
Son of Tony Stark

Reborn as Son of Tony stark in MCU

Hanish_Ram · Movies
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14 Chs

Chapter 3

In the evening, as the sun set, Marbury's long coastline was covered with a layer of red tulle. After Tony Stark left the company, he returned home alone.

Getting out of the car, Happy Hogan, his driver and bodyguard, drove the car into the underground garage, and Tony walked to the door of the villa.

"Welcome back, sir," J.A.R.V.I.S., the smart housekeeper of the villa, greeted him, opening the door without needing a key or biometric identification.

As soon as he walked in, Tony saw a red suitcase in the living room that was obviously not part of the villa's decor. The box was only 20 inches in size, with a long power cord connected to the back, plugged into the wall socket.

"J.A.R.V.I.S., what is this?" Tony asked upon seeing the suspicious item in his home.

"Sir, this is the result of the research recently completed by Master Mark."

"Oh? What new stuff did this kid come up with! Where is he?"

"Master Mark stayed up late last night until two in the morning. He has been perfecting his new design and is still resting in bed."

"Yeah." After asking out of fatherly responsibility, Tony didn't ask too much. In fact, his childhood and Mark's were very similar. Without the company of his father, Tony had been immersed in the exploration of mechanical knowledge since he was a child. So now, even as a father, he didn't know how to fulfill the responsibilities of a father or show paternal love.

Coupled with his fascination with flowers and wine, Tony was really a completely failed father, but he didn't realize it himself. What he cared most about now was the red box in front of him. Although the father and son didn't communicate much, their shared passion for mechanical engineering led them to show each other their first research results as a tacit understanding.

Tony approached the new invention, driven by curiosity to touch it. With this touch, the metallic red suitcase began to change. A round LED light in the middle gave off a soft yellowish glow, and a lid on the upper part of the suitcase opened immediately.


Under the gas supply of the air pump in the box, the large piece of white fiber fabric inside quickly expanded, turning into a chubby inflatable robot. This large white inflatable robot had rounded lines and a single expression (●—●). Its huge belly and two short legs made it look like an oversized piece of cotton candy.

In Tony's surprised gaze, the soft, cute robot swayed in front of him, raised its chubby right hand, and greeted, "Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. I detect that you may need medical assistance. Would you like to start a medical scan now?"

Hearing Baymax's question, Tony nodded sluggishly. The inflatable intelligent robot idea was really great. If Mark were in front of him now, Tony couldn't help but praise this genius idea.

With a pure white appearance and approachable design, this medical robot had scored 59% in Tony's eyes; the remaining 41% depended on its convenience and diagnostic accuracy.

"Your healthcare companion will diagnose you. I will scan you now. Scan complete."

"Wow, the hyperspectral lens, the idea is good. Now I have a 60% pass score. So what about the result…"

"Analysis complete." The information Baymax scanned from Tony's body was analyzed and projected onto its white belly. "Sir, according to my diagnosis, you are in a serious state of sub-health with slight shoulder and neck problems. It is recommended that you strengthen physical exercises."

"Zero points, zero points, zero points!" When Baymax mentioned [sub-health], its score in Tony's mind plummeted. "I'm the Iron Man, how dare you diagnose me with sub-health? This is a misdiagnosis!"

"Sir, according to your description, Baymax diagnosed that this is due to excessive work stress. It is recommended that you reasonably control your work hours and engage in more outdoor activities that are conducive to physical and mental health."

"I'm so angry!" Baymax's response made Tony furious, and his roar woke up Mark who was resting in his room.

"What's the matter, dad? Why did you come back so early? No woman by your side, and you're stressed?" Mark, who had just woken up, hadn't figured out the situation and inadvertently struck Tony's heart with his comment.

"Nonsense, absolute nonsense! How could I be stressed? I'm in perfect health. I came home early because I have to showcase Stark Industries' latest weapons to the military early tomorrow morning."

"Your invention isn't great, and its diagnostic results are inaccurate."

"How is it possible!" Tony's words made Mark immediately wake up fully. "You're just being stubborn. Let me show you the experiment."

Mark ran into the room, took out a roll of tape, and stood beside Tony, pulling out a piece of tape and quickly ripping it off.

"Oh!" The pain made Tony yell, "Why, it hurts so much!"

Mark didn't speak but looked at Baymax in front of him, waiting for something.

(●—●) "Sir, I detect that you have sent a pain signal, indicating that you need medical care. Please rate your pain on a scale of one to ten." At this moment, a new picture was projected on Baymax's belly, showing emoji expressions of different pain levels.

"Physiological or psychological pain?" Tony decided to embarrass Baymax to protect his pride.

"I will scan you now." Tony refused to cooperate, so Baymax activated the hyperspectral lens again. "Scan complete. You have mild epidermal abrasions on your forearm. Antibacterial spray is recommended."

"What are the specific ingredients in the spray?" Tony, acting like a troublesome airline passenger, continued to probe.

"The main ingredient is bacitracin."

"Unfortunately, I am allergic to bacitracin."

"According to my analysis, you are not allergic to bacitracin, but you are mildly allergic to crawfish."

"Okay, you're right." Tony knew Baymax's capabilities and stretched out his arm resignedly.

Baymax's chubby right hand extended a finger, hissing as the built-in bacitracin spray evenly covered Tony's injured skin on his forearm.

"It seems you put a lot of effort into programming this guy!"

"Of course, I asked J.A.R.V.I.S. to help me collect over 10,000 medical measures, and I compiled them all." Mark pressed a button on Baymax's chest, and a green medical chip popped out. "With this, Baymax can be called a health assistant."

Tony nodded, patted Baymax's belly, "Polyvinyl alcohol fiber?"

"Yes, I wanted to design something harmless and friendly."

"Looking like a walking marshmallow, I have no intention of offending."

(●—●) "I am a robot and will not be offended."

Now Tony was really charmed by Baymax. He moved closer to Baymax's head and examined it, "Why use a hyperspectral lens instead of a holographic scanning device?"

"To reduce costs, I designed this version of Baymax according to market strategy, limiting the cost of materials and equipment. But I plan to give him a big upgrade, replacing it with a nano-resin skin and holographic scanning and projection equipment."

"What about the skeleton, is it made of titanium alloy?"

"No, it's carbon fiber."

"That's right, it's lighter. Oh!" Looking inward through the white polyvinyl alcohol fiber skin, Tony saw the mechanical parts he admired. "Super conductive actuator, you actually made it."

"A minor point, theoretical research had confirmed its feasibility, but a few small parameters were adjusted in actual use."

"How about the load?" Tony asked excitedly.

"Baymax is equipped with a mini version of the super conductive actuator and can lift about 500 kilograms."

"Good job, kid. I'm paying 300 million dollars, and I want to see Baymax's design parameters in my mailbox tonight."

"Nine hundred million, and that's limited to the data of the mechanical part."

"Deal!" After learning about the mechanical technology used, Tony now looked at Baymax like a big sparkling diamond.

(●—●) "You performed well, I'll give you a lollipop." Baymax handed a lollipop to Tony.

"It's great." Tony rolled his eyes, and it turned out to be a [Reward].

"I cannot go to sleep until you are satisfied with my service."

Tony: "Good, I am satisfied with your service."

Receiving a satisfactory evaluation, Baymax walked back to the red suitcase, stood up in it, and deflated, turning back into an inconspicuous red suitcase.

"It can help a lot of people."

"More than that, it can make a lot of money for Stark Industries."

"Evil capitalist."

"Your food and clothing are all provided by me, an evil capitalist, kid! By the way, what energy does he use?"

"Graphene battery."

"??" Tony looked at Mark with a dazed expression, clearly confused by the term he proposed.
