted he become a soldier instead. Hopefully, wherever he is, in twenty to thirty years he'll have a shot at his dream.

They say when you're reincarnated that your memory is wiped and you're given a clean slate. However, I believe that there are fragments leftover buried deep within your soul that cannot be lost. Or rather I hope so.

"I could be reincarnated again and again and I would still fall in love with you."

"I just want you to know that when I become a Soul Reaper again, even though I will no longer remember you, I will find you. I will find you because…Lelouch…I love you."

Right now I'm taking care of some extra paperwork for Hisana while she goes scouring into Inzuri. I don't know what she does out there, one of these days I'm going to ask, or perhaps follow her out there and pretend like I'm on a mission and we just happened to bump into each other. Of course finding her wouldn't be an issue at all, I'm very good at reiatsu detection. Reiatsu detection, using and understanding hell butterflies, Kido, understanding complex algorithms, and tactics are all my specialties as a Soul Reaper. My Kendo, Shunpo and Hakuda could definitely do with some polish, to be quite honest I don't think I'll ever become a master or expert at any of the three, except maybe Shunpo to make daring escapes, but of course I already can do that.

I've often been requested by Susanna for sparring matches. She's trying to improve her Zanpakuto's power so she can improve in rank and I know I could definitely use with some polish with my own skills. Through this I have learned that my close combat skills are very poor when compared to someone, like Susanna who knows what they're doing. I understand basic theory and my body has been built up well enough over the years, but I simply don't have the battle-toned reflexes to match someone who has been a survivalist, like Susanna and Hisana, or is naturally born with incredible skill, like Byakuya-fukutaicho. I know my fighting style and I'm quite good at it. I'd like to see any other 9th seats pull of a perfect Hado 88, without the chant, twice in a row, without getting tired.

I'm still working out the bugs to pulling off Hado 90 properly. There is a serious power dissonance between a high level 80 and a low level 90. I had a very interesting discussion with Kuchiki-taicho on the subject. He told me that the level 90 Hados are no small feat to achieve. I acted like I was speaking hypothetically when we spoke. He told me that the idea was ludicrous that only the Head Captain, Unohana-taicho, and Urahara-san were the only Soul Reapers he could say ever mastered a level 90 Hado. He said being able to pull off Hado 88 should be considered an accomplishment.

"Well what if, by some manner or another, I did manage to successfully pull of a level 90 Hado." I said.

"Lelouch if you could pull of a level 90 Hado I'd start scouring the Gotei for a higher placement for you. To call you a 9th seat at that point would be an insult."

It's been about an hour since Hisana left. Normally she spends three hours in Rukongai and then comes to pick up what I've completed for her. This is the 17th time since she's been here that she's gone out to Rukongai. She's told me that it's because of me that she can go so frequently. She said she used to take frequent trips when she was in 13th Division because Ukitake-taicho understood personal needs, but Aizen-taicho found it necessary to confine her within the Seireitei.

Whatever she's doing out there, it seems more important to her than making a move on Byakuya-fukutaicho. She's made steady progress; Byakuya-fukutaicho even came to me once asking if I ever had feelings for a close personal friend that were more than friendship. I started by telling him I was flattered that he came to me for advice.

"Lelouch I came to you asking for advice because you've always helped me when I have no one else I believe I can turn to. If you're going to make light of the situation I can try and handle this matter on my own."

"Sorry," I had apologized, "What seems to be the trouble?"

"Answer me question, have you ever had feelings for a close personal friend that were more than friendship?" he had asked.

"Four times." I had said as I held up the corresponding number of fingers.

"In each of those situations, what did you do?" he had asked.

"Two of them died on me without knowing how I felt." I had responded as I twirled a pencil between my hands.

"And the other two?" Byakuya-fukutaicho had asked.

"I…was in a situation where a relationship was not an option. Also, I was a lot younger than you were." I had glanced away from my desk at this point over to where my fukutaicho was standing. "If my hunch is correct, and they usually are, you have the potential and desire to act on the situation, but given certain circumstances you don't know if you should. You feel if you do that others will disapprove and it might only serve to drive the one you like away."

Byakuya-fukutaicho had nodded in response to this. "Do you have any suggestions?"

"Well, if it were me, first I'd make absolutely certain of my feelings for the person, then I would set things up to make the situation favorable so as not to cause a backlash from my peers. I would hold my head high and openly speak against those who would disapprove." I had told him.

Byakuya-fukutaicho seemed to understand what I meant. I've seen him a couple of times openly inviting Hisana places to spend time with her, not the least of which was the Kuchiki manor itself. I think he was working up the courage to confront Kuchiki-taicho. Somehow I got the feeling that, when he did, I might be consulted to intervene on Kuchiki-taicho's behalf. I was practically an honorary member of the Kuchikis considering my close connection with them over the last six years, plus my history with Byakuya-fukutaicho.

If only I could get some form of leeway into one of my investigations, things would be so much easier if I could just punch a hole in one of my investigations. The door knocked interrupting my thoughts. "Come in."

It was Susanna. "Mail for you." She told me.

"Oh, thanks." I said, smiling at her.

"Uh…Lelouch-dono." Susanna had recently come to refer to me as such. I was both her sensei, and now her senpai and she wasn't sure if I would always be her superior in rank, so she outfitted me with such an honorific. I told her it wasn't necessary, since we worked so close, but she insisted and who am I to deny such a harmless request from a lady?

"Something the matter, Susanna?" I asked as she put my mail on my desk for me.

"I…well…you know how next month on today's date that the Gotei is holding a special ceremony where all the captains are going to get up and make jokes at each other's expense, purely for entertainment purposes and then there is a party afterwards?" Susanna asked.

"Ah yes the 'Sacred Captain Roasting' as it's been called. What about it?" I asked.

"I…well…there's a party afterwards with dancing and music and stuff and I…I was wondering…would you…" she averted my gaze with only her eyes and her cheeks turned the same color as her eyes. "Would you save a dance for me?"


Clueless. Eien Tamashi hummed. I growled at her.

"O-of course i-if you don't want to, I understand. I-I was just…you know…just wondering…is all."

A party afterwards…hmm perhaps I could use Susanna as more than a dance partner, especially since Hisana and Byakuya-fukutaicho are both going to be there. "Sure Susanna. Actually, if you'd be willing to help me with something at the dance, I'd be willing to be more than just your dance partner." I said with a smile. It's times like these I'm glad I have this sort of effect on women.

"L-like a…like a…"

"Yes, like a date." I told her. I watched a look of utter surprise creep into her face and her cheeks turn a deeper shade of red.

Susanna bowed so forcefully that her hair went cascading over her face. "Th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-thank you!" She ran out of my office squealing. I watched her out of my office window as she started jumping for joy out in the garden.

Don't you think manipulating the poor girl is a bit cruel? She has suffered through a lot. Eien Tamashi was displeased with my actions.

Who says I'm manipulating her? I just need her help is all. I told Eien Tamashi.

And she'll take that as thinking that you like her. It's appalling to play with a woman's heart like that Lelouch. Eien Tamashi scolded.

That's precisely why I'm being nice to her. Yuna gave her a chance to find happiness. It's not like she'll ever find out I was just using her, besides I need to start looking for recruits for my future organization, and Susanna's a prime candidate. I responded.

Ah yes, the organization that will act as your Knights of Justice, under Zero's banner. So that wasn't just a random idea that popped into your head, you're really going to create an afterlife faction of the Black Knights? Eien Tamashi inquired.

That's my intention. I told her.

Hmm, keep this up and maybe something extraordinary might happen between us one of these days. Eien Tamashi said and then terminated our connection.

I sat back down and decided to go through my mail. It was when I received a letter from Isshin-taicho that I was concerned. However, it turned out that the message itself was from Kukaku, possibly hand delivered to her cousin, or sent to him first and resent to me. Kukaku, you are one sly woman.

The message read as follows:

Cm t th Shb mnr mmdtly. V mprtnt nws fr y.

Well she did say she would send me messages in code. I thought to myself. Now let's see what you've concocted here Miss Shiba. It took me a mere ten minutes to figure out that Kukaku had purposely left out all vowels in the words of her message. It didn't take me long after that to fill in the missing letters. She was asking me to come to the Shiba manor. She had something important to tell me. I left posthaste.

Shiba Manor

Kukaku and I met in the special lounge we did last time. I asked when I sat down if there was a chance that her servants might get the wrong idea with us using this particular lounge or the fact that I, a non-noble was being summoned by her.

"Oh please." she said and lit a cigarette. "They don't question me. And you can always just use the excuse that you and I became friends at Kaien's wedding, which we did, and that you, like all the others who know me, know better than to turn down a request from me." She blew out the smoke from her cigarette.

"So what's this important news you have for me?" I asked. I had given information with Kukaku via hell butterfly over the years. No one bats an eye if a hell butterfly goes flying out of my office and I knew Kukaku wouldn't disclose its contents. Since she's not a Soul Reaper herself she can't send out her own.

"I've had some flunkies of mine digging up dirt on the incidents you've been investigating. They found something that might interest you." It didn't bother me that Kukaku was running an investigation of her own, no matter how sloppy it was. If anything it, again, pointed the eyes away from me. She would've had a bone to pick with Aizen ever since the incident with Urahara-san. Shiba-fukutaicho and Hisana also have a rather friendly relationship from what I know. And since Byakuya and Hisana were both under him as seated officer in Division 13, it wouldn't be irrational to think that Shiba-fukutaicho wouldn't think they were perfect for each other and try to push them together, especially if Kukaku caught wind of it. If anything the next person Aizen would suspect as being Zero would be Shiba-fukutaicho or someone connected to the Shibas. And since noble families are nigh untouchable, he really can't do anything without more solid evidence.

"And that would be?" I asked.

"You know how you told me you think that the hollows that killed Kuchiki Sojun were ones that Hoshima summoned?" Kukaku asked me. I nodded. "Well a few weeks before that mission, Kuchiki Sojun publicly announced that he didn't plan to remarry and that he would only take Kuchiki mantle until Byakuya came of age. He noted that his grandfather was all the better man for the job and that his son had the potential to be better than them both put together."

"And Aisel's been pressing for Byakuya-fukutaicho to get married to his granddaughter, Aisel Sabrina, now that Byakuya-fukutaicho is of marital age." I was starting to see a connection here.

"On top of that, did you know that there are several rare poisons in the Soul Society that can make frail, passive women, like Byakuya's mother, Kuchiki Saya, look as if they die of disease?" Kukaku asked me.

"Now that's certainly interesting." I was already starting to see the direction this was headed in.

"Did you also know that the Aisels have a monopoly of these special poisons. The Central Forty Six won't move in on it. With a noble family controlling trade, they view as a good way to stop it from getting into the wrong hands." Kukaku continued.

"But in reality they're the ones who are dangerous." Oh this is just perfect.

"Exactly and my goons managed to get their hands on some old records indicating that a monopoly for one of these poisons was dropped in the interest of 'clan funding'. This was shortly before Saya-sama bit the dust." Kukaku stated.

"What a remarkable coincidence." I said sarcastically.

"If you think that's good listen to this. My clan inherited some old Aisel servants some time ago. These same servants, after some good old fashioned intimidation claim they heard Baedur, talking to someone in the dead of night, but when they would come in to see if anyone was there all they would see is the old fart standing in his chambers with no one else around." Kukaku told me.

"And Hoshima had the ability to create clones of smoke on a really long distance." I said. "So basically we're left with circumstantial evidence that points to Aisel Baedur as a corrupted, greedy, selfish old man."

"And what's wrong with circumstantial?" Kukaku asked. "You told me with one of your winged friends that you wanted the young Kuchiki at the head of the storming of the manor right. Well that shouldn't be much of an issue now."

"Why's that?" I asked

Kukaku stood on the couch and began jamming the ceiling with her fist a few times. She then sat back down. "Kaien's asleep upstairs in the room above us. This room might be sound proof, but even a heavy sleeper like Kaien could feel those vibrations."

"But wait, if your brother…"

"Relax, in a situation like this you're about as close to the Kuchikis as possible without being an actual member. Besides, since the day Kisuke and Yoruichi got the boot from the Gotei I've been pissed about it and Kaien knows it. He wouldn't put it past me to start random investigations and talk about it with an associate of theirs." Kukaku told me. It wasn't perfectly reassuring, but then again Kukaku could be pretty persuasive. Shiba-fukutaicho was down the stairs in minutes.

"Come on sis, can't you have respect for a guy who's trying to get some sleep after a long day?" he asked Kukaku.

"We've got bigger things to worry about then your lack of beauty sleep. Think you can drag young Kuchiki here?" Kukaku asked him.

Shiba-fukutaicho yawned. "I'll try. No promises."

Kukaku puffed on her cigarette again and grinned. "Chocolate fountain." She hummed.

Shiba-fukutaicho snapped to attention. "I'll get him right away."

"You're blackmailing him?" I asked straight out, but sort of not surprised.

"I've got a whole bunch of things I know about my older brother that I know he'd never want Miyako or Ukitake-taicho finding out about. It makes things easier to get what I want around here. There are times when he fights back and even I can't stop him then." Kukaku responded taking another puff.

Blackmail and intimidation must run in the family. I thought to myself.

Two weeks later

When Byakuya-fukutaicho found out what Kukaku had to tell him, it was easy to tell he was livid, but he tried hard to hide the fact and keep himself calm. He put in a formal call to second division to get the Onmitsukido on hand and then stormed through the gates of the manor tranquilly seething with anger. A full blown investigation was set in motion and Aisel Baedur was arrested on sight. He was charged with accomplice to murder of Kuchiki Sojun and premeditated murder of Kuchiki Saya. He was convicted and found guilty by the Central Forty Six. Justice was seen and Baedur was put to the sword. Byakuya-fukutaicho held a small celebration that his mother and father could rest easy.

It was released in the paper how Kuchiki Saya was poisoned without her, or anyone else's, knowledge. Apparently Aisel Baedur had bribed the waiter to serve Kuchiki Saya specific drink he had concocted. He lied about the contents. Said waiter's corpse was found at the bottom of an Aisel family lake. The family wasn't involved, so they weren't punished. It was just one, greedy, stupid, and selfish man. At his execution Aisel Baedur cried out: "I spit on you all. I deserved more."

Byakuya-fukutaicho broke it off with Sabrina, saying how he could never let a relative of the murder of his parents lay in his bedside. It was all the courage he needed to confront his grandfather about Hisana. He asked me to watch from the shadows. He said that just feeling my reiatsu nearby would give him more confidence. I listened in to the conversation.

"Jii-san, there's something I need to discuss with you." Byakuya-fukutaicho said to his grandfather.

"What is it Byakuya?" Kuchiki-taicho asked.

"Jii-san, as you know, I must eventually marry. You are certainly not getting any younger. I will have to become head of the family eventually." Byakuya-fukutaicho spoke to his grandfather.

"Are you saying you have your eye set on someone Byakuya?" Kuchiki-taicho raised an eyebrow.

"That is exactly what I am saying however…" Byakuya paused. He took in a deep breath before speaking again. "You know the squad's 5th seat Sayuri Hisana?"

"Absolutely not." Kuchiki-taicho was against the idea, as anyone could've figured.

"I know this is highly irregular, but…I'm drawn to Hisana like bees to a flower. I've known her for so many years jii-san…and I…and I just feel…"

"To marry her would be to break the law of the Kuchiki family." Kuchiki-taicho responded.

Byakuya dropped to one knee. "I know what I am asking for would be seen as a dishonor to our family and that it would be like spitting in the eye of tradition, but I love her Jii-san."

Kuchiki-taicho sighed. "I…know how you feel about her Byakuya, I'm not getting senile in my old age to not see the buds of friendship bloom into flowers of love, but is marriage necessary, why not take her as a mistress or…"

"I would not trample on Hisana's good natured spirit like that. I…understand that Hisana would become a target. She would be potentially attacked like my mother was. I know the nobles would constantly berate her, but…I just…"

"I am…not sure it is still a wise decision. Even knowing what she will face, would you break the law for an emotional bond?" Kuchiki-taicho asked his grandson. "The entire traditional nature of the Kuchiki family is at stake. In your own words: 'how can we enforce the laws if we ourselves are not willing to uphold it'."

"If you wish for me to get on both knees, bow my head to the floor and beg, I will do so if it means gaining your approval." Byakuya-fukutaicho told his grandfather.

"Don't, you would look foolish." Kuchiki-taicho retorted. "I will…have to think on this. The other nobles will surely not accept it as readily as I am. I didn't force your father into his marriage to your mother, but he chose her out of a noble family. I…did not think you would be so bold as to look outside one."

"Hisana has been my friend for nearly fifty years. You sheltered me to keep me safe, had me pulled from the 13th Division and put here where you could keep an eye on me. Besides you and Lelouch, Hisana became the only person I could ever count on. I…did not think I would develop the feelings for her that I have, but I do not regret developing them. Hisana is a wonderful woman and she would be a most welcome asset to the family, despite what the other families and the extended family may think." Byakuya-fukutaicho poured out.

Kuchiki-taicho sighed again. "It…will take some time to make the proper arrangements to lessen the impact this will have on the family." I don't know if Kuchiki-taicho noticed it, but Byakuya-fukutaicho's head dropped slightly more towards the ground. "I am not ashamed of you, do not think that." Byakuya-fukutaicho's lifted his head up and looked at Kuchiki-taicho in the eyes, bewildered. "You were the one who took the law into such high esteem, but I always had hoped that you would follow your heart in times such as these. You have been a great asset to me over the years. After your father died, though you resisted at first, you stepped into his shoes and now look at you. You are a grown, responsible, strong willed, and highly skilled, man." I watched the corners of Kuchiki-taicho's face turn upwards into a smile. "I am proud to call you my grandson."

Byakuya's head dropped lower, but he seemed moved by his grandfather's words. "Arigato, jii-san."

It looks like I might not need to use my geass on Kuchiki-taicho after all. I thought to myself.

So then pushing Hisana and Byakuya together at the celebration in two weeks is…

For Hisana's benefit…and to potentially keep any suitors off Byakuya-fukutaicho. The two of them deserve to enjoy a day to just enjoy what they have. I'm willing to sacrifice my good time to make that happen as much as I can. Besides, I'm not a party person. Pulling antics to keep two pupils turned companions of mine would be a much more enjoyable experience than actually doing…party things.

Eien Tamashi sighed. One of these days you need to learn how to balance your work and relaxation ethic.

Says the woman who wants me to be as cynical as I was when I was alive if not more.

I hate you sometimes.

I know you do. The feeling is mutual.

Two Weeks Later

The ceremony of the 'Sacred Captain Roast' was rather entertaining. Even Kuchiki-taicho and the Head Captain found it in them to knock the others down a peg or two. I found myself wondering how these people could cooperatively work together with some of the jokes flying at each other. Despite the fact that I hate Aizen's guts, a couple of his jokes were actually funny. A couple of racist jokes were thrown Tosen and Kiganjo-taicho's way. Of course, given the light atmosphere of the whole scenario, the two of them just laughed it off. Even the normally friendly Ukitake-taicho had some good line. I don't think I laughed as much, without blood or death filling the scent of my nostrils, as I did at this ceremony. There were several jokes I don't think I'm going to forget any time soon:

"You know senpai," Captain Kyoraku had said in reference to Unohana-taicho when he was up there, "can get just about anyone to bend to her whims. If I get arrested in the world of the living I want her to be my lawyer."

"The Head Captain is so old," Isshin-taicho had stated, "That when I asked him how many years he had lived he just sat there and said 'I am this many' without moving at all." A good portion of the audience laughed at Isshin-taicho's impression of the Head Captain. "I said to him, 'but you didn't move'. He replies, 'That's how old I am.'"

"You know what the greatest thing about a blind coworker is?" Lusca-taicho had asked to preface a joke about Tosen-taicho. "You can flip them off and they can't tell. I went up to Kaname the other day and asked the 9th Division Captain to publish a story I had for the Seireitei Communication. I was told that the newspaper was booked through the month." He held up the middle finger. "No I understand Kaname. I'll come back next month. Hopefully the remnants of the Shihoin family can withstand the winter until then."

"You know I never quite understood why Kurotsuchi-taicho insists on wearing a mask," my own captian had stated, "Mardi Gras and Halloween are only two days out of the year."

"I once bore witness to a man challenging Shunsui to drinking game. Every time I coughed they'd take a drink. I was having a good day that day and somehow my best friend still wound up with a hangover." This was one of Ukitake-taicho's best jokes of the evening.

"Being blind has its advantages. You can hear better and you have to learn to make your reflexes sharper since you can't rely on sight. However, even without my eyes I know three things will happen by the end of the day: the sun will set, justice will be served and Kyoraku-taicho will wake up the next morning with a hangover."

"Now I know I'm not the best looker," Kiganjo-taicho had stated, "but hey if I can live with the way I look and mirrors crack when I stare into them, imagine what Komamura-taicho must look like under that basket of his."

"I've heard of people being territorial, but one day, while I was getting one of my own out of 4th Division, I happened to see a man missing an arm. As a concerned captain I asked what happened. 'Oh it's a sad thing' Unohan-taicho told me, 'that officer learned the hard way why you don't sneak food off Kiganjo-taicho's plate'." Aizen was able to do a creepily good impression of Unohana-taicho. "Now I don't believe aggravated assault should go unpunished so I inquired further. However, as it turns out, Kiganjo-taicho not only doesn't know his own strength, but he happened to be eating a rather large sandwich at the time. The whole arm had to be amputated. I later asked Kiganjo-taicho how human flesh tasted. He responded: 'Chewy, but it's no good raw'." This was one of the few jokes of Aizen's that I actually laughed at.

After the ceremony there was a party. The whole event took place at night. I was a little off put that the entire Gotei was taking a break just to have fun, but according to Kuchiki-taicho systems were in place. Apparently the non-division Soul Reapers and selected academy students, at times like these, covered unexpected developments. That just put me more on edge. This would be the ideal conditions for someone like Aizen to use: everyone in one place like this with greenhorns running emergencies. Then again, my arch-nemesis seemed to enjoy these social occasions. All that did was make Aizen more complex, and have me wonder his motives for what he attempts.

However, tonight, Aizen was not my prime focus. The man would be too swarmed by single women and admirers to do anything rash. This took a great weight off my shoulders and let me spend the time to put Byakuya-fukutaicho and Hisana together. I spotted Byakuya-fukutaicho surrounded by noblewomen, several of which weren't even of noble families underneath the Kuchikis. I think even Miyako's younger sister, Maya, was hitting on him.

I waited for Susanna at a remote location. This wasn't a formal occasion so everyone was in uniform, making select individuals harder to spot outside the captains and vice-captains who were dead giveaways with their haoris and armbands.

"Ah, Lelouch-dono, there you are." Susanna finally found me. "I'm…ready to help you."

"Good come closer." I told her. She did so like she had one of her feet caught in a bucket until she was a few feet from me. I gestured to Byakuya-fukutaicho. "I'm sure our vice-captain, also your former classmate, needs no introduction."

"Of course not." Susanna stated.

"Good, then here's the thing, tonight it's our job to make sure we can get him and our division's 5th seat, Sayuri Hisana, together in front of as many people as we can." I told Susanna.

"B-b-but…marrying outside nobility is against nobility isn't it? Aren't we going to get into trouble?" Susanna seemed rather troubled by this.

"Kuchiki-taicho's going to try and make it ok with the other nobles." I told Susanna.

"I don't know about this Lelouch. I mean…we're non-nobles should we really be doing this?" Susanna seemed hesitant to get involved, most would.

Going to geass her into cooperation? Eien Tamashi wanted to know.

No, I believe I can earn her cooperation through less forceful methods. I responded.

Meaning? Eien Tamashi wanted to know.

"Susanna," I said, softly, "Look at me." She looked straight into my eyes. I put one of my hands on her shoulder and placed my other firmly at the back of her head and pressed her lips to mine. I held the kiss until I felt Susanna's shoulder shake a little and then let go.

"I'll do it." Susanna practically squeaked.

I instructed Susanna on the plan and we got to work. I walked straight into the group of women Byakuya-fukutaicho found himself surrounded by and announced my presence. "Well, popular enough with the ladies fukutaicho?"

"Ah, are you acquainted with Byakuya-sama?" one of the nobles asked me.

"I should be," I responded, "I used to be his teacher."

"Yes, ladies this is Lamperouge Lelouch, my former Kido instructor." Byakuya introduced me. As I predicted the noblewomen began throwing themselves at me, asking me to teach them. This was a party for the Gotei members only so the women around us were not only noblewomen, but also Soul Reapers. I could tell they were noblewomen because very few Soul Reapers wear jewelry on a regular basis and have the desire to start shamelessly flirting with Byakuya-fukutaicho like a whore at a bar. As Byakuya-fukutaicho pushed to get out of the crowd, passing the crowd from him to me, I let him know where he could find Hisana.

I did my best to play hard to get. Nobles might only be allowed to marry other nobles, but many of the female nobles of the Soul Society were so shameless that they threw themselves at the feet of anyone with charm and good looks. It was times like these I was thankful for my ability to attract women. It was about ten minutes, as planned, when Susanna came to bail me out of the mess I was in.

"Excuse me!" she voiced loudly enough so that I, and the women around me, could hear her.

"Oh, Susanna is something the matter?" I asked.

"10th seat Thylum is picking a fight with a drunken Kotsubaki-fukutaicho and 9th seat Kijura's too drunk to handle it." Susanna complained. She was lying, of course, but we set it up that way.

"Sorry, ladies, got to go, duty calls." I responded. Susanna led me by the hand and we escaped around the corner until we were out of sight.

"Did Byakuya-fukutaicho get to Hisana ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, I led them right to each other, like you asked." Susanna answered.

"Alright then, time to move onto phase number three." Hisana and Byakuya-fukutaicho were dancing on the dance floor together. There were two unseated members, I could tell from their reiatsu, working the spotlights. I pulled out a mobile data carrier and instructed Susanna to discreetly knock out the two men working the lights. She did so by grabbing their pressure points. I geassed the DJ and told him to go work the other light while Susanna worked the one she was standing nearby at. Then I took command of the music station. The playlist I had brought with me on my data carrier was sure to get Byakuya-fukutaicho and Hisana recognized as more than just friends. I inserted the disc and turned the playlist on after the current song ended.

Many of single dancers fled the dance floor. I watched as Byakuya-fukutaicho and Hisana began dancing with each other. It reminded me of when Yuna and I danced at Shiba-fukutaicho's wedding.

So beautiful. Eien Tamashi stated.

You're not going to cry are you? I asked her.

N-no! She vocalized vehemently. After a little while, a little more solemnly she added. Maybe.

I gave Susanna a signal to shine the lights and signaled my geass subject into following her example and with a little work I managed to get Byakuya and Hisana dead centered on the spotlight. I waited about twenty seconds before I grabbed Susanna and we fled the area. My instructions to my Geassed pawn were to work the lights until someone angrily asked him what he was doing, to which he'd be released from my hold.

There was very little chance this could get back to me. For one, I didn't know how to do that pressure point trick without screwing it up more times often than not. Second, I stood to gain nothing by pushing Byakuya-fukutaicho and Hisana together.

Susanna was laughing herself silly when we got away and to a clearing. "What's so funny?" I asked her.

"I just…feel so naughty doing something like that. My heart's still racing." Susanna giggled.

"Well just remember we were never here." I winked.

"Right." She winked back.

"Say…you know you did promise me a dance." She said.

"I did at that." I said.

Surprisingly enough my playlist wasn't turned off. Susanna and I wound up dancing to a nice slow song.

"I don't want you to feel tied down. If you find someone else…please don't let your feelings for me get in your way."

I'm sure this isn't what Yuna meant when she said that to me all those years ago. I'm sure death wasn't part of her consideration. I'm not sure how I feel about Susanna right now. She's very dedicated to me. I don't feel as if she'd betrayed me. It reminds me of how Kallen was with me.

Kallen. Every time I thought of her I thought of the danger I had put her in when I attacked her as a hollow. I never got to see how that encounter turned out or what I would do after I slew myself. Eventually I'll be on the opposite side of that confrontation. I hope I will be ready.

After the party, Susanna and I returned to the division grounds. "I had the most wonderful time tonight Lelouch-dono."

I had to shake off the serious case of déjà vu I was having. "Good, I'm glad, and thank you for your help." I told Susanna.

"A-anytime." She responded. "I...I never thought," she blushed and stood like a shy school girl with a crush, "I would get my first kiss like that. D-does this mean that you and I are…"

"We'll take it one day at a time." I told her. "I certainly don't dislike you. I think you're attractive and the kiss…well I didn't think you'd object. I needed some way to get you to go along with me."

"You're bad." She was laughing.

"Indeed I am, rotten and evil to the core." I told her with a playful smile.

Susanna was trembling. I thought she was about to throw herself at me, but instead she blurted out, "I-I'm sorry…I…I need to go to my quarters. I'll see you tomorrow!"

What's up with her?

Aww, she's shy, how cute!

Somehow I get the feeling there's more to it than that. Either Susanna has some powerful self-control or I really shouldn't go check up on her for at least a half an hour.

LELOUCH! Eien Tamashi chided.

I merely laughed mentally. Well, tonight was certainly entertaining.

Indeed, but you're going to pick right back up in tailing Aizen tomorrow right? Eien Tamashi asked.

Of course. I responded. I'm sure even the builders of Rome had days where they simply did absolutely nothing. I started walking towards my quarters. Anyway, I could use some sleep.

Have some pleasant dreams.

I smiled at hearing that. I haven't had any nightmares since that incident in Karakura Town. And ever since Yuna died nothing really awful had happened. Perhaps I was finally catching a break. However, I'd only know that taking things one day at a time.

Chapter 22 End

(A/N: I'm with Lelouch, I need some sleep too. So just in case some of you are afraid of what might happen: I have no intention of killing Susanna off. Let me put that right there out in the open. Also, as for what you can expect next time on Soul Chess, let's just say that a certain battle crazy Soul Reaper is going to be making an appearance soon. I'm going to bed. Night folks).