
Chapter 23: Lelouch Vs Maki: Ensnare of Darkness

(A/N: Time for another rousing chapter. Before we begin I'd like to thank Blekmedelninjan for his contribution to the chapter with another hilarious Omake. On that note be sure to check the omake title properly so that you're not confused. Oh and I used my artistic license again in this chapter.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Code Geass

Lelouch's pov

It's been four solid years since that stunt Susanna and I pulled together to help Byakuya and Hisana. Hisana's not wearing a ring. I can only take that as Byakuya hasn't proposed to her just yet. Kuchiki-taicho must still be trying to calm the nobles.

Speaking of the nobles, Aisel Baedur's son, and new head of the Aisel house, Aisel Kentaro, seems like a much more prominent leader for the clan lead. He's done everything he can to restore his family's honor over what his father had done. He underwent Soul Reaper training starting this year and even turned all poison his house had collected over to the Central Forty Six. I'm a little worried, I've never been fond of nobility ever since I was cast out of my own house, but for now it seems like things are going to go well.

In other news, the next Kenpachi has been found. I haven't met the man, not yet anyway. He became part of the Gotei two years ago. He was so high in raw reiatsu and combat talent that the Central Forty Six deemed it unnecessary to befit the man with any training so long as they just threw him in Kiganjo-taicho's squad where the roughnecks gather. They figured that two Kenpachis in one squad could be beneficiary to the Gotei. For the entirety of the two years the new Kenpachi, Zaraki Kenpachi, has been around, things haven't been too chaotic, but I've heard rumors, especially from Rangiku, about rising tension between the Kenpachi of old and the Kenpachi of new.

Last week's Seireitei Communication published an article about the clashing moral ethics both Kenpachis were lashing at each other. Someone actually managed to get word from both of them:

"Zaraki is a Neanderthal with the instincts of an animal. He believes in fighting for the sake of fighting. It's like a game to him. I've had to reprimand the man three times about proper code of conduct." Kiganjo had told a reporter.

"Kiganjo's too soft," Zaraki had stated, "I couldn't care less about the theory of fighting or how to face my opponent with honor. At the end of the day all that matters is who is alive and who is dead. Fancy tactics don't mean a thing if you can't even lay a finger on your enemy."

Zaraki Kenpachi sounded rather arrogant to me. He seemed like a naïve child that needed to know his place. However, another part of the article listed interesting information about the two men.

Kiganjo-taicho came from a family of nobility beneath the Akumateyrns, which was a house beneath the Shbias. He fought his way from the bottom up and eventually defeated the previous Kenpachi, after a humiliating defeat at Unohana-taicho's hands. Many wondered if Kiganjo-taicho took advantage of the sorry state the 9th Kenpachi had been in or if he simply was merciful to his captain. Regardless of the case, he was very powerful in his own right. A battle for dominance had occurred between Kiganjo-taicho and the now dead former Vice-captain of the 11th Division had ensued for captaincy and Kiganjo-taicho defeated him with ease.

Zaraki Kenpachi was said to have no formal history to speak of, not even another alias to go by. In fact Zaraki was simply the Rukongai he was from. He didn't have a proper name to speak of at all. It was stated that he spent his pre-Seireitei days challenging men he thought were strong to fights. He had never lost a single fight. Zaraki said he had lost count of the amount of men that had fallen to his blade. It was reported that he came to the Seireitei with a Zanpakuto already manifested, nameless, but released as determined by the 12th Division. Apparently Zaraki Kenpachi had so much raw, uncontrolled reiatsu that his sword was always in its released state.

Forget captains being human sized Knightmare frames I'd hate for Suzaku to go up against this guy using the Lancelot. I had never heard of such a phenomenon occurring with Zanpakuto before, but according to Kurotsuchi-taicho, as mentioned in the article, it was a naturally occurring phenomenon.

I personally asked him how much uncontrolled reiatsu one would have to have for such a feat to be possible, since such a thing wasn't mentioned in the article. "For such a brutish action to occur one must have enough reiatsu naturally occurring in their body that they hardly notice the overflowing amount of reiatsu flowing about them. For their Zanpakuto to perpetually manifest in Shikai would mean that the Soul Reaper fulfills the requirements the spirit wants from its wielder to be used, but the Soul Reaper could quite possibly be ignoring its sword's cry for companionship. It also means that the spirit's natural power, without any use of its abilities is much less than the Soul Reaper's uncontrolled reiatsu. The amount varies from Soul Reaper to Soul Reaper, but if you are inquiring about Zaraki's case I'd say he has the potential for captaincy, if he attempted it."

"Then why doesn't he?" I had asked.

"He probably doesn't realize he can." Kurotsuchi-taicho had stated. "That Zaraki is a rather barbaric individual with no other care than to be told where to cut and for how long."

Is this a potential job for Lelouch the mediator? Eien Tamashi had teased.

Oh very funny. I had responded. I don't think I necessarily think it's necessary for my interference on this one. Not to mention what would be the point? Eleventh Division isn't a major concern of mine.

You're wiser than I gave you credit for.

I mentally sighed. Eien Tamashi left me alone after that.

Currently I was having lunch with Rangiku and Aloman-senpai, the latter of which had transferred to division 11 and was standing at 3rd seat.

"So what's Zaraki like?" Rangiku asked.

"He's not a bad guy at all." Aloman-senpai. "I'm more worried about the current 6th seat Madarame Ikkaku."

"The bald guy?" I asked. I made it a habit to memorize information about seated officers of every division my own rank and above ever since I became 9th seat. "Sure the man is just as battle mad as the rest of your squad, but how is he a threat?"

"Eleventh Division has broken into two factions. One faction is loyal to Kiganjo-taicho and likes how the division is being run, while others are in support of the new Kenpachi, Zaraki Kenpachi. Many believe that if he defeats Kiganjo-taicho that the Eleventh Division will fall into the stronger fighter holds the higher rank. Eleventh Division holds responsibility as much as the other squads." Aloman-senpai stated.

"And Madarame Ikkaku…" I tried to lead Aloman-senpai into continuing to speak.

"I hate to admit it, but he's good, really good. If the whole division breaks out to where rank is determined by battle, I'm afraid I could lose my rank. I worked for too long to reach 3rd seat, and by the current captain's honor I'm damn well going to keep it!" Aloman-senpai declared.

"All this going on and Zaraki doesn't realize he can become captain by battle in front of two hundred members?" Rangiku asked.

"Oh he knows, he already challenged Kiganjo-taicho three times, but just as seated officers are allowed to make the decision to fight the current captain, so too does the current captain have the right to decline the challenge." Aloman-senpai stated.

"Did Kiganjo-taicho say why he wouldn't accept Zaraki's challenge?" I asked.

"He says he believes Zaraki is in way over his head. Zaraki always returns that with 'how will you know unless you fight me?' but the captain tells him that that's the kind of attitude he cannot be comfortable leaving leadership in the hands of. Of course, many squad members think he's scared of losing or that he's just lazy." Aloman-senpai stated.

"What do you think though?" I asked Aloman-senpai.

She hung her head again and then turned her head to the side looking in the direction of her division, "As much as I hate to admit it, I think Zaraki would win. He's a monster in battle. Lelouch if you felt this man's reiatsu you would know. I know you haven't met him since you're a 9th seat and Kiganjo-taicho hasn't even bothered to give Zaraki a seated rank, but Zaraki is a monster. I used my authority to send him out on a mission to clear out a bunch of thugs from a 50th West Rukongai bar. I went along to mediate. His little pink haired friend, Kusajishi Yachiru, came with us. I thought he was going to storm in and kill everything in sight, but he was careful to pick out just the proper targets and he did so effortlessly. Those idiots didn't even have time to look around and see what hit them before Zaraki took them out, and with his bare hands. One of the men slashed Zaraki right at the back with a knife." Aloman-senpai took her wrist and did a popping sound with her mouth as she bent her wrist back.

"Whoa! You mean…" Rangiku was astounded.

"Yes," Aloman-senpai responded, "The attackers hand went flying off his wrist. The difference in power was that great."

Before I could say anything in response a tall Soul Reaper with a tan complexion, dark black hair and sunglasses ran up to our table. I recognized him as one of the few 8th seats of Division 11: Raisuke Denryu "Shisato!" he called to her. "The inevitable has occurred."

"Wait seriously?" Aloman-senpai was alarmed.

"Yes, you need to come to the battlegrounds with me right away. The captain wants all seated officers on the scene." Raisuke-senpai stated.

"Oh wonderful," Aloman-senpai threw down her napkin, "Sorry guys I gotta go. It sounds like the showdown's about to start."

"Can we come?" Rangiku asked.

"I may not be of Eleventh Division and my attendance may not matter, but I'd like to see history in the making." I stated. Even if I don't say that I know Rangiku's going to drag me along anyway.

"All right let's go then." Aloman-senpai said and together the three of us, plus Raisuke-senpai headed for Division Eleven.

"So what's with the informal greeting Shisato?" Rangiku knew that only close personal friends of Aloman-senpai, like herself, referred to the woman so informally.

"It's not what you think," Raisuke-senpai said straight out, "Our division doesn't feel the need to use honorifics to refer to comrades in arms. All, but Zaraki it seems. Ungrateful Bastard." He muttered that last part.

"So both of you are on Kiganjo-taicho's side?" I asked.

"Zaraki's a complete and utter barbarian. Having him as a captain would completely upset the harmony and pride Division Eleven shows. With him in charge Division Eleven will become known as the division of psychopathic dogs of war only kept in line by those with good heads on their shoulders…and Unohana-taicho." Aloman-senpai stated.

Just had to mention her didn't you? I shuddered.

We eventually made it to the battlegrounds where Kiganjo-taicho and Zaraki-taicho stood on either side of battlefield. Since there wasn't a Vice-Captain in the Eleventh Division, Aloman-senpai had to act as referee for the match. She had to do some routine checks to make sure everything was in order.

"Any idea why Kiganjo-taicho finally conceded to face Zaraki?" Rangiku asked Raisuke-senpai.

"Something tells me we'll find out right as the match starts…or get a vague understanding of it." Raisuke-senpai replied.

I was thinking the same thing, I thought to myself.

I got my first look at Zaraki Kenpachi. He was a tall man, about half a foot under Kiganjo-taicho. He had a light complexion and black hair that was spiked in the back going down the full length of his neck. I could feel the sheer will to inflict bodily harm radiating from the man.

Kiganjo-taicho pulled out his large Zweihänder and slammed it into the ground, cracking the tile. The sword was about as large as Kiganjo-taicho himself. There was no traditional guard to speak of and the hilt and handle were black. The hilt took the shape of a ring like the end of a Kunai. "Zaraki, I've put up with a lot of your wild antics over the last two years. You've tried my patience again and again. I've turned a blind eye to roughing up junior officers, blatant challenges of senior members, and I've even allowed you to make a few jokes at my family's expense, but to allow your little friend to urinate on the statue of the first Kenpachi because the both of you were hopelessly lost in the Seireitei is an offense I will not allow to go unpunished. You want to duel me so badly, consider it done."

"Told ya," Raisuke-senpai said to Rangiku.

"To be perfectly honest I didn't think you'd be this pissed off," Zaraki responded, "but I'm sort of glad you are. I'm going to win this fight and when I do I'll be captain of this division whether you like it or not."

"You arrogant worm!" Kiganjo flexed up his muscles. "I will show you your place! Bankai!" Kiganjo-taicho gripped the ring on the end of his sword until he crushed it with his bare hands. Pure energy flowed out around him as armored, spiked knuckles that then formed into fingerless armored gauntlets that ran up his arms to his shoulders. Large, pointy spikes ran all around the gauntlets. He picked up his sword with both hands and drove it into the ground. The sword, blade and all became the consistency of black steel and a red horsehair tassel attached itself around a new ring formed on Kiganjo-taicho's large sword. Two yellow lines ran down the length of the blade. Kiganjo-taicho picked up the sword with one hand and whirled it around. Several of us in the audience had to duck as waves of spiritual power came flooding out from the 11th Division captain. Kiganjo-taicho then stuck his sword back in the ground. "Chikyu Bunkatsu Resura!" (Earth Dividing Bone Crusher)

"Bankai already?" Raisuke-senpai was in awe. "We can hardly get the captain to much of anything let alone fight. He must really be pissed."

Zaraki looked at Kiganjo-taicho and smiled as he put a hand to his cheek. "You done?" he asked Kiganjo-taicho.

"Yes." Kiganjo-taicho bore down on Zaraki.

"Good." Zaraki then ran at Kiganjo-taicho with a loud battle cry, one hand on his Zanpakuto with no form to speak of. Kiganjo-taicho ran at Zaraki-taicho, carrying a high stance, both hands on his blade, yelling a battle cry of his own.

What happened in that moment would become engraved in all our minds forever. Kiganjo-taicho swung down with overbearing force along Zaraki's sword arm before Zaraki even reached him. His Bankai's blade snapped off at the midsection upon collision with Zaraki's shoulder. Zaraki continued to charge and, with one hand, brought his sword down upon Kiganjo-taicho's shoulder and dragged the blow down Kiganjo-taicho's torso and slashed straight through to the top of the man's leg. I never saw so much blood pour out of a single person at one time. Kiganjo-taicho's Bankai disengaged and blood poured from his mouth. Zaraki had slashed through the man's heart, right lung, and several other important organs. Kiganjo-taicho's eyes rolled back in his head and he fell forward into the stadium, cracking his forehead.

A single strike! Zaraki was indeed a monster. To take out a captain using his Bankai in a single strike like that was just…there are no words in my vocabulary to express what I was feeling right now. I am so glad this man is on the right side.

For Real, Eien Tamashi replied.

Aloman-senpai, despite knowing that it wouldn't do any good, counted to twenty; it was the trial by combat regulation. However, I think many of Kiganjo-taicho's supporters were just in awe of what had occurred, hoping that with each count that Kiganjo-taicho would make a miraculous recovery and fight back.

Even the magnificent Zero couldn't pull a miracle out of this one. I grinned as I watched. I don't know why, but for some reason I was smiling, almost pleased by the fact that Zaraki had won so effortlessly. I didn't rightfully understand it myself.

"Twenty!" Aloman-senpai shouted. "That is it, Kiganjo-taicho has lost. From here on out, Zaraki Kenpachi is now captain of the Eleventh division!"

"No!" a man with short, raven black hair leapt up onto the stage. I recognized him. He was Ichinose Maki, 8th seat of 11th Division.

"Ichinose, calm down, there is nothing more we can do." I heard Tosen-taicho's voice. A section of the audience parted so that he could step forward.

I didn't realize Tosen-taicho was here.

"No! I will not accept this man as our captain!" Ichinose refuted.

"Ichinose, Kiganjo-taicho lost. Rules are rules." Aloman-senpai stated.

"Tosen-taicho, do something!" Ichinose seemed to be having a meltdown.

"The battle is over. There is nothing I can do."

Ichinose flew into a rage and attempted to attack Zaraki. Although it wasn't necessary, given how strong he was, and it technically wasn't against the law since Zaraki hadn't been inducted yet, I stopped Ichinose by blocking his blade with my own.

"Lamperouge Lelouch! Move! This is outside your jurisdiction and I am your superior in rank." Ichinose barked. I never really was fond of Ichinose. He held some of the same ideals did: that those with power should use their power to help others, but he was more concerned with those who reveled in their own power rather than abusing it. Also the type of power he cared about only referred to physical power, not political. He and I never saw eye to eye. We were teachers for last year's 4th year advanced academy students, Ichinose taught Kendo. I taught Kido, as usual.

I could never convince Ichinose that those who abuse their power were the more dangerous ones, but he was naively convinced that such people did not exist. He was so much like a close-minded Suzaku that it sickened me. Sure, Zaraki might not have given the greatest first impression, but first impressions aren't everything. Kallen sure learned that lesson well about me, I'm sure.

"The fight is over," I told him, "There's no reason to take your anger out on your new captain. You'll just wind up hurting yourself. I'm in your way to protect you, not him."

"I don't care! Move!" Ichinose shouted.

"Ichinose, I'm afraid I must agree with Lamperouge. I do agree with his actions. While we may not like it, the man you just tried to attack is to be the next Eleventh Division captain." Tosen-taicho spoke.

"Are you that pissed off that I killed my spiritual predecessor?" Zaraki asked Ichinose.

"Of course I am!" Ichinose declared furiously. "A demon like you cannot become a captain! A demon like you deserves to be sent back to the very hell you came from!"

"You're name's Lelouch right?" Zaraki asked me.

"Yes sir." I stated.

"You got a bone to pick with my division's 8th seat?" Zaraki asked me.

"I don't really a bone to pick per say," I said turning towards the future captain, "it's more like we're at odds on a minor disagreement."

"And you," he addressed Ichinose, "You got a bone to pick with me right?" Ichinose just scowled. Zaraki looked at Tosen-taicho. "I know I'm not a captain yet, but how's about I show some captainly actions right now?"

Tosen-taicho snorted. "I wouldn't exactly call any actions you could do captain-like, but since your promotion is inevitable as things stand, seeing a dispute between one of your officers and an officer of another division settled by your words and deeds would be something of note at your induction."

Zaraki grinned. "Then here's how it's gonna go down. Ichinose right?" Zaraki addressed the 8th seat. "If you want to take me on then you gotta get past the person standing in your way first."

"Lamperouge Lelouch is a ninth seat and not even of our squad, he has no cause to stand in my way." Ichinose barked.

Actually I do. I make a good impression with the future captain of the Eleventh Division and I get respect from the whole squad. Everything was laid out in my head. Zaraki would have Ichinose and I fight each other. Upon my victory, which I was sure would happen given Ichinose's emotional state, Zaraki would mention my actions to Kuchiki-taicho and since many believed in his ushering of the strong of skill having placement above those weaker than them, I was assured a 7th or 8th seat position.

I had no problem defeating Ichinose and possibly stepping over his corpse to reach my goal. Ichinose, if I left him alive or alone, having come this far, would just wind up getting in my way and potentially become an ally of Aizen just to screw with me or reveal my identity as Zero to the Head Captain. The last laugh would be on him of course if he assisted Aizen, but I couldn't take the risk of the latter happening.

He's an 8th seat though and an expert in Kendo, Shunpo and Kido. You are merely a Kido Master and a Shunpo Expert, but are merely a practitioner of Kendo. Are you certain you can win given that Ichinose Maki is a superior in rank? Eien Tamashi asked me.

Ichinose is blinded by rage, I responded, he'll be easy to verbally manipulate into losing his focus. However, so long as you continue to support me I won't fall so easily.

Spoken like a true partner. I could almost see Eien Tamashi's facial expression in my mind as she prepared for battle as I did. Let's do this.

"So here's what we're gonna do," Zaraki stated, "If you defeat Lelouch here, I'll let you take me on."

"Lamperouge Lelouch is a 9th seat. I will not be defeated by an inferior in rank."

"Hey blondie!" Zaraki shouted at Aloman-senpai. "Stay where you are and continue to referee. I'm gonna get me a good seat." Kenpachi leapt from the battle arena to a nearby rooftop and sat down on it. His friend, Kusajishi Yachiru, sat by him. "You can do it Lulu!" she called out to me.

How does she know my nickname? I wondered.

Maybe she just thought of it. Eien Tamashi chuckled. I mean Lulu is really the only good nickname to come up with for you. I decided not to comment, it wasn't important. Still…

"It must suck to know that your own division member is rooting against you." I taunted. Ichinose looked at me with anger. Both of us then about face, put away our swords and walked to opposite ends of the arena.

"This duel is an official, captain approved battle, between Ichinose Maki, eighth seat of eleventh division and Lamperouge Lelouch, ninth seat of sixth division. The winner is determined when one Soul Reaper stays down for a count of twenty or gives up. This…" Aloman-senpai paused and called over to Zaraki. "What are the rules on killing?" she asked.

"Peh? Why do we need rules? This is a fight isn't it? I say anything goes."

"Ah…well you heard the soon to be captain, anything goes! There is no time limit and the combatants are thereby determined to come to their own terms of victory. On my mark…begin!"

"Rally and motivate, Eien Tamashi!" I called out my Zanpakuto immediately. I read the profiles of every high ranking officer I meet. Ichinose was no different. The man loved to gauge his enemies and didn't go all out. He also loved to analyze his opponent's techniques, often figuring out how they worked. I couldn't afford to do the same. Ichinose had me beaten hands down. This wasn't like fighting a hollow, making a daring escape or taking down a corrupted officer and it wasn't like riding in a Knightmare either. I had to make damn well sure that I had the capabilities as a soldier. It was true that I had gone several rounds with Susanna, but I taught her some of her tricks. Also a few taps and bruises were nothing compared to sword wounds, learned that one from Hoshima.

Ichinose came flying at me with a controlled, two handed, angled sword swing. I blocked with my force shield and then projected it to knock him off balance before using my cape to vanish. I got right behind him and put my hand at his back. "Hado 33: Sokatsui!" I got him right in the back, but Ichinose swung without even flinching from the damage. I leapt back, but my reflexes were beneath his and he nicked my Shihakusho in the lapel. I'm not going to take it easy on him. I outstretched my palm and gathered energy. Not in the slightest. I fired off a powerful dark fireball at Ichinose. He dodged to the side via Shunpo, my attack caused the crowd to need to disperse. There was an unspoken rule about Kido in the Eleventh Division: No Kido, which meant the crowd probably wasn't going to expect fireworks heading out into the audience. Thankfully, I'm not part of Eleventh Division and Zaraki did say anything goes, so that rule does not apply to me.

Ichinose disappeared and attempted to attack my flank. I blocked with my shield he managed to chip into it this time. His attacks are getting stronger. I had improved since I first learned the technique so with my other hand I fired off a quick dark fireball into Ichinose's face. I pivoted on my right foot and took a three sixty degree turn, while widening the distance between us as I did. "Bakudo 63: Sajo Sabaku!" While Ichinose was bound I followed up my combo. "Hado 11: Tsuzuri Raiden!" I shocked Ichinose to his very core. He hit the dirt, coughing. "Had enough punishment?" I taunted.

With what limited movements Ichinose had in his wrists he used his sword to cut through my Sajo Sabaku and stood up, but he didn't charge. "Lamperouge Lelouch."

Ah so this is when I find out what he's learned. I smirked to myself.

"You fight primarily using Kido and energy attacks so you keep your distance on your enemy. That vest that you sport so proudly is definitely well earned. However, your only means of defense are those two shields you project from your hands. On offense you have no means of fighting within close range, otherwise you would not have widened the distance between us earlier when you cast your Bakudo." Ichinose prattled off.

"How very astute that you've figured out my fighting style, but knowing is only half the battle." I flung my arm out in front of me. "Unless you plan to release your sword you won't stand a chance against me, and I think you know that."

"You'd do well not to underestimate me Lamperouge Lelouch, or the power of my Zanpakuto." Ichinose held his sword down at an angle, pointing it towards the ground. "Flash and Burst, Nijigasumi!" As he spoke the release command Ichinose titled his arms, as he held the blade, as he swung them towards his 12 o' clock, as if his arms were clock hands. There was a blinding flash of light. I couldn't see a thing. I shut my eyes immediately.

Fool! Even without my eyesight I can see just fine. I saw Ichinose's spiritual pressure heading towards me at my six. I pivoted, eyes still closed, "Hado 33: Sokatsui!" His reiatsu retreated. I couldn't see the damage. I didn't have to. "Bakudo 61: Rikujokoro!" His reiatsu froze. Here goes. "Oh violent torrents, ye gods of grace and nature, hear my voice. Inscribe your breath upon the sphere of the night and place it in the palm of my hand. Trees of midnight bend in the star kissed wind! Hado number 82: Midori Tsuki Taiho!" (Green Moon Cannon) I thrust my arm out straight and grabbed my wrist and slid my hand down my arm as if pulling the reload pump on a shotgun. A giant fireball, about five times the size of a Shakkaho attack went barreling towards Ichinose. Given the distance, contact would be imminent in five seconds. I counted to five and a half to erase margin of human error before opening my eyes. Although burned and bleeding in the chest, Ichinose came charging at me. Damn these determinative types! I used my Zanpakuto's power to disappear only to get Ichinose coming at me from my right side. I blocked with my shield only to feel a surge from my left side. I disappeared instantly and reappeared on the other side of the stage. What just happened? Wait a minute. I disappeared as Ichinose came at me again. His specialty is light. It's a stretch, but I get the feeling he can create visual illusions to confuse his opponent and turn himself invisible. It's like having a permanent Bakudo 26 cast on you. I closed my eyes and teleported again, this time to center stage. However, unlike Hoshima's smoke clones, an optical illusion can't hold reiatsu. I waited until Ichinose made his move I saw him coming and prepared to take aim with my fireball, charging it. What I was seeing showed that Ichinose was coming at me head on, a foolish move given my Zanpakuto's power. However, as he drew near I closed my eyes and saw with my sixth sense that I was being deceived. I picked up Ichinose coming right at me from behind. I pivoted immediately and shot him at point blank, knocking him out of the ring. Everyone stood and waited to see what would happen.

Ichinose got up, the burns in his chest really looked like they hurt a lot. His breathing was hardened. "Do you…think I'm going to give up just because…I'm outside the ring?"

"Of course not, there's no rule in place that says the match ends if you fall out of the arena. Anything goes, remember?" I asked.

"Tch, I must admit you're better than I expected, but if you think that you have the advantage in ranged attacks your wrong. Shine Brightly, Nijigasumi!" Ichinose's blade turned into sword of pure light and energy. He leapt back into the arena and attacked me. I used my cape's disappearing trick to escape. When I reappeared though, I found three projectile beams of light heading towards me. I didn't have time to put up a proper defense and got hit by each one. The first two hit my shoulders and the last one hit my chest. I bled from my wounds. Ichinose came at me. It hurt too much to wrap myself in my cloak so I used Shunpo to dodge, but he got on me way too quckily.

Damn…at this rate…I blocked a strike with my shield, which nearly shattered upon impact, I don't think I'll make it…wait! Of course! Fighting through the pain I escaped from Ichinose and reappeared. "Say Ichinose, did you know the captain you're so fond of beat his predecessor after he got wasted by Unohana-taicho? Do you think someone like that is actually a fighting master?" I taunted.

"Don't you dare you talk about Kiganjo-taicho like that!" Ichinose charged at me. I fought through the pain again and disappeared.

"Come now, Zaraki will be a great captain, you'll get to fight day in and day out just like the meat head you are." I chuckled.

"Squad Eleven is about more than just fighting well!" He went after me again. I teleported in order to escape.

One more and his rage will have consumed him enough to make this excruciatingly painful. "How does it feel to have your butt being handed to you by a lower rank? Sure you put a few scratches on me, but I've had worse. Just ask Hoshima. Oh wait, you can't he's dead. I'm the one who finished him off aren't I?"

"Damn you Lamperouge!" Ichinose roared as he came at me.

Bingo! I outstretched my hand and turned my wrist so that my palm faced the sky. Kokoro Hasai.

I snapped my fingers. Ichinose dropped to the ground and clutched his head roaring out in pain. "Agh! My head!"

"Hurts doesn't it?" I asked as I outstretched my palm, glowing with reiatsu, towards Ichinose. "Kokoro Hasai is my Zanpakuto's most devastating ability. It damages the mind through a psionic wave too fast to stop and too strong to repel, especially if your mind has already been weakened."

Ichinose looked at me like a frightened child, realizing the reasoning behind my taunts.

"Oh so you figured it out?" I asked and turned up the force of my attack. Ichinose grabbed his head and cried out in pain. "Right now you and I are linked by a telepathic bond. I can put pressure on your mind, potentially crushing it into tiny pieces. Your resistance is futile. It is impossible to escape my grasp." I watched Ichinose lying at my feet like a dog and took some satanic pleasure at it. He crawled towards me. "Look at you crawling on the ground like a dog. As long as you're down there bark while you're at it."

You know people can see and are listening to you. Eien Tamashi reminded me.

And that's a problem why exactly? What's wrong with them knowing that I don't show remorse to my enemies? I asked.

Your behavior is borderline on sadism. You might want to cool it a bit. Eien Tamashi told me.

Ichinose suddenly grabbed my ankle. "Fuck you Lamperouge." He said through the excruciating pain. I kicked him in wrist to get him to let go of my ankle.

"Hado 1: Sho." I shoved him along the ground. I released my hold on Ichinose. I had done enough damage. His mind wouldn't crack. I could tell. My finisher would have to be a more tangible attack. But first, some gloating was in order. I needed to gloat, my ego demanded it.

Your ego needs to be kept in check.

Quiet! "Look at you on the ground Ichinose. You bragged how much better you were than me. You said that a ninth seat had no reason getting in your way, but it seems that this ninth seat just ruthlessly kicked your ass." I touched one of my wounds and rubbed the blood in between my fingers. "Sure, I'm bleeding, you managed to get me, but it's a small price to pay for winning a fight against a superior officer. I didn't think I'd come out of this unscathed. However, since anything goes, perhaps I'll send you to join your captain that you were so fond of. You two can rejoin each other in the next life." I held my palm up towards the sky. Now…let's see if I can get this right. I watched Ichinose as I chanted, just in case he did anything. "Seeping crest of turbidity." Ichinose remained still. "Arrogant vessel of lunacy." I saw Ichinose twitch and move, I continued. "Boil forth and deny." I watched Ichinose go for his sword, but he was still shaky, I had time. "Grow numb and flicker."

"Saigyoku Nijigasumi!" Ichinose shouted. Sparkling lights began to appear.

"Disrupt sleep!" What's this? An attempt at a reenactment of a famous scene from a bad novel series? I asked myself. "Crawling queen of—" all of a sudden my voice left me. I was suddenly being crushed by Ichinose's spiritual pressure. I had been stopped mid incantation, but I couldn't move, but the raw reiatsu I had stored up went haywire. What the hell is going on? A sphere of light engulfed me. Everything went white, I couldn't see anything, but I could hear Ichinose's voice.

"This…is my most powerful technique…Saigyoku Nijigasumi. It…will…destroy you…I did not think…I'd have to resort to this. You…take pride in watching your opponent suffer…I…was waiting for you…to engage in a long winded incantation…so that I could use it."

Impossible, I'm the chessmaster here! Me! There's no way he could've played me like that! Impossible!

"Farewell, Lamperouge Lelouch."

The last thing I heard was my own scream before I whited out. When I opened my eyes I could see nothing but light. My body felt weightless. I couldn't move. My vision was hazy, but…I could feel as if someone was holding me. Red hair draped down into my sight. Fear not my master…I will protect you.


When I came to I was facedown on the ground. My body was in immense pain, but I could feel Eien Tamashi's cape still wafted over me, but it felt…heavier somehow, as if she herself was at my back rather than just a cape. I will help you my master, get up and finish this.

What do you want me to do? I asked.

Place your body in my hands. I will protect it. I am your partner after all. Trust me.

Yes…I trust you. I was still seeing through my eyes, I had little to no control over my motor skills. It was as if Eien Tamashi was controlling my limbs. However, I could still move my own mouth. I could feel reiatsu radiating from me.

"No…it's not possible." Ichinose was quaking in fear.

"Oh, but it is." I stated. "It seems that Zanpakuto really live up to their name and my Zanpakuto certainly lives up to hers. That was quite a flashy light show. It'd be a great trick to entertain kids at parties." I taunted. I'd laugh, but it hurts. "Watch what happens when one truly understands the power of their Zanpakuto!" I looked deep into Ichinose's pupils. I could see the fear in his eyes as Eien Tamashi's intangible form rose from out of my cape. I sure hope you know what you're doing. "Ichinose! This is the end!" My arms moved on their own as if they were conjuring a concoction like one of Hecate's three henchwomen. "Everyone in the audience, you may want to back away!" I voiced. "I don't exactly know what's about to happen, but it's guaranteed to startle and amaze you!" Eien Tamashi controlled my arms as she moved them as if I was just chucking something heavy with both hands. The area on stage began to darken as a thick fog began to cover the area. Ichinose faded from sight as he disappeared into the thick black black and brownish-yellow fog.

I am protecting you from your own technique, but when I eventually teach it to you, be sure not to get caught in it. Just for future reference. Eien Tamashi told me.

You mean this…

Yes Lelouch, you have taken the first step towards learning your Bankai. It will take you a while to learn and even longer to master, but I believe you are ready. Eien Tamashi's presence left and I regain control of my body. It ached like no tomorrow, but Eien Tamashi was doing her best to allow me to hold myself erect. When the fog faded Ichinose was…well he wasn't about to get up any time soon with a total lack of muscle…or skin or tissue or ligaments. Aloman-senpai shrieked. Zaraki was laughing.

"Now that is a finishing move! Kido oriented or not, that is wicked!" I heard him cackle.

"Lam-pa-rouge! Lam-pa-rouge! Lam-pa-rouge!" The crowd was chanting my name.

Feeling the need to entertain the crowd, and gloat a bit, I went over and plucked Ichinose's skull off his vertebrae. I looked at it as I held it up high. "Alas poor Ichinose, I knew him well." Those that got the joke began laughing hysterically. I lightly lobbed Ichinose's skull out of my hand and then sealed my Zanpakuto. I then began to stagger. My vision began to haze. Well I figured this would happen. I thought as I continued to stagger. Well, here's to some time spent comatose and several weeks off work. I fell over onto the ground and passed out.

End of Chapter 23

(A/N: Hooray for Kenpachi being in the fic now! And go Lelouch for actually getting a chance to fight! Yes I know Maki Ichinose is from a filler arc, but think of it this way: Lelouch just stopped that filler arc from happening to an extent since he just offed one of the important characters XD. Also, in other more important news, Lelouch takes his first step towards learning Bankai. That Fog o' Death that Eien Tamashi used is one of Lelouch's powers. It won't necessarily be that powerful, lord knows Ichinose was on his last legs when it was cast, but it'll make for great crowd control XD. Ok, ok, I'm done joking. Enjoy your omake. Again Blekmedelninjan wrote it. Oh and Suzaku is an 'acceptable target').

Chapter 7.36: A not so Covert Affair

Lelouch shifted uncomfortably. Akari-taicho had ordered him to find out just what was making a racket in between the walls of her office- a rat, or whatever it was- and there he was in this cramped space.

It was surprising how large a space it was in between the walls, though- no wonder there was a rat's nest right here. Just to dump some poison there, and bingo, no more rats...

"Please, not so roughly, taicho!" It was Yuna, her voice mildly reproachful. "You always say you'll be gentle with me, and I always end up sore."

Lelouch froze. These walls were paper thin when it came to noise, at least when you were moving in between them, and... was he really hearing what he thought he was hearing?

"Come now, you know you enjoy it." It was Akari-taicho's voice this time, playful, a little assertive. He could practically see the predatory smile on her face. "Last time, you kept saying 'Oooh, don't stop!' Remember my little Yuna-chan?"

Lelouch could hear a slight moan coming from Yuna's lips, a low, groaning sound from a person enjoying herself thoroughly. Despite himself, Lelouch couldn't help but get a litle aroused. A small trickle of blood rolled down his nose.

"Mmm... taicho, you're so cruel to me…" he heard Yuna protest. "First you're rough, and now you're smooth? It's as if you're deliberately trying to torture your poor fukutaicho."

"Maybe I am." Akari's voice came, a slow purr. There was a slight pause, and Lelouch could hear some movement. "Maybe you'd like to suck on this as a reward for being a good girl?"

"Oh, that's my favorite!" Yuna exclaimed. There was a slight slurping sound. Lelouch brought his handkerchief to his nose to prevent the increasing stream of blood from staining his shihakusho. What to do? Listening in on Akari-taicho and Yuna doing... intimate things was horribly unethical, but on the other hand, revealing himself now would be even more awkward than back when he had caught Suzaku and Gino naked in bed, both claiming they were wrestling, which would have been convincing, if not for the bottle of lubricant and the pack of condoms on the nightstand. And it had been HIS bed, too.

"Yees, you like the cherry, don't you?" There was more loud slurping.

"You know I do, taicho!"

This was unbearable. He HAD to get out of here, somehow!

Or just stay and listen in, an imaginary little devil on his right shoulder argued. It's not as if anybody would notice, and this shit is HOT.

Confused, Lelouch waited for a small imaginary angel to appear on his left shoulder, arguing against this. To his surprise, no such thing happened.

It's just you and me, pal, the devil said, and you might as well just sit this one out and enjoy the show. Have fun, for once!

In his increasingly confused state, Lelouch didn't wait any longer- he just moved, trying to get out and away from delusions of little anti-moralic devils. They were so damn stereotype!

Unfortunately, he tripped, and a weakness in the wall gave. Desperate, he tried to gain his balance, but the wall gave in, and with it he fell right onto the floor of Akari-taicho's office.

"I'msosorryIdidn'tmeantopeek!" Lelouch shouted. Then he blinked, and took a look at the scene before him. Yuna was sitting on a chair, Akari behind her with her hands on her fukutaicho's shoulder, as people tend to do when they give out massages. In Yuna's mouth, a lollipop rested, distinctly bright red- cherry flavor, Lelouch recalled.

Blushing red, he scrambled to get to his feet.

"Lelouch?" Akari asked. "Did you get the rat's nest?"

"I, ah, I did." Lelouch said, slightly disappointed with the mundane scene before him. "I uh, I won't bother you anymore." Saluting, he walked out. He could have sworn the two had something going on...

"I was wondering when he would finish up." Akari said.

"He's a good boy." Yuna said. "A bit awkward, though."

"Indeed." Akari closed the door, walked back to her position and started tracing Yuna's neck with small kisses as she slipped a hand down the front of her lover's shihakusho, gently cupping one of her breasts, teasing her nipple. "Now, why don't we get down to business..."

It was a good fortune that the walls were soundproof in Akari's room.

Chapter 7.36 End